GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #9

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Sheriff Grice, who was in charge of the detective unit that led the inquiry, said: ‘The brick did the most damage. The coup de grâce was the brick, the brick that Tom never saw his daughter swinging.’

Sheriff Grice visited the scene just hours after the killing in August 2015‘I knew things didn’t add up’ and said he immediately knew they were dealing with a murder case.‘I knew straight away things didn’t add up,’ he said. ‘I walked in there and I knew we had a lot of activity in that house because of the concentration of where the blood was. We started out with questions about whether or not this was self-defence. The brutality of the crime clearly presented itself as something else.

‘If he was an FBI agent and he was defending his daughter then why didn’t he attempt to restrain Jason, to bring him down somehow, leave the house, shout out for Sharon?’
He explained that they only took one statement from Mr Martens as part of a strategy. He said: ‘He had confessed. What else could he say?’ And he added: ‘I don’t think Tom Martens ever thought he would be charged.’ And while it was alleged Tom Martens covered up his wife’s knowledge of what happened that night, the sheriff said: ‘At this point she is not a person of interest.’

No early releases, no parole, no visitors for at least three to four months

We all found his testimony wasn’t believable. He didn’t come across as being honest and he had an air of arrogance in the box.
It still really annoys me that she is still able to use the Corbett name. After what she did she should be make use her maiden name only.
It's good to see that photo of her in handcuffs, remembering that one of the investigators on the scene doubted her story because a "delicate bracelet" was still in place on her wrist. These are the right bracelets for her now.
It still really annoys me that she is still able to use the Corbett name. After what she did she should be make use her maiden name only.
Choice of surname is an option, however I expect she continues to be referred to as corbett because most likely her ID documents are by this name. She can use either surname. Nothing anyone can do about this unfortunately.

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So Molly is in 'Regular Population' and Tom is in 'Rest House. Administrative' ...I guess FBI connections do serve some purpose when found guilty of a crime.

Explanation of rest.hous.administration
Restrictive Housing for Administrative purpose (RHap) - Restrictive Housing forAdministrative purpose is the classification status for inmates who must betemporarily segregated from the general inmate population. This Restrictive Housingstatus may be in a single cell or other housing unit determined appropriate by thefacility head. Initial placement is primarily utilized for short-term removal from theregular population for administrative purposes based upon one or more of thefollowing conditions:
  1. (A) to protect staff and other inmates from the threat of harm by the inmate;
  2. (B) to minimize the risk of escape by the inmate or others influenced by his/heractions;
  3. (C) to preserve order;
  4. (D) to provide necessary control while completing an investigation; or
  5. (E) to remove an inmate from the population as a cooling off measure.
Just reading today's Irish Daily Mail, the following article


It would appear that parole system no longer applies in North Carolina, as per Sheriff Grice. Both MM & TM will have to serve at least 85% of their sentence, no early release, no parole and for the first three/four months, at least, no visitors.

The Jury Foreman is also interviewed, we have all seen his comment that he made on FB under the Fox 8 article, but just one little snippet in this article he said is worth mentioning, he says with regards to TM "We all found his testimony wasn't believable. He didn't come across as being honest and he had an air of arrogance in the box"
This makes me happy, after all that we read and saw yesterday.

Once Molly is unable to drive the story, my hope is that public interest will dwindle. People will start to support her privately, and get updates from the family if they are still interested. Once FB and Instagram are no longer used as tools to keep the back story alive, the public outpourings of support will die away.

I think if her fellow inmates get wind of the publicity machine they will not exactly endorse it, (!) if you know what I mean...
Choice of surname is an option, however I expect she continues to be referred to as corbett because most likely her ID documents are by this name. She can use either surname. Nothing anyone can do about this unfortunately.

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Plus it still Connects her in her mind to the children and no doubt is aware that it prob upsets the corbetts
All these cases I look for what was the driving force behind it all, and I have not fully satisfied with it here and as I posted previously these being a middle class so called astute family we probably will never know. That’s in who began it and the sequence from then onwards is still clouded in mystery. The participants have lied and lied and there is not a shred of truth can be interpreted from either of them. We now see from the police arrest photograph of TM he was not in his underwear but rather a belted pants and collared shirt. The only truth we can rely on is the science of the scene blood spatter expert Stuart H James and the autopsy report on the deceased. These vary in total to the participants accounts.

