NC - Keith Scott, 43, killed by LEO, Charlotte, 20 Sept 2016 #1

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I just had the same old feeling again that the real truth wasn't being told by the so called witnesses. This happened on a road in broad daylight where everyone could see what was happening.

I am glad that they have run forensics on his weapon. It was loaded, had his fingerprints, his DNA, and had his blood on it which would mean he had to have it in his possession when shot.

I just wish people would have waited for some of the facts to come in before trying to destroy the beautiful town of Charlotte and terrorizing its citizens. I knew this PC would lie about anything to protect anyone. PCP seems a straight up guy like the wonderful PC Brown in Dallas.

OOPs I meant to say I knew the PC WOULDN'T lie about anything. Its not letting me edit for some reason. The site is acting weird ..for me anyway.

Sorry about that mistake.
The "don't do it "is confsusing BUT from her angle I dont think she could have seen what was in hand from that angle??

not sure but it looks like SKY news has a different video but not sure ----they are live
In this one the guy with vest is standing with his legs spread there is nothing near his feet he is guarding

there is no 4 foot plant anywhere much higher

there is nothing by his left foot on the inside

there is, its fuzzy but it can be seen. it can be seen quite clearly in the first video also. is it a gun? i cant say for sure, but there is an item, a dark item.
Had not seen the shot on the right. Makes everything worse - looks like he is standing to far over for it to be it, while not being there in the the shot on the left

also notice the color of deceased pants - that does not look like a hue issue? Anyone know how to get a shot from wives video released today so we can see color blue?

No crime scene tape up in one - it would seem no crime scene tape indicates that the one with it was LATER, and now poof a gun?

Even if we take in cropping of the pics, was there two blue SUVs in the driveways?

THe location of the bumper in the left photo is a totally diff placement of his body?

IN the one on the left he is parellel with bumper, in right not so.

Looks like some plant grew around 4 feet in minutes on the left one!!

It must have been windy!! The number of leaves is totally different.

The numbers of leaves is wrong.

150 in video clearly no gun where it looks like it is in the pic on right??

If you look at the video here

In the beginning it is a wide shot. The leaves match up to the right, there is no 4 foot shrub at all,

The darn tree bugs me!!
The original soc reporter got the info from "police sources", (so, leaks) But the case is being handled by the State now, and they aren't talking. Must have been a local police source......JMO

what info??
Had not seen the shot on the right. Makes everything worse - looks like he is standing to far over for it to be it, while not being there in the the shot on the left

also notice the color of deceased pants - that does not look like a hue issue? Anyone know how to get a shot from wives video released today so we can see color blue?

No crime scene tape up in one - it would seem no crime scene tape indicates that the one with it was LATER, and now poof a gun?

Even if we take in cropping of the pics, was there two blue SUVs in the driveways?

THe location of the bumper in the left photo is a totally diff placement of his body?

IN the one on the left he is parellel with bumper, in right not so.

Looks like some plant grew around 4 feet in minutes on the left one!!

It must have been windy!! The number of leaves is totally different.

The numbers of leaves is wrong.

150 in video clearly no gun where it looks like it is in the pic on right??

If you look at the video here

In the beginning it is a wide shot. The leaves match up to the right, there is no 4 foot shrub at all,

Did you watch the governor's press conference today? One of the things he brought up and I will paraphrase - It's like at a ball game and a play is in question. They have to go back and look at it from several cameras and different angles and every one of them show it from a different perspective.

Wow, thanks. I don't recall if any of these cases ever made the national headlines. They don't seem to gain as much attention or they don't receive any just like the 10 whites who were shot and killed by police officers in a three day span from 9-18 thru 9-20-16. I wouldn't have even known about any of them but now I follow a site that updates them as they happen and the site attaches the local news articles to each one. Mr. Scott was one of the 12 who was shot and killed during the same time period.

I wonder why so much disparity in the media coverage between the two races and why one race usually gets national attention and others get little to none. I have always tried to figure that out but never have understood it. That is why I scour the net for local news stations. That is where a lot of these cases are only reported.

I would have thought it would have been a huge new story for 10 whites to be shot and killed by cops in a three day timespan but it never happened.
My problem with the positions espoused by many? Here's what you're saying to people who care enough to try to discuss the issue:

1. Show us any/all videos/photos *immediately* because they will support our position.

2. If you don't show this evidence to us, and do it when we demand, it is clearly because you have something to hide and, more importantly, it undoubtedly proves we're correct.

3. If you show us evidence that does NOT support our position, you have lied/doctored/fabricated it, which also proves we're correct.

When all roads lead to the same destination nobody moves forward. We cannot have a dialog if all of us cannot accept that we are not always right, and the other party is not always wrong.

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This, a thousand times this. Can't thank this post enough.

