GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #2

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If MM believes that everything in the Murder house is hers...why isn't that bill hers?

This would be understandable if MM was respectful in regard to "the estate." If she had left the contents of the house alone and then sent would appear that she was waiting for the legal determination to sort things out. But that's not what she did.

She grabbed everything she could of value, then she charges to the estate every single bill. She is trying to gave it both ways and ALL her way.

This will be fuel for the opening and closing statements of the prosecutor. Big mistake on her part.

My opinion only.
If you read further down in the article Holton does admit to sending the invoices. There was a brilliant post today on the jfj page. It had great insight . Ye should read it. Also stated by StMary. Im sure the ambulance service isn't banging on her door for payment . Do you not think this is cold? I certainly do and also seems to be timed pretty well to cause maximum pain for the Corbetts. I have stated before that at every holiday Molly pulls some sort of stunt just to say hello I'm still here Im not going away . Jasons children were spending their first Easter without their dad and although I'm sure they were unaware of the actually invoice the mood would be dampened in their household no matter how positive they may try to be. Imagine it being your family would you be treating it so light heartedly . This is not something they expected . She doesn't seem to be in any rush to pay for half the car which she was ordered to do why the rush with this. Calculated move no doubt


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I don't think mm sent it herself. It appears to have been done through the lawyers. I just would have thought that a bill of this sensitive nature would have been paid at source (ie by his wife) out of decency and not included in with other 'normal' bills. After all there were large withdrawals from the joint acc the week of the murder. There was money there to pay this in the months thereafter.It is almost like asking Jason to pay for his own ambulance..

I agree. Although very upsetting for the family, this is a bit of a storm in a teacup as far as settling affairs after a death. This bill would be handled by the estate lawyers but in the circumstances one would have hoped for more sensitivity by the professional lawyers representing all sides. I dont blame Jasons family for being upset, but I would have expected professional lawyers on all sides to have understood that presentation of such a bill to a bereaved family would cause distress. It could have, and should have been handled much better all round.
I agree . But again I'm wondering why the criminal lawyer is speaking about matters regarding the estate ? This is questionable to me .
I agree . But again I'm wondering why the criminal lawyer is speaking about matters regarding the estate ? This is questionable to me .

Perhaps because he is the one the Daily Fail contacted, despite that he is not involved in the estate dispute?
Perhaps because he is the one the Daily Fail contacted, despite that he is not involved in the estate dispute?

You are probably right. Given that their former spokesman has lost credibility it would best appoint another one .
Opinion only, goes...

I'm thinking along the lines of a new theory. Not sure if it fits at all with the few facts we know.

I'm thinking that the Martens are a proud family and were proud of their smart, pretty only daughter. Off she went to Clemson, and then her bipolar disease beset her and threw the family's world into turmoil. I think they have been trying to hide her illness and manage her problems ever since.

This is why she falls off the radar for several years...babysitting jobs, this, that. Finally, stable on meds, she gets the au pair job. Snagging Jason for a husband must have seemed like winning the lottery for the family. By the way, down her FB page, there's a picture of her holding Jack and he looks very young. You'll know the one I mean when you see it. Very interesting....anyway, MM has found a lonely, successful widower to marry her.

But even at the wedding...there's a tantrum. Jason continues doing what the Marten's have done to placate her rages...moves to Ametica, buys a nice house, fancy wedding, lots of travel and cruises, pretty clothes. But he is put off enough by the rages, that he will not let her have the children without his adoption.

In my latest opinion, I believe he told her the marriage was done that weekend. She summoned her parents. Arriving late, they went to bed...and so did Jason. MM was fuming. I think she got both the bat and the stone and struck the first blow, which awoke JC and he stumbled out of bed. Or stunned him as he walked to the bathroom. JC tried to cover his head. She continued screaming and striking him with the bat. I think TM ran upstairs and got the bat away from her but before he could tend to JC, MM began beating him with the rock. There's the overkill.

Finally subduing her, TM and her Mother seeing JC is dead...calmed her down and decided he would take the blame. Their story of self-defense is the easiest one that gets them all walking away from this untouched. This is why MM is not mentioned by TM in the 911 call. But MM was still so enraged that she could not stick to that story and implicated herself.

But since TM implicated himself...they are both charged.
Opinion only, goes...

I'm thinking along the lines of a new theory. Not sure if it fits at all with the few facts we know.

I'm thinking that the Martens are a proud family and were proud of their smart, pretty only daughter. Off she went to Clemson, and then her bipolar disease beset her and threw the family's world into turmoil. I think they have been trying to hide her illness and manage her problems ever since.

