GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #4

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Link to occupations acceptable for work visa for non EU nationals...see list of ineligible categories.

Yes, that is why Molly would have to be an au pair - I believe au pairs are not considered employees. That would mean, I suppose, that she would have to fulfill the requirements for an au pair.

Of course, there are a lot of ineligible people working as child minders in Ireland and being described by their employers as "au pairs".
Tom Martens self defence claim

Back round -

"Thomas Martens was an FBI agent for 31 years, a supervisor for 19, and recently worked at ORNL with a top secret clearance"

"Agents must engage in periodic training, including emergency medicine refresher courses and firearms requalification. Those who undertake protective assignments must also participate in specialized crisis training situations. Agents also acquire advanced criminal investigations training, and all agents are encouraged to attend training sponsored by other law enforcement agencies. Finally, all employees of the Secret Service periodically participate in personal development courses and management, ethics, and diversity training."

* NOTE - emergency medical training.
-Crisis training

"Once you are accepted as a new agent, you attend a 21-week training course at the FBI Academy in Virginia. The intensive course provides training in firearms, defensive tactics, investigative techniques, driving techniques, and survival."
Also Fbi officers train in self defence tactics for numerous scenarios with several weapons and Perps of different sizes and weight. One of the affective weapons of choice is the hand baton.

Different in girth and weight to a baseball bat the length of the two and how they are used/swung are similar. Strikes to bring down the Perp to submission are aimed in a controlled manner to specific areas as I have mentioned before. Behind the knees is on such way to destabilize an attacker. See training video below used for LE training with batons.


Jason Corbett had notably no marks to the back of his legs, buttox, lower back . His
He has notebly no marks to his lower or upper arms/ forearms. Both inside and outside.
He has defence wounds to the hands and his wounds are most notable on his neck and head face and groin, which might suggest the person who attacked and beat Jason was close to him and it was a personal attack a hate filled and frenzied attack rather than an attempt to bring someone under control.

IMO the self defence theory laid over TM experience, nature of his job age and by his own admission a good relationship with his son in law doesn't fit. This was personal, it was brutal and could only be carried out by someone with a personal message for JC. That doesn't say TM to me and it certainly rules out the self defence theory IMO.

His focus may have been on the crime scene his daughter created.


Sent from my SM-T561 using Tapatalk

All my opinions and thoughts only
Yes, that is why Molly would have to be an au pair - I believe au pairs are not considered employees. That would mean, I suppose, that she would have to fulfill the requirements for an au pair.

Of course, there are a lot of ineligible people working as child minders in Ireland and being described by their employers as "au pairs".

Yes. Being an au pair and the duties of that role would also undermine the assertion by MM that she was the childrens 'mom' almost from the moment she met them (taught them their ABCs, to tie shoelaces etc. - the standard things trotted out from her FB page).
Tom Martens self defence claim

Back round -

"Thomas Martens was an FBI agent for 31 years, a supervisor for 19, and recently worked at ORNL with a top secret clearance"

"Agents must engage in periodic training, including emergency medicine refresher courses and firearms requalification. Those who undertake protective assignments must also participate in specialized crisis training situations. Agents also acquire advanced criminal investigations training, and all agents are encouraged to attend training sponsored by other law enforcement agencies. Finally, all employees of the Secret Service periodically participate in personal development courses and management, ethics, and diversity training."

* NOTE - emergency medical training.
-Crisis training

"Once you are accepted as a new agent, you attend a 21-week training course at the FBI Academy in Virginia. The intensive course provides training in firearms, defensive tactics, investigative techniques, driving techniques, and survival."
Also Fbi officers train in self defence tactics for numerous scenarios with several weapons and Perps of different sizes and weight. One of the affective weapons of choice is the hand baton.

Different in girth and weight to a baseball bat the length of the two and how they are used/swung are similar. Strikes to bring down the Perp to submission are aimed in a controlled manner to specific areas as I have mentioned before. Behind the knees is on such way to destabilize an attacker. See training video below used for LE training with batons.


Jason Corbett had notably no marks to the back of his legs, buttox, lower back . His
He has notebly no marks to his lower or upper arms/ forearms. Both inside and outside.
He has defence wounds to the hands and his wounds are most notable on his neck and head face and groin, which might suggest the person who attacked and beat Jason was close to him and it was a personal attack a hate filled and frenzied attack rather than an attempt to bring someone under control.

