GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #2

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Archived videos for 9/3/13 - Grant Hayes' trial testimony (Click on blue Link):

Grant Hayes trial testimony (Day 3 pt 1)
Sept. 3, 2013, testimony of Tracy Tremmett, an agent with the Raleigh/Wake City-County Bureau of Identification.

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Grant Hayes trial testimony (Day 3 pt 2)
Sept. 3, 2013, testimony of Lauren Harris.

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Grant Hayes trial testimony (Day 3 pt 3)
Sept. 3, 2013, testimony of Laura Ackerson's brother, Jason Ackerson.

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Grant Hayes trial testimony (Day 3 pt 4)
Sept. 3, 2013, testimony fo Matt Guddat.

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Grant Hayes trial testimony (Day 3 pt 5)
Sept. 3, 2013, testimony of Raleigh police detective Mark Quagliarello.

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Grant Hayes trial testimony (Day 3 pt 6)
Sept. 3, 2013, testimony of Raleigh police detective Amanda Salmon.

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Grant Hayes trial testimony (Day 3 pt 7)
Sept. 3, 2013, testimony of Raleigh police detective Keith Heckman.

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Grant Hayes trial testimony (Day 3 pt 8)
Sept. 3, 2013, testimony of Raleigh police detective Sgt. Robert Latour Jr.

WRAL - Raleigh, NC - Archived videos of Grant Hayes' trial
Wish I had a copy of that document, so I could read it again. I didn't perceive it as at all favorable to Laura in regard to being with her boys. But I need to hear it again. It doesn't make any sense to me, unless he was forcing her to sign it, but she wouldn't, and that's when things went awry..

But I suspect the prosecution will provide a theory about that document later.

Does anyone else feel the testimony is disjointed, as though they're jumping all over the place, and back and forth with places, people and dates? I'm trying to figure out who was doing what when and where, and struggling.

I'm surprised, too, that LE did not seize that sofa. They didn't dust it for prints, dna, etc. but Laura was missing still, right? That sofa could have held clues!

Last comment: why do they lead up to a point where you think there will be a significant finding, but then....nothing. Example: Becky questioning the detective about the substance which appeared to be blood on the sofa. She went through the whole set of questions/photos, and then never losed the loop. The defense finally asked whether blood was found on the couch. Answer: no. Then why did the prosecution spend 20 minutes in the subject?

And then today, they danced all around the visit to Karen Berry's house, but never said what Karen told them (RPD detectives)! Hello! Why did local LE descend upon the place after they spoke with Karen? Obviously, Karen gave them important info, but they never shared what she told them. I guess they will tomorrow, but it feels their line of questions are leaning toward a random order, or designed like a leave people in suspense.

Ok, tomorrow's a new day! :)
Stupid question... hope y'all dont mind me asking. Where did they keep her remains before they left for Texas?
'East, and C'Moon -- Ummm -- that business has a bad, bad smell, IMHO.

I can see in my mind, one of her boys being threatened with harm or her being told she would never see them again or the like. They might have been able to threaten harm to her & she might not have relented & signed, etc., but the boys -- no. Maybe they threatened to move out of NC to an unknown location, etc., etc. Who knoze, but it reeks of threats and duress -- or maybe they had already hurt her and threatened more of the same -- cut off a finger or a toe (please excuse, but they are bad, bad people, IMO). Threatened her daughter? Her business partner? Lotsa bad possibilities. Further, past history has been reported that he had physically harmed her in the past. With both of them bearing down on her, it's scary to contemplate.

Dear friends & gentle peeps, we shall never, never know... :stormingmad:

Totally agree with your thoughts Born. There is much more to this than meets the eye. We may never know, or--we may find out through AH when it's her turn.
My husband loves Chinese food. I hate it. He coerced me into eating some for lunch yesterday and I spent the rest of the afternoon knocked out with a migraine--that blasted MSG they use in it does it every time and I know better. Then, this morning I discover it has made me sick in other ways, ie bathroom trips. I will never eat another bite of it again.
Thank you so much to whomever--I'm so sorry, I've already forgotten, who posted the links to the video yesterday. I was able to get caught up that way.
I hope each of you is well and this trial will move along rapidly this morning and lots of good info will come out. I'm ready for the nittty gritty.
Stupid question... hope y'all dont mind me asking. Where did they keep her remains before they left for Texas?

