NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #1

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Just about to watch #5 in the interviews.....but man did they get emotional when it was suggested that they sold her!! The showed less emotion when it was suggested that they had killed her and buried her in the back yard.......AND they were a bit too quick to say go ahead dig it up!

I've already formed my opinion on what happened, but I don't know if I'm allowed to say.
I didn't get to see the last minute or so of the interview, but here is what I would like to see/know.........

Were there any birthday/Christmas presents bought for Erica while she was gone?
What does her bedroom look like now? Did mom get rid of all her things? Or did she keep them out? Did she pack them away and save them? She was only suppose to be gone for 3 weeks......she didn't take everything she owned.

Also, in that never looked at mom, didn't touch her, didn't try to comfort her.....he kinda had a deer in the headlights look. He didn't seem to make eye contact with anyone really........
So, does "Nan" actually exist? Have LE been able to interview/confirm her story?

Investigators told Eyewitness News that Erica Parsons' adoptive parents lied for two years about where she was.

Casey and Sandy Parsons told their family Erica was going to live with her grandmother in Asheville.

Eyewitness News checked and that grandmother died about five years ago.
Erica's situation reminds me too much of Adam Herrman's, so many similarities!
-Both adopted
-Parents never reported them missing
-Were reported missing years later by older siblings
-Other family members stated they had been abused prior to going missing (BTW I absolutely think there needs to be a law that every adult is a mandated reporter not just certain professionals!! It's not ok not to report abuse!)
-Parents continued receiving money for them after the went "missing"

I hope Erica is found or atleast gets some justice!
Watching the interviews. In part two the way she's telling this story it almost seemed like the talk you give a small child when their dog goes away. "Oh well he's on a farm now and he's playing with the other animals and he just loves it there!" It had that kind of feel for some reason.

Was the bio dad tracked down yet? I almost feel like she's trying to set it up to look like he had something to do with it.

Interesting note: She said she looked up a facebook for Nan. Nan the woman she supposedly met who has Erica. "There is Irene Goodmans on Facebook. There's some in China Grove. Them pictures on Facebook does not match the pictures of the lady I've seen." Why would you be comparing them to pictures of Nan if you've met her in person? Even if she's comparing to the pictures she was shown by police she supposedly did this before the investigation so that doesn't make sense.
I mean how dumb do you have to be to say that you have your daughter to a person that actually died 3 years prior to said date?

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Waiting for WLOS to post a link to last nights story about the bio-mom being enroute to NC. Links not posted yet but I sent a note to WLOS to please post a link. waiting
watched all 6 videos in there entirety
Is the man/husband a mute?
this is some of the craziest chit I have heard/seen
BIG write up here on the family, interview, family tree, etc.
Adoptive parents say they think missing teen is OK, scared to come forward
Shavonne Potts Posted: Saturday, August 10, 2013 12:01 a.m.
UPDATED: Saturday, August 10, 2013 1:17 a.m.

VIDEO Interview Part 1 is at link above (I'm trying to transcribe it now). There's a Part 2 I'm looking for if anybody finds it, please let me know.

What's kind of strange is when watching the video interview, watch the adopted mother's husband, Sandy Parsons. Either the cats got his tongue or something. He's like a bump on a log! Strange.

Parsons family tree (Erica's connection to the family):

And now a more extended timeline on the case:

Here’s a timeline, gleaned from official reports; comments from Casey and Sandy Parsons and their lawyer; and media reports.

• 1998: Erica Lynn Parsons, just a few weeks old, is taken in by Casey and Sandy Parsons, who have three children of their own. She is the biological child of Sandy Parsons’ brother’s wife, fathered by someone else. They also take in Erica’s three siblings.

• 2000: The Parsonses officially adopt Erica in Cabarrus County. Her siblings had been placed in other homes.

• 1999-2011: The couple has two more children. Casey Parsons is hospitalized several times, some of them for extended stays, she says.

• February 2010: William James Parsons, 16, the couple’s biological son, is arrested for biting his younger brother.

• August 2011: James Parsons is charged with two counts of assault on a female, instigating or promoting animal cruelty and assault on a minor after clashing with his mother, strangling one of the family’s dogs and threatening his 5-year-old brother with a knife, according to Sheriff’s Office reports. Charges are dismissed when Casey Parsons does not appear in court.