IMO the self defence theory laid over TM experience, nature of his job age and by his own admission a good relationship with his son in law doesn't fit. This was personal, it was brutal and could only be carried out by someone with a personal message for JC. That doesn't say TM to me and it certainly rules out the self defence theory IMO.


Sent from my SM-T561 using Tapatalk

All my opinions and thoughts only

This seems to shoot down the idea that Jason spun around and then MM hot in on the back to defend her Father. Looks more supportive of the theory that he was already on the ground and MM decided on asevind round attack to the face, groin, etc. The pavingbrick was the overkill weapon.
This seems to shoot down the idea that Jason spun around and then MM hot in on the back to defend her Father. Looks more supportive of the theory that he was already on the ground and MM decided on asevind round attack to the face, groin, etc. The pavingbrick was the overkill weapon.
I find the video of the baton use very interesting stmarysmeade and seeing as its a preferred weapon to use to control a Perp by law enforcement he would have been trained to use it IMO and would have used any weapon on the same areas of the body to take an aggressor off their feet. This backs up your theory MM rage.

Also it suggests to me a surprise attack JC was incapacitated quick then your MM brick overkill.


Sent from my SM-T561 using Tapatalk
Yes, that is why Molly would have to be an au pair - I believe au pairs are not considered employees. That would mean, I suppose, that she would have to fulfill the requirements for an au pair.

Of course, there are a lot of ineligible people working as child minders in Ireland and being described by their employers as "au pairs".

I had a long detailed post about visa categories but it has disappeared!!! She was not eligible from the info we have for an au pair visa either. Il attach the link again. It is puzzling as this is where it all began and came into the lives of the Corbett family and I for cannot figure out how she was able to stay in Ireland for four years unless she was travelling back to the US every 3 months and returning as part of the visa waiver programme .
TM would also have been trained to deal with crimes scenes. This may be where he focused much of his time in the early hours of Aug 2nd.
He Kew what 911 operator would ask, knew how long before police arrived on scene knew what evidence they would take. Knew their walk through crime scene, positioning etc..
Tom Martens sounded on the 911 call like a cold little old man that was clueless as to what to do and even less interested his , not a trained LE FBI agent who has over 45 years training and experience. Picture is all wrong

Might answer the question I often asked myself. How the hell was he so calm......because he was trained to be.

All only my opinions

Sent from my SM-T561 using Tapatalk
I had a long detailed post about visa categories but it has disappeared!!! She was not eligible from the info we have for an au pair visa either. Il attach the link again. It is puzzling as this is where it all began and came into the lives of the Corbett family and I for cannot figure out how she was able to stay in Ireland for four years unless she was travelling back to the US every 3 months and returning as part of the visa waiver programme .
Yes. That is one of the big mysteries to me as well. Surely an au pair agency would validate Molly's eligibility for a visa? So how did she get the position?

Catherine Feegan the journalist she has done excellent in dept coverage of this case discusses it on newstalk. This is after MM and Tm were charged before the grand jury . I hadn't heard this before maybe it was covered I can't remember now
The police have indicated there no call outs to the house previously
There were no hospital or police records relating to any domestic disturbances before that night

IMO if as was suggested in Keiths book
Molly had a golf ball size tumour on her foot that caused her years of pain and suffering
then if her foot was rolled over by a car there would have to a visit to the emergency room surely that would be excruciating IMO
I had a long detailed post about visa categories but it has disappeared!!! She was not eligible from the info we have for an au pair visa either. Il attach the link again. It is puzzling as this is where it all began and came into the lives of the Corbett family and I for cannot figure out how she was able to stay in Ireland for four years unless she was travelling back to the US every 3 months and returning as part of the visa waiver programme .

