NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #13

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The nice house and the beemer would be my guess. It doesn't mean the guy is loaded though. There are plenty of people out there who appear to be well off, who are just getting by.

And the opposite, LOL!
I imagine Antwanette is a sociopath. In every other case sleuthed on these boards, people have gone on and on about how sociopaths manipulate people to get what they want.

I'm not saying Shaniya's father is the world's greatest parent, but there is no way in Hell anyone could ever have imagined Antwanette would sell her as a sex slave.

I'm going to put myself in TO for a while, because I just can't believe that there is more judgment about Shaniya's father and aunt than the people who PROSTITUTED AND MURDERED her.

It's a shame Shaniya's thread has turned into a ridiculous fight about someone WHO HASN'T BEEN CHARGED WITH ANYTHING.

In most other threads, bashing of family members is not tolerated.

Where is the empathy? Where is the humanity?

Frankly, it's sick. I'm done.
I believe Brad's friend and his father-in-law are good, decent, caring men. I, however, don't share your faith in the rest of the world.

WHY didn't bio-dad allow the child to live with people he knew were decent? WHY did he insist, apparently against his sister's wishes, on giving his beautiful daughter to his "one night stand" to help her to learn to be a mother? It seems to me, and is only my opinion, he didn't want the responsibility of caring for this child any more - his other children live elsewhere.

My opinion only

I'm in total agreement. I wasn't including the father in the caring/decent category. What you described is what I'll never understand.
Same for me, I have 3 daughters who are 2, 7, 8 and they are all called little lady, young lady etc! It does not seem out of the ordianary for me either.

Ok, trying to catch up (again)
I've tried to be really understanding with the whole dad should have known thing and all that. So, I've just decided not to comment on it.

But, I do want to say this. I've seen it questioned in here several times about Brad calling Shaniya a young lady.

Is that a southern thing?? I say this because I come from the deep south and I say it all the time. I refer to my DD as a young lady all the time.
"She's a smart young lady, she's a sassy little lady, go to your room young lady!!!"

I also call her (at 12) my baby.

IMO they are terms of endearment.

I don't think there is anything hinky about him referring to his daughter as a special young lady - IMO
Looking at all his actions from the beginning, sobbing and crying about falling over, walking up on his son during the Nancy Grace show, setting up a memorial fund. Somewhere the sadness of losing his daughter is turning into his 15 mins of fame and worse into making a buck, what makes him any better then AD!!!!! JMO this man is a real piece of work.

I do however really feel for the aunt, I think she is really hurting.
I believe him. Brad's former father in law offered for Shaniya to live there with him too, as Brad's son does.
For some reason I think that Aunt Carey was the strongest loophole in this..Brad made her believe it was for a couple of days, but all along he was telling everyone else that she was going to live with her mother to give her a chance to be a mother.
what jumped at me yesterday was when he spoke and then he went inside, and then his sis spoke better yet she fell apart at the seems.
but the brother and sister were not even LOOKING at each other there is definitely a wedge between those two.
could it be sister is mad at Brad? seems that way now....:waitasec:
If she is mad it is definitely about him not telling her that he agreed with AD to be a "mother" and allow shaniya to live there. but there is a definite separation between brother and sister, and they are putting up a united front for the public.
but they are clearly saying differnt things. :(
I do find it odd that the "fiancee" who came out with Brad and Carrie for the first press conference has not been seen again

You would think she would be by his side offering support??

I do agree that those people who now are saying about "cig burns" should be asked "why didn't you intervene, report it?"

some of these reporters don't ask anything ....grrr
You know as far as I know........there is not one single family member posting here. A crime forum is not somewhere they would go for sympathy. This place exists because of the caring members that want to do more than just read about a case.........they want to get to the how's and whys. What makes it happen, what can we do to change things......if in doing that, hard questions are asked so be it. If by asking those questions it can change 1 child's fate...........then it was worth it. This accusing people of bashing is out of line.
There is a difference between bashing/blaming and determining responsibility for what happened to Shaniya.

It is obvious (to me) that the mother does not even come close to meeting a reasonable level of responsibility.


I agree. I have seen people on this and other forums, in many cases, blaming, insulting, accusing, and bashing, people on the periphery of these crimes, with absolutely no evidence whatsoever, and I am *very* much against that. I do not participate in that stuff, and I speak out against it. It is wrong. No two ways about it.

However, when information surfaces - and I absolutely do not mean speculation, supposition, or rumor, but actual, reasonably credible information - I feel we *must* begin to ask questions, and raise our voices. And we can not just question the parents. We must question others involved and in the child's life who had a *reasonable* expectation of protecting the defenseless child, and preventing further harm, such as DSS, teachers, doctors, neighbors, boyfriends, girlfriends.

