NC NC - Faith Hedgepeth, 19, UNC student, Chapel Hill, 7 Sept 2012 #1

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I recently moved to the area and have been meaning to post a video of Faith's apartment complex and the proximity of her building to ETJ's building (which is in the same complex). I hope this okay to post. I don't mention any names other than Faith's. Mods feel free to remove if you need to. I apologize in advance it is so dark and for the poor quality.... and for my rambling :p


Thanks for posting that and welcome to the area! I've driven by during the day, and that complex is weird enough in daylight. It's downright spooky at night. Yikes.
I recently moved to the area and have been meaning to post a video of Faith's apartment complex and the proximity of her building to ETJ's building (which is in the same complex). I hope this okay to post. I don't mention any names other than Faith's. Mods feel free to remove if you need to. I apologize in advance it is so dark and for the poor quality.... and for my rambling :p


Thanks, Rhino-Esq -- excellent!

Pictures do speak a thousand words, don't they? I think many of us knew the apts. were close, but you showed us just how close. Your video made me shudder and SMH. Spooky. Good info.
I haven't located the actual video yet but this article seems to be a transcript of it.

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In Statement Analysis, people who start a sentence with "I swear to God", "Honestly" or "I'll be honest with you" typically have not been honest up until that point.

From the link
"I'll be honest with you, whoever did this deserves to burn," said Takoy Jones.
Since we seem to be focusing on Jones at the moment, might be worth mentioning that though Eric was NOT at the Thrill on the night in question one of his cousins was (either Clinton R. Beasley or Charlton T. Beasley?), and I don't remember for sure, but I believe the cousin also lived at the Hawthorne complex (or even with Eric?) or at least nearby? Maybe someone can clarify all that? FWIW.
In Statement Analysis, people who start a sentence with "I swear to God", "Honestly" or "I'll be honest with you" typically have not been honest up until that point.

From the link
"I'll be honest with you, whoever did this deserves to burn," said Takoy Jones.

His interview was interesting. He just peaked around the corner while getting into his truck? But his uncle also told him what was going on because he saw it on the news?

Also, I wonder if the reporter just got it wrong or made an incorrect assumption, but at the link, it's said that he previously lived in the apartment with both Karena and Faith.
His interview was interesting. He just peaked around the corner while getting into his truck? But his uncle also told him what was going on because he saw it on the news?

Also, I wonder if the reporter just got it wrong or made an incorrect assumption, but at the link, it's said that he previously lived in the apartment with both Karena and Faith.

KR and Faith and ETJ all lived at 5639 Old Chapel Hill Rd. KR and ETJ lived there in Apt #1502 from May? To July(then restraining order was put in place)...ETJ then moves to Apt #904. Faith moves in with KR, only temporary, into #1502 which is a 1 bed 1 bath apt. He did not live with both Faith and KR at the same time...Faith moved into #1502 after the P/O was in place against ETJ. Faith only was staying with KR for a couple weeks until her financial aid came in. I think different news outlets have reported different I read was the cousin told him, the other was his step father told him...fishy. He looks elated imoo. He also makes gestures associated with deception in his interview. When confronted on 20/20 KR also shows signs of deception. IMOO:
Purely speculation and conjecture:
1. ETJ saw/knew KR was with BME for a few days as BME says he slept over at the girls apartment #1502. Maybe the "cousin" or "rapper" who was at Thrill on 9/6/12-9/7/12 informed ETJ that KR was with BME, since BME was also in attendance at Thrill. He gets pissed. Maybe KR knew ETJ was pissed because she got some sort of message (text, call, facebook DM, Twitter DM) from him, or someone related to him, threatened KR again. IMO

2. KR continued or started seeing ETJ as a friends with benefit relationship...but then things got heated cause KR may have been seeing other men(was with BME one night, calling him next night to no avail and then moves down her list to the next guy JMO)

3. KR, who had some sort of "relatiionship" with different men, got super jealous when bubbly Faith was around these men too. Faith may have gotten more attention. KR couldn't stand it. Flipped. We know the rest. Makes the texts from Faith's phone as she is calling BME. KR sets up a ride out of there. Leaves door unlocked incase BME comes over because of the calls and texts he received-to find try and point blame away from perp/perps.

¿Why didn't BME answer or return calls/mgs? He saw them at the club...I'm sure he didn't go straight to bed. Did him and KR get into a fight at Thrill, possibly about Faith? Or KR's polyamorous ways?

With the small amount of info that has trickled out over the years, and the number and length of interviews that KR has done with the CHPD. I believe she is very very slowly trying to maintain a lie and and is letting somethings slip and/or withholding info and fabricating info...who knows with that one.
Nothing is adding up.

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Let's examine the alleged phone calls made from the apartment that night...

FH's phone was used to text BME at 3:41am and again at 3:43am.

