GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #3

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And why did the defense ask her if Amanda told her she was covering for Grant?? Do they want that hole they keep digging him to reach China?

Good question. Better to ask themselves rather than let the prosecution do it?

The more Amanda is implicated in this trial, the greater possibility for someone on the jury to have doubts about whodunnit. Not that they should with all these dots to so easily connect, but remember the trial in Orlando.... I keep reminding myself that lots of this is strategy. This is GH's trial, not AH's. Her time will come.

I bet AH has been a PITA to her family all her life, just a hunch. The last place I would go with my murder victim's body parts would be to a family member's residence. And AH involved Sha, too. Some mother.

It was interesting to me that Karen skipped over the specifics of Nicky Smith's death, with the adamant "I know nothing!" He was a DOA when the ambulance arrived, according to what someone posted in the early threads about this case. Wonder if AH got tired of taking care of him. But I digress....
I don't think I would either knowing my sister put me and my family in this position, possibly facing charges themselves, and had murdered a young mother, and brought her body there to dispose of it. I think I'd have to say no to talking to her at that point to.

Agreed, CrazytownUSA Raleigh One -- I'm one, and there are......others, too, my pretty!! Great to have One More!

How much more would you want to know about this prolly scary and unknown part of your sister? Especially assuming that you would wind up just where she was today -- under oath during a murder trial.

I would like to know KB's impression of GH... doesn't appear to me that it was very good...
And why did the defense ask her if Amanda told her she was covering for Grant?? Do they want that hole they keep digging him to reach China?

We don't need China, although you're right, geevee -- it's headed there with or without a reciprocating saw -- all we really ask is that it winds up with our Man in White changing his outfit to orange and white wide stripes with a sort of tattoo on his back that says NC Dept. of Correction and a little 8x6 private room -- with a stainless steel toilet seat (yikes, brr!) in :jail:.

Good question. Better to ask themselves rather than let the prosecution do it?
The more Amanda is implicated in this trial, the greater possibility for someone on the jury to have doubts about whodunnit. Not that they should with all these dots to so easily connect, but remember the trial in Orlando.... I keep reminding myself that lots of this is strategy. This is GH's trial, not AH's. Her time will come.

I bet AH has been a PITA to her family all her life, just a hunch. The last place I would go with my murder victim's body parts would be to a family member's residence. And AH involved Sha, too. Some mother.

It was interesting to me that Karen skipped over the specifics of Nicky Smith's death, with the adamant "I know nothing!" He was a DOA when the ambulance arrived, according to what someone posted in the early threads about this case. Wonder if AH got tired of taking care of him. But I digress....

Tha's the only reason I can think of.

I thought it was very odd too, she didn't remember much about the NS marriage but she did know Amanda took excellent care of him - how'd she know that?
I didn't get to see the prosecution's cross of her, but thought it was very strange the part where she says, in the house, Amanda told her something bad, something really BAD she did to Laura. So KB tells her let's go outside because this is SERIOUS.

Then outside, she fast-forwards straight to the part where AH and GH are asking her about is there any empty land with big holes in them, does your well have a hole? Then defense asks her, so did you ask them what happened or why were they asking, and KB was like, nah.

?????!!?!??!?!! WTH????

I saw this in Joshua Young trial, too, they asked a witness so did you ask him questions after he told you he killed someone and asked you to drive him to dispose of the clothes and weapon....NAH, I went back to sleep.

I don't know if this is just ignorance, or if they do that 'cause they're covering up.
Somebody has to say it ---- Just the mere fact that he was bee-bopping to that PARTICULAR track of music -- in front of the jurors, no less -- just PROVES to me he is a heartless, cruel, egotistic, lying, murdering SOB. Case is closed, no use in finishing Mr. Defense.

I would sincerely have to remove myself from the jury because I would not believe a word of his defense.
You are so right, wuffin! We have seen some really slimy defendants, some we knew if he/she took the stand, it would all be lies, lies, lies. Some were silent and scared or appeared to be legally prescription-drugged. Some (many) were narcissistic and confident-based on what?

