NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #8

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I wouldn't count on it. Let me just say the dad won't win any father-of-the-year awards. If this girl is found, by the grace of god, she won't return to his home.

Why do you say that? Just wondering if you have any personal knowledge to state something so confidently.
I live in North Carolina. Over the past 15 years, I have attended more than 70 childbirths as a Spanish interpreter--mostly for illegal aliens. My involvement included the need to be present when birth certificate applications were completed by the hospital statistician.

When a mother gives birth to a child in a hospital here, she can put whatever last name she wishes on the baby's birth certificate. Since most, if not all, hispanic women (married or not), with whom I dealt with, maintain both of their family names, they would put use father's last name for the new baby on the birth certificate. The only time that I saw a mother's family name being used was if the mother was no longer in a relationship with the father of the baby. In other words, the choice was up to the mother as to what last name she wished to use for her child.

The only time that a father can be listed on the birth certificate is if he is present at the time that the birth certificate application is being prepared. The father MUST sign the birth certificate application. If he is not present, the space for "Father" was left blank, and without undergoing DNA testing could not be added to the birth certificate. There were many times that I was called to the hospital in the late evening to interpret because the father had been at work during the day when the statistician would come around to fill out the birth certificate application.

It is quite possible, if not probable, that Mr. Lockhart was not present at the time that Shaniya's birth certificate application was completed. Since his relationship with the egg donor was described as a one night stand, I would be surprised to hear that he even knew the baby had been born until well after the birth.
Thanks Tom'sGirl, Did it say he has AIDS? Just curious as it doesn't have any bearing on the case IMO.
I have no idea where the link is but I remember it as being "HIV positive". MOO
Thanks Tom'sGirl, Did it say he has AIDS? Just curious as it doesn't have any bearing on the case IMO.

Hiya scandi,
The only mention of AIDS that I've read was in reference to Mr. Coe

Scandi & Tom'sGirl - Take a gander!


and snippet:

One patient who has had to wait is Clarence Coe, 24, a Fayetteville, N.C., construction worker who had to forgo his treatment on another AIDS drug combination for more than two months. He started getting treatment while in prison, where people receive free health care. But after his release, couldn't afford to continue it. He didn't have health insurance and the state wasn't taking new patients in its AIDS Drug Assistance Program, so it put him on a waiting list. Mr. Coe says he took multivitamin pills and cut down on fatty food while waiting for the antiretroviral medicines. "I can't afford to stress my immune system any more than I need to," he says.


I saw that too, but I don't think that's correct. The trailer park manager turned down an application from AD, so that leads me to believe that they are all owned by the same person, maybe? If it was owned by someone else other than the trailer park, then I wouldn't think she would have anything to do with it, kwim? Seems like if there's a manager, it's almost like an apartment complex. I have no idea, though - just speculating!

Did a search through Cumberland County Land record. Sleepy Hollow Park,LLC seems to own it. Only records showing is where land was bought by the company. Also search AD and MAM - no land records showing.
My ex mother-in-law is 101 years old nov first and she says back in her day you did not see things like this.Some of the things she said they did to offenders back then people would not believe,but it was an excellent example of good ol boy justice i wish we could use on a select few today.
Michelle (reporter) said LE told her they are the key players..Antoinette and MAM
I have no idea where the link is but I remember it as being "HIV positive". MOO

panthera, Coe has been on the very thin border line of full blown AIDS. Here's more at the link I just supplied in my last post.

More Quote

Mr. Coe, the construction worker, is one of those with options, but they didn't pan out right away. Mr. Coe was serving a 15-month prison sentence until July for robbing a restaurant. Though he learned he was HIV-positive five years ago, he didn't begin HIV medicines until March, when he felt the disease wearing on him. By then, his CD4-cell count, which indicates the health of a person's immune system, had fallen to 205. A count below 200 means the infection has developed into actual AIDS.

Mr. Coe's count climbed back to nearly 300 while receiving a standard cocktail of three HIV drugs through the prison's health-care system. He started exercising, finished his high-school degree and made plans to stay healthy upon his release. "I don't want to go down that way," he says. "You carry yourself differently once you feel you've got something in your body fighting for you."

The prison gave him a 30-day supply of drugs when he was released. When that ran out, he brought his prescription to a pharmacy, thinking he was covered by ADAP. But the pharmacist told him the computer didn't show he was approved. The AIDS Drug Assistance Program had stopped accepting new patients a week and a half before. "I was so upset I couldn't even finish my sentences," Mr. Coe says. "I just walked out."

A couple of weeks later, Mr. Coe went back to see his doctor at an HIV outreach clinic in Salemburg, a farming town in eastern North Carolina. After nearly two months without medicine, Mr. Coe's CD4 count had dropped back to 227 and virus levels in his system had surged. He fretted about his stuffed nose, sore throat and risk of taking a break from the drugs.

"You definitely are ready for pills," said Rafael Torres, his doctor, as he checked Mr. Coe's nose and throat. Later that day, the clinic sent applications to Mr. Coe's HIV caseworker to submit to drug-company charity programs. Though one drug arrived within a couple of weeks, he couldn't begin the regimen until the others arrived a few weeks later. By then, early November, he had gone without medicines for about three months.
care to elaborate?

There is the obvious of allowing his daughter to enter this environment without a court order. Because he isn't being charged with a crime, I cannot elaborate further on the situation.
Quite frankly, I don't understand the Comfort Suites or whatever hotel thing.

It looks like a nice, family type place.

If the puke was going to do something to her, then I can't imagine him checking into a place like that.

Do you think it was chosen because there would be kids in a motel like that ,and it wouldn't arouse any suspicions to see a child?