The "don't do it "is confsusing BUT from her angle I dont think she could have seen what was in hand from that angle??

not sure but it looks like SKY news has a different video but not sure ----they are live

What could she possibly be telling him not to do? At first I thought she was talking to the cops, but she clearly is talking to her husband and saying not to do something, but what?

And why aren't there protests in Tulsa? That's where the real indignation should be. Moo
im surprised they havent made this point clear by now, its not something that you need to corroborate with multiple witnesses or physical evidence...

But a man is dead at hands of cops = who was doing nothing but minding his businees--that might kick in blue code stuff

they know climate now, they have a dead black man -- who was not even suppossed to have an interaction with cops at all

Some pretty serious stuff for a gun to appear. If as the cops are saying it was his gun all the fingerprint dna stuff is actually 12 seconds to jazz up.

why wouldnt all that stuff be there if it was his gun? The fact that are stressing that is somewhat bewildering - as if it means something - if its his ..................................................
I just had the same old feeling again that the real truth wasn't being told by the so called witnesses. This happened on a road in broad daylight where everyone could see what was happening.

I am glad that they have run forensics on his weapon. It was loaded, had his fingerprints, his DNA, and had his blood on it which would mean he had to have it in his possession when shot.

I just wish people would have waited for some of the facts to come in before trying to destroy the beautiful town of Charlotte and terrorizing its citizens. I knew this PC would lie about anything to protect anyone. PCP seems a straight up guy like the wonderful PC Brown in Dallas.


actually the only thing that might have some meaning is blood, but we got a dying guy bleeding out 4 feet way so who knows
Hummm FBI just announced that the police dept can release the videos - they have no issues, and are not saying not to -- totally up to them!

My vote - FBI knows you cant use a law that is not law yet . That is preposterious imo

NBC local live
actually the only thing that might have some meaning is blood, but we got a dying guy bleeding out 4 feet way so who knows

The only way blood could be on his loaded weapon is if he had the weapon with him outside of the vehicle when shot. There is no other way and the gun has been proved to be his and his DNA is on the weapon. Imo, the officer was justified and had ever right to defend himself.

Its a crying shame that the business people and regular citizens of Charlotte have had to pay such a harsh heavy price for a police officer doing his job when confronted by man with a loaded handgun who refused to put it down. All of this mayhem was built once again on a false narrative. It never seems to change in that respect.

His wife is trying to doctor it up now. She clearly said 'don't do it.' Imo, she was talking to him! She probably knew he was a loose cannon. I also think she knew he carried a handgun. It will be interesting to learn where the weapon came from. She says he has TBI but he is in a possession of a loaded lethal handgun? How smart is that IF that story is even true. Its hard to find this woman credible.

But a man is dead at hands of cops = who was doing nothing but minding his business

A gun to appear??? The officer has stated from the very start that Scott had a gun in his hand and refused to put it down.

What do you mean by appear? All of this was happening in broad daylight with multiple people all around. Are you saying the police put it there to frame him? How did they do that while everyone was looking.

Its going to be verified it was his gun. IMO

What will be interesting is to see if this gun has a background history.
  • .... 10 of the 102 cases in 2015 where an unarmed black person was killed by police resulted in officer(s) being charged with a crime, and 2 of these deaths (Matthew Ajibade and Eric Harris) resulted in convictions of officers involved.

    1 of 2 officers convicted for their involvement in Matthew Ajibade's death received jail time. He was sentenced to 1 year in jail and allowed to serve this time exclusively on weekends.
  • Police killed at least 102 unarmed black people in 2015, nearly twice each week.
  • Nearly 1 in 3 black people killed by police in 2015 were identified as unarmed, though the actual number is likely higher due to underreporting
  • 37% of unarmed people killed by police were black in 2015 despite black people being only 13% of the U.S. population
  • Unarmed black people were killed at 5x the rate of unarmed whites in 2015
  • .... 10 of the 102 cases in 2015 where an unarmed black person was killed by police resulted in officer(s) being charged with a crime, and 2 of these deaths (Matthew Ajibade and Eric Harris) resulted in convictions of officers involved.

    1 of 2 officers convicted for their involvement in Matthew Ajibade's death received jail time. He was sentenced to 1 year in jail and allowed to serve this time exclusively on weekends.
  • Police killed at least 102 unarmed black people in 2015, nearly twice each week.
  • Nearly 1 in 3 black people killed by police in 2015 were identified as unarmed, though the actual number is likely higher due to underreporting
  • 37% of unarmed people killed by police were black in 2015 despite black people being only 13% of the U.S. population
  • Unarmed black people were killed at 5x the rate of unarmed whites in 2015

You read all this and you see case after case and it's easy to feel defeated. I'm glad so many groups out there refuse to let it go, refuse to give up, still demand accountability and justice even though we so rarely get either.
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