This is why she falls off the radar for several years...babysitting jobs, this, that. Finally, stable on meds, she gets the au pair job. Snagging Jason for a husband must have seemed like winning the lottery for the family. By the way, down her FB page, there's a picture of her holding Jack and he looks very young. You'll know the one I mean when you see it. Very interesting....anyway, MM has found a lonely, successful widower to marry her.

But even at the wedding...there's a tantrum. Jason continues doing what the Marten's have done to placate her rages...moves to Ametica, buys a nice house, fancy wedding, lots of travel and cruises, pretty clothes. But he is put off enough by the rages, that he will not let her have the children without his adoption.

In my latest opinion, I believe he told her the marriage was done that weekend. She summoned her parents. Arriving late, they went to bed...and so did Jason. MM was fuming. I think she got both the bat and the stone and struck the first blow, which awoke JC and he stumbled out of bed. Or stunned him as he walked to the bathroom. JC tried to cover his head. She continued screaming and striking him with the bat. I think TM ran upstairs and got the bat away from her but before he could tend to JC, MM began beating him with the rock. There's the overkill.

Finally subduing her, TM and her Mother seeing JC is dead...calmed her down and decided he would take the blame. Their story of self-defense is the easiest one that gets them all walking away from this untouched. This is why MM is not mentioned by TM in the 911 call. But MM was still so enraged that she could not stick to that story and implicated herself.

But since TM implicated himself...they are both charged.
I think you are correct.
I believe she got both implements as well.
Its the most likely scenario to date.
The addict will do anything for the fix.
the princess was finally facing her expulsion from easy street.. the rage would have been unsupportable.
Good thinking.
I wonder if they will be offered a plea deal?

Now if my theory (and it's only a theory) is correct...the Martens probably came flying down there that early evening because MM was out of control. Maybe this was the family pattern. Maybe when she was raging, her parents felt they could control her. But the drive was long and they went to bed. That's when MM lost control.

In my crazy theory, FBI Dad thought taking the old man defending his daughter...would get them both off scott free. I don't think TM knew how many blows MM had struck in her rage killing. But when the autopsy came back, their story became ridiculous. A large powerful man actively trying to save his own life, couldn't put a bruise or a scratch on an old man or a slight woman?

If they stick to this, in my opinion, both will be jailed.

I also think MM has hurt herself with her public actions and this is why her criminal lawyer is doing the talking. He knows the damage she's done. He's trying to make it better, probably do he can arrange a favorable plea deal. After all, it could be many months till trial. How sure is he of what MM will do next?

Just my opinions and crazy theories.
I wonder if they will be offered a plea deal?

Now if my theory (and it's only a theory) is correct...the Martens probably came flying down there that early evening because MM was out of control. Maybe this was the family pattern. Maybe when she was raging, her parents felt they could control her. But the drive was long and they went to bed. That's when MM lost control.

In my crazy theory, FBI Dad thought taking the old man defending his daughter...would get them both off scott free. I don't think TM knew how many blows MM had struck in her rage killing. But when the autopsy came back, their story became ridiculous. A large powerful man actively trying to save his own life, couldn't put a bruise or a scratch on an old man or a slight woman?

If they stick to this, in my opinion, both will be jailed.

I also think MM has hurt herself with her public actions and this is why her criminal lawyer is doing the talking. He knows the damage she's done. He's trying to make it better, probably do he can arrange a favorable plea deal. After all, it could be many months till trial. How sure is he of what MM will do next?

Just my opinions and crazy theories.
Yes, but my biggest concern is regarding the police investigation.. so many holes.. that TM and MM had not been tested for alcohol or drugs is mega omission, crime scene, delays in obtaining search warrants etc..theres probably more, much more. Her lawyers are probably so confident they will obtain their clients freedom from anomalies in the police investigation that I doubt they care much for what she says or does. I also think that ridiculous press release a week or so ago was no more than a red herring.
I am unsure of how we can assess this.. because it may also be evidence for the prosecution, should the case against them be dismissed for a technicality.
They also face financial ruin with a civil trial. Can't imagine that the Corbetts won't file after the way the Martens have treated them. Think about it...the Martens are close to retirement...terrible time to face a huge financial hit. And MM has no job history other than childcare. Not many people will hire someone who has stood trial for murder to care for their children. So the Martens, even if somehow they escape jail, will have a daughter with expensive tastes to support and perhaps a huge civil judgement against Father and daughter.

On another note, Despicable beyond comprehension that they were denied the ability to see their murdered brother's children!

