GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #3

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what I have been hearing in the interviews with the lawyers is that much of what has been reported as evidence is not in the discovery documents...

I can't find a link to the discovery documents in the media links and documents thread. Do you have a url?
this is why the defense might ask for a change in guess is that Winston-Salem and Davidson County have an increased press presence...

I live very close. There hasn't been a lot of press coverage. I see their desire to change venues as an attempt to delay the trail. I have spoken to locals who know about the case, many people are not aware of the case. It is not a large area, but the it has received very little press coverage. Most people do stand by Jason. However, it is MMs actions that led them to that. I believe MM and TM would be tried fairly in Davidson County.
Just out of interest I thought I would check, because you see, us over here in little old Ireland, well it really is only little. The population of North Carolina is actually over double the entire population of Ireland. So for us to say that there could be a venue move, it would only be down the road in NC if you consider the population. For us to do that to ensue no jury bias, we would have to move it to another country. Just thought it was interesting.
I hadn't thought of that...but a man of his size would be hard to undress...IMO...certainly had they found bloody pajamas it would be damning...I wonder if they looked?...neither the prosecution nor the defense can be blamed for media coverage...but, I believe a judge can issue a gag order I just don't know the circumstances...

I thought they may have cut the clothing off. Quickest way. Pure speculation of course. Re bloodied clothes and whether they looked, it concerns me that the search warrant came so late in the timeframe. Did the family have to move out of the house straight away? Had they time to dispose of evidence?

I am relieved to hear the coverage isn't as extensive as I thought. When you see the chat show interviews and the abc one it gives the impression over here that it's becoming a media circus. There's always cameras when there's a court appearance etc. Let's hope it stays under the radar. I get frustrated thinking the public will believe the defence propaganda without any balanced version.
I can't find a link to the discovery documents in the media links and documents thread. Do you have a url?

the lawyers referred to the discovery documents... specifically

in this one the narrator says the defense claims there is no evidence that Jason was planning a trip home to Ireland...

in this one Nancy gets all tangled up with them over evidence that the lawyers deny is evidence...

and then there is this one where the lawyers refer to the discovery documents and nothing to indicate an interview with Jack in Ireland...

I'm just sayin' that I hear them subtly denying the stories out there...IMO
the lawyers referred to the discovery documents... specifically

in this one the narrator says the defense claims there is no evidence that Jason was planning a trip home to Ireland...

in this one Nancy gets all tangled up with them over evidence that the lawyers deny is evidence...

and then there is this one where the lawyers refer to the discovery documents and nothing to indicate an interview with Jack in Ireland...

I'm just sayin' that I hear them subtly denying the stories out there...IMO

If those things are not in the discovery documents, it's likely that there is no evidence of them, as the prosecution would have to include them in discovery if they were going to use them in the trial. I guess we'll know when the trial commences. Right now there is a lot of rumor and innuendo, and we don't have access to much evidence.
the lawyers referred to the discovery documents... specifically

in this one the narrator says the defense claims there is no evidence that Jason was planning a trip home to Ireland...

in this one Nancy gets all tangled up with them over evidence that the lawyers deny is evidence...

and then there is this one where the lawyers refer to the discovery documents and nothing to indicate an interview with Jack in Ireland...

I'm just sayin' that I hear them subtly denying the stories out there...IMO

Yeah, I have noticed the lawyer refer to the discovery documents and nothing being mentioned in them regarding statement from Jack. He seems to focus on what Jack said about the baseball bat. He has on more than one occasion said that there is nothing in the 6,000 pages of discovery to provide them with any statement from Jack or anything statement taken by law enforcements regarding the bat. He does really seem to focus on this particularly as if referring to the search warrant which was carried out at the home of JC & MM. Now the search warrant does mention what Jack said to the grief counsellor, which was passed on to LE by David Lynch, however, it also mentions that LE viewed public photos of Jack with similar bat.

