GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #9

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In Ireland if something is falsely printed or shown on TV the station or paper have to recant and also face legal proceedings. Is it not the same in the USA . This was a completely biased show with evidence presented to them by the defence before the trial even took place . We all now saw one hair now a few one .

No. We have Fake News here. For example, on the highly charged Trayvon Martin case, NBC had to finally admit they edited to the 911 tape which inflamed passions even more.

IThat apology addresses the “Today” show’s failure to abridge accurately the conversation between Zimmerman and the dispatcher in this high-profile case. This is how the program portrayed a segment of that conversation:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

And here is how it actually went down:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.
The jury didn't know of her bi-polar illness, but still picked up that something was mentally off about MM?

Got to admire the integrity of the jury, they didn't know for sure and couldn't confirm their suspicions, so instead kept within the guidelines of what they did know and were thorough in what they were given to reach a conclusion.

There was a recommendation for therapy in prison, wasn't there? I hope she gets it. So she can come to terms with her actions, instead of deluding herself further with her complexes.

I'd have a tiny grain of sympathy for TM for being caught up in her blame-shifting delusions, but he had plenty of opportunity to get her help before (perhaps even before the events of Kevin Maginn's book) and instead chose to enable her.

This sounds trite, but sums it up nicely - You reap what you sow!
And, to think I didn't Believe you when you said MM is crazy... SMH. I think you have the psychotic rage part described pretty well; and so, I imagine at this time MM is heavily sedated in solitary, sleeping on a cement bed, and most likely will be for weeks. She's in the proverbial straight jacket so to speak; she won't know about how 20/20 plays on TV for a long time; and. she has been stripped of everything. I mean, the more I hear the jury foreman reason their verdict, the more I believe the rest of us are going to tune in to see MM in action, that of a stunningly pretty, well spoken, severely mentally ill woman, who grabs the focus of every camera around. And manipulates the truth to her own advantage all the time. I'm sure the State had run out of patience. Did I hear the foreman say she was sitting there keeping control of her personalities? ... OMG. I am strongly inclined to believe the spotlight will dim the lights on this story much as it has on MM in solitary. At least for a while. Who knows really? She's where she's supposed to be.

Once the story plays out and there isn't anything new, there probably won't be much to say. However, one day the truth about that night might be told and I think we will all welcome it, not that it will change anything.. But maybe I should take that back because I guess the lifetime movie is free to proceed. I hope not. Please no. But, I have the sense we won't hear the truth for a couple years, maybe never. The kind of therapy that her defense paid for has all sorts of methods at getting to the truth. I'm confident she will tell it someday. But for now... Time to Detach because she is... Let her Go. It's the best thing for everyone to do. IMO

I thought I might share this story put together with these links just for anybody that might be interested in reading it. It's the story of a woman killing her husband who was initially charged with 2st degree murder and ended up accepting a plea bargain for criminally negligent homicide that oddly enough occurred exactly 6 years to the day before JC murder in the early morning hours (another coincidence). From the beginning this woman took responsibility for what she didn't intend to do; and told the truth from the start; and showed nothing but remorse; in fact there is a picture of remorse in the 2nd article.. She was believable. I'm sure the only thing the BPD asked of her was the detailed truth; they listened and recognized she was telling it. showed an incredible amount of mercy IMO A story between these two describes how the fight started; and while a bit inflammatory, it's irrelevant to the outcome. IMO it's easy to search if you want to know. the day of the homicide. the day of the plea deal. Score One for Boulder Justice.

I also thought some of you might have wondered why I missed all the social media in the beginning of this case that caused so much pain and suffering for JC family. In mid-August 2015, I made a stupid fall and broke my ankle. I mean, the shinbone was literally disconnected from the anklebones; what with surgery, an implant, painkillers, nerve damage, crutches, walkers, boots, braces and learning to walk on it again, plus gaining 20 lbs, I feel like the next four months was just as suddenly disconnecting from life. So, the perspective I brought here was from that point forward of MM and TM being arrested. By that time I think most of the social media had been scrubbed. I don't feel like I got a good enough look until yesterday to say one way or the other. IMO I think I've said enough.


I just want to say thank you . I know we clashed and it was never personal I truly was just sticking up for Jason's memory his kids, his family and he's friends . I watched that 20/20 show in disbelief from the get go it's lies . I too was sure we would be clashing again today thank you for having an open mind . I just really never knew how manipulative a woman could be .
There are causes in America that we all should care deeply about: racism, rape, domestic violence are a few. The problem with the media arises when they decide before evidence is presented to take a side. Then they begin to shape the news to help that side.

So the truth is seemingly not as important to the media as their advocacy. And since they feel these are righteous causes, and they are, they can decide what to report that helps the case and what to hide.

This has happened in this case. But it is way too common,

The problem is...that half the time...the story they present to a hoax or a fraud or just simply exaggerated to fit a social narrative.

This hurts the cause, the innocent accused, and the real righteous victims of other cases. Most of all it undermines our trust in their industry. And it divides our society. Truth would unite us. But truth is too often not useful to metanarrative.