According to Lynn, soon after the engagement Molly told Jason that she was homesick and wanted to return to the US. She also said problems with her visa meant she could no longer stay in Ireland. ‘Jason’s decision to leave Ireland with the kids was a huge thing,’ she says. ‘He felt that the choice was to move to America with her or never see her again. His huge fear was that he would split the family again and he didn’t want to do that to the kids.‘He was devastated leaving here. Up to the point where he was leaving he had changed his mind so many times. He struggled with it a lot and then he said, “Look I’ll give it a shot, I can always come back.”

the issue of what causes female perpetrated IPV is another controversial subject. Donald G. Dutton and Tonia L. Nicholls write that traditional feminist theory "views all social relations through the prism of gender relations and holds, in its*neo-Marxist*view, that men (the*bourgeoisie) hold power advantages over women (the*proletariat) in patriarchal societies and that all domestic violence is either male physical abuse to maintain that power advantage or female defensive violence, used for self-protection."[86]*In this sense, any IPV committed by women against men is by way of self-defense. Linda Kelly writes that "in conceding that women do engage in acts of domestic violence, female use of violence is justified as self-defense — a lifesaving reaction of women who are being physically attacked by their male partners. The development of the battered woman syndrome as a defense for crimes committed against abusive male partners, including homicide, evidences the wide acceptance of a woman's use of violence as self-defense."[87]*The theory is that when women commit IPV, it is probably justified because they were previously victims and, therefore, the male was the "primary aggressor." Thus, the woman's violent behavior is caused by her background as a victim.[88][89]*Juan Carlos Ramírez believes that given the socially accepted model of femininity as one of submission, passivity and abnegation, whatever behavior does not follow this stereotype will be perceived in an exaggerated manner as abnormal and violent. Thus, women will be perceived as disproportionately aggressive even if merely defending themselves.[90]

However, several studies have found evidence that only a small proportion of female-perpetrated IPV is prompted by self-defense. For example, in a 1996 study of 1,978 people in England, 21% of women who admitted to committing IPV gave self-defense as a reason. More prevalent reasons were "Get through to" (53%), "Something said" (52%) and "Make do something" (26%).[91]*In a 1997 survey of college students in Canada, Walter DeKeseredy and Martin D. Schwartz found that 62.3% of women who had committed IPV did not cite self-defense as a factor at all, whereas only 6.9% cited it as the primary factor.[92]*In a five-year study of 978 college students from California, concluded in 1997, Martin S. Fiebert and Denise M. Gonzalez found an IPV rate amongst women of 20%. Within this group, perpetrators were asked to select reasons as to why they assaulted their partner, with the option to choose multiple reasons. The breakdown of reasons had "my partner wasn't sensitive to my needs" as the most prevalent (46%). Also found more frequently than self-defense were "I wished to gain my partner's attention" (44%) and "My partner was not listening to me" (43%).[93]

Looking beyond self-defense, studies have found a range of causes for female-perpetrated IPV. Writing of the feminist theory which regards reinforcement of patriarchy as the sole cause of IPV, and the problems to which such a narrowly focused theory can lead, Murray A. Straus writes "Patriarchy and male dominance in the family are clearly among the causes [of IPV], but there are many others. However, with rare exceptions, current offender treatment programs are based on the assumption that the primary cause is male dominance. Thus, they proceed under an erroneous assumption.*

"They identified fourteen specific risk factors common amongst both males and females who had committed IPV; poor anger management,*antisocial personality disorders,*borderline personality disorders, tendency to dominate relationships,*substance abuse, criminal history,*posttraumatic stress disorders,*depression, communication problems,*jealousy,*sexual abuse*as a child,*stress, and a general attitudinal approval of partner violence.[9"

sorry link wont work.


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It sounds from that link that getting visa would be the responsibility of the au pair rather than the agency. Molly would not be eligible to apply for a PPS number without the visa.

Do we know if and when she did graduate from post secondary education?
Poster in one of the first threads here claimed to have a friend who went to clemson and that MM had dropped out of college there.

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Hi Everybody
I have been reading posts past day or so. Lots of it was previously discussed.
Moving forward and in view of forthcoming trial would it not be more relevant to discuss the charges as per NC laws and statutes, means a bit of work, we did some of this in the past but either the subject became derailed or was incomplete for some other reason. Its long and its complex. The other matter that is worth exploring again is the autopsy.

Much of this will come down to the time of death or its closest approximate that can be established from the condition of his body on examination and cross examination.

If its a thing that he died a considerable time prior to the call to the emergency departments, is there a gap.. how long.. what could have happened in that time-frame?

