GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #1

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Honestly, as scary as it is, I almost wish a random serial killer was responsible for some of these mothers/women being killed, rather than learning time after time that it always seems to be the husband or boyfriend...
Any word on when GH and wife were in Texas and for how long? Do either work at a job? I guess one of them would be home watching children on a regular basis. Anyway, you could poke holes in that story about him waiting at Sheetz for LA to show up, if you they know they were actually in Texas "visiting relativse.

I have read on here somewhere that his mom runs a daycare in Kinston and LA lives in Kinston. Why wouldn't LA be able to pick her kids up there? GH could see his parents and the kids could see their grandparents - no waiting endlessly in the heat at a gas station. I'm wondering if some other people may be helping to provide a cover story.:waitasec:
Thank you all who have been sleuthing away for Laura and her boys! This is beyond evil and cruel, and I mourn for the time Laura lost in being with those children. She will watch them from heaven now. JMO
Wow, what a turn of events! So so sad for those poor children. Now 3 children will be growing up without their parents. That is terrible!

I have updated the map to reflect the different locations that I am aware of. The link is below...
I have read on here somewhere that his mom runs a daycare in Kinston and LA lives in Kinston. Why wouldn't LA be able to pick her kids up there? GH could see his parents and the kids could see their grandparents - no waiting endlessly in the heat at a gas station. I'm wondering if some other people may be helping to provide a cover story.:waitasec:

I can answer this just based on my own experience with custody/visitation and my own stepdaughter, who lives with her mother 2 1/2hours south of us. In our orders, we would meet my stepdaughter's mother half way both at pick up and return during visitation. This was so that we met at a mutually neutral public location and so that neither party would have to make the entire driver to the other's residence. I imagine that this may have been the case with LA & GH. Wilson is in between Raleigh & Kinston, so neither party would have to make the entire drive between the 2 locations.
There are 3 scenarios to work with IMO:

1. AH killed her alone (either premeditated or in a fit of rage) and enlisted GH's help after the fact to dispose of the body. She could easily manipulate him into that - he would lose her, both of his boys in the custody hearing, and could even possibly lose his daughter. GH could have very well been oblivious that LA was missing/dead when he went to meet her with the boys. The collusion between them happened after the proposed meeting.

2. GH killed her alone (either premeditated or in a fit of rage) and enlisted AH's help after the fact to dispose of the body. She would be scared spitless, IMO, if she knew he had just killed the mother of his 2 boys.

3. GH and AH planned it and it was premeditated.

I just can't imagine how they acted when they visited AH's sister. I think her story about how the visit unfolded will tell a whole lot.

It will be interesting to find out what motivated these 2 seemingly normal people to do such a horrific thing. The videos that Grant made of his new daughter with mom were so touching. It's so hard to fit this into a rational perspective.
...IF they are cleared of any wrongdoing or abetting. Those quotes from Patsy when LA was first reported missing rub me wrong:

Patsy Hayes is the grandmother of Laura Ackerson's children. "As far as I know she loves her kids" [LINK]

"As far as I know"? LA's friends and co-workers had no problem expressing their observations that those boys were her life.

“He seemed a little frustrated because he had the kids in the car for an hour and a half and they were hot,” Hayes said. She said she hopes Ackerson just needed to get away to be with family or friends. [LINK]

I wonder if GH really did call PH on that day (7/15) at or around 6:30 and tell her he had been waiting for 90 minutes for LA? Is was not overly hot that day, actually the coolest day of the month to date (86 high).

Grant's mother Patsy said the following last Tuesday about how the kids were handling the disappearance of their mother, “They get over things a lot faster and they could probably not be affected by things as much as adults are. You know because they are small and they're very resilient so they probably figure they're just staying with dad now." [LINK]

This quote from TUE 7/19, with LA missing for only 4 days, before her car was found, and not a hint of foul play at that point...PH is talking as if the kids aren't going to be seeing LA anytime soon.

Added: Why were the 2 arrested at Patsy's home anyway? I thought they had their own apartment?
a MOD from another (local) forum discussing LA received a message from GH prior to his arrest:

<snip>"I did not murder Laura Jean Ackerson

If you want to avoid taking this any further then remove these forum threads from your website and removed any further topics that are related to me in the future. I am aware of who most of these people are and where they work..."</snip>​

WS mods feel free to remove this if you'd rather not have it posted here. The MOD mentioned above refused GH's request.