I would think they would be better off to choose a more flea bag of a hotel with workers that aren't as motivated to do a good job with anything . I mean lower paid, maybe less stable on the job, that kind of thing.

I just don't get the choice of that motel.

Would you say Comfort Suites is about a mid-range hotel? Many of these only pay their desk clerks minimum wage, and the managers will tell you it's a tough employee market. Though many are decent, respectable sorts responsibly earning a living; some, unfortunately, are viewed as "my people on the inside" by their friends and family members (not saying this is the case here) and are expected to look the other way and/or bend the rules as much as possible to the 's advantage if they think they can get away with it. Also, seems like the "suites" hotels lately have become especially popular for activity, including—if you can believe it—cooking crack, which I understand has a distinct and potentially fatal aroma, plus the risk of an explosion right smack in the middle of vacationing families and business travelers.
"dad is extremely distraught"
she ( Michelle, reporter on Levi Page show) spoke to him at 6 pm
Shaniya was supposed to come back AT THE END OF THE WEEKEND
Mom wanted to keep her a while longer, he said "Ok I'll give her a chance"
Did a search through Cumberland County Land record. Sleepy Hollow Park,LLC seems to own it. Only records showing is where land was bought by the company. Also search AD and MAM - no land records showing.

Thanks - that was what I was trying to say but maybe it wasn't clear. I don't think MAM owns it, or any other individual, but rather they're owned as a whole by the management company or whoever. That's why an application had to be made to the mgmt company... Thanks for looking it up and putting it to rest. :)
I'm still trying to catch up with all of todays posts...but something doesn't sit right with the time line...
6:11am McNeil and Shaniya checked in/photo of them together
6:53am AD calls LE to report her missing
McNeil only stays in Hotel 1 hour, leaves(with/without Shaniya)
Hotel worker calls LE to report McNeil with Shaniya

OK, If I understand all this to be true, then McNeil left by approx. 7:11am.
If AD called LE and made report at 6:53am do we know what time LE got to the hotel??? McNeil was gone about 25 min after mom called LE. How quick was the Amber Alert issued??

It may be nothing, but, my hinky meter is the beginning, they had arrested COE, but didn't know about McNeil, right??

My ex mother-in-law is 101 years old nov first and she says back in her day you did not see things like this.Some of the things she said they did to offenders back then people would not believe,but it was an excellent example of good ol boy justice i wish we could use on a select few today.

Before my grandmother passed in January, I remember sitting and talking with her about crime and punishment in "her" day. I certainly believe it all, and wish that it would have carried on through the generations..
Scandi & Tom'sGirl - Take a gander!


and snippet:
One patient who has had to wait is Clarence Coe, 24, a Fayetteville, N.C., construction worker who had to forgo his treatment on another AIDS drug combination for more than two months. He started getting treatment while in prison, where people receive free health care. But after his release, couldn't afford to continue it. He didn't have health insurance and the state wasn't taking new patients in its AIDS Drug Assistance Program, so it put him on a waiting list. Mr. Coe says he took multivitamin pills and cut down on fatty food while waiting for the antiretroviral medicines. "I can't afford to stress my immune system any more than I need to," he says.

Thank you JG, I've read that, just didn't have the link :)
I'm still trying to catch up with all of todays posts...but something doesn't sit right with the time line...
6:11am McNeil and Shaniya checked in/photo of them together
6:53am AD calls LE to report her missing
McNeil only stays in Hotel 1 hour, leaves(with/without Shaniya)
Hotel worker calls LE to report McNeil with Shaniya

OK, If I understand all this to be true, then McNeil left by approx. 7:11am.
If AD called LE and made report at 6:53am do we know what time LE got to the hotel??? McNeil was gone about 25 min after mom called LE. How quick was the Amber Alert issued??

It may be nothing, but, my hinky meter is the beginning, they had arrested COE, but didn't know about McNeil, right??

I don't think the call from the hotel came in on the same day....I just heard the call came in 48 hours later.
There is the obvious of allowing his daughter to enter this environment without a court order. Because he isn't being charged with a crime, I cannot elaborate further on the situation.

Does there have to be a court order if there is no custody agreement? Seems like I read (and I will go look for the article) something to the effect that the dad said the mom never had an issue with him raising Shaniya. Leads me to believe they just had a mutual agreement. Personally, I think he just took her word about where she lived, etc. And now someone said she was dropped off by the aunt and was just supposed to stay for the weekend. But the mom wanted her longer and he thought he would see how it would work out.

I don't believe he ever knew it was that bad over there, or he would've said 'no'. He seems like a compassionate and loving father, and I think he perhaps felt some sort of compassion for AD (not knowing the filth, etc) and thought it was only fair that a mother get to raise her child also. As any "normal" person would think of their child's other parent. Until there is proof to the contrary, I will believe that this man just took the mother's word that things were 'okay' with her now and let their child stay with her for awhile - a decision he already says he regrets. :twocents:
I agree. first it was 3 to 4 years, now it is 5 years he took care of her. For a child only 5 years old, big difference.

I wonder if the dad even checked out the home Shaynia would be staying in...all of the people living there and if they had records, etc. He raised her for five years it seems like he would have been picky about who she was around and their lifestyles. I wonder how long the sewer system had been backed up.
I don't think the call from the hotel came in on the same day....I just heard the call came in 48 hours later.

ok...that makes more sense to me...I was trying to figure out how the hotel worker made the id on McNeil so quickly...
"dad is extremely distraught"
she ( Michelle, reporter on Levi Page show) spoke to him at 6 pm
Shaniya was supposed to come back AT THE END OF THE WEEKEND
Mom wanted to keep her a while longer, he said "Ok I'll give her a chance"

Is this going on in the chat kellync?

And wow, if that is horrible for dad...
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