GUILTY NC - Jameson 'Jamie' Hahn, 29, stabbed to death, Raleigh, 22 April 201

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DNA Solves
Thanks for the welcome, borndem!

I am a little confused as to if they realized jon had stolen the money yet. I haven't been able to watch the entire thing, but I guess I was always under the impression she was going to talk to him about the embezzlement that night. After hearing nations testimony, it doesn't seem that was the case. It seems weird he suddenly asked about if she confronted jon if they hadn't seen the bank account. Anyone have a better understanding of this?

Jamie had spoken with the collection agency about a bill to TWC ( week before leaving for beach) and had said she would send a check. She took a second call from the collection agency after they received the check and was told the check had then bounced. She told the collection agency she would get back to them but left for the beach before doing so... Jamie may not have suspected Jon at this point...however, Jon then took a 3rd call from the collection agency after Jamie and Nation left for the beach, where he was told Jamie had sent a check, was told it had bounced and she had stated she would look into the check but the collection agency had not heard back. Jon informed collection agency that they were at beach and he would tell Jamie. So Jon knew that Jamie was informed about money issues from the account he was in charge with prior to leaving to go to the beach. All three phone calls were played in court. Hope that helps.
I agree with your assessment about what probably happened. Did nation say anything about them discussing the possibility that he'd embezzled? By all accounts, she didn't seem particularly worried about the TWC check bouncing. Am I wrong that it didn't sound like she and nation discussed it in detail?

I thought nation said they waited in the waiting room at his cancer appt at duke? He said jon was speaking to a nurse when they came in(they had dropped him off at the front) and then he went through a doorway/down a hall behind receptionists desk? Maybe it was just the main lobby/entrance to the hospital, so he could just walk freely. Just thought him talking to a nurse was weird.

I am assuming when he went to all of these doctor's visits he merely sat in the waiting room or roamed the outside halls of the building. Apparently none of the people, including his own parents ever went inside when they picked him up to take him home.
Thanks! I got most of that. I guess I had just always been under the impression that they knew for sure before the attack. I think the neighbor saying Nation asked Jamie if she confronted him may have been part of why I thought that, and a lot of articles pre-trial referred to her "confronting" him.
So Wallace contacted Jamie to say the FEC filing had not been submitted? There was a bounced check, there were questions about the banking, and Jamie had no access to the online banking. Yet they went to the beach, did not discuss. Weird. It sounds like she did not "confront" JB per se on the evening of her murder. Nation was not aware of a big financial crisis pow-wow scheduled for that day.; she would have told him, they were in constant contact. It sounds like Jamie was a very trusting person.

I can't believe Arbour is now going to torture Nation with this babbling baloney. *@&*#! I feel so sorry for Nation having to endure this.

I hope the the defendant has been carefully searched. It wouldn't surprise me if he acted out in court.
I'm glad to have all this clarified. I used to do political fundraising as well, and it's hard for me to imagine someone just acting like nothing is wrong while knowing someone stole that much money. Now that I know she didn't actually know, it makes a little more sense.

Nation talking about her asking him to have a baby after Jon told them he had cancer absolutely breaks my heart.
Thanks for the welcome, borndem!

I am a little confused as to if they realized jon had stolen the money yet. I haven't been able to watch the entire thing, but I guess I was always under the impression she was going to talk to him about the embezzlement that night. After hearing nations testimony, it doesn't seem that was the case. It seems weird he suddenly asked about if she confronted jon if they hadn't seen the bank account. Anyone have a better understanding of this?

We'll never know for sure what made JB get the knife and stab her in the back. Something got him started.

About whether Jamie approached JB about the missing money: If I recall correctly, I think when Nation was on his way downstairs while hearing the screams or very shortly thereafter, maybe when he saw JB bending over Jamie with the knife, Nation yelled something about JB taking money -- I could be wrong. That remark, if I heard it correctly let me say again, makes the "confront him" question make more sense.

Today's live-stream copy is not available yet on the WRAL website, but I am going to try to find what I think I heard. More on this later.
I'm glad to have all this clarified. I used to do political fundraising as well, and it's hard for me to imagine someone just acting like nothing is wrong while knowing someone stole that much money. Now that I know she didn't actually know, it makes a little more sense.

Nation talking about her asking him to have a baby after Jon told them he had cancer absolutely breaks my heart.


It broke everyone's heart, I think. It certainly broke poor Nation's.

Nation did so well up there. Of course he was being brave for her. I noticed on his right hand a ring that looked like a wedding ring -- I wonder if that is his wedding ring. (I didn't get a great look, so again I could be wrong.) But seeing that made me cry.

