Nationwide College Cheating Scandal - Actresses, Business Owners Charged, Mar 2019

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Aside from those of us whose kids went about this the right and moral way, there are repercussions for all of us in the real world - long term. These spoiled, entitled dunces, once finished with college, are then "juiced" into positions for which they're not qualified. They become managers, directors, CEO's, doctors, lawyers, etc.
I think I hear what you’re saying & wholeheartedly agree that the nature of a sex crime is horrific in severity, and can’t be compared to something like cheating, misrepresentation, mail fraud- by any means whatsoever. But I still don’t think this can be “walked back” with apologies, fines or other concessions of guilt. Cheating lower & middle income students out of their fair shot at a seat in a top-tier university- and their dreams- that they’ve pursued the good-old-fashioned way by haaaaaard work is so morally offensive. It has really struck a chord with parents- thousands of families- as so unjust, unfair, cavalier, wrong. It’s truly outraged me, knowing what my daughter went through to earn-and keep- her spot/scholarships in her dream school. These cheating kids & parents should not be allowed to tiptoe away from what they did to others and to the integrity of the admissions system. I sincerely hope the consequences are humiliating & expensive.
oh i mean just for the tv contracts she has and i think she will try obviouslty since its her work, i don't know if it will work. but yeah as where in the Spacey thing i don't think they even opened a dialogue it was just fired and finished

i don't even know what the courts do to people in these types of situations, i am not sure its been public in this kind of scale but if they have 700 people involved, you couldn't expect jail time for them, maybe for the guy who operated it i am guessing he is screwed as he is the mastermind

i do wonder if the customers will claim they are just customers i mean it is a defence no matter how weak it is, but there seems to be some text messages and emails so we shall see what that means later
To be honest, I do think a big donation that benefited the entire school is somehow different than lying, cheating, bribing. A donation of a library compared to photoshopping your kid's photo on an athlete's body? I think they are different.

Neither one makes a fair playing field for the rest of us, I know!

I also think the number of people who can buy a library or research center on a campus is rather small. Even Loughlin's huge $500,000 bribe wouldn't be enough for a building on campus, ykwim? And the bribe didn't go to the school anyway, but to a scammer.


The IRS. You have to dedcut the value of anygoods you got in exchange for your donation, Did they identify an entrance for their kids?
This made me laugh.

Developer Robert Flaxman behind Mountain Shadows and Montelucia resorts charged in college bribery case

“No Arizona universities were involved in the schemes, though Arizona State University did get a mention — as a place where Loughlin's husband, fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli, did not want his daughter to go to college.”

Developer behind Mountain Shadows and Montelucia resorts charged in college bribery case
This situation disturbs me for so many reasons. I think that there will be more ugly details to come regarding other families involved, other methods of cheating, and fallout of bad PR for the businesses and careers of the parents.

But it seems that the worst part of it legally may be the tax fraud. (The bribe money was set up to look like a charitable contribution, and at least some parents claimed it as a tax deduction.) I'm not a lawyer. Is this the action that is likely to have the worst legal consequences?
This is, IMO, the most valuable takeaway from this mess. Next time some blowhard politician is spewing the age-old myth that all Americans have the same opportunities in life, we will know, without question, that it simply isn't true. And that we all need to put way more energy into ensuring that, someday, it will be true.

It is strange to me because I have known for years that the uktra rich bought their way into schools.

It shocks me that this was not common knowledge.
It is strange to me because I have known for years that the uktra rich bought their way into schools.

It shocks me that this was not common knowledge.

i don't even live in the states and i knew, hell they have made movies about it, its in tv shows, its been in news articles before

but when you add a famous wholesome name things change ( i don't think she is wholesome anyways, who just leaves their husband for their toyboy on thanksgiving and gets married )
I think he threw the suit coat over the zip top...since he was headed to court, maybe it was casual work day when Feds got him ;)
This situation disturbs me for so many reasons. I think that there will be more ugly details to come regarding other families involved, other methods of cheating, and fallout of bad PR for the businesses and careers of the parents.

But it seems that the worst part of it legally may be the tax fraud. (The bribe money was set up to look like a charitable contribution, and at least some parents claimed it as a tax deduction.) I'm not a lawyer. Is this the action that is likely to have the worst legal consequences?
Links to some of Singer’s non-profit tax returns here...
Examining Key Worldwide Foundation's Link to Admissions Scam
There is truly so much fraud buried in many 501(c)(3) corporations. The whole system needs major overhaul.
It is strange to me because I have known for years that the uktra rich bought their way into schools.

