NC NC - Sara Graham, 18, Fairmont, 4 February 2015 - #2

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We don't know if Sara left willingly, was abducted while on her way to work, or possibly even didn't make it through the night while at home. We only know what LE has provided to MSM, and the links that are in the first post have about the same amount of info as any that followed.... very little. Everything that's been discussed since the first posting is theory, and no more. We know zilch.
All pure speculation. Except possibly for the private message Simlylme received on FB from someone claiming to be a family member.
All pure speculation. Except possibly for the private message Simlylme received on FB from someone claiming to be a family member.
But Han, that is also speculation. There is zero proof of that conversation, and we are instructed here in WS to not buy into hearsay, nor bring things from other platforms to WS unless we can provide a link. Otherwise it is just rumor. I can say I got a private message too. Maybe I did. Maybe that's why I'm so insistent on looking closer at the home. Just sayin'.
The first heartfelt cry for help (so to speak) publicly and it was from her friend. I need a tissue now. Thanks for sharing Han.
It was the first emotions expressed by anyone connected with her and its not even a blood family member that's what hurts the most. Makes me sad that her own family can't seem to express those sentiments publicly which is whats making this case really hard to understand.
But Han, that is also speculation. There is zero proof of that conversation, and we are instructed here in WS to not buy into hearsay, nor bring things from other platforms to WS unless we can provide a link. Otherwise it is just rumor. I can say I got a private message too. Maybe I did. Maybe that's why I'm so insistent on looking closer at the home. Just sayin'.

We have no evidence on the home. LE does. They did a thorough investigation including a search of Sarah's room and possessions her phone and computer and interviews with each parent. No I didn't see any of that I just expect that it is true.

Since no arrest I would expect there was no DNA evidence, no blood splatter apparent, no weapons that have been recently discharged, no gunshot residue on anyone's hand: in other words no evidence of a crime occurred. Opportunity to commit a crime does not equal a crime.
Let's hope that wherever she's going we wish her the best because she seems to have a wonderful spirit.

I agree Han, without evidence of a crime then that opportunity to commit is no longer plausible. Is this discussion going to continue? Let's hope it does when we hear she's safe and happy somewhere...
Yes, the most likely scenario raised by my discussion is that Sara left willingly. No there is no official confirmation of that. When/if she is found she can be asked if she was miserable in North Carolina or was she motivated by other factors. That of course is if this scenario is true.

I'm encouraging Simly to take her evidence to the police. I sure would like to see the p.m. myself to know how much truth there is to this.

ETA: Family business doesn't preclude foul play This evidence if it exists needs to be reviewed by law-enforcement. Show it to the FBI if you don't trust the cops.
We have no evidence on the home. LE does. They did a thorough investigation including a search of Sarah's room and possessions her phone and computer and interviews with each parent. No I didn't see any of that I just expect that it is true.

Since no arrest I would expect there was no DNA evidence, no blood splatter apparent, no weapons that have been recently discharged, no gunshot residue on anyone's hand: in other words no evidence of a crime occurred. Opportunity to commit a crime does not equal a crime.
All true. All true. And I leave this thread with one thought... The cops did a thorough search of a fellow cops' home. That is all.
Conversely, no evidence of a crime doesn't mean there wasn't a crime. Lack of evidence is just that: no evidence.
While on my way home from work this afternoon I noticed that my exit ramp, from a major thoroughfare, was very heavily wooded. All I could think was how easy it would be to dump a body there -- especially if you are intimately familiar with the terrain. There are literally millions of such places (IMO) in every state across the country. We will never see Sara again (IMO).

If you had a body there you'd probably get scavengers pretty quickly and that would attract the attention of the police. They'd find the body and gladly remove it to it's appropriate investigation.
If you had a body there you'd probably get scavengers pretty quickly and that would attract the attention of the police. They'd find the body and gladly remove it to it's appropriate investigation.

I used to believe that cops noticed things like scavengers and vultures, but bodies are found in the woods near roads and highways all the time, usually found by joggers or people doing metal detecting or something. Holly Bobo's body was found by ginseng hunters, not the police.

I think in most cases where police (or most drivers) see vultures by the side of the road, they would assume it was a dead deer or some other roadkill. And that's unfortunate.
Han you seem to be very argumentative (and not in the adult way). Maybe you should take a breather if this is getting too much for you? It's all well and good getting involved in a case, but when you're being snappy with other members it doesn't help Sara or anyone, KWIM?

JMO IMO all that good stuff.

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I hope after the recovery of Hannah Graham's body people in general, and the police, have learned how important it is to report large numbers of vultures over several days. They might not recover an intact body but what they do recover will be useful in prosecution, thank you.

I certainly didn't mean to be snappy and I don't believe I was. If Mr. ThoughtFox was offended I hope he will accept my apologies. No offense intended.
Maybe this would be a good place for me to talk about my failure to catch your meaning when you said this:
GigTu said:
All true. All true. And I leave this thread with one thought... The cops did a thorough search of a fellow cops' home. That is all.
I wasn't getting your entendre or your double entendre. Consider the fact it's my experience if the cops are covering the crime for a fellow cop they do a more thorough job in terms of solving the crime and not a more thorough job in covering for the cop. So it took me a while to get your humor but I finally did.:laughing::happydance::loveyou: I guess you could say the same thing about all aspects of this case, since it's a cops daughter who's missing.
My prayers and thoughts for Sara Graham and her family for strength and resolution.
Around here, we see a lot more of the coverup than of the especially thorough...I'm trying not to allow that to color my interpretation of events.

As for the gathering of scavengers -- it's not always that visible in a heavily wooded area, or in winter when there aren't as many around.
Around here, we see a lot more of the coverup than of the especially thorough...I'm trying not to allow that to color my interpretation of events.

As for the gathering of scavengers -- it's not always that visible in a heavily wooded area, or in winter when there aren't as many around.

Still that does not mean that Sara will never be found as Alexwood said a few comments back. That was what I was trying to do; point out how absolute the speech was, not to be snappy. We can become so skeptical that we fail to believe in anything.
Pretty far off from Burke County and I don't think the decomposition process would have gotten that far. It's just starting to warm up around here and she has only been missing, what, about 2 months now? I do hope some sign of her is found soon though. And that the skull is identified and goes back home quickly. Anything is possible though...
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