NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, missing from her home 11/10/09 #5

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Charlie09, what they are trying to say is why risk the thread being closed for a few links we do not know yet we can post????
IMO that post with the links needs to be deleted/not much info anyway----why risk it?
funlvngrl - The other two are obvious...but that last Myspace, how do we know who that belongs to?

Just curious.

That is the woman standing to the left of him at the presser. The one who urged him away when he finished speaking.
Is Shaniya's father's sisters name in the media, if so can you link/
If not, it can't be posted.

The rules around here are easy to find, really they are.

The only reason I asked was because I googled repeatedly and didn't find it anywhere.
funl....can you just kindly go back and delete your post with the links just to be on the safe side???
pretty please??
I am convinced that the mother A. Davis is in on this and I think her sister is as well/ McNeill is the man recruited to take this child and take her to someone.

I am wondering now if it may not be something over custody, perhaps maternal GP are involved have not heard anything from them at all, from the mom side of the family period.
We are talking 3-4 weeks here where this mother has had her. If in fact it is true there has been ongoing issues about custody this plan may have been set in motion some time ago. Dad said that mom had finally showed to him that she had held a steady job for 6 months and had a home for Shaniya and was willing to give her a chance.

I wonder if Shaniya was staying with dads mom and dad or other family member since I have read he works out of town alot ( not sure if it is true or not) sounds like he was in the military as well (I do not know this to be fact).

Perhaps mom's side has been agravated by the fact that mom has been unable to have custody of this child and there could be a race factor here as well not wanting dad's family raising her.
The fact that mom's other child was still in the home to me is easy if this is a family abduction plan and that would be that Shaniya's mom already had custody of the son but not Shaniya.

After watching the video again of McNeill being arrained in court I do not feel like this man has hurt this child. As soon as he walks in to the court room and sees the media cameras on him his whole stance changes, almost as if he is going to cry, and defiatley embaressed by the whole prediciment.
His face does not show hate, malice, or any indication to me that he did anything horrible to this child or dropped her with someone of bad intentions. I just see no alarm in this man...

I don't know and I can be totally wrong here and it would not be a first and most certainly won't be the last

This of course is Moo....but I most certainly feel the mom is involved here somehow along with the sister, just my gut feeling.
Why would this guy take the fall for someone else's kid? He has no dog in this fight if this is a custody thing. And yet he's not talking. The entire thing is so strange.
Yep, but it isn't his little girl.

Anyway, praying for some good news today! Off to go to work. My son has been at his dad's all yesterday and last night. Cannot wait to snuggle him close again!

Sorry I guess I'm lost... not sure of the point you're trying to make :waitasec: maybe I'm not the one you really want to be making it to or trying to address?

You know, it's weird, I have no basis for which people I choose think of as semi-trustworthy out of this group.

I don't trust Coe's statements, they seem embellished and almost self-serving (shades of Misty Croslin) but at least he's talking. The mother isn't talking and I think she's as guilty as sin, but on the flip side of that McNeil isn't talking, and I don't think that his role in this is nearly as dastardly as it seems...
I am lost. Totally lost.

BTW: If you want criminal records from on McNeil, you have to spell it with one L, it insists McNielL is an alias.
Why would this guy take the fall for someone else's kid? He has no dog in this fight if this is a custody thing. And yet he's not talking. The entire thing is so strange.

Paid ? Convinced it is the right thing, perhaps he was told all kinds of horror stories from the family about the dad...I don't know, I ask myself the same question, people do stupid stuff on a daily basis so I just don't
I keep trying to think of positive reasons McNeil would keep his mouth shut and I'm not coming up with any. Hopefully I'm wrong.

"Brown noted that, in the video, Shaniya "doesn't seem really upset. She seems like she's being carried around and doesn't seem like she's arguing about anything, or frightened or screaming or crying, which is interesting. So, either she just doesn't know what's going on and she's just tired, or she's not that scared of this man. So, the question is, what relationship does this man have to the family?""

