NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #5

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My gawd this chick is out of ever loving mind....she has children? Scarey INDEED. erica is no way 12 or thirteen in those pics.
welcome back ACR. I am not holding my breath on those sketches :rolleyes:
I wonder if these qualify as "criminal" charges. If I remember rightly Sherrill was not going to be able to represent them and would step down if they were charged criminally. But maybe I misremember.

ETA but if the info above is right about them being able to be compelled to testify against one another, then he will have to stop representing at least one of them. No way that conflict would be allowed. anywhere, ever.
How very convenient. The website Casey was building is finally up. Timing is everything. Just one week ago it was still under construction and I was asked if I wanted to purchase that domain name. Its amazing how quickly one can do what one announces when one only finally at long last sets their mind to it.

Whats with the stretched out photos on that website?

Upload the files in proportion or not at all Casey!! It's disrespectful.
Truthfully, I haven't dived into the helpfinderica site yet too deeply. I know it will cause me to lose my temper and I am enjoying simply knowing about charges being filed tonight. But I took a quick peek at the pics. Not many appear very recent but it is waaaay more photos than we have seen before so for that I am happy. I was disturbed before by how very few photos the Parsons had produced of Erica when this case first broke. At least we have more images of her now, even tho some seem distorted a bit.
I believe they will be going to jail for a long time-both of them and I will be furious if one does not because of a deal!

Regarding her pitiful website, poor Erica, the only picture where she really is happy is when she was little. Those pictures of her at Christmas make me want to cry!

If this woman has more pictures of Erica she would have posted them. I bet that's all she could find and I suspect it took her a long time to find those! These two people CP and SP make me sick!
:puke: Pure opinion only
Hmmmm I like that in the Gallery the text isn't about "look closely, you may have seen her and not known it" or "keep your eyes peeled" but rather a statement that she had been included by her adoptive parents "in everything."
Took a look at the gallery and have a few observations. Yes, there are more photos than we've seen before, but:

1) They're all obviously very old, and most of them are from a few specific events. IIRC, plenty of smart phones and digital cameras were seized from the house. Why are all these photos so old?

2) Some of them have obviously (or not so obviously) been cropped to make it look like Erica is the subject of the photo when she isn't. (In some they didn't bother)

3) Hey Casey, how come you're not in any pictures with Erica? Aren't you her Mom?

4) I am not fooled by your fake photoshopped picture frame.

5) If Toby is 8 now, doesn't that give us a decent idea of how long Erica's been missing? He doesn't look more than a toddler in any of the photos.

Remind me, did we ever nail down the last time ANYONE who isn't compromised (i.e., a Parsons) definitely saw her?
Took a look at the gallery and have a few observations. Yes, there are more photos than we've seen before, but:

1) They're all obviously very old, and most of them are from a few specific events. IIRC, plenty of smart phones and digital cameras were seized from the house. Why are all these photos so old?

2) Some of them have obviously (or not so obviously) been cropped to make it look like Erica is the subject of the photo when she isn't. (In some they didn't bother)

3) Hey Casey, how come you're not in any pictures with Erica? Aren't you her Mom?

4) I am not fooled by your fake photoshopped picture frame.

5) If Toby is 8 now, doesn't that give us a decent idea of how long Erica's been missing? He doesn't look more than a toddler in any of the photos.

Remind me, did we ever nail down the last time ANYONE who isn't compromised (i.e., a Parsons) definitely saw her?

The picture of Erica in the "frame" bothers me. It looks like her hair has been cut off on top in the front, like toddlers sometimes do with a pair of scissors. Erica is way past the toddler years in the photo, though, and I wonder what happened to her hair.

The Halloween photos taken with the older girl and the two younger children are interesting. Erica's three siblings that are included in these photos have very nice costumes. Erica's blue Disney princess costume is much to small and stands out when compared to the other children's costumes. Erica is adorable no matter what she's wearing - it's just a difference that I observed.

OT: I find that life-size animated Santa in the Christmas pictures to be a little creepy.
My apologies for spelling Erica's name wrong earlier :S I get the spelling confused with lori erika ruff.

One thing that made me think about the video with casey talking was her saying erica wasn't special needs. Wasn't it casey who said she was or am I getting confused ?
Great news! Folks, let's remember that these are Federal charges and the Fed doesn't mess around. They take their time and build air-tight cases. Let's also remember that tax fraud is how they caught Al Capone.

