GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #6

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MM never looks up at the pictures of Jason but as soon as a picture of the house is shown she looks across at it!!!!! That to me shows what she was interested in - her home, the lifestyle....
Parents of children (minor and adult) with personality disorders, chemical imbalances, etc. do not have an easy life, it's a lifetime of worry for them I think. There are often many fights time and time again with their child to stay in treatment, on medications, etc. Too often we've read about these children killing their parents, their siblings, etc. But the Martens bring that to a new low - they appear to have enabled MM all her life, perhaps even unwilling to accept her issues. They have ridden to her rescue time and time again, probably at a cost to their other three children. Now they're at the culmination of their enablement - they've engaged in the commitment and/or coverup of a most brutal and heinous crime. There's no recovery from this, for a family that may have wanted to pretend all is well, they're on trial watched internationally, and all their dirty nasty secrets are out there - and the rest of their lives hangs in the balance.
Molly was an extremely attractive girl, still is, nice build, nice walk and always extremely well groomed and from the FB pictures so and so for her femininity. One would never tell she had any type of psychology disorder not one that has led into this abyss. If we accept that she suffers from a bipolar disorder which I personally know nothing about I don’t think that explains for the child like behaviour on the Niall Boylan show which she phoned into and he disgracefully allowed when he full well knew she was the suspect of a heinous crime and her target was the kids of this victim.
She was the oldest and biggest child I ever heard coming across as a much bigger kid than the kids she sought, as she rolled off child-like experiences and child stories indefinitely. It came across to me this was one stuck in a child-like fantasy world and living it with the Corbett kids and her desire was to go back to it reliving it, a fantasy mommy and her kids in fantasy land. This to be followed by a manic type campaign to get the Corbett kids back supported by her mommy SM. And follow that a year on she has left all that behind her and is now a serious student of internal architectural design even the recipient of a prizewinning.
And this latter part is going on when she and her father are facing murder charges for a heinous crime and this is all over the media. I get the feeling she has now no interest whatsoever in the Corbett kids. She is now currently it appears to be in another phase the victim of this bad old criminal justice system that is pursuing her for no good reason and this I judge from her outburst in correcting her name in court to the full MMC and the poise she takes to and from court. One would think at this stage the very last thing she would want to have association to is the C name after the hurt she has brought to that family. She can sit through the trial hearing witness after witness tell horror story after horror story that has a jury member physical sick that she is directly responsible for and remains unmoved. She seems to be able to dust herself down move on to the next phase without any conscious to the present or past, only for herself. What a complex personality and for her family it seems all in close support even one of her brothers in his FB once had a “support molly” icon and was asking his friends to like it totally unconscionable to the fact of it and her mother SM in a frenzied campaign in support of MM to get the Corbett kids. And the question may be asked did her father TM kill to support this too.
Thanks Stephan for today's article. Beggers belief two police officers carrying the kids downstairs and SM was calm and asked if everything was alright? Are you serious?


Doesn’t surprise me in the least observing SM FB manipulative antics of the past she has a wise old devious head on her shoulders and that is extenuated when it comes to daughter Molly causes. SM is a Teflon type figure, I don’t believe for 1sec that she did not go to the JC bedroom after the event and one never know during the assault. Do we even know if she gave a witness statement?
aha.. i was wondering how he could have got him to his house before they took him away. I was more interested in his seeming agitation.. this is the first window.. I wonder if he is paranoid, or why become agitated at that point? I wonder if he was drunk too during the frenzied attack..
Re first responder, all medics, paramedics are called first responders. Molly was apparently administering cpr, which is probably how she got the blood on top of her head when they arrived.
Both molly and tom were asked to leave the cramped room at that point. I think they both moved to the porch then and were there when police arrived?

That would not explain blood on top of her head, JC was dead at this stage its more a case of blood spatter as she knelt over him flaying at him while alive
Paramedic said officials in the ambulance noted that Jason Corbett's body was unusually cold
I think the blood splatter on her head and not anywhere else on her person, pajamas, is evidence that she took time to clean up and change her clothes.

It is also contary to their abuse excuse story. There was an obscene amount of blood in that room, and she was supposedly in the grip of a victim that was battered till his skull fell apart. But the only blood on on her head?
I think the blood splatter on her head and not anywhere else on her person, pajamas, is evidence that she took time to clean up and change her clothes.

