Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #2

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That time is pretty much common for rural routes because most schools offer breakfast to all the kids and I am sure the 2 boys would eat breakfast at school as well. Buses usually get to school a half hour before it starts so kids would have the option to eat before the bell rang.

Yes, I was thinking they may eat breakfast at school as well and may leave early for that. From the maps I have seen their home looks to be in a rural location. They would have to catch an early bus to get there. JMO.
You took the "words out of my mouth" (or the equivalent here in print!). It would be good to try and keep them on schedule in school and to have their lives as close to normal as possible, but their lives at school would be, IMO, anything but normal. Being asked about her -- "has she been found yet?", "where is your sister?" etc., etc. That, IMO, would be worse than being at home with LE and local news, etc. Keep 'em home & give them something to do. Call the school and ask that their assignments be made available to them, etc.

One of hers is five, and one is 10. Ultimately, I'd have to base it on the child, and the school. Five year old, I'd probably send on to pre-k. A ten y/o I'd probably give them the option of going or staying.

Edit: I'm just understanding that the boys went on the day that their sister went missing? Unless I'd already gotten them up, and on the bus, no, they'd not have gone that Monday. I would have probably tried to have a family member, or close friend, watch the five year old, so I could focus on the missing three year old.
some neighbor told LE that a suitcase was borrowed from someone cause the family was planning to go to Kentucky for the holidays. They never went. So what happened to that suitcase? This was never addressed, like a lot of info these cops keep everything close to the vest. Maybe this is good.

All I keep wondering about is what is this poor child wearing? It got cold 2 nights in a row now, where is she? Im so afriad we are going to hear bad news any time now. Im praying she is okay where ever she is, God be with this child
JACKSONVILLE, Onslow County - The search for the missing 3-year-old girl from Onslow County has passed the 48-hour mark.

Mariah Woods was reported missing around 6 a.m. Monday morning, Sheriff Hans Miller confirmed.

ETA Other articles say 6:45.

Yes, it is maddening how many different times we have been given for when she was last seen or when she was reported missing. The first reports from the first thread all said she was SEEN at 6:45 AM:
Then the news changed the time to 6 AM. Then the varying times for when mom saw her and when boyfriend saw her ranging from 9 PM to midnight. It's so odd how much of a variance there is in the reporting of times. And then LE refused to answer the question of what time she was last seen. Then they release a poster that said she was last seen at 11:30 PM. I wish we could get a clearer timeline. :gaah:
I had forgotten how often a child abduction from his or her home by a stranger occurs.

The following stats are from 2012 -- but I suspect they are not all that different in 2017.

Each year, 58,000 children are abducted by strangers and released, according to the most recent statistics. Of those, 115 were "stereotypical" kidnappings carried out by strangers who either killed the children or held them for ransom. And 16 percent of those 115 (or 18 children) were taken from their home.

If I am interpreting this correctly, then only 18 children out of 58,000 yearly stranger abductions are taken from their home. I had no idea it was that rare. But when I stop and think about it, the Greater San Diego area has over 3M people and in the 40+ years I've lived here I only recall one case.

The kidnapping and murder of 7-year-old Danielle van Dam in 2002.

"Experts: Child abductions at home relatively rare"
Anyone know what time schools in Onslow County start their day? If the boys took the bus, what time would they have to be out there to get picked up? TIA.

According to, the assigned school based on an address of 2404 Dawson Cabin Road would be Southwest Elementary, which is located at 2601 Burgaw Hwy. road Jacksonville, north carolina&distance=5

According to school website, (very bottom, middle of page) the first Bell is at 8:00am and warning bell at 8:10, tardy bell at 8:15, and the earliest students may enter is 7:45am.

The school is appx 7 miles/10-11 min drive from the residence.
I was thinking there could be an arrest on unrelated charges. You know, something to hold someone until they have more.

Happens all the time when they have a suspect and are waiting for more evidence, right?

I definitely think he's well past his prime

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I don't see one thing that indicates he's past his prime or anything but an exemplary detective. Everything we've been privy to this far shows they are leaving no atone inturbed and absolutely know what they're doing with regards to the investigation, gathering evidence and following all leads.

See posts below:

The investigation has the support of more than 14 agencies, conducted 100 interviews, followed more than 140 leads and had the assistance of more than 225 investigators working around the clock.

I think that the community and concerned persons following the case just don’t understand how federal investigations work. Because of the location and the fact that it is a child who is missing so close to a military training area warrants a closed investigation. I think the lack of information is very telling that they are holding onto some important information and are trying to build a solid case. As frustrating as it is, it’s for the best. MOO

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I wonder this too. I remember a case recently- can’t remember the child’s name but her mom said the 3 year old was sick and was missing in morning. Eventually, she was arrested after one of the older siblings were separated from her and felt comfortable enough to tell what he had seen happen to his sister. Does anyone remember this case? It was fairly recent. I think the siblings probably can confirm last time little Mariah was seen.

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Another one like that was little Jhessye Shockley. Poor little butterfly.

I know that we suspect the parents but remember the case of the little girl who was taken by an SO and found under a neighbors trailer? I think her name started with an L, Lindsey maybe? What if its a case like that?

