GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #6

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I'm confused. He said all tom was doing was visiting his family like it had been planned - what about the cancellation of original plans at the last minute that was so unlike TM? All he was thinking of was playing golf with Jason the next day and the last thing he ever thought he would see when he entered the room was Jason allegedly choking molly.. what about the big bad wife abuser son in law he thought he had after allegedly talking to Mr Fitzpatrick, Mags dad? And he heard a noise upstairs.... is this supposed to side step the impossibility we all thought .ie that molly couldn't have been shouting
And getting choked at the same time? Is this not saying he had no fears about Jason up til then?
He knows upstairs is his daughter," Freedman said. "He knows upstairs is his grandchildren. He doesn't know what he's facing.

A medical examiner will testify that Jason Corbett was hit in 10 different places around his head. In two places, he was hit multiple times, Martin said. He said the medical examiner couldn't determine exactly how many times Jason Corbett was struck
Martin said Martens struck Jason Corbett with the baseball bat and Molly Corbett hit her husband with the brick paver.

So are they claiming Jason was abusive on an ongoing basis or not . And how did Molly hit Jason with a brick paver while being choked
I can only assume a slight typo that it was just the 3 of them in the room

It says the residence though not the room. No mention of the kids either. Maybe SM took them somewhere?

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I now reconciled myself that we will never know how this killing took place in was there a prior conspiracy in a war council meeting of the Ms' or was it one of incremental stages. The Ms’ are too urbane to ever let us into this and have well got their composure now. I find it difficult to comprehend that the Ms' acted spontaneously in this except for that of MM. This family is too composed to act on rushes of blood to the head again except for MM. As someone else has posted earlier this defense will be all about personalities and the positive contribution to society of the M family. JC will be tagged a nasty secretive DV abuser and that an unfortunate event occurred the first ever for this family and this will be minimised but this has unfortunately has got the Ms' to their shock in this situation. Not a shred of thought will be considered for the fact that JC kids will eventually read it. It would seem these two kids are now totally whitewashed out of the story for the Ms’. For the prosecution they have the two assailants who confessed they did it, evidence of a viciously killed victim, two assailants without a mark or bruise or the loss of a rib of hair, a crime scene which is consistent with one assault victim that of the deceased, the two weapons that are external to the house, the victim with unexplained prescriptive tranquilizer in his system, two sets of blood-stained clothes of the accused, and the inconstant statements of the accused which I believe will be the case. The police crimes officer on site with outline the evidence and this and it will be that of an unprovoked attack and this will be damning. Self-defence is only applicable to defend an assault and the force used is reasonable and the trial judge has a duty to appraise the jury of this. There is no evidence of an assault on the accused and the force they used is gross. The forensic officer will outline the savagery that went into the killing of JC and the blood/tissue spatter pattern will indicate the position of JC body while this took place and of the force used to inflict them and the type of weapons used. This will be complemented by the pathologist of the autopsy. The prosecution motive will be to sell to the jury is of then unstable MM could not accept JC was going back home with his kids, the loss of her position in society that which was so vital to her at that time that of a “mummy”, loss of her standing in the community and her lifestyle. Social media overflows with all this unsanitised insanity and is available for this. And she called for help from mama-bear and pops and their unplanned visited to the Cs' and the coincidence that JC was brutally murder as a result. I presume they will attempt to create a scenario for the jury how they believe how it occurred but won’t be able to say for certain was it a conspiracy but probably put forward that it appears to be so as both took part in the killing, both armed with weapons and their blood stained clothes.

The defense only positive for them is not of that night of frenzy but TM long service to law enforcement and witness after witness till nauseated will be dragged out of the woodwork and the same for SM to build a picture of this perfect stable middle class, bible belt god fearing family. We now know that two of the sons will give character evidence of the accused. I don’t have a link for it but was reported on RTE radio (Irish National Broadcasting Service) 6.30pm (Irish time) today 25/7/2017, the Drive Time program. Don’t know if it will be available as podcast. I understand from this report the 911 dispatcher is of the belief the Ms’ were not overtly exercised by the event and did not partake in the CPR. This is being objected to by the defencse. It will be constantly emphasised by the defense these families are the bedrock of what the US stability is built on. They will probably concede that MM had psychiatric issues and this was exploited by JC but this is now behind her and she has moved on with her life. She is now preparing for a new life and a productive one. She is now a student of Interior Design Technology at Pellissippi State Community College in Knoxville, Tennessee.

I think she is definitely in the wrong course, should be in acting. She has dusted herself down, got over the extremely emotive mummy phase, probably has now no interest in the C kids, seems to be totally amnesic to the serious charges pending against her when there and is focused on a new career path. I have seen someplace but can’t find it she was the recipient of a prize giving at this college.

Someone posted here that JC could be on a tranquilizer for a post-operative appendicitis. This is not medical practise such post-operative surgery is clearly analgesic with the preferred being simple paracetamol or of that base.

The defense have an awful lot of explaining to do constantly attacking the victim without direct evidence to support it and character witnesses will only go far. In fact constant demeaning the victim could go very wrong in the jury determination.
So JC was assaulted in multiple rooms? He was heading to the bathroom whilst being struck and then back to the bedroom where he was ultimately killed?

IMO If MM was bring dragged from one room to another by the neck there would be marks.


First witness on the stand
There was blood on both sides of the bedroom door. Yet TM says he only hit JC until he let go of Molly. How could JC be choking Molly while hes up against one side of the door...then ...whoops..inside the door...his head to the door again?