If a person sees or *reasonably* suspects a child is being harmed, they *must* take action. They may be that child's only chance, only hope.

Too many injured and murdered babies and children!
I am very shocked and sad at the information that I have just read. My heart breaks for the Father and Aunt but I have wondered from the very beginning how he could have let her go there. We do not know that the neighbor/FIL did not call and report the burns. We do know that the monster had been reported. This case has been a real eye opening for me. I have a niece that has two children by different men. She was pregnant a third time (by another man) but loss that child. She does not physically abuse the girls but is not a good mother. She lets her home ( provided by her parents) get so dirty that it takes her mother days to get it clean. She meets a guy and lets him move in or sleep over after one date. During the summer I was keeping her oldest and she told me she did not sleep at all the night before because she was afraid. I asked her why and she said that her mother's boyfriend spent the night and she did not know him. She said (at 8 years old) she did not think it was right to let a man you dated one time spend the night. I told my SIL and she put a stop to it. I took the girls once and told the mother they would not come home until the house was clean. My family has overlooked a lot of things because the girls LOVE their mother. But I will NOT overlook it any longer. I WILL do something about this before one of these sweet girls end up like the stories I read on WS. So sorry for sharing this but I am so hurt,sad,heart broken, this case & Haleigh's has just about got me and I do not want to become one of the cases on WS.

Bless you, LadyLuck, for what you are doing for those girls. As a Stepmother to a 13-year old who I am not allowed to contact since the death of my husband, I am familiar with the dilemma faced by so many who are concerned about the plight of the children in their lives. The way the laws are now, the birth mother and father have pretty much ultimate control over their children's lives, whether or not it is in the children's best interests. Over the years when my husband was alive, there were many instances that occurred with his daughter where I would have handled things differently and called social services on the mother and my husband talked me out of doing it. Now that I look back, I wish I had done something more for my stepdaughter. During the almost 2 years that my stepdaughter lived with me, like Shaniya's Aunt I had the responsibility for getting her to school, feeding her and caring for her -- but had no say in the really big things. I just had to shut up and watch an "accident waiting to happen."

In Shaniya's case -- the primary concern right now is to identify, convict and punish those responsible for her torture (what was done to her was torture IMO). But, I believe that, due to changes in family structures in today's society, that the laws must be changed to give caring people in these children's lives some say over the child's safety -- even if they are not the birth parents of the children. Something hinky was going on with the Dad and his contact with the birth mother -- clues about her real situation were missed or ignored, and this darling girl paid the ultimate price.
The son and daughter's attitude towards Brad seem to contrast each other. I wonder if bad blood between Brad and his first wife's family hasn't been pushed on his kids. I have a feeling we're going to see much more of the whole family in the next couple of days.
The "over her son" part doesn't make sense to me. If there were alleged issues with AD and her son why wouldn't it apply to any other children in the home, even if they were only there on occasion?

It has happened here repeatedly. My fiances ex has had her children taken, been under heavy scrutiny in the past. When they could only prove allegations on one child, they only opened a case on that child, they couldn't speak to the other kids or take their injuries into account.
Makes me sick.

Sorry, but those here that know me know the hell that we have gone through trying to save my stepdaughter from her mother. I don't know if we will be able to keep her alive into adulthood or not. At 9, she's been sexually assaulted in her mother's care three times, removed by CPS three times, and uprooted and moved across the country twice. I fear she is a Shaniya waiting to happen.
does anyone have a live conf yet? i cant seem to get should be starting??
I'll never understand why newstations have to wait till a minute before a presser to activate a live link.
And I don't disagree with you one bit. I have questions too. Just saving them for later. Sleuthing father now does me no good at this point. Again, IMO.
I'd love for more sleuthing to be done on Aunt Brenda IMO. She was there. Not much said lately about her.:waitasec:

But, I'd love to have a post count on here about just how many posts have been made regarding father and how many regarding the criminals. I think we would be shocked. I'm not saying he is perfect, he had faults and I will look into those at a later time. Just my personal choice to wait.

At this time, I'd rather focus on the criminals and those that were in that trailer at the time.

The phrase is "Beautiful Woman" but may be a regional reference as you said.

I missed that. He called her a beautiful woman???

Have you ever heard of the saying "The buck stops here"? That's how I feel about the dad. Focus on what you want to. Sleuth who you want. Many of us here want to know the truth because we aren't feeling it coming from dad.

I get what you're saying. That's why my post spoke as to how I felt about it.
I do find it odd that the "fiancee" who came out with Brad and Carrie for the first press conference has not been seen again

You would think she would be by his side offering support??

I do agree that those people who now are saying about "cig burns" should be asked "why didn't you intervene, report it?"

some of these reporters don't ask anything ....grrr

She may be by his side, off camera. Pretty sure that's where I would be. Far from the reporters.
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