Could he be trying to get the search warrant and all discovered under it thrown out? The actual bat cannot be excluded as it is one of the murder weapons. The way I view the bat, it was either a new bat as TM said and if so he can prove he bought it & proved forensically, or it was a previously used bat which could also be proved forensically.
I hope that no statement from Jack in discovery from Jack means he and his sister did not see or hear any of what went on. What happened is bad enough, for a child to witness it is very hard to contemplate.
The other odd thing about TM's voice in the 911 call. He doesnt sound the least bit out of breath. This is a 65 yr old man who has just been in what he described as a "donnybrook" with a larger, much younger man. If he was swinging a bat over and over, dodging his daughter belting out with a brick, lunging and striking like a boxer in the ring...that's a lot of excercize...movement...adrenalin.

Yet, his voice is flat. Calm. Not winded at all. What is this 65 year old man some kind of buff athlete? Sounds like he just rolled out of bed.Makes one wonder just how long it took them to call 911 and if her attempts at CPR were not a ruse. How long did JC lie on that bedroom floor, suffering and dying before they made that call?
When the lawyers say "I haven't seen" ...I think of it as "Lawyer talk" especially at this very early stage. That could be because it has not yet been turned over or...they have chosen not to personally read it so...they haven't "seen" it. "

"It depends on what your definition of 'is' is." That sort of thing....

There has not even been a court date set yet. Discovery may well still be going on. It is my understanding from another case, that the obligation is to turn things over in a timely fashion, but the real issue is to allow preparation for trial.

We are far from trial.

I think they are just making lawyer noises now..spinning for their clients.
Hello everyone this is my first post what is bothering me in all this is if TM was presumably asleep as it was after midnight I imagine, and was woken by this disturbance and he rushed to the master bedroom to find as he said Jason choking MM and saying he was going to kill her, one would presume if Jason was in a rage he would have been loud possibly shouting i'm going to kill you which brings me to my point if this supposedly woke TM i would be very suprised if it didn't wake the children . I think i read on more than one occasion it was said that the children were not aware of what happened that night Thank God. IMO this makes TM & MM 'S description of what happened highly unlikely.
Hello everyone this is my first post what is bothering me in all this is if TM was presumably asleep as it was after midnight I imagine, and was woken by this disturbance and he rushed to the master bedroom to find as he said Jason choking MM and saying he was going to kill her, one would presume if Jason was in a rage he would have been loud possibly shouting i'm going to kill you which brings me to my point if this supposedly woke TM i would be very suprised if it didn't wake the children . I think i read on more than one occasion it was said that the children were not aware of what happened that night Thank God. IMO this makes TM & MM 'S description of what happened highly unlikely.

I also wonder how you can inflict that much damage on a person without waking up the whole household, not just TM, even if there was no fight and Jason was taken by surprise. There are so many unanswered questions.
Being a long time websleuth lurker I just happened to click on: Crimes in the news. I am next door to the state of North CaroLina here in Virginia. Once I began reading starting in the first thread & up to the current thread I see that it was five months before MM & TM were charged with Jason's murder. Now three and one half months later not much additional information has been forthcoming. I wish there was an investigative reporter who would cover this case. If I feel this way, I can only imagine how Jason's family & friends pray for patience in order to cope. I agree with other sleuths how important the decision by the Judge is to make certain the insurance money is protected legally from improper use by the defendants in the case.
When the lawyers say "I haven't seen" ...I think of it as "Lawyer talk" especially at this very early stage. That could be because it has not yet been turned over or...they have chosen not to personally read it so...they haven't "seen" it. "

"It depends on what your definition of 'is' is." That sort of thing....

There has not even been a court date set yet. Discovery may well still be going on. It is my understanding from another case, that the obligation is to turn things over in a timely fashion, but the real issue is to allow preparation for trial.

We are far from trial.

I think they are just making lawyer noises now..spinning for their clients.

Discovery appears to have been handed over to the defense already as this is how mollys lawyers realised the privileged emails had been viewed by the investigators. In Feb a request was made to the court for an order to allow for toms FBI records and the child services files to be released. These most likely have now been provided. Some might be missing but I'd think the majority of it has been gone through. The defence did complain about the invrstigators not submitting reports in a timely fashion.

