GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #3

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GH hated Laura with a passion. He is a nasty piece of work. I could not believe him making a folder in his inbox called "letters from a hoe", and all the letters Laura wrote to him, he moved into that folder. He truly hate her. I got chills when he bobbed his head to the beat of that vile song of his. He will never ever show remorse for what he has done. He hates her till today, and it is evident in his icy cold demeanour in court.

I dont think the jury will deliberate more than 4 hours before returning with a guilty verdict.
Hey islandmixed! You should have joined in our chat over on Sneiderman, I never saw you post over there (I watched that one too). Glad you're here!

Hey! Thanks for the welcome..

I only discovered this forum a few days ago lol I never knew one existed if honest. I find it quite hard to find what threads are where with all these trials, is their something i am doing wrong??? Sneiderman trial was good but 5 years! Sucker punch to the victim IMO.

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GH hated Laura with a passion. He is a nasty piece of work. I could not believe him making a folder in his inbox called "letters from a hoe", and all the letters Laura wrote to him, he moved into that folder. He truly hate her. I got chills when he bobbed his head to the beat of that vile song of his. He will never ever show remorse for what he has done. He hates her till today, and it is evident in his icy cold demeanour in court.

I dont think the jury will deliberate more than 4 hours before returning with a guilty verdict.

I agree, he values no human beings life, let alone himself. He wanted to have the perfect life with Amanda and his kids. Hoping Laura would just leave him be and forget about her boys? He is off his rocker if he thinks any mother would just walk away from the attachment a mother shares with her kids. When they played the song, i wanted to jump through the screen, he must feel like this is one big joke. Those poor kids, I wonder what the boys will think of his controlling evil murdering plot of their mother when they are older. Very true, he has this huge HATE for Laura, and to my understanding, all she wanted to do is have contact with her boys any chance she could. #Devils are amongst us, this case proves it.

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Hey Island again welcome to Websleuths. I find it easy to click on the link at the top NEW POSTS; and from there each morning or day you can find what is being "talked" about the most; what trial is likely ON; and on WAT as well (wildabout trial) they are a new site that has live links to whatever trial they can air. Sometimes it's hard to find the links but everyone here is very helpful. A great Group.
So try the NEW POSTS; that will give you the latest and on weekdays when a trial is actually on live you will know as it will be the top post or in the top five. Hope that Helps!

Hey Island again welcome to Websleuths. I find it easy to click on the link at the top NEW POSTS; and from there each morning or day you can find what is being "talked" about the most; what trial is likely ON; and on WAT as well (wildabout trial) they are a new site that has live links to whatever trial they can air. Sometimes it's hard to find the links but everyone here is very helpful. A great Group.
So try the NEW POSTS; that will give you the latest and on weekdays when a trial is actually on live you will know as it will be the top post or in the top five. Hope that Helps!


Thanks Cherry, i will indeed try that and check out that website lol all this new info is great. I have friends telling me ill soon plot a murder with all my trial watching lately lol Thank god for this group...:)

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Appears there is a term for couples like LA and GH - "high conflict" couples. I truly want to know EXACTLY what was done in our NC courts to defuse the CONFLICT.

The death of LA SHOULD highlight our court's deficiencies. I posted a pdf from a Wilmington family attorney group which I found best brought into focus some fundamentals -

1 - there is no statute requiring a pysch eval for custody cases. I think that is HUGE! How can proceedings be derailed or hi jacked? Why was the court focused on this doctor and her desires? I will state this once more -
In custody cases, support is evaluated by parental fiscal benchmarks. There is not a one size fits all. I continue to be baffled why the court allowed this doctor to charge SO MUCH, especially after hearing what she did. I am having a REAL HARD time seeing why an eval would take so long and cost so much. HIGH CONFLICT couple + reasonably priced EVAL is one thing. HIGH CONFLICT COUPLE + $15 GRAND priced EVAL I think = DANGER!