It is also contary to their abuse excuse story. There was an obscene amount of blood in that room, and she was supposedly in the grip of a victim that was battered till his skull fell apart. But the only blood on on her head?

100% agree. Have always wondered about their clothes and they should have been covered in blood given the state of that room. No mention of blood on their nightwear. Have always wondered about Jason's state of undress as well. Inexplicable there is no mention of blood all over them. I think SM helped in the clean up but there isn't enough proof. That's why she is named in civil suit.

Also btw isn't is so obvious that they have been coached about looking like the all American grandma and daughter. They are bordering on dowdy some days.. I hope the prosecution put up some of the glamorous pictures of MM to demonstrate to jury how unremarkable it was that Jason had a STRAND of hair from all those blonde highlighted locks......
In hindsight imo maybe separate trials would have been better. It's a lot for jurors to take in, seperate and process

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Quote Originally Posted by Logic-lady
I wonder is this a sign that each of them is going to blame the other for the 'fatal' blow and hope that if the jury cannot equate the final blow to either of them they will find it harder to find them both guilty...JMO

My prediction is that both will be found guilty when it cannot be proven who actually made the final blow. It is called "joint enterprise" in Australian law.

I'm not sure what it is called in US law.

Encyclopedia of Capital Punishment in the United States, 2d ed.
Louis J. Palmer, Jr. - 2008 - ‎Social Science
In their appeal to the United States Supreme Court, the defendants argued ... the [fatal blow], and the place of death equally with that of the [fatal blow] had to be ... in his first trial; however, the remaining two defendants could be prosecuted a ... The jury returned a verdict of guilty of capital murder against all three defendants.

PEOPLE v. CULUKO | FindLaw › Caselaw › California › CA Ct. App.
Both defendants were found guilty as charged; the murder was set as second degree. ... it is hard to feel sure which defendant actually struck the fatal blow; many of them ... We will conclude, however, that the jury was properly instructed, and, based ... He had multiple bruises, in various stages of healing, on his face, chest, ...

I wonder why they removed the other option of "voluntary manslaughter"?

Caitriona Perry‏Verified account
Prosecution has withdrawn charges of voluntary manslaughter against Molly Martens Corbett&Thomas Martens, stand accused of 2nd degree murder
6:15 AM - 18 Jul 2017

Voluntary manslaughter is the killing of a human being in which the offender had no prior intent to kill and acted during "the heat of passion", under circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed.
Voluntary manslaughter - Wikipedia

Murder and Manslaughter: Case Example 1

Facts: Fast Boyle is walking along a busy street. Clay bumps into Boyle and continues walking without saying, "Sorry." Angered by Clay's rudeness, Boyle immediately pulls out a gun and kills Clay.
Verdict: Boyle could probably be convicted of second degree murder, because he killed Clay intentionally. A judge or jury is unlikely to conclude that the killing was premeditated, which would elevate the shooting to first degree murder. On the other hand, this wasn’t the kind of heat-of-passion killing that equals voluntary manslaughter. While Boyle might have been provoked in some sense, the circumstances weren’t so extreme to cause a reasonable person to lose control.

Murder and Manslaughter: Case Example 3

Facts: Lew Manion comes home to find that his wife Lee has been badly beaten and sexually abused. Manion takes Lee to the hospital. On the way, Lee tells Manion that her attacker was Barnett, the owner of a tavern that she and Manion occasionally visit. After driving Lee home from the hospital about four hours later, Manion goes to a gun shop and buys a gun. Manion then goes to the tavern and shoots and kills Barnett.
Verdict: Manion could be convicted of first degree murder, because the time for reflection and his purchase of the gun indicates premeditation and deliberation. Voluntary manslaughter is a somewhat less likely alternative because a judge or jury could find that the heat of passion had cooled, even though Manion remained angry at the time he acted.

So what do you think so far the verdicts should be for both Defendants having read these points?
Trials are Stage plays now with a carefully selected handpicked audience. Wait till the Defense begins to tell their side of the story. Molly will be at her most childish, most pitiful.

Tom, as Mary pointed out, will be Daddy FBI, replresenting truth, justice, and the American way. Did any other Americans notice Tom "yes-m'am"ing the 911 Operator with such a show of Southern deference? He knew it was being recorded. Mr. FBI humbling himself to the 911 operator.

Yet, when the police officer would not obey him and put up the window, he was noticeably agitated. Big Shot Who Must Be Obeyed.