But this man? I just don't understand where his whatever-it-is originates. The way he was raised?

I often wonder about some of the defendants we see: At night, when they are in bed with only their deepest thoughts -- what are they really thinking about his/her fate? This guy, I haven't a dayam clue.

And his poor attorneys -- yes, they defend these oftentimes "scum of the earth" types and sometimes their clients are just poor thinkers and have planned poorly and still think they might be able to get away with it. But these guys defending an I-don't-know-what, I just have to feel a bit sorry for them -- they were appointed as his "third choice" with Judge Stephens telling their client that he won't get another. But they are trying - you can't make sugar from carp.

My take away from their playing Broomstick Rider is that during that song it was the first and only time Grant Hayes ever looked up from the defense table and quit writing during the entire prosecution's case in chief. He sat there and jammed with the music, as if he were in a doggone club. That, and only that, would prove to me how narcissistic and self-loving this man is.
I'm with you Born, I think he has several personality disorders. I think some originated in his childhood, others developed as he aged. It would be difficult to put a single label on him. His thought processes are totally dysfunctional with respect to himself and his EGO.
I have a major headache so I'm going to bed. See everybody in the morning.
I was away most of the day but just finished watching the testimony from today. First, I think the various timelines/spreadsheets Det. Faulk presented today will really help the jurors and me keep events, purchases, etc straight. Wish I had a copy if these sheets! KB's bombshell, IMO, when she said AH told her she was covering for GH was huge. Why in the world would they call her? To me this puts everything AH told KB about hurting LA in question. In my opinion it leads one to think that she only said she " hurt LA bad" because she thought her sister would be more likely to help them if she thought AH was the primary offender rather than if she thought It was GH. But when KB sat her down & asked her directly if she was covering for GH, she answered honestly. Think this is the truth.
One more thing, I also thought it was totally disgusting & inappropriate that GH was bobbing along to his song. How big an idiot can he be? He has absolutely no sense of appropriate behavior. What arrogance!!
Somebody has to say it ---- Just the mere fact that he was bee-bopping to that PARTICULAR track of music -- in front of the jurors, no less -- just PROVES to me he is a heartless, cruel, egotistic, lying, murdering SOB. Case is closed, no use in finishing Mr. Defense.

I would sincerely have to remove myself from the jury because I would not believe a word of his defense.


I have been stunned at how Grant has behaved throughout this trial. Tracking the camera, rocking in his chair, chatting and laughing with his attorneys, winking and waving to folks in the gallery. Talk about NO REMORSE!

After hearing and watching the prosecution and the first defense? witness, I couldn't help but wonder how much is being wasted even having this trial!

(and as an aside, I detest that younger defense attorney's "gotcha" retorts and the lady prosecutor needs to go back and have public speaking classes, her "mmm"s are annoying as can be. Can she not hold her train of thought or is she purposefully trying to appear hesitant or worse to the jury? )
Well I've been TRYING!!!! I signed up a while back and waiting to get confirmation, finally emailed and asked what was going on and FINALLY got in LOL! I've been sitting down there in the tray as a guest just chomping at the bit!!!

I'm in Raleigh as well and been paying close attention for the last 2 years. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see what Karen Berry has to say.

:woohoo: Hey Crazytown! Thanks for joining us!!
Dang I do, you guys!

Mom duty called me to an away high school volleyball game this afternoon & it looks like I missed some good stuff!

I'm off to YT :earson:
*Manager at Walmart said, "Reciprocating saws will cut through ANYthing. That's what my husband says." ..............she does realize why GH is on trial, right? :facepalm:

*You object to the song? How about you need to object to your client being a complete thoughtless, heartless addition to the human race.

*I LOVE that the State rested after they played GH's "Broomstick Rider". Well played, State. Well played.