The first message read:
"Hey b. Can you come over here please. Karena needs you more aha. You know. Please let her know you care."
followed up shortly thereafter with a second simple text: "Than"

The 2nd call was likely delivering a correction to the first wrongly auto-corrected call, which was intended to read:
"Hey b. Can you come over here please. Karena needs you more than you know. Please let her know you care."

4 brief phone calls (not texts) went from KR's phone to BME at
4:14 (all less than 40 seconds)

15 mins. after that final call to BME, KR is picked up by JM to go to a house in Chapel Hill to stay the morning.

How did JM know to go and pick up KR?

(There is some question as to when BME texted back to FH phone at 4:16 AM or PM...if PM, he would have already heard of her death.

KR texted JMcC and he picked her up via phone records. JMcC and JB reside(d) at the 110 w longview address. A 12 minute drive. Per released documents it was after 4pm that he responded.
My bf and I did an experiment a while back on the length of calls and their time stamps, picking up phone verses letting ring...we found that all the calls went unanswered. Which makes me wonder if "something " happened that night or the previous night when BME slept over...something that pushed him to the point of not answering. Not answering for either KR or Faith. Why not answer one of their text/calls? But avoiding both? Hmmm...

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Another way to look at it is that KR was in a big hurry to get out of there...hence the calls to BME every few minutes.
She definitely wanted to speak with him and didn't trust a text to reach him.

When she could not reach him, she called JM and left with him.
Strange since she was supposed to be feeling so sick.
Another way to look at it is that KR was in a big hurry to get out of there...hence the calls to BME every few minutes.
She definitely wanted to speak with him and didn't trust a text to reach him.

When she could not reach him, she called JM and left with him.
Strange since she was supposed to be feeling so sick.

That is the one of weirdest things...from media outlets they made it seem like KR and Faith left the club because KR felt ill...they left at closing-when everyone else in the club left. IMOO KR seemed to be in a "heated" discussion with the man she walks out with on surveillance. Instead of leaving she stands and talks to a few men and Faith sits on a bench. Just like you said G.Toody...why leave home when you feel sick? Why lie and say you had to leave the club early cause you felt sick? I know from when I was younger...when I felt ill from drinking the last thing I wanted to do was be around any guy I was into...

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The unfortunate thing about this case is that none of the people in her circle have to talk to police again unless they are charged with something.
All of our speculating is fine for conversation but unless concrete evidence, which implicates someone comes forward...the case is over.
The unfortunate thing about this case is that none of the people in her circle have to talk to police again unless they are charged with something.
All of our speculating is fine for conversation but unless concrete evidence, which implicates someone comes forward...the case is over.

I wouldn’t sound quite so pessimistic (though I too am frustrated). Somewhere out there in digital info or social media could still be a ‘smoking gun’ or connection that has simply been missed thus far. It can be just some piece of circumstantial evidence strong enough to get another person looked at or DNA-tested. Some in the public have been calling this a cold-case for 3 yrs. and yet the police constantly reiterate it’s very much a live case needing just a little more help from the public to resolve. That’s what we’re here for! And as I’ve said before, the whole Latino angle (if it’s real) takes us in different directions and new paths, than most had previously explored. The case is difficult, but not over.

I wouldn’t sound quite so pessimistic (though I too am frustrated). Somewhere out there in digital info or social media could still be a ‘smoking gun’ or connection that has simply been missed thus far. It can be just some piece of circumstantial evidence strong enough to get another person looked at or DNA-tested. Some in the public have been calling this a cold-case for 3 yrs. and yet the police constantly reiterate it’s very much a live case needing just a little more help from the public to resolve. That’s what we’re here for! And as I’ve said before, the whole Latino angle (if it’s real) takes us in different directions and new paths, than most had previously explored. The case is difficult, but not over.

In my opinion, the answer lies within the friends and friends of friends in their circle. The perp may not be among them but they know who did this. No one has to talk to police against their will unless they are charged with something. The police had their go arounds with the group and now everyone either has or will lawyer up and keep silent. Thats why I say some concrete evidence has to surface. Police have hundreds of ongoing cases at a long they will continue to spend resources on a 4 year old case is questionable.
In my opinion, the answer lies within the friends and friends of friends in their circle. The perp may not be among them but they know who did this. No one has to talk to police against their will unless they are charged with something. The police had their go arounds with the group and now everyone either has or will lawyer up and keep silent. Thats why I say some concrete evidence has to surface. Police have hundreds of ongoing cases at a long they will continue to spend resources on a 4 year old case is questionable.

I’m in the camp that believes multiple (2, maybe even 3) perpetrators were involved, in which case someone delivered the ‘death-blow’ to Faith’s head and anyone else was just an accessory… which means one person potentially faces the death penalty and any others just jail time. Often in such instances, someone eventually ‘cracks’ and asks for a plea deal (could even be someone already in prison for something else) saying they know what happened but were not the killer. Thus, I think it important to keep the heat on however we (the 'hivemind') are able, and especially so because I don’t expect the police to expend resources at the needed level.