Big man up against door hands on wife...his head being beaten against the door. Now how do the two of them get inside the bathroom...with Jason against the door on THAT side again?
It says the residence though not the room. No mention of the kids either. Maybe SM took them somewhere?

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Maybe, the only thing is the attorney said that TM was awoken and knew that his daughter and grandchildren were upstairs. If SM had taken them somewhere would that not mean that she would have to go upstairs (I believe the childen's rooms were on the upper floor), go to each child's room, wake them, get them out of the house and all whilst they don't really know who is in the house or what danger they may be in?

Edited seems a typo reported in the Winston Journal article

[FONT=&quot]Jason Corbett, Molly Corbett and Thomas Martens were the only ones in the bedroom and in the bathroom, but Molly Corbett and Thomas Martens came out without any visible wounds, Martin said. Molly Corbett and Martens both refused medical treatment, he said.[/FONT]


Also why/how would he carry Molly out of the bedroom to the bathroom before bringing her back to the bedroom before TM can fell him?
I was wondering about that too...
I am so annoyed at the coverage that I really need to step back.

There is no understanding of what live tweeting actually means.
They THINK they are live tweeting but they are reporting selectively after the event..
See peregrino's post
defense portrayed as definite statements, whereas the poor sad prosecution just made an attempt at it.. implies theirs was a lesser statement when in fact it was far more powerful
Any journalist worth his slt would have had any line of that out there immediately.
They did not.
Post event they were handed statements.. a good journalist would normally photo the statement and tweet it immediately, they merely reported parts of it and if they saw the slide with the lock of hair, they did not describe it, in size.

A strand of hair refers to more than a few hairs.
They lied when they stated nail contents were not checked..

They were checked and listed in autopsy and described clearly

Re live tweeting. It is a special privelage from a judge and it means real time reporting , live-time, not after the event and not selectively.
It is due to the belief in the publics' right to know and is allowed under transparency

I'm leaving this here because otherwise info will be scatty and sporadic.

Check them on it and hope and pray that experienced journalists will take an interest in the case .
This is important from the outset.
Here we have a case of a permit being abused and the US publics' right to transparency in livetime /real time coverage being denied.
I think it is very serious.
I'm confused. He said all tom was doing was visiting his family like it had been planned - what about the cancellation of original plans at the last minute that was so unlike TM? All he was thinking of was playing golf with Jason the next day and the last thing he ever thought he would see when he entered the room was Jason allegedly choking molly.. what about the big bad wife abuser son in law he thought he had after allegedly talking to Mr Fitzpatrick, Mags dad? And he heard a noise upstairs.... is this supposed to side step the impossibility we all thought .ie that molly couldn't have been shouting
And getting choked at the same time? Is this not saying he had no fears about Jason up til then?

Ha-ha its make it up as they go along

The trial of Molly Martens-Corbett (33) and her father, retired FBI agent Thomas Michael Martens (67), who both deny the second degree murder of Mr Corbett, also heard that a post mortem examination revealed traces in the Irish businessman's blood system of a powerful sleep drug prescribed for his wife, Ms Martens-Corbett, just days earlier.

Mr Corbett did not suffer from the sleep issues for which the drug was prescribed.

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So JC was assaulted in multiple rooms? He was heading to the bathroom whilst being struck and then back to the bedroom where he was ultimately killed?

IMO If MM was bring dragged from one room to another by the neck there would be marks.


So are they claiming Jason was abusive on an ongoing basis or not . And how did Molly hit Jason with a brick paver while being choked

I'm confused. He said all tom was doing was visiting his family like it had been planned - what about the cancellation of original plans at the last minute that was so unlike TM? All he was thinking of was playing golf with Jason the next day and the last thing he ever thought he would see when he entered the room was Jason allegedly choking molly.. what about the big bad wife abuser son in law he thought he had after allegedly talking to Mr Fitzpatrick, Mags dad? And he heard a noise upstairs.... is this supposed to side step the impossibility we all thought .ie that molly couldn't have been shouting
And getting choked at the same time? Is this not saying he had no fears about Jason up til then?

If JC was standing and un-drugged he had the strength to throw both MM and TM out the window together and the weapons they had would be of only very limited value. TM has the appearance of a weak geriatric and for MM one push would topple her. Weapons used were for person caught totally unaware and probably asleep and a deep one. I know if I got attacked and restraint was no possible and there was not a weapon available I would lash out with my closed fist and target would be face/ head. I’d certainly have TM crumbled fast and I’m no Mike Tyson. He is a figure that would inspire least fear for me.
The only mark on Ms Martens-Corbett at the scene was a little redness on her neck akin to "a sunburn".

Mr Martin said that, at the scene, Ms Martens-Corbett was also asked repeatedly to stop rubbing her neck.

"That was how they walked out of that room - but Jason Corbett left it on a board."

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So tom had no injuries

"Thomas Martens - (had) no injuries, no bruises, no swelling, no cuts and no blood appeared to come from him," he said.
"Molly Martens Corbett - (had) no bruises, no swelling, no cuts and no blood appeared to come from her."
The trial of Molly Martens-Corbett (33) and her father, retired FBI agent Thomas Michael Martens (67), who both deny the second degree murder of Mr Corbett, also heard that a post mortem examination revealed traces in the Irish businessman's blood system of a powerful sleep drug prescribed for his wife, Ms Martens-Corbett, just days earlier.

Mr Corbett did not suffer from the sleep issues for which the drug was prescribed.

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His wife received a prescription for Trazodone on July 30, just three days before Mr Corbett's death.

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If that is true it’s damning.
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