NC - MacDonald family murders at Fort Bragg, 1970 - Jeffrey MacDonald innocent?

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blueclouds said:
OH GOOD LORD!!! Something I just learned from this case. That the notorious and blatant liar Ted. L. Gunderson (aka Johnny Gosch conspiracy case...) was involved as an investigator for MacDonald.

Now that's CREDIBILITY. :sick: :rolleyes:

LOL, yeah Gunderson is a few sandwiches short of a picnic lunch eh.

This Gunderson-inspired 'retaliation murder' theory defies any logic.
I made a big mistake,you guys. It is not MacDonald who is suing her, it's one of his lawyers! (Although I'm sure he would, if he had the money to).
LovelyPigeon said:
MacDonald parole hearing set for May 10

By DAVID DISHNEAU, Associated Press Writer

HAGERSTOWN, Md. -- Former Army doctor Jeffrey MacDonald, convicted 26 years ago of the stabbing deaths of his pregnant wife and two daughters, has a parole hearing scheduled for May 10, the U.S. Parole Commission said Monday.
The hearing will be held on or near that date at the federal prison near Cumberland where MacDonald is incarcerated, a commission spokesman said. A decision on MacDonald's possible release would likely come three to four weeks later, he said.

The hearing will be closed to the public and news media, said MacDonald's wife, Kathryn, owner of a children's drama school in Laurel. She referred other questions to MacDonald's attorneys, Tim Junkin, who declined to comment, and Wade Smith, who didn't immediately return a call from The Associated Press.

Anyone live in Maryland close to the prison? Since the parole date is Colette's birthday there's some talk of a memorial outside by all of us who care about Colette, the unborn son, Kimberly and Kristen. Candles, prayers, maybe photos of the victims. I for one will be praying hard that day. They don't get parole so why should he.

this is Mac on parole day, lOL
Jeana (DP) said:
Its a waste of time unless he's willing to tell them he's guilty and he's sorry.
.and if he DOES confess, and apologize, then he's granted parole ?????

..i also read that freddy, his FIL, passed on years ago, i have no doubt that JM contributed to his early death as well, poor guy, he was robbed of being able to spend his later years doting on his grandchildren...

...if he does confess, i hope the parole board will hear him out, and then reply...

"thank you for finally admitting what we've always known, .........oh........and BTW parole denied."
cami said:
He was taking Eskatrol diet pills in the weeks preceeding the murders. He was moonlighting every night in January at Cape Fear hospital and Hamlet Hospital plus he had his 9-5 job on the base. He was obviously sleep deprived and taking uppers to get through it. He was a ticking time bomb.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was never actually proven that he took anything that night. (Like you, I suspect he was.) Joe McGuinness speculated (in FV) that MacDonald may have been in the grips of amphetamine rage, but it was much too late to prove it.

This is the big charge made against McGuinness by the pro-MacDonald camp, that McGuinness "lied" about the uppers. But in the book, McGuinness makes it quite clear he is speculating, long after the fact.
Nova said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was never actually proven that he took anything that night. (Like you, I suspect he was.) Joe McGuinness speculated (in FV) that MacDonald may have been in the grips of amphetamine rage, but it was much too late to prove it.

This is the big charge made against McGuinness by the pro-MacDonald camp, that McGuinness "lied" about the uppers. But in the book, McGuinness makes it quite clear he is speculating, long after the fact.

MacDonald wrote in his own notes that he had been taking Eskatrol and then tried to deny it once the book was published. No, it's not been proven, however during the civil trial a doctor and professor of pharmacology testified that the amount of amphetemine Mac's notes indicated he was taking was enough to precipitate a rage reaction or amphetemine psychosis on the night of the murders. These are public documents from the trial so I believe that McGinniss's theory is strengthed by the testimony. There's no doubt in my mind he was ingesting diet pills. He was moonlighting every night at Cape Fear Hospital and then had started at another hospital on the weekends as well as holding down a full-time job on the base.

The Army chemist, Joseph Barbato, who actually performed the drug tests on MacDonald's blood also testified at the civil trial and he testified that given the Army's equipment and testing methods, it would have been impossible to detect amphetemine use in Mac's blood unless he had taken a lethal dose. Certainly all indications of his pallor, excitement and non-stop verbiosity in the hospital in the immediate aftermath of the crime indicates diet pill or speed use.
cami said:
He was taking Eskatrol diet pills in the weeks preceeding the murders. He was moonlighting every night in January at Cape Fear hospital and Hamlet Hospital plus he had his 9-5 job on the base. He was obviously sleep deprived and taking uppers to get through it. He was a ticking time bomb.

I now believe he's guilty... however, this "diet pill" thing was proven false when he sued Fatal Vision author Joe McGuiness. Joe actually had made that part up and there was no proof that Jeff was on anything.

Having said that, even lack of sleep can cause worse symptoms than some drugs and he's a psychopath.... so you don't need anything more than that to kill your family.
blueclouds said:
I now believe he's guilty... however, this "diet pill" thing was proven false when he sued Fatal Vision author Joe McGuiness. Joe actually had made that part up and there was no proof that Jeff was on anything.

