NC NC - Sara Graham, 18, Fairmont, 4 February 2015 - #2

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No worries. Do you know Sara or any of her family? Are you a family member of Sara?

Because I do not know Sara or her family and I'm certainly not a member of her family, it's easy for me to answer this question; the answer is no. I think it would be more awkward not to answer because you would be left with the impression the answer may be yes.

This is not the place to talk about it but there is a reason for me having an uncharacteristic reaction to this simple request. It has to do with my ability to stay hydrated and the effect that dehydration has on the brain. Dehydration has a profoundly negative effect on brain function. And that's all I have to say about that.
I'm all for honesty and transparency. I live in peace knowing I stand for truth.

I'm not sure why I said this. It sounds pretty good on its face but it doesn't seem to relate to your comment. Since this is part of cleaning up the mess I made this afternoon I think I'll stop at that. I do like the emoticon.
:Welcome1: JenaTaoson!
I'm going to continue to believe that Sara is missing because maybe of a few reasons.
1. She HAD to, maybe threats , or an unsafe situation having to do with family.
2. She had had it with the life she had in NC.
3. We don't know what kind of life she had at home, did she have to give up her paycheck, was she made to take care of kids and all she ever got to do was work and babysit, so many questions.
4. I grew up as an army brat, and I can tell you, it's difficult moving around and starting over again with trying to make friends, and learning a whole new enviroment.
5.When she left Texas, she more or less lost contact with the world she knew as a growing teenager, her brother, mother, friends, all familiar. and came to a 2 parent home ,with a stepmother, and we don't know if there's other children.
6.just writing this little bit about what little we know, which is really nothing, depresses me. So, what is it Sara must feel, I can only hope, that she is safe in an environment that she feels love.
needless to say someone in her family knows where she is, planned, picked her up at the van dump, and took her in hiding. I say all this because of my extensive search on all FBs and something that was said to me, that is close to Sara , that "this" in no ones business, it is a family matter,PERIOD.
Also ,the family is VERY devided, it's very apparent on the FBs. The mother has a page with a go fund me? for what? 75 maybe members, and hardly any from the nc fam. The fb opened in nc has 1000 something and that page I believe has been hacked by foreigners. There's been NO,NO pleas for Saras return on either side of the fam. Very, Very little members have Saras pic and info up on their pages. Why would someone ALERT anyone that all media and platforms were being monitored? This should not have been released so early on by mom, if she was truly in danger and abducted why not let EVERYTHING be monitored without giving a heads up?
I feel very bad for Sara.

BBM. Have you sent this conversation to LE? It sounds like something they should know!

Thinking of Sarah and hoping she is safe somewhere.
No matter how much we search, we really know nothing. I pray she is taking a breather and has left on her own accord, I just cannot and do not feel confidant this young lady is okay. I keep checking back in hopes to see she is found safe. Just praying....that is all I have to say....(but feel very pessimistic for some reason). I hope her family does know something and that she is fine, but how horrible would that be when you think about it to leave other family in the dark and worried sick. I really don't think this is going to have a good outcome. Again....hopes and prayers. IMHO
I pretty much agree with everything you've said, Portabella. I had a very bad feeling from the beginning. Just...sick inside at what I fear happened.
This is my first post after several seasons of lurking here on websleuths, so please forgive me for any misdirection.
My first thoughts of this case are that it hits very close to home, not only because I was born in North Carolina but also because like Sara as a young adult I was a very well behaved young lady with excellent grades who was hopeful for bright future. Personally, I feel this was not a crime of opportunity and rather a crime of someone who saw her as an innocent and felt she would be easy to manipulate. This is only, of course, a matter of my own opinion which results from past experience.

From one born in North Carolina to another --




:cheer: JenaTaoson!:cheer:

We're all glad you're with us!

This Wednesday it will be six weeks since Sara went missing. If you are losing hope that she will be found as some are saying now, vote (thanks) at the end of this message. If you still have hope see the next message.
This Wednesday it will be six weeks since Sara went missing. If you still have hope she will be found vote (thanks) at the end of this message.

If you do not know or are somewhere in between hope and hopelessness please leave a custom message. It helps keep up encouragement.
Simlyme said:
I'm going to continue to believe that Sara is missing because maybe of a few reasons.1. She HAD to, maybe threats , or an unsafe situation having to do with family.MY OPINION
2. She had had it with the life she had in NC.MY OPINION
3. We don't know what kind of life she had at home, did she have to give up her paycheck, was she made to take care of kids and all she ever got to do was work and babysit, so many questions.MY OPINION
4. I grew up as an army brat, and I can tell you, it's difficult moving around and starting over again with trying to make friends, and learning a whole new enviroment.
5.When she left Texas, she more or less lost contact with the world she knew as a growing teenager, her brother, mother, friends, all familiar. and came to a 2 parent home ,with a stepmother, and we don't know if there's other children.MY EXPERIENCE AND CURIOUS
6.just writing this little bit about what little we know, which is really nothing, depresses me. So, what is it Sara must feel, I can only hope, that she is safe in an environment that she feels love.HOW I FEEL AND MY HOPE FOR SARA
needless to say someone in her family knows where she is, planned, picked her up at the van dump, and took her in hiding.MY OPINION ON WHAT I BELIEVE HAPPENED TO SARA I say all this because of my extensive search on all FBs and something that was said to me, that is close to Sara , that "this" in no ones business, it is a family matter,PERIOD.WHAT WAS SAID TO ME ALONG WITH OTHER THINGS IN A PM FROM FB,NO ONE HAS TO BELIEVE THIS
Also ,the family is VERY devided, it's very apparent on the FBs. The mother has a page with a go fund me? for what? 75 maybe members, and hardly any from the nc fam. The fb opened in nc has 1000 something and that page I believe has been hacked by foreigners. There's been NO,NO pleas for Saras return on either side of the fam. Very, Very little members have Saras pic and info up on their pages. Why would someone ALERT anyone that all media and platforms were being monitored? This should not have been released so early on by mom, if she was truly in danger and abducted why not let EVERYTHING be monitored without giving a heads up?
When Simlyme posted that a family member told her Sara's disappearance is family business, it gave me hope. When I read that it carried a lot of weight. I grew up in a time when family business was a serious matter and "outsiders" didn't interfere. Back then it usually involved a child that would be born to an unmarried mother but that's irrelevant here. It was always a matter best handled quietly, by closely connected individuals, and in privacy.