It shocks me that this was not common knowledge.
I feel like it is common knowledge that the uber rich buy their way in - but my perception was more that it was "personal favors" or large donations, which are kind of blatant, yet more transparent. I guess I figured maybe some SAT cheating. But I didn't really think you could fake being a highly competitive, athletic recruit at a sport you can't even play as a way in. Silly me! Can those girls even define what a cockswain is??

I just really wonder how dumb you have to be that the standard way of tutors, reference letters from highly influential, powerful people and alumni, lots of money openly donated on your behalf, etc aren't enough to do it. And these kids were in position to take prestigious unpaid internships that their peers may not have the luxury of being able to do. There are a million ways they already had an upper hand and every resource and advantage to legally game the system. The fact that their parents had to resort to fraud and made up photoshop bios speaks volumes about the caliber of students they must have been.
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Where do we draw the line?

How about families who can afford to spend money on special ACT and SAT training classes? Most middle and lower class families cannot afford that.

Is it fair?

Children can be on teams because their parents can afford the camps and coaches to get the kids in top form?

What is fair?
It is strange to me because I have known for years that the uktra rich bought their way into schools.

It shocks me that this was not common knowledge.
Sexual harassment has been common knowledge forever too. Just recently a light has been shined on it.

I don't understand why the issue has to be new to garner attention.

When I went to the U of Minn and was taking microbiology, we had to read books that were on reserve in the library.

The premed students would razor blade the articles out of the book so others could not read it. Getting into med school was very competetive. .
If youre angry about the college cheating scandal wait till you hear that public school budgets are determined by local property taxes and that the rich cordon themselves off into segregated municipalities to hoard resources from poor communities
A rep for USC tells The Blast anyone currently applying to the school “who are connected to the scheme alleged by the government will be denied admission to USC.”

The school says that they will “conduct a case-by-case review” for current students and graduates who may be connected to the scheme and says they “will make informed, appropriate decisions once those reviews have been completed.”
They should have to re-apply on their own merits, including re-taking the SAT under supervision and sports tryouts. Well, if allowed back at all.
Where do we draw the line?

How about families who can afford to spend money on special ACT and SAT training classes? Most middle and lower class families cannot afford that.

Is it fair?

Children can be on teams because their parents can afford the camps and coaches to get the kids in top form?

What is fair?
Yes much is not fair. And money will often provide advantage- this is life. But this scandal’s outrage isn’t about the uneven playing field. It’s about blatant criminal fraud & misrepresentation. If you are able to pay Princeton Review (or some other overpriced test prep outfit) to tutor/spoonfeed your kid with practice exams, test taking strategies & vocab drills, so be it. At the end of the day it’s still a teen doing the work & taking the test. BUT TO PAY SOMEONE TO TAKE/ALTER A TEST, TO FAKE MEDICAL ACCOMMODATIONS, TO STEAL A PHOTO & VIOLATE COPYRIGHT LAW & PHOTOSHOP YOUR KID’s FACE ONTO IT, TO HIDE YOUR BRIBE THROUGH FAKE NON-PROFIT TAX-DEDUCTABLE DONATIONS, TO LAUGH ABOUT YOUR GUARANTEED ADMISSION PLOY... this is criminal & inexcusable. That’s not an uneven playing field. That’s bombing the field- and everyone on it- while you fly over in your private jet, missile launch still smoking.

Side note... test prep is now free on many quality apps these days. Even students in poverty schools have access to smartphones or district provided laptops, to prepare if they have the drive to do it. I wonder how many higher scoring/qualified students were passed over for these con-artist nitwits in the news this week.
As Lori Loughlin traveled from Vancouver to L.A. Tuesday night to surrender to federal authorities in the college bribery scandal -- which got her daughter, Olivia Jade, into USC -- Olivia spent the night on the yacht of the Chairman of USC's Board of Trustees ... but she's off the boat now, TMZ has learned.

We've learned 19-year-old Olivia was on Rick Caruso's yacht in the Bahamas. Caruso's daughter, Gianna, Olivia and several other friends were spending spring break in the area.

Lori Loughlin's Daughter Olivia Leaves Yacht of USC's Board of Trustees Chairman
This is not good optics for the school.
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