Theres lots that can be researched from reputable forensic sources- peer reviewed and cited that can tell a lot.
e.g. bones
this is basic but if you scan it, you will see that wounds and bones change post mortem, peri -mortem and peri-mortem.
Wounds ditto. Clotting mechanisms ditto and rate of clotting. type of blood, arterial or venous.. where blood was pooled in relation to the body.
Theres no point in having this discussion if we're not gonna stick with it, ditto legalities.
The autopsy gives us the bare bones of the findings. It did not answer all questions or provide estimates.
Nor did it tell us which was the fatal blow or the order of the blows and the likely state of the victim when the blows were perpetrated.
Great posts from you Truthalways.. you have really put in amazing work here. Fairness, your approach is a breath of fresh air.. thanks to you both for inspiring me to do some additional work here.
So shall we commence and take the autopsy line by line and then check what the variables may be or does somebody want to run with the legals? we can run both concurrently, just to remember NC law is unique and general laws will not apply.
Again, repetition is, I know soul destroying and tedious but I see no other way to move forward with this, at this point?
Tom Martens self defence claim

Back round -

"Thomas Martens was an FBI agent for 31 years, a supervisor for 19, and recently worked at ORNL with a top secret clearance"

"Agents must engage in periodic training, including emergency medicine refresher courses and firearms requalification. Those who undertake protective assignments must also participate in specialized crisis training situations. Agents also acquire advanced criminal investigations training, and all agents are encouraged to attend training sponsored by other law enforcement agencies. Finally, all employees of the Secret Service periodically participate in personal development courses and management, ethics, and diversity training."

* NOTE - emergency medical training.
-Crisis training

"Once you are accepted as a new agent, you attend a 21-week training course at the FBI Academy in Virginia. The intensive course provides training in firearms, defensive tactics, investigative techniques, driving techniques, and survival."
Also Fbi officers train in self defence tactics for numerous scenarios with several weapons and Perps of different sizes and weight. One of the affective weapons of choice is the hand baton.

Different in girth and weight to a baseball bat the length of the two and how they are used/swung are similar. Strikes to bring down the Perp to submission are aimed in a controlled manner to specific areas as I have mentioned before. Behind the knees is on such way to destabilize an attacker. See training video below used for LE training with batons.


Jason Corbett had notably no marks to the back of his legs, buttox, lower back . His
He has notebly no marks to his lower or upper arms/ forearms. Both inside and outside.
He has defence wounds to the hands and his wounds are most notable on his neck and head face and groin, which might suggest the person who attacked and beat Jason was close to him and it was a personal attack a hate filled and frenzied attack rather than an attempt to bring someone under control.

IMO the self defence theory laid over TM experience, nature of his job age and by his own admission a good relationship with his son in law doesn't fit. This was personal, it was brutal and could only be carried out by someone with a personal message for JC. That doesn't say TM to me and it certainly rules out the self defence theory IMO.

His focus may have been on the crime scene his daughter created.


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All my opinions and thoughts only

Great Post very relevant and the video is a great find

Just following this line
Oak Ridge Counterintel Officer Placed on Leave After Son-In-Law Dies

[FONT=&amp]A spokesman at Oak Ridge National Laboratory confirmed that Thomas Martens, a counterintelligence officer at the Department of Energy site, has been placed on paid administrative leave while authorities investigate Martens’ involvement in the Aug. 2 death of his son-in-law.[/FONT][FONT=&amp]David Keim, the lab’s communications director, said Martens remains on leave “while this investigation continues.”[/FONT][FONT=&amp]According to an incident report by the Davidson County (N.C.) Sheriff’s Office, Martens called 911 following the incident and reportedly acknowledged hitting 39-year-old Jason Corbett with a baseball bat. According to reports, emergency responders pronounced Corbett dead at the scene.[/FONT][FONT=&amp]No charges have been filed, and authorities said they are continuing the investigation and waiting on the results from an autopsy.[/FONT][FONT=&amp]Martens, a former FBI agent, has worked in the Oak Ridge Office of Counterintelligence for the past eight years. Contacted at his Knoxville home, he referred calls to his North Carolina attorney, David Freedman.[/FONT][FONT=&amp]Freedman confirmed that Martens made the 911 call on Aug. 2, and he did not dispute the information in the incident report. However, Freedman said he could not discuss details of what happened at the house in Wallburg, N.C., because of the ongoing investigation.[/FONT][FONT=&amp]The attorney said Martens had cooperated fully with law enforcement authorities in North Carolina and provided a complete statement. Freedman said Martens also has volunteered to be available for any follow-up interviews with investigators.[/FONT][FONT=&amp]Mikol Ward, administrative assistant at the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office, said after all information is available the sheriff will meet with the district attorney and decide whether to take the case to a grand jury.[/FONT]