I was close to the infamous Duke Lacrosse Rape Hoax. Before 2006, no one could have convinced me I'd ever see such things happen...I was so happily naive. It was a painful education.

"On April 11, 2007, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper dropped all charges and declared the three lacrosse players innocent of the rape allegations. Cooper stated that the players – Reade Seligmann, Collin Finnerty, and David Evans – were victims of a "tragic rush to accuse."[8]

The initial prosecutor, Michael "Mike" Nifong, was labeled a "rogue prosecutor" by Cooper, and withdrew from the case in January 2007 after the North Carolina State Bar filed ethics charges against him. In June 2007, Nifong was disbarred for "dishonesty, fraud, deceit and misrepresentation", making him the first prosecutor in North Carolina disbarred for trial conduct. Nifong served one day in jail for lying about sharing DNA tests (criminal contempt); the lab director said it was a misunderstanding and Nifong claimed it was due to weak memory.[9] Mangum faced no charges for her false accusations, as Cooper declined to prosecute her.[10]"

By the way, Freedman defended that rogue prosecutor. And Mangum, the false accuser, later murdered her current boyfriend and is serving her sentence in jail.
Is there any sympathy at all for the Martens (excluding Molly)?

I feel like I inhabit a different planet to the other posters. I respect peoples viewpoint but mine is fundamentally different.

JC suffered an awful death but TM and SM will pay an extraordinary price - I would say their fate is almost worse than death.

Good luck and god bless to all.

I have thought about your post for a number of days and I will admit at some points throughout the past two years I have felt sympathy for TM & SM. They did not drive up that day to murder JC. But when I got those feeling I reminded myself of what both of them have caused. In the aftermath of JC death, they along with ME were party to taking the children away & refusing the Irish family any contact. They were party to the removal of JC body to varies funeral parlous, they were party to the arrangement to have his body cremated.

But still, every now and then I would feel an element of sympathy for them. They have had to deal with MM their whole life. But when I felt this sorrow for them, I would remind myself that they conspired on a version of events that was proven in a court of law was not credible. TM statement was not credible and his wife remaining in the basement while all this was going on was equally not credible.

But still, every now and then I would feel that sympathy creep in. The cost of their defence must be off the scale. But when I felt this, I would remind myself that they conspired with their daughter to manipulate those two children into providing statements about DV. They enabled their daughter to create this scurrilous lie about JC.

But still, every now and then that sympathy thought hit me. TM was probably going to spend the rest of his days behind bars. Then I would remind myself that he walked into all this with his eyes open, he foolishly thought that his standing in the FBI was going to buy a get out of jail free card. He thought he was going to pull the wool over the eyes of some country Sheriff and law enforcement officers.

But after seeing last night 20/20 program, I can assure you that no sympathy will ever creep into my mind ever again. The story that they are giving is frankly a slap in the face for any DV sufferer and their selective use of the video of the children is disgusting, just to further their case. And they did all this on National TV. But the thing that got me most on what I saw of that program was the accusation against JC about the death of his first wife. Mr F, after hearing about their accusation, shortly before his own death, made a trip to a solicitor to swear an affidavit that he most certainly did not say such a thing.

I personally hope that they are completely financially wiped out from the upcoming Civil action and that they never have a days peace for the rest of their lives.
I wonder if the Fitzpatrick family doesn't now have a civil case against ABC news. Did they mention that Mr. FP made a legal statement before his death denying that fabrication? If not, some good attorney should contact the FP family.
I wonder if the Fitzpatrick family doesn't now have a civil case against ABC news. Did they mention that Mr. FP made a legal statement before his death denying that fabrication? If not, some good attorney should contact the FP family.

Not that I heard on the program. And to add weight to it, MM also claims that she heard it, pretty weird given that TM was saying he was having a quiet chat with Mr F and asked him what he thought of JC. Now many who saw that 20/20 program think that the killing hour for JC was 3am as is confirmed by some tweets that were sent. 20/20 should be ashamed of themselves for constructing and airing that show.
Lawsuits are the only weapon against fake news outlets like ABC. You can see how they have now twisted opinions on the case...manipulating the uninformed.

How does this serve the public's interest or the cause of domestic violence? What about the safety and mental health of the C children?

This is utterly disgraceful.

Do the Fitzpatyicks know that most civil lawyers take the case for a percentage of what might be awarded? They wouldn't pay them. ABC is a rich target. And they need to be held morally and financially responsible if possible.
Lawsuits are the only weapon against fake news outlets like ABC. You can see how they have now twisted opinions on the case...manipulating the uninformed.

How does this serve the public's interest or the cause of domestic violence? What about the safety and mental health of the C children?

This is utterly disgraceful.

Do the Fitzpatyicks know that most civil lawyers take the case for a percentage of what might be awarded? They wouldn't pay them. ABC is a rich target. And they need to be held morally and financially responsible if possible.