I'm not certain about the couple of days immediately after the murder, but they purchased coolers and transported her body parts to TX in coolers in the UHaul.
Agree that the whole signed document issue smells fishy. Today it was revealed that GH & LA exchanged multiple texts & calls the day she was killed. What if he lured her to his apt with the promise that he had a favourable solution to their custody dispute. Maybe he told her they were moving to Kinston & he would give her unlimited access to the kids if she dropped the legal proceedings. He could have told her that with the new baby, AH needed more time w/out the boys to focus on the baby. In addition he would give her the $25,000 since he wouldn't have to pay an attorney for the hearing. She probably didn't know about his financial situation so didn't realize he had no way to come up with $25000. He convinced her it was a win-win for her. To change custody legally would be expensive but they could have an informal agreement that gave her more time w/ kids plus get money to boot if she just signed document. Of course he was only getting her to sign this so it would deflect suspicion from him when she went missing, since he knew she was going missing & thought body would never be found. She added the part saying she was not giving up her parental rights ( this part was in a different handwriting) just to make sure she was protected. All this is supposition on my part, was just the only kind of scenario I could imagine that he might have convinced her to sign this w/out threat of physical harm. Thoughts??

Excellent argument, Marilou -- a much better one than my barbaric assumption... And LA may have thought that she still could legally contest it if she wasn't given the visitation that the agreement implied. And maybe she was at least scared enuff (more with the barbaric) while in his apt, to sign whatever in order to survive to have the boys another day. <smh>

And, it's been done, but here is another:


:websleuther:Websleuths :websleuther:

We are glad you're here. :seeya: Just jump in and give your thoughts and info!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Court is in Session
Resuming Det. Latour's Testimony for the PT

Good Morning, Peeps!

I am Sick&Tired of seeing GH in his pajamas -- where's his teddy bear?


On with the show...
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Court is in Session
Resuming Det. Latour's Testimony for the PT

Good Morning, Peeps!

I am Sick&Tired of seeing GH in his pajamas -- where's his teddy bear?


On with the show...

LOL, pajamas is right. Can't his attorneys get him some decent clothing to wear to court? He honestly looks like he has on long johns--top and bottoms-- from the 1800. It's part of that EGO of his.
Wish I had a copy of that document, so I could read it again. I didn't perceive it as at all favorable to Laura in regard to being with her boys. But I need to hear it again. It doesn't make any sense to me, unless he was forcing her to sign it, but she wouldn't, and that's when things went awry..

But I suspect the prosecution will provide a theory about that document later.

Does anyone else feel the testimony is disjointed, as though they're jumping all over the place, and back and forth with places, people and dates? I'm trying to figure out who was doing what when and where, and struggling.

I'm surprised, too, that LE did not seize that sofa. They didn't dust it for prints, dna, etc. but Laura was missing still, right? That sofa could have held clues!

Last comment: why do they lead up to a point where you think there will be a significant finding, but then....nothing. Example: Becky questioning the detective about the substance which appeared to be blood on the sofa. She went through the whole set of questions/photos, and then never losed the loop. The defense finally asked whether blood was found on the couch. Answer: no. Then why did the prosecution spend 20 minutes in the subject?

And then today, they danced all around the visit to Karen Berry's house, but never said what Karen told them (RPD detectives)! Hello! Why did local LE descend upon the place after they spoke with Karen? Obviously, Karen gave them important info, but they never shared what she told them. I guess they will tomorrow, but it feels their line of questions are leaning toward a random order, or designed like a leave people in suspense.

Ok, tomorrow's a new day! :)

I found the whole couch line of questioning odd myself. At first I was thinking Ohhhhh...she was sitting on the couch and they hit her from behind (the blood seeped through to bottom), was envisioning it all in my head...Then PA never states the test results and I knew it was not blood (which defense clarified).
So why focus so much on that detail???
This seems to be an odd case in that all seems to be against GH, so far nothing has given an inkling to any innocence (in my eyes). But I have a feeling defense is working its way up to some "bombshell" type moment.
I keep thinking Def. is not doing much in the way of actual defending of him, and I know these people have to be too smart to not have some master plan.
Scares me to think what that may be.

If this made no sense excuse please, still working on my first coffee.