Not sure which would be specific to Toms training

Special Agent and Intelligence Analyst candidates will report to the FBI Academy after passing their respective Selection Processes. At the Academy, New Agents in Training (NATs) and New Intelligence Analysts in Training (NIATs) have the opportunity to train together in a collaborative environment throughout their time at the Academy. The NIAT curriculum lasts 12 weeks; the NAT curriculum lasts 21 weeks. In the weeks before accepted applicants arrive, they will receive a package of information detailing the requirements, protocols and rules of the Academy. Read this information thoroughly.
Other NATs and NIATs will include people from a variety of diverse backgrounds, such as servicemen and women, teachers, chemists, accountants, lawyers, artists, doctors, engineers and more. Throughout training, NATs and NIATs are highly integrated and collaborative. Unlike NIATs, however, NATs are expected to maintain their physical rigor throughout their time at the Academy — physical fitness doesn’t stop with the initial PFT.
BFTC CURRICULUMCandidates’ time at the FBI Academy will include lessons in a variety of areas, from firearms, defensive tactics, defensive driving, evidence and intelligence collection and analysis to interviewing, negotiation techniques and much more.
Learning at the Academy is divided into two main segments:
Weeks 1 – 12: Academic Training

The first 12 weeks of training include a highly integrated learning environment where NATs and NIATs learn the threat-based, intelligence-driven and operationally focused approach the FBI takes to all investigations. This includes developing threat-based assessments, collecting intelligence and conducting investigations and planning operations throughout a variety of collaborative exercises. Candidates should be diligent in their studies and work together to apply this learning to their future careers.
At the end of week 12, candidates attend the graduation of the NIATs.
Weeks 13 – 20: Tactical Training

Weeks 13 – 20 are NAT-only training designed to hone tactical skills and precision. This training is physically demanding and intellectually challenging, and will include lessons in firearms, defensive tactics, defensive driving and more.

NAT graduation takes place in week 21.
[SIZE=+1]Senior Counterintelligence Analyst[/SIZE] BAE Systems 1,987 reviews - Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
Job Description:
The Senior Counterintelligence Analyst conducts all-source research and threat analysis in support of the US Army intelligence and federal law enforcement communities, working alongside representatives from agencies such as FBI, NSA, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Department of Commerce, Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), Defense Security Service (DSS), and Naval Criminal Investigative (NCIS). Perform research, analysis, production, investigative support, and coordination needed to address Army top priority counterintelligence issues. Develop and perform analytic tasks, and capable of communicating the needs of the Army and the task force with various elements within the Army and the Intelligence Community. Provide analytical updates to leadership. Develop recommendations regarding the development and maintenance of Standard Operating Procedures for assigned tasks. Conduct all tasks in support of investigations and operations under AR 381-20.

Required Skills and Education:

  • Bachelor’s degree and/or 10 years of intelligence analyst experience.
  • Strong instructional and briefing skills.
  • Strong research, analytical, and writing skills.
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, etc.).

Preferred Skills and Education:

  • Education: Bachelor’s degree.
  • Extensive background in counterintelligence/counterterrorism and/or law enforcement.
  • Two years’ experience in counterintelligence analysis.
  • Knowledge of Army/Joint CI procedures, doctrine, and practices.
  • Working proficiency with commonly used analytical tools (Analyst Notebook, DCGS-A, Palantir, etc.).
  • Experience with intelligence and/or law enforcement databases and systems.

