NC NC - Sara Graham, 18, Fairmont, 4 February 2015 - #1

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Yeah. I don't get a feeling from her father that he's a hardass about things or that there would have been issues if she said she wanted to live somewhere else. There doesn't seem to be any reason for her to sneak off.

I would like to think she did, because that would mean she's okay. But I just don't believe it.
I am worried that she wanted to be a truck driver.
Perhaps she met one at her job? No online presence-just face to face communication?
She could be anywhere or met the wrong one.
Yeah. I don't get a feeling from her father that he's a hardass about things or that there would have been issues if she said she wanted to live somewhere else. There doesn't seem to be any reason for her to sneak off.

I would like to think she did, because that would mean she's okay. But I just don't believe it.

I wonder if truckers can help? Her dad had said she was interested in being one.
I am wondering why LE has not used soldiers from Ft.Bragg for the search,Ft.Bragg is very close.Still no info in our local news in Raleigh.Lumberton is close to S.Carolina border,I hope they have checked the popular South of the Border rest stop.
I am kinda leaning toward the idea that she met up with someone to "take off" for a while. What do y'all think? I hope I am right 'cause this seems like one of the safer alternatives...Seeing her dad nervous and fearful, though, is hard...never good to see a police officer fearful.

I do not think this young woman would take off for a while. Personally I think something very bad has happened here.
I wonder if she has regularly used that van since moving to NC. If it was still dark out when she was driving in to work, might someone have thought it was her father or stepmother driving?
I wonder if she has regularly used that van since moving to NC. If it was still dark out when she was driving in to work, might someone have thought it was her father or stepmother driving?

That is a VERY good question!
I wonder if she has regularly used that van since moving to NC. If it was still dark out when she was driving in to work, might someone have thought it was her father or stepmother driving?
This is what I have been wondering from the start. It has been stated it is her father's van so perhaps someone was seeking revenge for a perceived slight due to dad's line of work.
Graham just wants to know his daughter is safe. If she’s too scared to call or come home, he said, he wants her to know that whatever is going on, he won’t be mad, as long as she comes home.

The above quote is from Sara's dad, and he'd said something similar in another article. Something like he doesn't care who she's with or where she is, but he just wants her safe, wants to know she's alive.

His comments make me wonder if LE has an idea what happened. We don't know the circumstances of Sara living in TX, going to high school there, with whom she lived. There have been inconsistencies in MSM whether she's lived with her dad in NC for 3 or 6 months. So, there is a lot we don't know. I'm going to assume that, once again, LE knows more than us.

Based on that, I can only speculate...

Because I want Sara to be safe, I want to believe she met someone at work during the last 3 or 6 months. We know she's young. Maybe she's shy, naive, has never been in a romantic relationship before, and has gotten into a scary situation she can't get out of. Could some :censored: have tricked young, sweet, friendly, innocent, new-to-the-area Sara into meeting up? She could've been led to believe it was just for a day, not knowing what was actually about to happen until it was too late.

I'm hoping her best friend, and maybe a co-worker Sara's befriended, have info that makes Sara's dad say "he wants her to know that whatever is going on, he won’t be mad, as long as she comes home." He's a cop, so why would he make a comment like that? Even though he isn't actively investigating, wouldn't he still be privy to information? Or, is he being a Dad first and wants to hold on to hope?

All pure speculation on my part which can change as more info comes in.
Maybe someone was flashing their lights at her or did something to make her pull over.

Is anyone missing work in the area?
I took the father's comments as being somewhat general. More of a, "I have no idea why you ran away but please let me know you're okay" than a specific suspect or information.
I don't get the sense from where her last ping was and where her car was found that this may have been a case of Sara meeting with anyone. It takes about 1/2 an hour for her to get to work, to meet for minutes doesn't seem worth it. If she had, why would she leave the car there? Why wouldn't she leave her phone on longer? Why wouldn't she have let work know ahead of time? These things would have given her more time and not raise the alarms. Instead, dressed in her work uniform, except for a last ping and the abandoned car, there's no sign of her. I think a smart loving dad, in these circumstances, LE or not, would leave all doors open, as Sara's dad has done.

In the broadcast, from JerzeyGirl's link, Jana Jones, of 13 News at 6, on Thursday, 2.11.15, reports that LE would spend Friday following up some little leads and Sara Graham's dad states that 'hope isn't out of context' as time passes
Something happened to make her stop her car there.

A car in the road?
Broken Down car?

someone she knows is my guess otherwise she would not stop! I would hope she would not stop and just call for help .
I took the father's comments as being somewhat general. More of a, "I have no idea why you ran away but please let me know you're okay" than a specific suspect or information.

Wouldn't that give us some type of info, though, if he said something like that? He'd suspect she'd run away, and there most likely would be a reason behind his suspicions. Why make a comment like that if there wasn't some truth/knowledge to it? Or, is he simply pondering all possible scenarios and that one makes her safe.

Since he's a cop and the father of the victim, I guess I'd expect him to say something like: "Sara, if you're able, please call, please contact someone, anyone. We just want you home safe." IMO, that would be a general comment.
Something happened to make her stop her car there.

A car in the road?
Broken Down car?

someone she knows is my guess otherwise she would not stop! I would hope she would not stop and just call for help .

Nothing off with the car, doors locked, IIRC?, no indication of harm or any indication when exactly the car was left there or when the last ping closer to her home was.
If someone did indeed kidnap her, would they bother to lock the car doors?
They should set up a road block on at least a Wed since that was the day she went missing. Stop people who drive on that road during the time she went missing until the car was reported. Maybe someone saw the car but didn't report it and could give a better timeline. Also, I hope they verified the parents got to work on time etc. Not that i'm pointing fingers at them but to cross the T's and dot the I's so to speak. IMO
If someone did indeed kidnap her, would they bother to lock the car doors?


Some makes of car automatically lock a few minutes after you take the key out of the ignition.

Knew Sara always locked up and wanted to make it look like she was the one who did it.
Something happened to make her stop her car there.

A car in the road?
Broken Down car?

someone she knows is my guess otherwise she would not stop! I would hope she would not stop and just call for help .

ITA Eileen. Maybe someone knew her route to work. They pretended their car was disabled, put the hood up and she stopped to help.

Or she saw someone she knew hitch hiking and picked him up.

Some makes of car automatically lock a few minutes after you take the key out of the ignition.

Knew Sara always locked up and wanted to make it look like she was the one who did it.

Leaving the car locked would be more normal, for a hunter, fisherman, etc... When did hunting season end there? Is that a thing in the area. Any locals around?
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