NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #21

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As you can tell from my other posts, LE in this case is just not giving me a good feeling about their capabilities.

IMO, they need to get Texas Equusearch (sp) there and start all over. I can't stand the thought of that little girl being kidnapped and the kidnappers feeling they have gotten away with it because of maybe a "rush to judgement" concerning the stepmom and father.

Remember LE hasn't arrested EB or AB for Z's disappearance. In fact NO ONE has been arrested or charged for Zahra's disappearance. I know it may seem that way with EB in jail but she is in jail for her own stupid actions. A rap sheet a mile long for things in the past she never dealt with and writing a dumb ransom note. Not for Zahra.

LE is taking their time, looking through all the evidence and making sure to find every piece of it. They are not buckling under presser of the community to make someone pay. They haven't put cuffs on anyone for it, they just keep trucking along trying to find answers. What more can you possible ask for?
Uumm,smoothoperator - In your signature.. "Nelly" from "Little House on the Prarie"?
The actress who played that part was an abused child,and was happy on set because no one was cruel there. Great little actress to make so many people hate her..

Yes, peg I know Allison's story VERY WELL..In fact have seen her stand up act all about her character "Nellie Oleson"... My sig is in no way speaking of Allison or her r/l story, rather ONLY about the "character" that Allsion played superbly well and brought to life the "character" that all of America "loved to hate"...Allison is quite comfortable with her "character" and what her character represents and that is what my sig is indicative of...the "character" Nellie Oleson..;)
Am sorry if this has already been discussed.. Haven't had time to completely catch up.. I feel as tho this phone call that took place by EB to one of her daughters the day before Z was reported missing IS HUUUUUUGGEE!!!!!!!

Is it correct that she made this call pleading for the daughter to drop the charges against EB, as the court date was sometime that very week? If this is infact correct, does anyone else think that this has HUGE potential of being a key piece of the reason Z is no longer here?

I'm off to sleuth a little more into this call...Anyone have any info off hand about it?...TIA's @ approx. 2:50 of the video here "zahra's relative speaks to WBTV" that brittany bentley talks about elisa calling her to drop the charges.
Yes, peg I know Allison's story VERY WELL..In fact have seen her stand up act all about her character "Nellie Oleson"... My sig is in no way speaking of Allison or her r/l story, rather ONLY about the "character" that Allsion played superbly well and brought to life the "character" that all of America "loved to hate"...Allison is quite comfortable with her "character" and what her character represents and that is what my sig is indicative of...the "character" Nellie Oleson..;)
Her character was spiteful,jealous and hateful.... She was an amazing actress,wasn't she.. Reminds me that many abused children give Oscar winning performances every day of their lives..'s @ approx. 2:50 of the video here "zahra's relative speaks to WBTV" that brittany bentley talks about elisa calling her to drop the charges.

Thanks for posting the BB news interview handy for the discussion. The phone call EB made to BB was like an urgent thing to ward off LE during an even bigger urgency that cropped up sometime before the Friday of that call to BB.

Now, we know that AB says he saw Zahra the night before, a Thursday, even if not true it fits with something happening that last week. There was no time to flee or I think they would've.

Initially, I thought Zahra was deceased weeks before being reported, but I'm starting to think something happened to her that week.

But I feel all confused about why it was that important for EB to call BB then so urgently as it didn't seem like the pending legal problems bothered EB all that much. When were they due in court or what was going to come down that EB wanted to avoid? In other words, my question being, were the charges that heavy that EB was going to be put in jail the next week anyways unless she talked BB into dropping them?

And then, there's that $10K received that week as well? I feel dense, like I can't do this puzzle.
I want to know where and when they purchased that new mattress. I'm assuming this is from witness testimony that LE is keeping to themselves. IMO whatever happened happened in the days leading up to that purchase. And I agree with you, that last week.

Also I'm wondering why they decided to report her missing / set up the fake kidnapping for that particular weekend. Waiting would have been to their advantage. I am thinking extended family may have started to ask questions, or was there another upcoming event which couldn't be avoided.

Like a visit from the school district or CPS for instance. LE may be keeping info like that close to the vest also.
I want to know where and when they purchased that new mattress. I'm assuming this is from witness testimony that LE is keeping to themselves. IMO whatever happened happened in the days leading up to that purchase. And I agree with you, that last week.

Also I'm wondering why they decided to report her missing / set up the fake kidnapping for that particular weekend. Waiting would have been to their advantage. I am thinking extended family may have started to ask questions, or was there another upcoming event which couldn't be avoided.

Like a visit from the school district or CPS for instance. LE may be keeping info like that close to the vest also.

Ok, if they purchased a mattress doesn't it seem the store would come forward with them making the purchase? I mean their photos are all over the world. Why has no one come forward with this or maybe they have and we just aren't aware as LE is keeping their cards close.
I am thinking they have and LE is just keeping this to themselves, based on them saying the searches for a mattress was based on information supplied by witnesses. Just a theory of course.

'They revealed Friday that they wanted the mattress to back up information from witnesses and possibly get DNA evidence.'

Also in same article, just noticed this;

'A state senator said he will push for an investigation of how the state handled alleged reports of child abuse against Zahra's stepmother, Elisa Baker.

"People are horrified by this and sickened by it," said Republican state Sen. Austin Allran.'