And Arbour's cross may take all day tomorrow, at the pace he set today.
I think a reporter on twitter said he can't wear the ring on his left hand anymore due to scar tissue from the attack.

You're absolutely right. He did a great job on the stand. I've just seen bits and pieces, and it was hard to watch, but I'm sure Jamie would be proud of him.

Arbour is terrible. I can hardly watch his cross-exams. I know he doesn't have much to work with but still. I can only imagine that he's putting the jurors to sleep and wearing out their patience.


It broke everyone's heart, I think. It certainly broke poor Nation's.

Nation did so well up there. Of course he was being brave for her. I noticed on his right hand a ring that looked like a wedding ring -- I wonder if that is his wedding ring. (I didn't get a great look, so again I could be wrong.) But seeing that made me cry.

And Arbour's cross may take all day tomorrow, at the pace he set today.
I went back to the WRAL archive to see what it was that I heard about the conversation that Nation & Jamie had about JB & the attack. It didn't occur in the Hahn's house, as I had thought, but in the Harrell's yard when Jamie was down & Nation & she were exchanging I-love-you's, etc. After that, Nation asked her what happened.


The conversation went thus, on archive Day 5, Pt. 4, at ~ 35:40 -

Nation asked, "Why did he do this or what happened?"
She didn't answer, according to Nation's testimony.
Then Nation asked, "Did he take Brad's money or what happened?"
No answer.
That was the conversation I remembered, but it did not occur when/where I thought it did. I did not hear anything about the money when they were in the house.
I'm still not clear on when Jamie was aware or the account problem and when she confronted JB. I know what NH said yesterday, but Jamie was upset about that issue when NH asked her about it *advertiser censored* he lay on the yard of neighbor Julie Harrell, per her testimony. She said when NH asked her if she confronted JB, Jamie didn't respond but looked upset and Julie was afraid it would worsen her condition. I'm not sure how to reconcile that. Perhaps Jamie had looked over records and thought about it more and had not told NH when he came in, though she had her own suspicions. I'm just speculating on this.
Prancy -- I don't know how much she knew about the true financial situation, either. She found out the check she wrote had bounced -- did she then look at a bank statement? Could she find the bank statements or had JB hidden them? Were the bank statements printed & mailed or were they just electronic?? Jamie put a lot of trust in him, obviously, but "little" things were popping up like weeds. The year-end quarterly report -- did she know that it had not been sent/"was sent" <hah> & the FEC did not receive it? That's why they were getting together. But apparently Nation knew enuff to ask those questions about her confronting him and his asking her if JB had taken "Brad's money." Apparently Nation did not mention it to JB during the horrible scuffle they had in the kitchen.

I don't think we'll find out any more than that during testimony -- closing statements, maybe, but the jury cannot count it as evidence. Unless they put JB on the stand and Faucette will surely ask...

I've made a short story long in this reply... forgive ...

Please, Arbour, don't torture Nation too much longer.
What's the problem, folks?

Is Jonathan sick today?? Did he get a jail germ? Has he got TB or Smallpox or something??
What's the problem, folks?

Is Jonathan sick today?? Did he get a jail germ? Has he got TB or Smallpox or something??


Oh no. Juror problem.....what could this be about?
Oh crap, juror(s) have discussed the case or somehow possibly violated the rules. The judge has a process to address this. Why did the camera go off??
This is exactly what I was unclear on. I can't help but think that maybe Julie's memory of what he said wasn't exact. It is weird though that Nation mentioned the money/account/campaign if he and Jamie hadn't discussed it much. Then again, maybe he had considered the possibility Jon had really screwed up somehow. It just seems like they would've discussed it more if that was the case.

I'm still not clear on when Jamie was aware or the account problem and when she confronted JB. I know what NH said yesterday, but Jamie was upset about that issue when NH asked her about it *advertiser censored* he lay on the yard of neighbor Julie Harrell, per her testimony. She said when NH asked her if she confronted JB, Jamie didn't respond but looked upset and Julie was afraid it would worsen her condition. I'm not sure how to reconcile that. Perhaps Jamie had looked over records and thought about it more and had not told NH when he came in, though she had her own suspicions. I'm just speculating on this.
We're missing crucial stuff here, peeps -- I guess they are mentioning jurors' names or something. This is killin' me, Nosy Nellie that I yam.

Please don't let the DT put in another mistrial request. We're so close. Pace, pace, pace, pace. More coffee, please.... Grrrrr

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