BBM, me too. I am usually one of the first to give benefit of the doubt, but the more I read and discovered - about AH in particular (an unusual and opportunistic person with a shady track record) - the more suspicious I became of her involvement, even if GH was not though "watch" quote from GH is telling.

Is there a link to any of the info about AH?

Clearly, LE now has to determine, if they haven't already - what exactly was AH's involvement before, during, and after the crime. Was this a premeditated crime, knowing the custody hearing was coming up? Or was there an argument at visitation pickup that spilled out of control? If she was involved only in the cover-up of the crime, what was her motivation? Was she standing behind her man in her mind? Or, having seen what he was capable of doing to a woman that left him, did she feel her life was in danger if she didn't go along with the program?
...IF they are cleared of any wrongdoing or abetting. Those quotes from Patsy when LA was first reported missing rub me wrong:

Patsy Hayes is the grandmother of Laura Ackerson's children. "As far as I know she loves her kids" [LINK]

"As far as I know"? LA's friends and co-workers had no problem expressing their observations that those boys were her life.

“He seemed a little frustrated because he had the kids in the car for an hour and a half and they were hot,” Hayes said. She said she hopes Ackerson just needed to get away to be with family or friends. [LINK]

I wonder if GH really did call PH on that day (7/15) at or around 6:30 and tell her he had been waiting for 90 minutes for LA? Is was not overly hot that day, actually the coolest day of the month to date (86 high).

Grant's mother Patsy said the following last Tuesday about how the kids were handling the disappearance of their mother, “They get over things a lot faster and they could probably not be affected by things as much as adults are. You know because they are small and they're very resilient so they probably figure they're just staying with dad now." [LINK]

This quote from TUE 7/19, with LA missing for only 4 days, before her car was found, and not a hint of foul play at that point...PH is talking as if the kids aren't going to be seeing LA anytime soon.

Interesting observations JRB. Thanks again for your info, updates, and thought processes.
Honestly, as scary as it is, I almost wish a random serial killer was responsible for some of these mothers/women being killed, rather than learning time after time that it always seems to be the husband or boyfriend...

I understand exactly what you are saying, and I agree. A random murder carries very little emotional attachment. Easier for all to accept in a way.
a MOD from another (local) forum discussing LA received a message from GH prior to his arrest:

<snip>"I did not murder Laura Jean Ackerson

If you want to avoid taking this any further then remove these forum threads from your website and removed any further topics that are related to me in the future. I am aware of who most of these people are and where they work..."</snip>​

WS mods feel free to remove this if you'd rather not have it posted here. The MOD mentioned above refused GH's request.

That sounds almost like a threat to anyone who posts! jmo

some snippets:

The court ordered the two parents pay for and complete a forensic psychology evaluation with Dr. Ginger Calloway in Raleigh.

Ackerson motioned Dec. 9 for the court to modify temporary child custody arrangement in Hayes’ name to primary status in her name.

She said Hayes was “intentionally delaying completion of the child custody forensic psychology evaluation” by failing to scheduling home visits, videotaped behavioral observations with each child and an interview and examination of his wife with Calloway in order to keep temporary custody.

Ackerson said in the claim she had complied with all requests of the court, whereas Hayes had not, not yet paying Calloway’s $5,000 consultation fee and the $5,000 in an additional retainer she requested to carry out her services.

Hayes denied those claims.​
There are 3 scenarios to work with IMO:

1. AH killed her alone (either premeditated or in a fit of rage) and enlisted GH's help after the fact to dispose of the body. She could easily manipulate him into that - he would lose her, both of his boys in the custody hearing, and could even possibly lose his daughter. GH could have very well been oblivious that LA was missing/dead when he went to meet her with the boys. The collusion between them happened after the proposed meeting.

2. GH killed her alone (either premeditated or in a fit of rage) and enlisted AH's help after the fact to dispose of the body. She would be scared spitless, IMO, if she knew he had just killed the mother of his 2 boys.

3. GH and AH planned it and it was premeditated.

I just can't imagine how they acted when they visited AH's sister. I think her story about how the visit unfolded will tell a whole lot.

It will be interesting to find out what motivated these 2 seemingly normal people to do such a horrific thing. The videos that Grant made of his new daughter with mom were so touching. It's so hard to fit this into a rational perspective.

All plausible at this point IMO.