PS: Still catching up. Only on page 5

For me this case is simple. The parents were engaged in a custody dispute. Mom had not let dad see the child in a year. Dad had had temporary custody when mom underwent a CPS case against her.

Her kid goes missing and the first phone call isn't to the dad?: "Where is Mariah! Where have you taken her? Did you come over here and steal our daughter azzhole? You better tell me or I'm calling the police."

Nope. She didn't do that. In fact, neither did LE. The guy found out from the news, not from a phone call from his ex or a knock on his door from police.

That tells me all I need to know. She didn't contact him because she knew Mariah wasn't with him. Because she knows what happened to her. And LE knows she knows.

There was no stranger involved in this case.

Honestly don't know exactly how I feel about the press conference and Mariah's vanishing . The sheriff's office released a pic of a woman and little girl early this morning claiming it was Mariah in Wal Mart. Even after the REAL Mom came forward saying it was her-they chose to leave it on their social media account.
Then during the press conference he said he didn't know where mom and bf were. Aren't most parents of missing children present at these press conferences?
Also, it Mariah has been found and he really doesn't know where they are -he can't release the news until she is notified.JMO
About the search of the pond -he said that its normal for EMS to be near for the safety of the officers. Then he said -if anything was found or wasnt found they were keeping it close to the vest. *imo -I believe they found something.
Bothers me he claims he doesn't know where the parents are at. And the comment about when asked when they were cooperating with him- we talk to them they talk to us.
Also -there has been lots of talk about a hospital. Most hospitals do have morgues. Isn't that where they would take her to be identified. And if Mom can't be found -they have to wait on Dad.
And what happened to the evening press conference?
i can't even wrap my mind around all of this.
Mariah where are you?

They followed all leads and checked out the woman. They made a public statement that she and the child were unconnected. Someone failed to update the Facebook page. I don't think that's because they're incompetent but because they have better things to do like a desperate search for this baby.

LE seems to be doing an exemplary job. Excellent.
This case reminds me of a case in the 90’s in my hometown when I was young. They woke up and the little girl was missing from her bed trailer home. It hit the world news and many blamed the parents. It ended up being a Uncle who came into the house, knowing they didn’t locked the doors. He took her, raped her, and killed her. That little girl has always been in my heart and reading this case it brings up so many memories.
• Little girl didn’t make a sound probably knew the intruder
• No forced entry

Just so sad
According to, the assigned school based on an address of 2404 Dawson Cabin Road would be Southwest Elementary, which is located at 2601 Burgaw Hwy. road Jacksonville, north carolina&distance=5

According to school website, (very bottom, middle of page) the first Bell is at 8:00am and warning bell at 8:10, tardy bell at 8:15, and the earliest students may enter is 7:45am.

The school is appx 7 miles/10-11 min drive from the residence.

We don't know if they rode a bus though. I lived within three miles of the school and rode the bus. I had to catch it on the way down and ride nearly the whole route. Thankfully I was on the 2nd route in the a.m. and 1st route in the p.m. (late bus in the morning and early in the afternoon). It usually took a good :45 minutes to ride our route. My kids rode the first route and had to get on at around 6:30 (iirc) and we were less than three miles from the school, just outside of town. Kids in rural areas have early mornings and a long ride sometimes.
Happens all the time when they have a suspect and are waiting for more evidence, right?

I don't see one thing that indicates he's past his prime or anything but an exemplary detective. Everything we've been privy to this far shows they are leaving no atone inturbed and absolutely know what they're doing with regards to the investigation, gathering evidence and following all leads.

See posts below:

Another one like that was little Jhessye Shockley. Poor little butterfly.

For me this case is simple. The parents were engaged in a custody dispute. Mom had not let dad see the child in a year. Dad had had temporary custody when mom underwent a CPS case against her.

Her kid goes missing and the first phone call isn't to the dad?: "Where is Mariah! Where have you taken her? Did you come over here and steal our daughter azzhole? You better tell me or I'm calling the police."

Nope. She didn't do that. In fact, neither did LE. The guy found out from the news, not from a phone call from his ex or a knock on his door from police.

That tells me all I need to know. She didn't contact him because she knew Mariah wasn't with him. Because she knows what happened to her. And LE knows she knows.

There was no stranger involved in this case.

They followed all leads and checked out the woman. They made a public statement that she and the child were unconnected. Someone failed to update the Facebook page. I don't think that's because they're incompetent but because they have better things to do like a desperate search for this baby.

LE seems to be doing an exemplary job. Excellent.

No stranger is involved. I agree. I also agree that LE is handling this case very well, as far as the circumstances go. I feel as though the story keeps changing; whether it be the time Mariah was put to bed, when she woke up, when she was checked on in the morning, who saw her last, who put her to bed, who first noticed she was missing, how long it took to report it.. It all keeps changing. The truth doesn't lie. The truth doesn't change. That's what I always go back to. I suppose I'm just so frustrated and venting because I want Mariah to be found. And I want her to be safe, but I won't get my hopes up.
Would some kind soul please tell me who got the speeding ticket and where and when? TIA
Would some kind soul please tell me who got the speeding ticket and where and when? TIA

I don't think we are allowed to discuss it as they are not POI's/suspects. We can't sleuth victims.
It surprised me as well that no family seemed to be at the presser. Maybe it's just my own morbid curiosity but I would be interested to see some reactions today. I remember seeing Susan Smith's face during an interview and her attempt to appear upset yet not one tear was shed...