Also wanted to say thank you to Ann-Tx for posting recaps, I missed day 1 and it was so easy to catch up because of your links.
Much appreciated :tyou:
Agree that the whole signed document issue smells fishy. Today it was revealed that GH & LA exchanged multiple texts & calls the day she was killed. What if he lured her to his apt with the promise that he had a favourable solution to their custody dispute. Maybe he told her they were moving to Kinston & he would give her unlimited access to the kids if she dropped the legal proceedings. He could have told her that with the new baby, AH needed more time w/out the boys to focus on the baby. In addition he would give her the $25,000 since he wouldn't have to pay an attorney for the hearing. She probably didn't know about his financial situation so didn't realize he had no way to come up with $25000. He convinced her it was a win-win for her. To change custody legally would be expensive but they could have an informal agreement that gave her more time w/ kids plus get money to boot if she just signed document. Of course he was only getting her to sign this so it would deflect suspicion from him when she went missing, since he knew she was going missing & thought body would never be found. She added the part saying she was not giving up her parental rights ( this part was in a different handwriting) just to make sure she was protected. All this is supposition on my part, was just the only kind of scenario I could imagine that he might have convinced her to sign this w/out threat of physical harm. Thoughts??

The prosecutors did the same thing in the Chavez trial--kept building and building and never made a point. Drove me insane.
I have no idea why Boz is spending so much time on this video evidence since we all know that LA was dead when this was filmed. Apparently GA wanted himself captured by the cameras at the meeting place that Friday afternoon and did everything he could to make sure it happened. Or am I thinking wrong?
"New FangDangled" LOL!

This judge personifies southern charm.
Okay, I'm gonna stop beating this dead horse, :deadhorse: peeps.... From viewing the Sheetz film from Fri, the 15th, where GH is there to meet LA <choke, gag>, it appears he dresses better for the Sheetz crowd that he does the Chief Resident Superior Count Judge Stephens, the jury, the other principals, and the public. :eek:verreaction: Is he just slapping all of those folks in the face with this get-up? Such obvious, IMO, disdain, disrespect, haughtiness, and stoopidity, IMO. Nice guy to know, huh?!

End of Raiment Rant...
The prosecutors did the same thing in the Chavez trial--kept building and building and never made a point. Drove me insane.
I have no idea why Boz is spending so much time on this video evidence since we all know that LA was dead when this was filmed. Apparently GA wanted himself captured by the cameras at the meeting place that Friday afternoon and did everything he could to make sure it happened. Or am I thinking wrong?

Sounds about right, and gods know he loves to be on camera also.
Also notice how much he talked to cashier, person behind him in line, like "Hi I am Grant, I am here, I showed up to meet my dead ex".
Even his cigarettes seem pretentious. I remember I used to see ads for that brand (American Spirit) in Rolling Stone, they had super slick expensive advertising. I now know they are known as "the Hipster cigarette"...sounds about right, this guy is all about his image.

PS- I really despise him. I've known his type, and always knew to steer very clear.

PPS-Who is with his kids while he is doing his multiple circuits of the store? Is Amanda in the car?
Okay, I'm gonna stop beating this dead horse, :deadhorse: peeps.... From viewing the Sheetz film from Fri, the 15th, where GH is there to meet LA <choke, gag>, it appears he dresses better for the Sheetz crowd that he does the Chief Resident Superior Count Judge Stephens, the jury, the other principals, and the public. :eek:verreaction: Is he just slapping all of those folks in the face with this get-up? Such obvious, IMO, disdain, disrespect, haughtiness, and stoopidity, IMO. Nice guy to know, huh?!

End of Raiment Rant...

Rant all you want, I totally agree. His attire for court is the same thing as a slap in the face to the judge and others of authority in that courtroom. EGO!
I like this detective. I get a feel from him that he has very little use for GH either.
Again, I have forgotten who mentioned GH's nails the other day but I agree,,,,they are gross. We noticed them back in the spring during one of the motion hearings and I couldn't believe them--filed, pointy, long nails. Not anything I've ever seen on a man before. Probably never on a woman either.
Again, I have forgotten who mentioned GH's nails the other day but I agree,,,,they are gross. We noticed them back in the spring during one of the motion hearings and I couldn't believe them--filed, pointy, long nails. Not anything I've ever seen on a man before. Probably never on a woman either.

I know some guitar players will grow a couple longer on their picking hand, as opposed to using picks.
Although since he is in jail I have to assume he no longer has access to instruments? Or maybe he does, some jails have programs that may include activity like that I suppose.
Again, I have forgotten who mentioned GH's nails the other day but I agree,,,,they are gross. We noticed them back in the spring during one of the motion hearings and I couldn't believe them--filed, pointy, long nails. Not anything I've ever seen on a man before. Probably never on a woman either.

Nancy Grace did a special with women in the Estrella jail. Some had their nails done like that too. On another special, I saw men in jail that had done the same. My thought was that they are kinda like claw weapons.

GH is a piece of work. Thanks for keeping us up to date with this trial. What a tragedy. :seeya:
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