Having said that, even lack of sleep can cause worse symptoms than some drugs and he's a psychopath.... so you don't need anything more than that to kill your family.

Actually no it isn't it's right in MacDonald's hand written notes that he was asked to make by his attorneys. It is part of the civil trial public documents so he can't deny it. A doctor and professor of pharmacology testified on this matter at the civil trial. They would not get up there and testify and lie on the stand. That's perjury.

McGinniss said right in his book FV that it was a "theory" based on MacDonald's consumption of the diet pills and his theory is strenghtened by the testimony of the doctor at his civil trial. Macdonald's actions in the hospital directly after the murders is indicative of speed use.

MacDonald is a liar and will say anything to anybody.
cami said:
MacDonald wrote in his own notes that he had been taking Eskatrol and then tried to deny it once the book was published...

Don't get me wrong, Cami, I think it's highly likely MacDonald was strung out when he slaughtered his family.

But do his notes say he took Ekatrol that day? I'm wondering how the pro-MacDonald forces have been able to lambast McGuinness for "lying" all these years if the notes are that explicit.
blueclouds said:
I now believe he's guilty... however, this "diet pill" thing was proven false when he sued Fatal Vision author Joe McGuiness. Joe actually had made that part up and there was no proof that Jeff was on anything.

Having said that, even lack of sleep can cause worse symptoms than some drugs and he's a psychopath.... so you don't need anything more than that to kill your family.


Cami's right about the pro-MacDonald crowd. They claim all sorts of things as to what that trial "proved." Also as to who "won" (neither side, there was a negotiated settlement against the wishes of the author).

The amphetamine "theory" is clearly labeled as such in the book.
Nova said:
Don't get me wrong, Cami, I think it's highly likely MacDonald was strung out when he slaughtered his family.

But do his notes say he took Ekatrol that day? I'm wondering how the pro-MacDonald forces have been able to lambast McGuinness for "lying" all these years if the notes are that explicit.

Well he says "diet pill" and that he may have taken one after supper and they found Eskatrol in his apt and his office so you be the judge. You'd have to get the trial testimony to verify what was said exactly. If you have a newer version of Fatal Vision with the update at the back of the book, you can read it there. Or keep watching The Jeffrey MacDonald Information Site for new uploads on the civil trial. There is now the testimony of Cleve Backster who administered a private polygraph to MacDonald, which he failed, but still denies failing. You can read his testimony here

Because "macdonald forces", LOL, don't look past the surface. They take what he says at face value. They believe Fatal Justice and his website.
cami said:
Well he says "diet pill" and that he may have taken one after supper and they found Eskatrol in his apt and his office so you be the judge. You'd have to get the trial testimony to verify what was said exactly. If you have a newer version of Fatal Vision with the update at the back of the book, you can read it there. Or keep watching The Jeffrey MacDonald Information Site for new uploads on the civil trial. There is now the testimony of Cleve Backster who administered a private polygraph to MacDonald, which he failed, but still denies failing. You can read his testimony here

Because "macdonald forces", LOL, don't look past the surface. They take what he says at face value. They believe Fatal Justice and his website.

Thanks for the clarification, Cami. That's the problem with such blatant lies - honest people think there must be something to them because no one would tall such an obvious fib. But this isn't the Political Pavilion... ;)
Nova said:
Thanks for the clarification, Cami. That's the problem with such blatant lies - honest people think there must be something to them because no one would tall such an obvious fib. But this isn't the Political Pavilion... ;)

Today is the day. NOt that expect a triple murderer is going to be parolled his first time out if ever.

Happy Birthday Colette, May 10, 1943-February 17, 1970. We've fought long and hard in your memory so today we pray our voices are heard and that he never gets parolled.
:confused: And no it's not Scott Peterson...yet!!!
Tonight on Chris Matthews about the Jeffrey MaDonald :razz: case...teaser said...a strange twist in the case ..................for those still interested...heck , his was the case that started many of our obsessions!!!
Collettes brother was on Chris Matthews...Jeffrey MacDonald had a parole hearing today!!!! I thought he was life without parole??? three murders for cry eye!! He says he thinks he abused the eldest daughter and was caught and thus committed the murders...He was turned down by the way...Said he hid behind his new wifes' skirts...just another prison Junkie loving her man!!!:behindbar :doh:
smellsarat said:
He says he thinks he abused the eldest daughter and was caught and thus committed the murders...

Oh, Gawd :furious: Is this the first time this has come out? How horrible.
jilly said:
Oh, Gawd :furious: Is this the first time this has come out? How horrible.
No, that was a theory...the brother said jeffrey said he moved the younger daughter cuz she wet the bed but the older daughters urine was in the bed...leading to more evidence of the suspected abuse....he was explaining the extent of the rage in the killings which may have been brought on by his being found out by Collette................anyway I had heard that theory before...but as yet these are still theories...MacDonald will NEVER tell!!!:behindbar

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