BAE Systems Intelligence & Security, based in McLean, Virginia, designs and delivers advanced defense, intelligence, and security solutions that support the important missions of our customers. Our pride and dedication shows in everything we do—from intelligence analysis, cyber operations and IT expertise to systems development, systems integration, and operations and maintenance services. Knowing that our work enables the U.S. military and government to recognize, manage and defeat threats inspires us to push ourselves and our technologies to new levels. That’s BAE Systems. That’s Inspired Work. Equal Opportunity Employer/Females/Minorities/Veterans/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity/Gender Expression. To see Inspired Work in action, visit and follow us on Facebook:

30+ days ago - save job

- original job

What Im assuming from this and the training video Truthalways shared is it is plausible that Tom had a least some training in self defence how to subdue an attacker and more importantly the difference between excessive force and self defence
Hi Everybody
I have been reading posts past day or so. Lots of it was previously discussed.
Moving forward and in view of forthcoming trial would it not be more relevant to discuss the charges as per NC laws and statutes, means a bit of work, we did some of this in the past but either the subject became derailed or was incomplete for some other reason. Its long and its complex. The other matter that is worth exploring again is the autopsy.

Much of this will come down to the time of death or its closest approximate that can be established from the condition of his body on examination and cross examination.

If its a thing that he died a considerable time prior to the call to the emergency departments, is there a gap.. how long.. what could have happened in that time-frame?

Theres lots that can be researched from reputable forensic sources- peer reviewed and cited that can tell a lot.
e.g. bones
this is basic but if you scan it, you will see that wounds and bones change post mortem, peri -mortem and peri-mortem.
Wounds ditto. Clotting mechanisms ditto and rate of clotting. type of blood, arterial or venous.. where blood was pooled in relation to the body.
Theres no point in having this discussion if we're not gonna stick with it, ditto legalities.
The autopsy gives us the bare bones of the findings. It did not answer all questions or provide estimates.
Nor did it tell us which was the fatal blow or the order of the blows and the likely state of the victim when the blows were perpetrated.
Great posts from you Truthalways.. you have really put in amazing work here. Fairness, your approach is a breath of fresh air.. thanks to you both for inspiring me to do some additional work here.
So shall we commence and take the autopsy line by line and then check what the variables may be or does somebody want to run with the legals? we can run both concurrently, just to remember NC law is unique and general laws will not apply.
Again, repetition is, I know soul destroying and tedious but I see no other way to move forward with this, at this point?
Welcome back kittythehare😊. Great directions. Will look for information on the same.

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Just another scenario IMO. What if MM had a plan to leave Jason and get the kids. But what if she had an inkling Jason was going to leave first before she could set her plan in motion. Maybe she overheard Jason confide in his twin the previous few days. What if she then confided in her mother who is also bipolar (& might or might not be unstable) apple - tree. What if they hatched the plan as Seecu didn't want to lose those kids & deal with MM either. What if TM walked in on SM & MM battering Jason. What if TM had to finish the job, get his prints on a weapon. He now has to cover for his wife & daughter. Why is SM being hid away? Is she the loose canon? She might not have the acting skills of her daughter. Did she need 10 hours to get herself together to ring Jason's family & literally hang up instantly. What is SM part in all this? IMO

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yes indeed,, good thinking.. I heard that too re mother's mental instability, cannot locate source, but i did wonder at the time, as the NC laws will grant custody on complaints of DV whether the parents were invited by molly in order to stage an attack on Jason and provide her with witnesses but Jason went to bed, probably exhausted from her games and she forced it and went too far.. There were indeed 3 people, that we know about in that house that night who are all alive and well and healthy. Only two are charged.. it seems really strange.
Great Post very relevant and the video is a great find

Just following this line

Not sure which would be specific to Toms training

What Im assuming from this and the training video Truthalways shared is it is plausible that Tom had a least some training in self defence how to subdue an attacker and more importantly the difference between excessive force and self defence
He had years of it IMO hire was an agent first then specialised 19 years as a supervisor so he would have had to be highly trained. These are basic requirements of LE and many LE further their skills with private companies offering courses.

He would have had first aid training too basic if not advanced training for medical triage at the scene of an assault etc before paramedics arrival.

She too was fit and trained in first aid/CPR so it makes the 911 call look more like the first chapter of the Tom and Moll cover up story IMO

All only my opinions

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