I took the comment deadly serious only to find later it was a matter of Simlyme's opinion. Still it energized me and gave me hope that has lasted up till now.

ETA: Simlyme's post added for clarification as to what she said which is different than what I thought.
Han, you need to go back and read my post, SOME is opinion, Some is NOT.
Han said:
I'm going to continue to stay hopefully open on the subject of Sara's missing status.
  1. We have no reason to believe Sara received threats or was in an unsafe situation having to do with family.
  2. We have no idea Sara was unhappy with her life in NC.
  3. While we don't know what kind of life she had at home, we have no reason to believe it was less than satisfactory to her.
  4. I grew up as a city/farm kid and I can tell you it's no easy life, going to the farm on fall and winter weekends, missing out on all the activities at your school or church. Trying to return at the end of the summers and reestablish relationships which had changed while you were gone. Lotsa kids have tough lives and they don't get to live in California, Texas, North Carolina, Arizona, Hawaii, and Germany. (There are good things about Sara's life too.)
  5. When Sara left Texas she voluntarily left behind her friends but she kept in touch by phone, Facebook, and Skype. I haven't heard them say she was unhappy. She left her brother and mother but they were deployed, her mother for the last time. Sara came to a two parent home with a stepmother and possibly other children. It may have been great.
  6. I hope Sara is safe and loved now but I hope it wasn't a family member that arranged this whole thing. There could be some negative consequences to that. What I want to focus on is Sara coming home and I think sharing this information that only Simlyme has might bring Sarah home sooner and better. They've had a real problem getting people to come forward on this and Simly you could be the one to make a difference.
  7. I'm very sorry that the family seems divided. If there is some good that could come of this disappearance maybe it would be that they put their differences behind them, and allow their children to have some form of connection with all the family going forward. (If the children want that.)
Unfortunately I believe Sara may be suffering a lot of stress over this issue of where she's going to live feeling unable to satisfy both of her parents and incapable of fighting them. She may feel like she's being kicked around like a football getting all the pain and none of the love she really wants. Even though Sara left, I don't have the impression she was unhappy in North Carolina and wanted to leave. When you see her I hope you'll ask her.

Today marks 40 days and 40 nights with Sara missing. I hope we don't reach the point where we're counting not days or weeks but years. That time, that missing time, doesn't come back. It gets lost forever.
Unfortunately I believe Sara may be suffering a lot of stress over this issue of where she's going to live feeling unable to satisfy both of her parents and incapable of fighting them. She may feel like she's being kicked around like a football getting all the pain and none of the love she really wants. Even though Sara left, I don't have the impression she was unhappy in North Carolina and wanted to leave. When you see her I hope you'll ask her.

Today marks 40 days and 40 nights with Sara missing. I hope we don't reach the point where we're counting not days or weeks but years. That time, that missing time, doesn't come back. It gets lost forever.

I am super confused over what you are saying. Super confused. Jmo, but it implies that Sara left on her own and is unharmed. I mean, you are telling someone to ask her the above questions when they see her, which additionally confuses me.

Has it been released that she was a runaway and/or no foil play? And that if she did runaway there has been no harm involved?
While on my way home from work this afternoon I noticed that my exit ramp, from a major thoroughfare, was very heavily wooded. All I could think was how easy it would be to dump a body there -- especially if you are intimately familiar with the terrain. There are literally millions of such places (IMO) in every state across the country. We will never see Sara again (IMO).
I am super confused over what you are saying. Super confused. Jmo, but it implies that Sara left on her own and is unharmed. I mean, you are telling someone to ask her the above questions when they see her, which additionally confuses me.

Has it been released that she was a runaway and/or no foil play? And that if she did runaway there has been no harm involved?
Yes, the most likely scenario raised by my discussion is that Sara left willingly. No there is no official confirmation of that. When/if she is found she can be asked if she was miserable in North Carolina or was she motivated by other factors. That of course is if this scenario is true.

I'm encouraging Simly to take her evidence to the police. I sure would like to see the p.m. myself to know how much truth there is to this.
I am super confused over what you are saying. Super confused. Jmo, but it implies that Sara left on her own and is unharmed. I mean, you are telling someone to ask her the above questions when they see her, which additionally confuses me.

Has it been released that she was a runaway and/or no foil play? And that if she did runaway there has been no harm involved?

We don't know if Sara left willingly, was abducted while on her way to work, or possibly even didn't make it through the night while at home. We only know what LE has provided to MSM, and the links that are in the first post have about the same amount of info as any that followed.... very little. Everything that's been discussed since the first posting is theory, and no more. We know zilch.
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