These Martens have a long, long road ahead of them. Long time to control MM.

My opinion only.
Just thinking in human terms. it will be so very difficult to go through a civil case as well, transatlantic crossings notwithstanding, the sheer effort needed will be a terrible burden.
What would be the legal position should the court acquit based upon incorrect police procedures? Can the prosecution appeal to a higher court?
No. They could not be charged again.

The civil trial has a much lower threshold to convict. It's a "wrongful death" suit. It can be filed no matter what happens in the criminal trial. So if they are found quilty or innocent, the Corbetts have that option. Though difficult, many families find it is another very satisfying form of Justice.
No. They could not be charged again.

The civil trial has a much lower threshold to convict. It's a "wrongful death" suit. It can be filed no matter what happens in the criminal trial. So if they are found quilty or innocent, the Corbetts have that option. Though difficult, many families find it is another very satisfying form of Justice.

This is true - remember the OJ Simpson civil case? While it didn't bring back Ron Goldman's son, he did at least have the satisfaction of hearing OJ declared guilty.

However, OJ was retired, and they couldn't touch his pension. Now, so many years later, the Goldmans (and OJ's children, who were to receive punitive damages as well) saw almost no money from the case. Awarding damages is one thing, collecting them is quite another.

Tom Martens is retired, and any damages award would not affect his pension. Molly has no assets at all, as far as I know. If, as OJ did, TM remortgages his house to pay the legal fees, there would be nothing to get from that either.

So, if Jason's family do pursue a civil case, they will be aware that a guilty verdict is unlikely to have much financial effect on the Martens. A moral victory, which I am sure is more important to them as it was to Ron Goldman, is probably as much as they will get.
This is true - remember the OJ Simpson civil case? While it didn't bring back Ron Goldman's son, he did at least have the satisfaction of hearing OJ declared guilty.

However, OJ was retired, and they couldn't touch his pension. Now, so many years later, the Goldmans (and OJ's children, who were to receive punitive damages as well) saw almost no money from the case. Awarding damages is one thing, collecting them is quite another.

Tom Martens is retired, and any damages award would not affect his pension. Molly has no assets at all, as far as I know. If, as OJ did, TM remortgages his house to pay the legal fees, there would be nothing to get from that either.

So, if Jason's family do pursue a civil case, they will be aware that a guilty verdict is unlikely to have much financial effect on the Martens. A moral victory, which I am sure is more important to them as it was to Ron Goldman, is probably as much as they will get.

But we have no idea of the Martens you are only assuming there would be no financial benefit. Look at their travel...lots of loose change lol. Unless, like grifters, poor Jasin paid for everything.

In the OJ case, yes, he kept his pension, but his lifestyle was seriously dimished, assets were sold. The Goldmans were able to seize any and all assets they could find. They even sold his beloved Heisman trophy for $500,000! The Goldmans also saw his reputation in tatters, his ability to get work impossible. If he had EVER made any money, it would have been theirs. His house went into foreclosure.

OJ became a pariah. And eventually ended up in jail.

Perhaps the Martens have savings accounts, maybe they might be forced to sell their home...or just lose it..all sorts of things might come into play. Just paying for more lawyers would burn them.

Molly might not have assets, but like OJ, for the rest of her life, any money she made would go to the Corbett children.

If I were the Corbett family, I would definitely pursue this. The amount of money would be secondary to the justice due to Jason.
Certainly true, I know nothing of TM's assets. I presume any assets of his wife would be untouchable. But I have read so many posts on here that Molly married Jason for his money and that her whole family were leeching off Jason that I guess I fell in with the GroupThink.
Reading over old articles last night, Jason's oldest brother told the media that they were initially told by Sharon Marten that Molly had pushed Jason...he fell..hit his head and died.

On the 911 call, TM says he hit Jason with a baseball bat and "I may have killed him."

Is it possible that Molly's parents had no idea how many times Jason had been struck until the autopsy was revealed? At the time that they each made their statements, is it possible that they thought Jason just had one or two blows to the head...and that could be explained away by a fall or a defensive action to stop a fight?
Reading over old articles last night, Jason's oldest brother told the media that they were initially told by Sharon Marten that Molly had pushed Jason...he fell..hit his head and died.

On the 911 call, TM says he hit Jason with a baseball bat and "I may have killed him."

Is it possible that Molly's parents had no idea how many times Jason had been struck until the autopsy was revealed? At the time that they each made their statements, is it possible that they thought Jason just had one or two blows to the head...and that could be explained away by a fall or a defensive action to stop a fight?

I'm almost certain that was the case.
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