You would think they could have got that right! With most trials, the jury is taken to the scene of the crime so that they can see for themselves how it could have happened. Why not this trial?
I think the blood splatter on her head and not anywhere else on her person, pajamas, is evidence that she took time to clean up and change her clothes.

It is also contary to their abuse excuse story. There was an obscene amount of blood in that room, and she was supposedly in the grip of a victim that was battered till his skull fell apart. But the only blood on on her head?

Would have thought her feet would be covered in blood also if she had been dragged along the bloodfilled floors by Jason..She was susposed to be in her pjs, she hardly had slippers or shoes on at 3 in the morning..Why wasnt her hair saturated in Jasons blood if he was holding onto her untill the final blow..
Poor Jason, surrounded by Evil that night.
Would have thought her feet would be covered in blood also if she had been dragged along the bloodfilled floors by Jason..She was susposed to be in her pjs, she hardly had slippers or shoes on at 3 in the morning..Why wasnt her hair saturated in Jasons blood if he was holding onto her untill the final blow..
Poor Jason, surrounded by Evil that night.
Your so very right and what's more when will somebody ask this question in court?

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I think the blood splatter on her head and not anywhere else on her person, pajamas, is evidence that she took time to clean up and change her clothes.

It is also contary to their abuse excuse story. There was an obscene amount of blood in that room, and she was supposedly in the grip of a victim that was battered till his skull fell apart. But the only blood on on her head?

I wonder if the children were tested for drugs as they slept so well. Did Molly really scream is my thought?
Jason must have screamed in agony, definely think molly made sure those kids were in a deep sleep..Somebody been choken bricks and bat battering a man the sound of jasons body falling on the ground their bedroom was only up the stairs and he had to wake them up!!!!!
Trials are Stage plays now with a carefully selected handpicked audience. Wait till the Defense begins to tell their side of the story. Molly will be at her most childish, most pitiful.

Tom, as Mary pointed out, will be Daddy FBI, replresenting truth, justice, and the American way. Did any other Americans notice Tom "yes-m'am"ing the 911 Operator with such a show of Southern deference? He knew it was being recorded. Mr. FBI humbling himself to the 911 operator.

Yet, when the police officer would not obey him and put up the window, he was noticeably agitated. Big Shot Who Must Be Obeyed.

So used to the Feds lording over the local law enforcement. I presume he still has difficulty comprehending how local law enforcement is lording over him
I can't read it without a subscription, would be interested to hear the main points if you don't mind?

Here's the key point of the article. The reporter believes this was a potential bombshell...Jason as aggressor.

"In this latest trial-of-the-century, the ink in the case just might have been injected by prosecutors in disclosing 11th-hour medical information about Jason Corbett.

According to records acknowledged Tuesday, a physician’s assistant who had seen Corbett had noted signs of depression and said that Corbett, who had been treated for a thyroid condition, had discussed a few weeks prior to his death that he had been angry for no real reason.

It was a surprise admission, one that dovetailed with — and potentially could help explain — the defense’s account that Corbett had been the aggressor.

While not a last-minute smoking gun worthy of a television courtroom drama, it was nonetheless a surprise that seemed to run counter to what prosecutor Martin had just said in his opening.

Whether that’s overshadowed by the severity of the beating — Corbett’s injuries were similar to those suffered by someone in a car crash — the spectacle of a jury member heaving into a trash can Wednesday after viewing autopsy photos or some still-to-be-disclosed evidence remains to be seen."
Here's the key point of the article. The reporter believes this was a potential bombshell...Jason as aggressor.

"In this latest trial-of-the-century, the ink in the case just might have been injected by prosecutors in disclosing 11th-hour medical information about Jason Corbett.

According to records acknowledged Tuesday, a physician’s assistant who had seen Corbett had noted signs of depression and said that Corbett, who had been treated for a thyroid condition, had discussed a few weeks prior to his death that he had been angry for no real reason.

It was a surprise admission, one that dovetailed with — and potentially could help explain — the defense’s account that Corbett had been the aggressor.

While not a last-minute smoking gun worthy of a television courtroom drama, it was nonetheless a surprise that seemed to run counter to what prosecutor Martin had just said in his opening.

Whether that’s overshadowed by the severity of the beating — Corbett’s injuries were similar to those suffered by someone in a car crash — the spectacle of a jury member heaving into a trash can Wednesday after viewing autopsy photos or some still-to-be-disclosed evidence remains to be seen."

Thanks Mary.
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