2- NC has no adopted no child custody evaluation guidelines. !!!!!!
AND there are THREE CONFLICTING models. I know the state of NC is commonly known as the RipVanWinkle state for its late to the party attitude. BUT THIS TIME SOMEONE DIED! Remember this psych eval is being done by non- MDs. In the report, this psychologist even said GH should consider seeing a PSYCHIATRIST. She could ONLY recommend. GOTTA ASK - isn't there something wrong with this set up? Already asked about need for investigation into WHEN this DR became aware of GH's extreme hatred and apparent suspected psych problems.

Now after I have dug a bit deeper, I have to ask

If there are no guidelines for the work product itself, what rules apply to the folks doing the work in NC family courts?

Pyschiatrists have laws they must follow and can use when they know a patient is a danger to self or others, they have legal statutes to help them do what needs to be done. Did the NC Courts put this DR in a position to only fan the flames of the CONFLICT? Are there laws or hey, even guidelines through the courts for evaluators' conduct and authority?

Apparently she can grind the custody case to a stop if she believes she is owed money - Still want to know exactly what she needed that extra $5000. $2500 was a lot of money for either of these parents. AND let's not forget this dr was driving up the legal fees too because the hearing held to discuss her MORE MONEY plea forced the attorneys to go to court AGAIN and NOT for the actual case! I don't see how that is a positive from any angle.

Has NC family court system allowed something to become common practice WITHOUT making sure safety checks and standards are fundamental and our family courts CAUSE NO HARM?

Don't get me wrong - this train left the station because of GH. He set this in motion. If he had never lied to the court or even brought that ridiculous emergency action HE would not have found himself cornered.

I am thinking of the OTHER LAs out there right now who are depending on our Family courts to help them, at the very least NOT create more hardships and danger.
I agree, he values no human beings life, let alone himself. He wanted to have the perfect life with Amanda and his kids. Hoping Laura would just leave him be and forget about her boys? He is off his rocker if he thinks any mother would just walk away from the attachment a mother shares with her kids. When they played the song, i wanted to jump through the screen, he must feel like this is one big joke. Those poor kids, I wonder what the boys will think of his controlling evil murdering plot of their mother when they are older. Very true, he has this huge HATE for Laura, and to my understanding, all she wanted to do is have contact with her boys any chance she could. #Devils are amongst us, this case proves it.

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Forgot to say welcome Islandmixed!!

So true what you said above....and yes, as Boz said (I think) he still hates her to this day.:sigh:
Hey! Thanks for the welcome..

I only discovered this forum a few days ago lol I never knew one existed if honest. I find it quite hard to find what threads are where with all these trials, is their something i am doing wrong??? Sneiderman trial was good but 5 years! Sucker punch to the victim IMO.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2


Yes, island, I get confused too sometimes. Usually I just look under "trials," the ones that are bolded are the ones with recent comments so I just look at those to find the latest trials. I do search sometimes, but I don't always find what I'm looking for.....

Speaking of which, I saw you mention Raven Aboroa (sp?) trial that you're watching...I saw some videos on youtube, then I found a thread on here but that's concerning the last trial which was the hung jury. Has the re-trial begun? And is there a thread on here concerning the new re-trial?

Appears there is a term for couples like LA and GH - "high conflict" couples. I truly want to know EXACTLY what was done in our NC courts to defuse the CONFLICT.

The death of LA SHOULD highlight our court's deficiencies. I posted a pdf from a Wilmington family attorney group which I found best brought into focus some fundamentals -

1 - there is no statute requiring a pysch eval for custody cases. I think that is HUGE! How can proceedings be derailed or hi jacked? Why was the court focused on this doctor and her desires? I will state this once more -
In custody cases, support is evaluated by parental fiscal benchmarks. There is not a one size fits all. I continue to be baffled why the court allowed this doctor to charge SO MUCH, especially after hearing what she did. I am having a REAL HARD time seeing why an eval would take so long and cost so much. HIGH CONFLICT couple + reasonably priced EVAL is one thing. HIGH CONFLICT COUPLE + $15 GRAND priced EVAL I think = DANGER!

2- NC has no adopted no child custody evaluation guidelines. !!!!!!
AND there are THREE CONFLICTING models. I know the state of NC is commonly known as the RipVanWinkle state for its late to the party attitude. BUT THIS TIME SOMEONE DIED! Remember this psych eval is being done by non- MDs. In the report, this psychologist even said GH should consider seeing a PSYCHIATRIST. She could ONLY recommend. GOTTA ASK - isn't there something wrong with this set up? Already asked about need for investigation into WHEN this DR became aware of GH's extreme hatred and apparent suspected psych problems.