As mentioned in an earlier post, In relation to evidence of Jason planning a move back to Ireland, I'm not sure what could prove this other than maybe emails exchanged with property agents to enquire about suitable accommodation for him and the children, emails to local schools making enquiries for places, job applications via email or email communications with other management within his company enquiring about a transfer. This is what I would look for anyway if tasked with this job. Merely expressing an interest in a move to family and friends doesn't prove anything. People ,like myself, who live aboard are regularly asked about moving home and the usual answer is yeah I'd love to, some day etc...doesn't necessarily mean the person is going to do it. Easier to keep family happy that way. But yes, as mentioned above I have noticed the defence lawyers have said there was been no evidence supporting claims that he was planning on coming home, depends on what they wish to see as concrete proof I suppose.
Being a long time websleuth lurker I just happened to click on: Crimes in the news. I am next door to the state of North CaroLina here in Virginia. Once I began reading starting in the first thread & up to the current thread I see that it was five months before MM & TM were charged with Jason's murder. Now three and one half months later not much additional information has been forthcoming. I wish there was an investigative reporter who would cover this case. If I feel this way, I can only imagine how Jason's family & friends pray for patience in order to cope. I agree with other sleuths how important the decision by the Judge is to make certain the insurance money is protected legally from improper use by the defendants in the case.

Really Molly and her PR team have a free run . The Corbetts are in Ireland and have no family in America to represent them. They don't have a criminal lawyer either. I hope this doesn't continue Jason again will have no voice. I know there has been lots of coverage here in Ireland but when listening to a one sided story and not knowing the evidence both physical and circumstantial people come up with their own conclusions . If I had listend to for instance that ABC report without knowing anything else I would be wondering why there was even charges brought against her . The toxicology wasn't done till 30 hrs later he said as far as I can see this is not the case, so Jason continued to break down alcohol in his body even though his liver wasn't functioning ? But people believe it . I'm sure you can pay people to say all sorts of things ,I mean if they won't your not going to pay them are you? IMO if the lawyers are doing interviews and slipping these kind of details they have nothing to go with that is solid and can ensure they will be exonerated . I read up on Freedman today nice guy ... Doesn't always win his cases though, often represents dirty lawyers and even a DA that was disbarred . "No finer man " IMO
Hello everyone this is my first post what is bothering me in all this is if TM was presumably asleep as it was after midnight I imagine, and was woken by this disturbance and he rushed to the master bedroom to find as he said Jason choking MM and saying he was going to kill her, one would presume if Jason was in a rage he would have been loud possibly shouting i'm going to kill you which brings me to my point if this supposedly woke TM i would be very suprised if it didn't wake the children . I think i read on more than one occasion it was said that the children were not aware of what happened that night Thank God. IMO this makes TM & MM 'S description of what happened highly unlikely.

:welcome: out of lurkdom sligonian. Great first post.
Really Molly and her PR team have a free run . The Corbetts are in Ireland and have no family in America to represent them. They don't have a criminal lawyer either. I hope this doesn't continue Jason again will have no voice. I know there has been lots of coverage here in Ireland but when listening to a one sided story and not knowing the evidence both physical and circumstantial people come up with their own conclusions . If I had listend to for instance that ABC report without knowing anything else I would be wondering why there was even charges brought against her . The toxicology wasn't done till 30 hrs later he said as far as I can see this is not the case, so Jason continued to break down alcohol in his body even though his liver wasn't functioning ? But people believe it . I'm sure you can pay people to say all sorts of things ,I mean if they won't your not going to pay them are you? IMO if the lawyers are doing interviews and slipping these kind of details they have nothing to go with that is solid and can ensure they will be exonerated . I read up on Freedman today nice guy ... Doesn't always win his cases though, often represents dirty lawyers and even a DA that was disbarred . "No finer man " IMO

For those of you who just watched ESPN's Thirty for Thirty on the infamous Duke Lacrosse case, Freedman represented the disgraced rogue Prosecutor Nifong. He was his lawyer. His interviews given in support of Nifong are interesting to watch in light of his comments on this case.
The defense lawyers for MM & TM are doing what they are paid to do. Their job is to dispute any evidence that shows their clients in an unflattering way. Certainly there is enough known for the description of the murder to be deemed as "heinous, atrocious & cruel". Those are strong words & with facts known already speak to the brutality of Jason's death. I try to imagine what type of human beings would not call Jason's family until ten hours had passed since he died. To tell his family that Molly pushed him & subsequently hang the phone up speaks volumes of the lack of integrity of the Martens.
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