• Nov. 19, 2011: The Parsonses take Erica to a McDonald’s in Mooresville to catch a ride to the Asheville home of her biological grandmother, Irene “Nan” Goodman. The couple’s attorney initially said they were given false names by the people who picked up Erica, but they now say they turned her over to Goodman and another woman identified as the girlfriend of Erica’s biological father.

• December 2011: According to the Parsonses, on her third visit to Asheville, Erica calls home and says she doesn’t want to live with them anymore.

• Sometime in 2012: Casey Parsons files a missing persons report for a younger daughter, Brooke.

• July 30, 2013: After his parents kick him out, now 20-year-old James Parsons contacts the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office and reports that Erica has been missing for two years and his parents have been cashing her monthly checks.

• August 2013: After undergoing two days of questioning by investigators, the Parsonses hire attorney Carlyle Sherrill.

• Aug. 5, 2013: The Rowan Sheriff’s Office issues a missing/endangered persons alert for Erica.

• Aug. 6, 2013: “Let’s just say we could not find her right now if we had to,” Sherrill says of Erica.

• Aug. 9, 2013: Sherrill confirms that he and the Parsonses have agreed to appear on the “Dr. Phil” Show.

Just bringing this forward, this post has helped me a lot in this confusing case. Especially this:
It's not only confusing, it's a very strange case. I guess because she was home schooled that she didn't have, or wasn't allowed many friends. Which is very sad.

I assume this mother takes better care of her dogs and hedgehogs!! :banghead:

In my opinion and personal experience of homeschooling eight children, it is not true at all that being homeschooled=having no friends. I think if it is true that she had no friends that there are several other potential reasons than "homeschooling" to point the finger at. IMO
there is something totally missing from this story but why?
cuz according to my researching out public stuff, out of the four siblings group, Erica stayed with SP & CP.....and it seems the other 3 girl sibling went to 'foster care' with SP's brother ScP & wife....the same brother ScP that Carolyn P was supposedly estranged from , according to that chart???

something just stinks about this whole thing...from the videos sounds like there is some kind of weird history/estrangement with S & CP and the Parsons side.

Why has Erica gotten lost amidst all this???
It seems apparent that children in this extended family were just like game board pieces and probably just represented a check for the parents. I can't force myself through the interview, but are the parents asked why they kept cashing her checks?
DSS investigated allegations of abuse of 2002 when Erica was just 2 years old.

About that same year, Casey Parsons had an agreement with a couple from anther state to be a surrogate mother for them. She later told the couple that she had a miscarriage and lost the baby. However, that was not true. The couple's attorney said they had evidence that Casey Parsons was trying to find other prospective parents who would pay for the baby. The attorney told the Parsons that the FBI had been alerted and they would be prosecuted for kidnapping if they attempted to keep the baby. The baby (who is now 11 years old) was turned over to the couple. In a letter to the couple, Casey Parsons apologized and told them that she "did not intend to hurt them."

The Parsons appearance on "Dr. Phil" will certainly be interesting.

More confusion...

According to the legal documents obtained by wsoc (link above), Casey Parsons was a surrogate around 2011/2012 (child is now 11 years old).

Casey, herself, wrote "tubes tied on 11-15-95. Reversal on 3-1-03."

Also bringing this one forward. (Diane Downs anyone?)

And BBM: I read this as, she tried to lie her way out of an arrangement for a surrogate pregnancy, not because she wanted to keep the baby, but because there were others probably offering more money. This reinforces the idea I get that children just = dollar signs to this woman.
I'm glad the FBI is involved in this case. I hope they can find out what really happened to Erica.
It seems apparent that children in this extended family were just like game board pieces and probably just represented a check for the parents. I can't force myself through the interview, but are the parents asked why they kept cashing her checks?

Video 5, CP says she has a paper saying as long as 2 criteria- legal & financial- are kept apparently she seems to think they can keep getting the checks. Something about she didn't want to 'stop it', because then Erica would lose her Medicaid too & have no insurance- BUT oddly enough Erica's medicaid card is still at the house??? And as far as the checks- there are deposited and sitting in the bank

uh huh
what I don't get is all these people are friends and friends of friends, etc etc on facebook, seemingly interconnected and it's all like some big surprise that Erica is not around/missing
Very anxious to see what birth mom has to say when interviewed.

Also, not sure what the law is on homeschooling in NC, do you have to report how many hours the child has been in class, and what they've learned? And who do you report that to?
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