Now after I have dug a bit deeper, I have to ask

If there are no guidelines for the work product itself, what rules apply to the folks doing the work in NC family courts?

Pyschiatrists have laws they must follow and can use when they know a patient is a danger to self or others, they have legal statutes to help them do what needs to be done. Did the NC Courts put this DR in a position to only fan the flames of the CONFLICT? Are there laws or hey, even guidelines through the courts for evaluators' conduct and authority?

Apparently she can grind the custody case to a stop if she believes she is owed money - Still want to know exactly what she needed that extra $5000. $2500 was a lot of money for either of these parents. AND let's not forget this dr was driving up the legal fees too because the hearing held to discuss her MORE MONEY plea forced the attorneys to go to court AGAIN and NOT for the actual case! I don't see how that is a positive from any angle.

Has NC family court system allowed something to become common practice WITHOUT making sure safety checks and standards are fundamental and our family courts CAUSE NO HARM?

Don't get me wrong - this train left the station because of GH. He set this in motion. If he had never lied to the court or even brought that ridiculous emergency action HE would not have found himself cornered.

I am thinking of the OTHER LAs out there right now who are depending on our Family courts to help them, at the very least NOT create more hardships and danger.

Veracity, the family court system would work a heck of a lot faster and smoother if it was not under the control of the goverment. But that obviously cannot be done, then only the wealthy would be able to afford it. The system is designed to work for all people, plus a lot of red-tape due to government, so like all government-controlled systems, it's gonna be slower.

Same with the criminal court system and any court system...if they were "businesses," everything would work faster and more efficiently.

So we can look in hindsight and say yes, they messed up on this one, yes the psychiatrist was wrong, etc.., but that's just the way the system is set up. For the psychiatrist to get her money, she has to put a request in, that request requires hearing, the hearing is probably delayed b/c there are hundreds of thousands of other cases on backlog, etc..
Damn right! I start back school next week and i will be fuming if the verdict is not what i want, i cant even say the word cause i am nervous lol. As of now while i am waiting, i am watching the Raven Abaroa trial....

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Ugghhhh! Another thieving, lying wife-killer. Only in love with self and maybe a little left over for his young son who, in RA's opinion, is his copy and younger self.

Beyond the pale. Bad 'un. IMO, of course!

"See you in court" tomorrow, young Brit!

:liar: -----> :jail:

:justice: for Laura!!!!
Hey! Thanks for the welcome..

I only discovered this forum a few days ago lol I never knew one existed if honest. I find it quite hard to find what threads are where with all these trials, is their something i am doing wrong??? Sneiderman trial was good but 5 years! Sucker punch to the victim IMO.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2

The only way I know to find a particular defendant or victim for info or for a trial, etc., is to go to the facility at the top of a regular WS page, toward the right-hand side and use the "Search" command. Once you have found what you want, "Subscribe" to it under "Thread Tools" -- as you've prolly figured by now. The subscription facility it will alert you to postings, etc. Also, your subscriptions will be listed under "Quick Links" for ease in finding them when you wish.

New Posts ..... Search
...... Quick Links

If there is a better way, someone jump in, please!
Veracity, good points. I did not watch her testimony, just read here. That is pretty sad if everything got held up just b/c of her and money.

Is it true that Grant was planning on moving back to Virgin Islands, or was he just moving to a differeent town in North Carolina? B/c if he was moving back to Virgin Islands, then he wouldn't be happy with 50/50, 80/30, or anything....he would want those kids permanently over there with him.