I seriously doubt that the Fitzpatrick family want to spend the time and energy pursuing a transatlantic court case. They were shocked, I think, by the lies told about their daughter's death by this awful family especially as they were grieving for their own father's death at the time. I really think they just want the Martens to shut up, go away and leave them alone.
I seriously doubt that the Fitzpatrick family want to spend the time and energy pursuing a transatlantic court case. They were shocked, I think, by the lies told about their daughter's death by this awful family especially as they were grieving for their own father's death at the time. I really think they just want the Martens to shut up, go away and leave them alone.

Perfectly understandable. And we all would want that for them as well.

I don't think it will happen though. Sadly.
MM is crying over the kids she left orphaned and that her dad will die in prison? Well, that is what happens when you get your dad to help you murder your husband. Now, his family will have to hire attorneys to claim the life insurance for the children and I hope they pursue a wrongful death claim against TM and take everything he worked his whole life to obtain and his wife has to live on the street.
The defense could have subpoened the video and entered it into evidence. It is curious to me that neither side chose to use the video. Anyway, I do not think the jurors will take this bait, they will know that the defense had access to all the prosecution evidence, as required by law, and nothing has been withheld from them.

No the defense could not have put the video of the defendant's prior statement into evidence, because introduced by the defense it would be improper hearsay evidence. The prosecution would not put it in because it gives the defendant an opportunity to present her story without testifying.
Really interesting perspective in the Irish Independent as I search for the reason a pretty woman turns evil and kills and goes even more evil again trampling on the grave of her victim.

Fiona Ness
Irish Independent

“In the emerging narrative, Martens-Corbett is "the pretty and troubled femme fatale". Her father Thomas Martens, also convicted of the murder, is a mere sideshow. Martens-Corbett is front and centre as "the pretty blonde with the killer instinct". She is the "callous killer" who drank margaritas on the school run and "went out of her way to hurt people".”……………………………………..

“'Wicked Stepmother' may yet turn out to be a more accurate description.”…………….

“Women who kill fascinate with a level of repulsion reserved uniquely for their gender.
In the absence of her personal testimony at the trial, we find ourselves grasping at stray facts that show Martens-Corbett had "issues". We need to believe that she couldn't be just bad, she had to be mad too. As if any of that changes anything now.”………………………………

“So perhaps when we're seeking absent answers as to what made Martens-Corbett a killer, what didn't make her act as a mother is the first question we should ask.”……………….
I have thought about your post for a number of days and I will admit at some points throughout the past two years I have felt sympathy for TM & SM. They did not drive up that day to murder JC. But when I got those feeling I reminded myself of what both of them have caused. In the aftermath of JC death, they along with ME were party to taking the children away & refusing the Irish family any contact. They were party to the removal of JC body to varies funeral parlous, they were party to the arrangement to have his body cremated.

But still, every now and then I would feel an element of sympathy for them. They have had to deal with MM their whole life. But when I felt this sorrow for them, I would remind myself that they conspired on a version of events that was proven in a court of law was not credible. TM statement was not credible and his wife remaining in the basement while all this was going on was equally not credible.

But still, every now and then I would feel that sympathy creep in. The cost of their defence must be off the scale. But when I felt this, I would remind myself that they conspired with their daughter to manipulate those two children into providing statements about DV. They enabled their daughter to create this scurrilous lie about JC.

But still, every now and then that sympathy thought hit me. TM was probably going to spend the rest of his days behind bars. Then I would remind myself that he walked into all this with his eyes open, he foolishly thought that his standing in the FBI was going to buy a get out of jail free card. He thought he was going to pull the wool over the eyes of some country Sheriff and law enforcement officers.

But after seeing last night 20/20 program, I can assure you that no sympathy will ever creep into my mind ever again. The story that they are giving is frankly a slap in the face for any DV sufferer and their selective use of the video of the children is disgusting, just to further their case. And they did all this on National TV. But the thing that got me most on what I saw of that program was the accusation against JC about the death of his first wife. Mr F, after hearing about their accusation, shortly before his own death, made a trip to a solicitor to swear an affidavit that he most certainly did not say such a thing.

I personally hope that they are completely financially wiped out from the upcoming Civil action and that they never have a days peace for the rest of their lives.

I agree 100%; may they suffer the wrought they have deliberately and purposely brought on innocent parties and even more. At the same time I’m reminded “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,”.
Lawsuits are the only weapon against fake news outlets like ABC. You can see how they have now twisted opinions on the case...manipulating the uninformed.

How does this serve the public's interest or the cause of domestic violence? What about the safety and mental health of the C children?

This is utterly disgraceful.

Do the Fitzpatyicks know that most civil lawyers take the case for a percentage of what might be awarded? They wouldn't pay them. ABC is a rich target. And they need to be held morally and financially responsible if possible.

There is no legal defense for the defamation of the dead, that’s why people don’t speak ill of them.

And in the US the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] Amendment to the Constitution gives an almost ultimate right to free speech and free press.
I line that got me during that program, highlighted what a lot of us thought about Molly having to live up to the expectations of her parents or feel outcast. It was when she said she first came to Ireland and was feeling that things were moving too fast but was unable to phone her parents and say "I've failed again". I would hate my children not to be able to phone me when they really needed me.
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