As for who might crumble first. IMHO, it's going to be Sandy, if anyone. He has fewer counts against him. That makes me more clear that it's Casey who is the boss and main mover in this family. It does concern me, however, that they were released on an unsecured bond. That means they will be out and somewhat about with each other. It's too bad. They need to be separated from each other somehow.
Casey thinks everyone is stupid. She thought she needed to keep the money she received for Erica. Did she think she was doing anybody, except herself, favors by doing this? If she was helping Erica, then the money would have been sent to the invisible grandmother. She's not worried, haha.
Thank god charges, even though not related to Erica, have been filed. Now the heat is on. It wouldn't surprise me if Sandy cops a plea deal in return for information. Even though he is a grown man, I feel, for some reason and perhaps it was the Dr. Phil special, he has been victimized by this woman. She seems to be the puppet master. I do think he knows or at the very least has an idea of what happened to little Erica, but has been told that if he speaks up he will go to jail, or the blame will all be on him. Of course, that's all IMO. I just don't see Sandy as a criminal mastermind if you know what I mean? He doesn't seem to be the brightest crayon in the box, and I think he probably managed or had little control over anything in that house, especially regarding the handling of money.
Remember Carolyn Parsons will be on tonight 8 pm Eastern. Also joining us is Monica Lindstrom. Monica is a former prosecutor and now is a legal analyst. In addition to Erica's case we will discuss Cooper Harris. All you do is go to and you will see the live link to the show on iHeart Radio. Click on that link at 8 PM Eastern. Also at are the show archives and our chat room. Chat room opens 30 minutes before show time. Please joins us.

Thank You
I had the opportunity to meet these two Casey and Sandy or "Wade" last Friday ( I had no idea who these two individuals were at this point).

They were looking to move once again from F'ville to the Goldsboro area for work. They told me they lived in Fay'ville but needed to move for work, Casey didnt want to move as she liked her house she was living in now.
Wade said he was a meat cutter for Save A Lot (later confirmed that he no longer worked there on the morning they were arrested).

The night before they were arrested, we spoke on phone to go over the contract prior to another in person meeting on Aug 1 to sign the contract, till about 11 pm and Casey became upset in background then took phone from Wade/Sandy- that was when our conversation turned Southward. My impression at this point was she was a loud mouth/control freak.

She made all sorts of accusations toward me, threatened to publicize me with BBB, IRS, said magistrate would be calling me the next day etc. She then started calling me at 11 pm and texting me. It was then I decided to Google "wade parsons" "casey parsons" and found Wade goes by Sandy, I shocked and in disbelief when I saw all the news stories, Dr Phil, Nancy Grace etc.

I found out on another non sleuth message board the next day,they had been arrested when news hit around 10 a.m.

Also- whats up with Casey babysitting soldier's children???? Gee.

I just had no idea what type people these were during our initial in-person meeting- no clue at all .
:wagon: ddavis7426

Sounds like you dodged a bullet. I would not want these shady folks as tenants on my property. No way no how. .Thanks for sharing your experience.
I had the opportunity to meet these two Casey and Sandy or "Wade" last Friday ( I had no idea who these two individuals were at this point).

They were looking to move once again from F'ville to the Goldsboro area for work. They told me they lived in Fay'ville but needed to move for work, Casey didnt want to move as she liked her house she was living in now.
Wade said he was a meat cutter for Save A Lot (later confirmed that he no longer worked there on the morning they were arrested).

The night before they were arrested, we spoke on phone to go over the contract prior to another in person meeting on Aug 1 to sign the contract, till about 11 pm and Casey became upset in background then took phone from Wade/Sandy- that was when our conversation turned Southward. My impression at this point was she was a loud mouth/control freak.

She made all sorts of accusations toward me, threatened to publicize me with BBB, IRS, said magistrate would be calling me the next day etc. She then started calling me at 11 pm and texting me. It was then I decided to Google "wade parsons" "casey parsons" and found Wade goes by Sandy, I shocked and in disbelief when I saw all the news stories, Dr Phil, Nancy Grace etc.

I found out on another non sleuth message board the next day,they had been arrested when news hit around 10 a.m.

Also- whats up with Casey babysitting soldier's children???? Gee.

I just had no idea what type people these were during our initial in-person meeting- no clue at all .

I completely understand if you don't want to answer this, but what kind of business were you potentially doing with them? Renting property or something?

And yeah: bullet dodged. Although you may want to keep in mind it's entirely possible they and their attorney(s) read here. So while I'm naturally curious about your interactions with them, it may be better for you if you get out of the way of their wrecking ball.
Oh, man! I got a PM about the arrests and just couldn't believe it!!! At least those two were arrested on something if not Erica's disappearance.

I think LE feels certain that Casey and Sandy did kill little Erica or sell her and are determined to get them. These charges may be all they can get them on at the moment, but they won't stop at these, IMO.

Yay!!! Now where is ERICA??
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