IIRC, he sent several messages to people about moving back to VI because he couldn't make a living here. Even one of the emails presented in court to a friend that still lived there, asking if there would be work for his wife down there. He wasn't moving to Kinston, that was part of the "plan". He had every intention of moving back to VI and once he saw the psych eval he realized that was NOT going to happen. I think that is the crux of it all. He worked SO hard to tarnish Laura and make himself look like the angel parent but the psych saw past all of that. Then panic ensued and he realized if he stayed here, he might actually have to get a *gasp*, JOB :scared:
I woke up nauseated this morning, I wish I had more faith in our justice system but too many cold blooded killers have been walking free lately. There has been more damning evidence here though than I've seen in a while (then again, I thought the same thing with CA). I pray that the jury comes back quick, with a 1st degree murder charge. I can't understand how they could come back with anything else.

Didn't I hear that the jury was mainly women?
I woke up nauseated this morning, I wish I had more faith in our justice system but too many cold blooded killers have been walking free lately. There has been more damning evidence here though than I've seen in a while (then again, I thought the same thing with CA). I pray that the jury comes back quick, with a 1st degree murder charge. I can't understand how they could come back with anything else.

Didn't I hear that the jury was mainly women?

8 women, 4 men IIRC. I hope they have an overload of women's intuition.
Good Morning!!
Restless weekend thinking about this case/trial. I appreciate the insightful posts some of you made over the weekend.
I, too, hope the jury is **smart** and will come back before lunch with a resounding guilty of 1st degree murder verdict.
Ugghhhh! Another thieving, lying wife-killer. Only in love with self and maybe a little left over for his young son who, in RA's opinion, is his copy and younger self.

Beyond the pale. Bad 'un. IMO, of course!

"See you in court" tomorrow, young Brit!

:liar: -----> :jail:

:justice: for Laura!!!!

Weren't they supposed to reschedule Abaroa's next trial daate some time in Sept? That's now, and I haven't heard a thing???
Good Morning!!
Restless weekend thinking about this case/trial. I appreciate the insightful posts some of you made over the weekend.
I, too, hope the jury is **smart** and will come back before lunch with a resounding guilty of 1st degree murder verdict.

I was the same way... so what do I do? Saturday morning around 2am, can't sleep so decide to watch 12 Angry Men, I didn't even think about it until 15 minutes in I was like, maybe this isn't the movie to watch if I'm wanting to rid myself of anxiety, LOL!!!!
I woke up nauseated this morning, I wish I had more faith in our justice system but too many cold blooded killers have been walking free lately. There has been more damning evidence here though than I've seen in a while (then again, I thought the same thing with CA). I pray that the jury comes back quick, with a 1st degree murder charge. I can't understand how they could come back with anything else.

Didn't I hear that the jury was mainly women?

I know I will never take justice for granted after the Casey Anthony circus and there have been trials when I believed the defendant guilty but the jury found otherwise that left me stunned but there is a lot of circumstantial evidence here that tie Grant to the crime and IMO make him guilty as he11.

Waiting for Justice for Laura and her two boys.
IIRC, he sent several messages to people about moving back to VI because he couldn't make a living here. Even one of the emails presented in court to a friend that still lived there, asking if there would be work for his wife down there. He wasn't moving to Kinston, that was part of the "plan". He had every intention of moving back to VI and once he saw the psych eval he realized that was NOT going to happen. I think that is the crux of it all. He worked SO hard to tarnish Laura and make himself look like the angel parent but the psych saw past all of that. Then panic ensued and he realized if he stayed here, he might actually have to get a *gasp*, JOB :scared:

I agree! Saying he was moving to Kinston was part of his master plan. It made it look like he was just "bending over backwards". to help LA. Once LA "disappeared" after taking the $25000, he could pull out the document saying she was not going to seek custody. He thought this would allow him to move to VI w/ the kids. Again, he was counting on her body never being found so she would just be labeled as missing. If they had dumped her body one piece at a time while in route to Texas, they might have gotten away w/ it. Thank heavens they were over confident w/ their plan. I have to hand it to them on their cleaning of the apartment, coolers, etc. They did a good job with that part. Hope the jury wipes that grin off his face today by finding him guilty!
Well Grant, why break tradition and wear anything other than all white :facepalm:

I swear, he is always smiling and laughing... he must be psychotic enough to either a) think he's walking or b) really like the idea of prison. I don't get it.

Here we go folks... fingers crossed that today brings a little justice to Laura and her family (the rest of that justice will hopefully come in January)
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