""And what happens in these situations is you have people who perhaps don't think about the consequences of what they do. They'll get an idea in their head and they'll say, 'Hey, we should do this,' whether it be hide the child in a custody battle - for example, the mother could be saying, for example, 'I don't want the dad to have the child, let's hide the child.' Somebody else could have nothing to do with the mother in that sense, (it) could be somebody else saying, 'Here's a good idea. Let's go do this.' And we don't know what the 'this' is at the moment, and that that's what's really particular about this case."

"Brown says she doesn't believe Shaniya was necessarily taken away for any sexual purposes or to be killed, "but the problem is now, if everything goes wrong, people again don't think of consequences and may do something in a rash move because they're afraid of getting caught, and that's the scary part.""
He could be keeping his mouth shut because the person that has Shaniya now might be scary even to him.

I have no idea who that person would be, but it's an idea.
If there is family of mother, we haven't heard anything from them or about them, they could be anyone, have any amount of influence for all we know.
Why would this guy take the fall for someone else's kid? He has no dog in this fight if this is a custody thing. And yet he's not talking. The entire thing is so strange.
I can't see him sitting in jail either if this whole thing is so "innocent" like dropping her off with other family members. Not saying he's guilty of kidnapping but I don't think it's a custody issue. And besides, dad had allowed Shaniya to go live with her mother. MOO
Just some observations.

Biodad was due to come back on Tuesday. Assume he was out of state for those three weeks with Shaniya staying with bio mom. Assume , he was going to check on Shaniya at trailer location. Poop galore in trailer. Not good.

Attempt to frame Coe, ex boyfriend of one sister.
Another attempt to frame Mario this time?(another ex boyfriend of one sister) Why on earth would he turn himself in if he did something horrible to Shaniya. BTW we do not know if he is not talking to LE.

The two sisters do not pass the smell test IMO.
Assumption: Do think that Shaniya will be found unharmed.
I keep trying to think of positive reasons McNeil would keep his mouth shut and I'm not coming up with any. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Said the same thing yesterday... IMO there are no good reasons Suzi, neither altruistic nor greed. Sadly I'm afraid I have to agree :(

Dare I ask friend whether there's been any dvpts since leaving earlier...

I just watched the video of Mcneil. IMO he didn't hurt that baby. He his expression and the held back tears just made me feel like he took this baby but he himself did not hurt her. Maybe he was at the trailor for a drug transaction and Shanyia wasn't feeling to good and had an accident on herself. Mom got mad about it took her anger out on Shanyia and He took her and took her to someone to keep her safe. But why won't he tell why he took her or where she is. Or maybe something so bad happened that he had to remove the child. He told the police where she is and they have her but they don't want the mother to know because they are investigating whatever may have happened? Possibly LE told dad and he is keeping it under wraps. MAybe the FBI is there to investigate whatever happened that led to Mcneil taking Shanyia? I don't know but I don't think he hurt her!
Just some observations.

Biodad was due to come back on Tuesday. Assume he was out of state for those three weeks with Shaniya staying with bio mom. Assume , he was going to check on Shaniya at trailer location. Poop galore in trailer. Not good.

Attempt to frame Coe, ex boyfriend of one sister.
Another attempt to frame Mario this time?(another ex boyfriend of one sister) Why on earth would he turn himself in if he did something horrible to Shaniya. BTW we do not know if he is not talking to LE.

The two sisters do not pass the smell test IMO.
Assumption: Do think that Shaniya will be found unharmed.
But dad may recant on that , given the fact the distgusting living conditions this child was living in if he found out.
We also do not know that McNeill is not talking to LE right now, we just don't. LE does not seem to be screaming from the rooftops that they feel this child is in danger....
I wish they would say something today...I am sure the media is on them like you know what...
What about the video of the person disposing of the blanket in the mobile home park? Wasn't that video from around 3 a.m.? and was it Mcneil on the video?
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