We all know families that have mental instability with a son/daughter or sibling. But I don’t know of any family that cosseted up to such and allowed them prey on other family. From my view to allow such these are actually worse than the mentally ill themselves. Very often the mentally ill are not able to see themselves objectively and very often blame the whole wide world for their problems. But where the family of those not blinded to the reality and join in cause with the mentally ill aren’t these actually worse and more culpable. These are able to see objectively the damage these are causing and often able to see the likelihood of even further disaster. MM illness was not sufficient to warrant the states intervention in she did not present an overt public danger. I don’t for one second believe MM didn’t know what she was engaged was wrong in legally wrong. I believed she deliberately and purposefully set out to have her way any cost and if subterfuge didn’t work then after that whatever else it took. This she was supported by her parents T and SM. Their whole demeanour of TM at the trial left me nauseated and the evidence that he felt betrayed that MM did not get adoption right for kids not hers is beyond belief in sheer arrogance and if he supported the daughter to that extend didn’t he lay the door open for even further disaster. We can presume at best SM was in cahoots to this the support for her daughter and her new found grandchildren at whatever the costs also. She was present that night JC was slaughter and did nothing to oppose so I presume she had no objection and stood by JC killing by what it appears at best looking the other way. In fact her innocent “is everything ok” shows an implausible innocence and even the trial jury did not buy into any of it.

As a family they nauseate me not alone with their wrongdoing but the sheer “brass necks”. Some poster write here of “hubris” and that is in the Greek tragedy sense but I feel it goes much further. The constant media, FB and Inst intimidation and harassment and this is not just an MM thing it’s a family thing and the extended family. None shouted stop to the attempted aircraft banner flying or the Irish media campaign inc the attempted Limerick Leader full page advertisement. I do hold any friend of their FB pages as supporters of them in these sickening campaigns. If you don’t like you disassociate and close the link. It can’t be but obvious to what they are doing. Centre to the victims is two lovely innocent kids and a family so close and united together and so in one with their community that I think most families could only wish for. For professional legal representation most lawyers I know would be nauseated to represent them because of their sheer narcissistic arrogance. As for forgiveness for these evil monsters I just can’t and as a practising Christian this concerns me. What these have deliberately perpetrated on the C family since their evil doing is mind boggling and not a shred of acknowledgment to the suffering brought on the C family or regret or apology. Their evil knows no bounds and this is a premeditated evil and sustained. TM spoke on the “stand “of fighting for his grand-children which is untrue as he slaughtered their father in a horrific savagery that left the experienced NC Davidson County DA shocked and a juror physical sick just about speaks volumes for his evil. He was prepared to state in the very same court a vile untruth that JC father-in-law MF told him that he believed that JC killed their daughter. He did his utmost to trample on JC grave without a shred of morality. And he went so overboard in this attempt that he showed the world that he was himself a consorted very evil twisted man.

I still shudder for little J and S had they not family back in Ireland like they had. Were these to remain in the clutches and control of their killers till imprisoned and after that fall into the clutches of SM that stood idly by as their father was brutally murdered. Were they then to be SM accompaniers as prison visitors to these killers of their father? My heroes are those that took on the daunting task such as TL and her family then in overseas family holidays. Without hesitation after hours calling the M she eventually got to tell little J, I’m coming for you. She and her family rushed home from there French family holiday and were on the first flight available out of Ireland to the US. This was immediately taking on a legal system in a foreign country and a constant search for the remains of her brother then in a cat and mouse battle with MM. And having to engage lawyers to injunction and get judgments from foreign courts. And this without a consideration that it could well bankrupts them. These are my heroes and forever will in their unshakable sense of righteousness and to see justice done and these ordinary people will forever be a beacon to those conquering of wrongdoing.

