GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #3

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Whoa, someone in the gallery made a derogatory comment to an attorney and has been removed from the courtroom.

Did anyone catch, I think they said it to the prosecution?

I was thinking they said it to the defense after hearing "they are just doing their jobs". It will be interesting to find out, hopefully we will :)
I was thinking they said it to the defense after hearing "they are just doing their jobs". It will be interesting to find out, hopefully we will :)

The judge spoke so quickly I missed it. He also he would throw that person or anyone else in jail if it happens again.
The judge spoke so quickly I missed it. He also he would throw that person or anyone else in jail if it happens again.

I think he said the person said it to a defense attorney....and I noticed even before the Judge mentioned it that the victim's brother and his wife were not in the courtroom when they returned from the break.
So by a show of hands, how many people think that we are in for a BIG surprise from the jury on Monday?

"Big Surprise" in the format of a "not guilty" verdict
So by a show of hands, how many people think that we are in for a BIG surprise from the jury on Monday?

"Big Surprise" in the format of a "not guilty" verdict

I'm very nervous about it, I will admit. I think the prosecution proved their case, but you just never know about that one juror that can mess it all up.:stormingmad:
So by a show of hands, how many people think that we are in for a BIG surprise from the jury on Monday?

"Big Surprise" in the format of a "not guilty" verdict

Not me. I think the totality of the evidence would convince even the most skeptical person that he is guilty. I'd love to get my hands on that copy of the psych eval that they found in the Durango. That's a pretty powerful piece of evidence. Well that and him casually shopping for saws (and even asking for assistance) at 2:30ish in the morning.

I'm sure that woman thought he was crazy as all get-out. I mean, I get that some people shop at night in a 24 hour Wal-Mart, but to buy power tools like a saw? Batshit crazy. LOL!
I'm very nervous about it, I will admit. I think the prosecution proved their case, but you just never know about that one juror that can mess it all up.:stormingmad:

I know. I will never feel the same, will never have any sense of security, and will never get over the verdict in the CA trial. That verdict has messed me up for life. This trial and every other I watch/follow for life will keep me stressed and nervous until the verdict is read.
I was gone and missed the part about someone making a comment....can someone explain to me what happened? thanks
also is the jury deliberating now or did they go home for the day?
They will get shorter instructions first thing Monday morning and then begin their deliberations. They have all left for today.
During the break somebody in the 'audience' made a comment to one of the defense attorneys, who reported it to a sheriff, who told Judge Stephens. Judge Stephens told everybody that he had told the person who made the comment(s) to leave his courtroom, never to enter again, or he would put him in jail. He further stated if anybody there thought they needed to make disparaging comments to any of the lawyers, he would do the same thing to them or something to that effect.
They will get shorter instructions first thing Monday morning and then begin their deliberations. They have all left for today.
During the break somebody in the 'audience' made a comment to one of the defense attorneys, who reported it to a sheriff, who told Judge Stephens. Judge Stephens told everybody that he had told the person who made the comment(s) to leave his courtroom, never to enter again, or he would put him in jail. He further stated if anybody there thought they needed to make disparaging comments to any of the lawyers, he would do the same thing to them or something to that effect.

Oh my. This is one of the few cases where I actually don't feel perturbed with the defense lawyers (perhaps b/c they didn't put on a whole lot of any kind of evidence!). The only really anything they did was in their closing argument.
Oh my. This is one of the few cases where I actually don't feel perturbed with the defense lawyers (perhaps b/c they didn't put on a whole lot of any kind of evidence!). The only really anything they did was in their closing argument.

Yea, I feel the same. I think they did the best they could considering what was stacked up against them.
Plus, Wm. Durham, first chair, was Grant Hayes' 3rd court appointed attorney--he fired his first two--so that was somewhat a slap in the face for him going into this trial. I think Jeff Cutler, older and 2nd chair, is just happy it's all but over.
Originally Posted by CrazytownUSA
I can't say why I feel this way because I don't know exactly, but I really think she was a little of both. I don't think she was intentionally holding back or trying to be evasive, since she has from the beginning been very cooperative with LE, she knows what's at stake. I can't imagine the shock of hearing that your sister did these things. To me, she still looked stunned, ashamed, embarrassed, sad and angry. I just can't stand in judgement of her because I can't imagine what the last 2 years have been like for that family, knowing what position GH & AH put them in, not to mention the fact of what happened on and around their land. I DON'T think that KB had anything to do with it. GH & AH cleaned up pretty good and really tried to cover this up, I think they wanted as few loose ends as possible, so I really don't think they would have given anyone details that could have come back to them. I think they were very vague. I also think that KB knew what was up or speculated, but didn't want to directly ASK. She may have also been scared of GH. They had just brutally murdered someone and she had a pretty good idea they had, so there could be many reasons she stayed quiet.

As an aside, I'm ready for this to be over. This has been sad and painful. I pray for justice for Laura. A friend of mine is the cameraman for WRAL and he said this was the most gruesome trial he has been a part of. I pray that none of us have to endure another one like it, but sadly... it seems society is getting more and more depraved :(
Good post! I agree and my heart goes out to her as well.

Marilou -- You beat me to it!

Crazytown - Good post, indeed! Lotsa good points and mixed feelings, both in what you said -- I am mixed about her testimony, too -- and in what she testified -- all of the truth, some of the truth -- what did she leave out?. I am mixed about how I would handle things if I were in her shoes. Did AH say anything more about "things" on the phone other that what KB said she did? We'll never know.

But I don't think she like GH one darn bit, from the very get-go.

I never had a sibling, so I don't have that angle from which to feel or speak or judge, but I do have a family, and even thought AH is my sister/near-daughter, I would resent her taking advantage of me the way she did; but I would also realize that she had nowhere else to go.
So by a show of hands, how many people think that we are in for a BIG surprise from the jury on Monday?

"Big Surprise" in the format of a "not guilty" verdict

I would love to say NO WAY. But unfortunately I live here, I know better.

I was just about to ask you guys what is the point of this?

I saw just the first few minutes of Detective Faulk being recalled by the DT. Reading online news articles. Why? To what benefit does that bring to GH?

Well, that's one way of letting the jury hear what they haven't been allowed to hear or read... Dunno. That's my O. on this reading MSM articles...

no vibrator!

Also, no voice lessons.

A student has his/her first vibrato lesson (if the potential for one is seen -- and a good student is obvious from nearly the beginning, no matter the age -- should be able to develop one easily) pretty early. Maybe not with a 4 y/o, but early nevertheless.

Gotta stay in tune with that long-held note! Same with string instruments. It's gotta be there, folks.
Originally Posted by aa9511
I can imagine this judge with one of those fancy libraries at his house with wood paneling and leather chairs...smoking a!

LOL don't forget the snifter of brandy and smoking jacket!

And lookin' good!!! :blushing:What tales he could tell -- and this time with humor and little extra's...

Does anyone have a guess as to how many of these white shirts GH has?

He has a sink and soap and his own two tarnished hands. But his mom may have brought him a few -- just for the trial -- is he giving her his dirty laundry? Why not spread it around? There's plenty of it.

I must stop -- I will get in trouble if I start a rant about this ~man~.

Hi friends, I'm back. Not going to read what I missed because I want to watch it once it is posted. Turns out Tawnidilly has the videos, so I can watch on my super awesome fancy tv!
He has a sink and soap and his own two tarnished hands. But his mom may have brought him a few -- just for the trial -- is he giving her his dirty laundry? Why not spread it around? There's plenty of it.

I must stop -- I will get in trouble if I start a rant about this ~man~.

No man. Individual. Life form.
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