I would imagine though that LA was murdered the night of 7/13. The afternoon of 7/13 was the last communication reported between LA and anyone else. That afternoon she had called her business partner CM to inform her that she had signed 3 new clients. She was very happy about that, and had 2 more potential clients to meet. She told CM she was planning to visit her kids that night since she was already in Raleigh. I believe CM initially reported her missing Friday morning after not hearing from her since Wednesday afternoon.

I think the car was moved from GH apt parking lot to a place close enough that he/she could walk back, but far enough away from the apt to make it "a different place"...and at a place where it might not be noticed for a while.
I wonder which one turns on the other first. AH or GH? She will probably say she was afraid and had to go along with him.

Hayes and his wife have had primary custody of the two children since February 2010. They filed for temporary custody, claiming that Ackerson was emotionally unstable and not economically fit to support the children as she was a part-time employee, working as a janitor at Star Daycare at 217 Washington St.

The facility is owned by Patsy Hayes, the mother of Grant Hayes. Hayes further wrote Ackerson lived with his parents at 1505 Holman St.


That's interesting. She was "emotionally unstable," and still yet allowed to work in a childcare facility? And live with his mother?
I can answer this just based on my own experience with custody/visitation and my own stepdaughter, who lives with her mother 2 1/2hours south of us. In our orders, we would meet my stepdaughter's mother half way both at pick up and return during visitation. This was so that we met at a mutually neutral public location and so that neither party would have to make the entire driver to the other's residence. I imagine that this may have been the case with LA & GH. Wilson is in between Raleigh & Kinston, so neither party would have to make the entire drive between the 2 locations.


The arrangements of the agreement were:

— Ackerson would have custody of the boys beginning at 5 p.m. on Friday and ending at 5 p.m. Sunday.

— The two were ordered to swap the children in Wilson at the Sheetz gas station near the U.S. 301 exit for Downing Street off U.S. 264.
I wonder which one turns on the other first. AH or GH? She will probably say she was afraid and had to go along with him.

Just from the tiny bit I've read/learned over the past few days, I get the feeling these two won't be able to turn on each other fast enough.

Boy, that old mugshot of GH is....something else.
Anyone hear about what time arraignment is? I know its today!

Hayes and his wife have had primary custody of the two children since February 2010. They filed for temporary custody, claiming that Ackerson was emotionally unstable and not economically fit to support the children as she was a part-time employee, working as a janitor at Star Daycare at 217 Washington St.

The facility is owned by Patsy Hayes, the mother of Grant Hayes. Hayes further wrote Ackerson lived with his parents at 1505 Holman St.


That's interesting. She was "emotionally unstable," and still yet allowed to work in a childcare facility? And live with his mother?

Here is what I think happened:

LA and GH relocate to Virgin Islands from Raleigh in late 2008/early 2009 with their firstborn. LA is an entertainment/event planner for Rare Breed Entertainment, she is booking GH gigs in the USVI as well as a few other performers (I found at least one which LA appears to have a connection to).

LA finds out she is pregnant with #2 from GH shortly thereafter.

GH, in the meantime, has made the aquaintance of AS/AP - who runs an art supply store on one of the islands.

By the end of 2009, and several months after the birth of #2, the GH/LA relationship is frayed. Maybe she found out about AS/AP, maybe because LA lost her job, maybe for other reasons.

They return to Raleigh in January 2010, and shortly thereafter GH has decided to co-habitate with his new girlfriend AS/AP, sends LA and the kids to live with his parents. LA has updated her online resume, she is job hunting. Per the info above, I am sure she helped out her in-laws with the daycare as they were providing room and board for the three of them.

GH and AS/AP are engaged by February when a judge awards primary custody to GH+AS/AP.

GH and AS/AP marry in April, AS/Ap, now AH, is pregnant by September.

LA in the meantime has joined a church in Kinston where she attends regularly and is well liked by the congregation, and she has started a business. She is doing everything she can to improve her standing during the custody battle. According to her filings, it is LA who paid the child phychologist $5K and the extra $5K retainer as directed by the court, while GH/AH are dragging their heels.

By July 2011, LA is back on her feet and stands a good chance of getting primary custody at the August 2011 hearing...especially if GH/AH are delinquent on payments (shows financial weakness for them, strength for LA).

GH/AH have closed down their art supply business (see link earlier in thread to liquidation of stock). GH is facing the possibility of big child support payments, and if they cannot manage to pay the court ordered costs associated with the custody battle...

The motivation here could have been a financial one.
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