As for the NBC pre-trial interviews just reinforces to me the inherent dressed up evil these are. The all American family, the father a career in law enforcement in the iconic FBI saving the nation and all that and the beautiful perfect daughter and flawless mother oozing femininity. This was one who had no psychiatric issues at the custody hearing, the perfect normally perfectly healthy mother during this interview but alas for her trial sentencing her lawyer presented a sealed report of her psychiatric condition which led to the trial judge pronouncements that she receive psychiatric assistance. The charade of dressed up lies and deceit is long since over. It is morally wrong and reprehensible for a broadcaster to allow these convicted felons to attack their very victim. These had their day in court. TM availed of it and did himself no justice. It’s something new for me to see a trial judge address an accused in this case MM and asked her to stand and asked did she wish to give evidence and the response was a clear NO. Looking back just how intuitive and how foresighted he proved to be.

As I wrote earlier its time to move on and leave these evil felons in their pink jumpsuits and to the prisons they are incarcerated in. Their only rights are governed by their prisons rules and an access right to the courts. Time we all moved on from these evil and let out sympathies, thoughts and prayers rest with the victims and none more so than little Jack and Sarah. I only hope their sanity will prevail when they comes to read which they surely must their horrific dads autopsy and crime scene report. And as we seen from J victim impact statement his already matured beyond his age and it’s something that can’t be indefinitely hidden. I do hope it can be delayed for as long as possible and till they are well into their teenage yrs. It has being a pleasure here getting others insight into evil and our foresight identification and forthright pronouncement on it and the constant streaming of updates of the trial progression. I have also flown off the handle at preposterous theories and can’t say I regret it as I felt so strongly on the points. Just hope I didn't offend too many in the process.
Mona Earnest has changed the wording of her fundraising campaign, removed the lies about sexual and physical assault. Wish I'd screenshotted the original now. However, google cache still displays the original wording, for now.

They will run out of oxygen soon, a jury of 12 of their peers found them guilty. They chose not to present any evidence of DV at the trial, that limits what they can now say publicly. Of the nearly €7000 they have raised in their efforts to pay for the appeal they donated €2000 themselves...that in itself should tell you all they need to know. Their pond is getting smaller, the circle of people who believe in them will continue to pray for them, but that's it. It is over.

Molly will sit alone for the next 4 months in a cold, barren and empty cell reflecting on how she could have handled things differently, while the Lynches will be welcomed home with warm hugs from their incredible children (all four of them). Jason can rest easy because no matter what happens now, no matter what lies they try to spread, people have seen through the lies and the deceit and his children are safe. The future is bright for the Corbett's, when your fight is built on love and integrity you can be at peace when you realise the battle is won. People can see Jason for who he was, evil will always exist in the world, it takes good people to block out the darkness with their light.
Ye will be happy to know they removed all the mistruths from the go fund at least but it remains there. Great work all for at least getting the mistruths removed
That is not true Stephen. They still use the terms 'wrongfully convicted" and "Right the Wrong" She can only use these terms if the conviction has been overturned. There are still lies and misleading information on the page.

@MadTaoiseach has been working hard all morning with tweets and emails to the owner of go fund.
Ye will be happy to know they removed all the mistruths from the go fund at least but it remains there. Great work all for at least getting the mistruths removed
Link to ME original appeal fund in the ever popular and ever informative

"Right the Wrong, Help Molly & Tom"

"Fundraising campaign by Mona Earnest"

“On August 9, 2017 in Davidson County North Carolina, Molly & Tom were wrongfully convicted of 2nd degree murder and in less than an hour sentenced to 25 years in prison without parole. Molly experienced years of emotional, mental, sexual, & physical abuse from her husband, including five separate occasions where she was choked to unconsciousness. On August 2nd 2015, while visiting Molly in her home, Tom awoke suddenly to Molly's cries for help. Tom, a 31-year veteran of the FBI, immediately responded to her screams and found her being strangled by her husband. Tom went to Molly's defense, and in a battle for their lives, the husband died. The legal expenses have gutted the family financially. The next step is to file an appeal and fight the wrongful death suit. We desperately need your help.”
Ye will be happy to know they removed all the mistruths from the go fund at least but it remains there. Great work all for at least getting the mistruths removed

Thank God, but she has still left in one lie about JC strangling MC. This should also been removed. I have reported it again for that reason.
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