This article contains the mum's interview

I've transcribed it below -

(Beginning cut from video, but presuming interviewer has asked her what she would like to say to the abductor)

Please bring her back, and I love her, I would do anything that I could, whatever you want, just bring her home please safe and sound, she's my baby, she's my everything.

Q. What does she mean to you and your family [Miss Kennedy?]

A. She's like a angel, I had my tubes tied and burnt on each side, I found out that I was pregnant with her [looks up to sky] so we call her our little angel, she's got the personality of [looks up to sky] make you laugh [smiles], she's goofy, outgoing [looks up to sky], talkative [smiles], she knows how to make your day brighter, a lot to this community and people that are here looking for her love her to death [looks to ground].

Q. What would it mean to you to see her face again?

A. Everything in the world, just to be able to touch her and hold her and not let her go again, I'd give anything.


My opinion - she knows Mariah is dead. There is nothing here that shows concern for Mariah's safety, well-being, how she is being cared for, no fears for how Mariah is coping without her family etc. She is eulogizing her child, and there is no PANIC.

I lost my son in a store once and it lasted about 15-20 minutes because I didn't know he had been spotted by a worker there as soon as he wandered off and taken to their office upstairs for safekeeping. He was about Mariah's age. I was told to go upstairs to the office (not knowing he would be up there, they couldn't tell me that until he had identified me as his mum from a hidden room) I'm even tearful now remembering my anguish, as I rode the escalator up to the next floor my legs had turned to jelly and I was imagining never being able to find him. I could not stop the worst fears ever from hijacking my head, it wrecked me. I come back to my earlier comment about her wearing make up. I feel comfortable with my assessment that a mother in a kidnapping situation would not only not care a jot about putting make up on, she would be (IMO) unable to function. Bereavement or coping with serious illness in loved ones is different, yes then you may do things like putting make up on to help you face the day and face the world. But I know there are people who have a different opinion.
Our angel... looks at sky
Love her to death... looks at ground

I'm betting they buried her.

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This article contains the mum's interview

I've transcribed it below -

(Beginning cut from video, but presuming interviewer has asked her what she would like to say to the abductor)

Please bring her back, and I love her, I would do anything that I could, whatever you want, just bring her home please safe and sound, she's my baby, she's my everything.

Q. What does she mean to you and your family [Miss Kennedy?]

A. She's like a angel, I had my tubes tied and burnt on each side, I found out that I was pregnant with her [looks up to sky] so we call her our little angel, she's got the personality of [looks up to sky] make you laugh [smiles], she's goofy, outgoing [looks up to sky], talkative [smiles], she knows how to make your day brighter, a lot to this community and people that are here looking for her love her to death [looks to ground].

Q. What would it mean to you to see her face again?

A. Everything in the world, just to be able to touch her and hold her and not let her go again, I'd give anything.


My opinion - she knows Mariah is dead. There is nothing here that shows concern for Mariah's safety, well-being, how she is being cared for, no fears for how Mariah is coping without her family etc. She is eulogizing her child, and there is no PANIC.

I lost my son in a store once and it lasted about 15-20 minutes because I didn't know he had been spotted by a worker there as soon as he wandered off and taken to their office upstairs for safekeeping. He was about Mariah's age. I was told to go upstairs to the office (not knowing he would be up there, they couldn't tell me that until he had identified me as his mum from a hidden room) I'm even tearful now remembering my anguish, as I rode the escalator up to the next floor my legs had turned to jelly and I was imagining never being able to find him. I could not stop the worst fears ever from hijacking my head, it wrecked me. I come back to my earlier comment about her wearing make up. I feel comfortable with my assessment that a mother in a kidnapping situation would not only not care a jot about putting make up on, she would be (IMO) unable to function. Bereavement or coping with serious illness in loved ones is different, yes then you may do things like putting make up on to help you face the day and face the world. But I know there are people who have a different opinion.
I'd call that baby a miracle!
Calling her an angel NOW is just wrong. IMO

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Yes, I was thinking they may eat breakfast at school as well and may leave early for that. From the maps I have seen their home looks to be in a rural location. They would have to catch an early bus to get there. JMO.

Based on what I can find on the school district website, it appears as though the closest stop would be 2401 Dawson Cabin Rd, which has a pick up time of 0729. This is well after she was reported missing, regardless of whether the time was 0600 or 0645.


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Our angel... looks at sky
Love her to death... looks at ground

I'm betting they buried her.

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If that's the case, I hope investigators can figure out where breaks my heart to think of her tossed aside like that.

To me the biggest red flag was that she never called the bio dad when she discovered Mariah was missing. If I had been in any kind of custody fight I would have called him first accusing him of taking her. I've been trying to give her the benefit of the doubt because I want that poor baby to be safe, but it's not looking real good right now. I really hope police can find some answers today.
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