I’m in the camp that believes multiple (2, maybe even 3) perpetrators were involved, in which case someone delivered the ‘death-blow’ to Faith’s head and anyone else was just an accessory… which means one person potentially faces the death penalty and any others just jail time. Often in such instances, someone eventually ‘cracks’ and asks for a plea deal (could even be someone already in prison for something else) saying they know what happened but were not the killer. Thus, I think it important to keep the heat on however we (the 'hivemind') are able, and especially so because I don’t expect the police to expend resources at the needed level.

I hope you are right.
I have not seen any evidence that suggests multiple offenders but will not dismiss it.
And I agree that someone may eventually talk to save their own skin at a future date.
To Who It May Concern (you know who you are):
I woke up with a heavy heart. I cannot imagine the burden of knowing the truth. "Speak the truth even if your voice shakes" I can't imagine the sleepless nights, waking from nightmares and looking over your shoulder. You don't have to live this way. The truth will set you free.

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An interested party sent along to me a far fuller, more detailed autopsy report than the skimpy, unhelpful one I received a couple of years back and have already complained about here. A few things jump out at me:

1) Amazingly to me, still no estimated time-of-death given.
2) The report makes clear the severity of the beating that Faith sustained, again making it incredible that no ongoing, unusual sounds were reported by any neighbors — again I can only imagine that 1-2 perps were controlling/restraining Faith while another was assaulting her (…just my guess). Faith is listed, btw, as 148 lbs., heavier than I had imagined, and thus that much more capable of putting up a fierce fight (I don’t know how much of that weight might come from the sheer swelling of her many injuries?)
3) And weirdest of all (to me), in description of the body, the report notes that “The hands and feet are secured in paper bags” — is this how the body was found??? (which would seem highly significant!) or just something the police would do to help secure any evidence from her fingernails etc.??? Anybody know? (the report does note that the fingernails were undamaged, and appeared to have no tissue under them (is that because they were covered during the assault?), but there are injuries/contusions to the hands.

An interested party sent along to me a far fuller, more detailed autopsy report than the skimpy, unhelpful one I received a couple of years back and have already complained about here. A few things jump out at me:

1) Amazingly to me, still no estimated time-of-death given.
2) The report makes clear the severity of the beating that Faith sustained, again making it incredible that no ongoing, unusual sounds were reported by any neighbors — again I can only imagine that 1-2 perps were controlling/restraining Faith while another was assaulting her (…just my guess). Faith is listed, btw, as 148 lbs., heavier than I had imagined, and thus that much more capable of putting up a fierce fight (I don’t know how much of that weight might come from the sheer swelling of her many injuries?)
3) And weirdest of all (to me), in description of the body, the report notes that “The hands and feet are secured in paper bags” — is this how the body was found??? (which would seem highly significant!) or just something the police would do to help secure any evidence from her fingernails etc.??? Anybody know? (the report does note that the fingernails were undamaged, and appeared to have no tissue under them (is that because they were covered during the assault?), but there are injuries/contusions to the hands.

I don't think swelling would impact her weight. Matter isn't created or destroyed...swelling that isn't the result of retaining more fluids as they are being consumed wouldn't cause weight gain; post-mortem swelling is just the movement of fluids from one place to another.

I think that so few women actually disclose their weight that people have a hard time guessing what a woman weighs. 148 isn't that much for women at some heights (I don't know how tall was, but for someone 5'6" or taller it wouldn't be very much, especially for someone who was pretty toned and had a good amount of muscle versus fat). Eve Carson, who looks very slender to me in her photos, weighed over 140.

Regarding the bags over her hands: the crime scene techs would have put bags over her hands and feet to preserve any evidence on them (e.g., perp's DNA under fingernails, etc.)

An interested party sent along to me a far fuller, more detailed autopsy report than the skimpy, unhelpful one I received a couple of years back and have already complained about here. A few things jump out at me:

1) Amazingly to me, still no estimated time-of-death given.
2) The report makes clear the severity of the beating that Faith sustained, again making it incredible that no ongoing, unusual sounds were reported by any neighbors — again I can only imagine that 1-2 perps were controlling/restraining Faith while another was assaulting her (…just my guess). Faith is listed, btw, as 148 lbs., heavier than I had imagined, and thus that much more capable of putting up a fierce fight (I don’t know how much of that weight might come from the sheer swelling of her many injuries?)
3) And weirdest of all (to me), in description of the body, the report notes that “The hands and feet are secured in paper bags” — is this how the body was found??? (which would seem highly significant!) or just something the police would do to help secure any evidence from her fingernails etc.??? Anybody know? (the report does note that the fingernails were undamaged, and appeared to have no tissue under them (is that because they were covered during the assault?), but there are injuries/contusions to the hands.
I find it very interesting that it says fingernails are undamaged. To me that makes it likely that her arms were restrained for the duration of the attack. Broken fingernails are very common in violent struggles when the victim's hands are free. It also seems weird to state that there doesn't appear to be tissue under the nails. Did they just look at her nails and not do any scrapings?

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