Video of GH enjoying his lyrical works:
I was away most of the day but just finished watching the testimony from today. First, I think the various timelines/spreadsheets Det. Faulk presented today will really help the jurors and me keep events, purchases, etc straight. Wish I had a copy if these sheets! KB's bombshell, IMO, when she said AH told her she was covering for GH was huge. Why in the world would they call her? To me this puts everything AH told KB about hurting LA in question. In my opinion it leads one to think that she only said she " hurt LA bad" because she thought her sister would be more likely to help them if she thought AH was the primary offender rather than if she thought It was GH. But when KB sat her down & asked her directly if she was covering for GH, she answered honestly. Think this is the truth.


I think KB was honest about that part, but I don't think AH was being honest. I think it was her easy way out. Someone says to you after you doing something "bad," 'oh hey, yeah I know, you're just covering for that other person right?? You didn't actually do this, right?"" And of course the easy thing would be to say "oh yes," or just nod your head slowly for even more impact.

I think AH and GH are both equally involved and equally to blame.
I can tell you right now, if I was on that jury, I would pretty much ignore everything Karen Barry said. She was obviously holding back a lot of information, she obviously KNEW Laura was dead, she obviously KNEW they were looking for places to hide her, I suspect she KNEW that's what they were doing out on the creek (not fishing like she says she thought), she KNEW that Laura was in the Uhaul ('cause of course if they're gonna dump the body in TX they must have BROUGHT it with them). Sooooo, yet she still lies to the jury and pretends like she didn't know any of those "details,", so therefore, Karen Barry, I'm not gonna believe a word coming out of your mouth.

Oh, and the only reason she gave even that information to the detectives is after they had already caught onto the whole plan. If no detectives had come looking, if Laura was still "missing person,"...nobody would've ever known and she wasn't about to tell. It would all just fade away.
I was away most of the day but just finished watching the testimony from today. First, I think the various timelines/spreadsheets Det. Faulk presented today will really help the jurors and me keep events, purchases, etc straight. Wish I had a copy if these sheets! KB's bombshell, IMO, when she said AH told her she was covering for GH was huge. Why in the world would they call her? To me this puts everything AH told KB about hurting LA in question. In my opinion it leads one to think that she only said she " hurt LA bad" because she thought her sister would be more likely to help them if she thought AH was the primary offender rather than if she thought It was GH. But when KB sat her down & asked her directly if she was covering for GH, she answered honestly. Think this is the truth.

I agree, Marilou -- I think we have all had that eye-to-eye-tell-me-the-truth moment with a parent -- oooh, I did, and fortunately for me, I was loved by my parents and not abused, etc., so even my honest answer, although it got me into trouble as I knew it would, was not such a horrible threat that it made me lie for being in fear of really being harmed if I did tell the truth. I was lucky, lucky, lucky.

Certainly, KB and AH were beyond that, and we know that KB did often act as her mother when she was growing up and when she was an adult. KB knew AH, and she knew how to get the truth from her -- especially with AH away from GH.

I think that GH being nearby was the reason AH told KB initially that she had "hurt LA/hurt her bad." I think AH was already afraid of GH, and she knew to be careful about what she said about the killing when he was within earshot. IMHO.


And one more little thang:

I will be in a class tomorrow morning, and I really hate I'm gonna miss the live version of Boz/Berry (sounds a bit like cereal, huh?) I will certainly watch what I missed asap in the pm.

If I walk back in, turn on my puter and Mr. Hayyyyes is on the stand -- after I pick my own body from off my face, that is -- for I will have fallen on it fer shure, I will find a brown paper bag & breathe in it, and get on WS & ask you folks if it is real. (I can already hear you folks giggling, snorting & guffawing into your morning coffees (yes, guffaw, little seachiq, even you) at your little joke for the late-comers.)

Justice for Laura the boys she loved more than anything.

Anyway folks, keep 'em honest tomorrow & save a seat pour moi.
I could see myself not wanting to ask questions. If you KNOW and
don't tell LE- you're in big trouble. I would also be afraid of what would happen to me or my family. As soon as they hit the road, I would be on the phone, if not before.

Did anybody see if they tested the shower curtain, rugs etx that were
found in the garbage. I just saw them going thru everything in the bathroom and it was negative.

I have tried to watch most of it but have had the bufferin circle up alot.


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