Glad to hear there will be an investigation there.
I hope something breaks soon and they find the darling girl...somehow...someway.
Yet another attorney jumping on the 'ol 'fame and fortune bandwagon' to make a name for him or her self. WHY would any lawyer want to rep someone like this? What ever happened to personal integrity? CA, TH, EB all hire high profile attorneys but not one of these women have the means to pay anyone to represent them. Our tax dollars have much better things to do! Like educate children. I JUST don’t get it...

From what's been reported, her attorney has been assigned - not trying to make a name for herself, such as Gloria Allred.

Some attorneys will say that representing a person like this is personal integrity - offering a person full access to the laws governing our nation, regardless of race, gender, class, or perceived guilt. I'm in law school, and it can get frustrating the way that people characterize lawyers. Lawyers are a necessary function - think about how many innocent people are freed by the Innocence Project. That number would be much higher without defense lawyers.

I can't speak to Dubb's personal motivations, but if I were a public defender, I would choose to act as one because it's one cog in the machine of our justice system. It goes against our primary values as a country to bring a person to trial unable to defend themselves, unable to face their accusers, or to be subject to cruel and unusual punishment.

Frankly, I think judging a suspect as guilty because they've hired a lawyer takes a simplistic view of our justice system - as does writing off defense lawyers as unnecessary. Yes, there are unethical lawyers or those attempting to gain fame or fortune. However, you will encounter people just like that in other professions. Regardless of guilt or innocence, EB is entitled to representation under the laws of our country - on the very principles we were founded upon.
Her character was spiteful,jealous and hateful.... She was an amazing actress,wasn't she.. Reminds me that many abused children give Oscar winning performances every day of their lives..

Yes sadly they do... Allison is a very gifted entertainer...a brilliant sense of humor and thankfully has a complete understanding of just what a mark in our culture that her "character" made..because sadly to this day there are so very many that cannot distinguish between Allison and a fictional character named "Nellie" that she once many moons ago played... Allison is so very much more than a simple character from 30+ yrs ago...

The character "Nellie" perfectly sums up to most of us the traits of spite, hate, spoiled, and self-centered... and that is where the sig comes from.. we simply call these type ppl "nellies"...

Back on topic...

I very much think that phone call that EB made to Brittany[begging to drop the charges] is definitely related to Z... IMO Z was already "disappeared" and this call was made in an attempt to give EB more time before having to come out with Z's disappearance.. Because as the article i POSTED upthread shows...EB was not aware of the many charges that were pending on her[that she eventually was arrested on the 10th for],,her having used so many aliases and false info...she had NEVER BEEN SERVED WITH ANY OF THOSE CHARGES... Therefor on the 8th when the call was make to Brittany the only pending charge that EB was aware of was the "communicating threats" per Brittany... So I feel that her thinking was that if she could get Brittany to drop those charges there would be no light being shined on EB therefor giving her more time before having to come up with "how Z disappeared"... when this fell thru I think u see the sloppily, hurried plan and execution of the plan of this kidnapping/disappearance...KWIM?

~ETA going with this above theory AB would definitely had to have been involved at this point? wouldn't he? This is still what I am trying to figure exactly what point that AB became directly involved...Because at this time I am still thinking his involvement was after the fact[after EB had already killed precious Z].. Tho, that still makes him fully culpable IMO...
*COULD* it be possible that LE already discovered ZB's body? The focus seems to have been on *evidence* as opposed to a *body* since the investigation changed from a mission person to a homicide. I mean, just the fact this case IS now a homicide yet no real theory on what happened & no charges to support that an actual murder took place.. it appears as though LE knows something MAJOR, does it not?
Well yes, of course there are reasons to replace a mattress other than a crime happening on it.. but in THIS situation, we've got a child missing who was said to have been treated increasingly badly by her stepmother, a fake ransom note, a mysterious fire, hits on vehicles by cadaver dogs, a 'last known sighting' of the child 2 weeks prior to her disappearance....and then we find out that her mattress was done away with and replaced about the same time the child was last seen :-(

Plus, the child just plain didn't show up for school this year and the parents wouldn't return calls to the school to enroll in the homeschooling curriculum. All together, it is extremely incriminating, I think.
Yes, I urge anybody committing a crime to keep better track of your gloves next time.

Does that glove have anything to do with what happened to Zahra? Who put on gloves to either commit a murder or dispose of a body? Did they pack a car full of incriminating evidence, but the glove fell out? How could they be so careless as to lose a glove?

Sorry, just thinking.

LOL remember OJ.............cap and gloves (2)
*COULD* it be possible that LE already discovered ZB's body? The focus seems to have been on *evidence* as opposed to a *body* since the investigation changed from a mission person to a homicide. I mean, just the fact this case IS now a homicide yet no real theory on what happened & no charges to support that an actual murder took place.. it appears as though LE knows something MAJOR, does it not?

Yes, because why would she need this kind of attorney right now? LE knows MUCH MORE than we do, and EB has reavealed much more, remember ,right now ,supposedly, she is in jail for NOTHING related to Zahra, NO WAY! NO WAY!!
I do believe though that Zahras body is still missing. MOO
I without a doubt believe she killed Z, could have been an act of sudden rage, could have been involvement in online role playing. Could have been drugs. To me it doesn't matter except in the long run it will answer the WHY.

The husband knows in his heart she did it, but he also knows he was a contributing factor in their sordid lifestyle. Thus his lack of cooperation. He knew Z was being beaten yet did nothing. Again WHY?

Was he working illegally?

Is he just a weak minded man that never stepped up and forsake his daughters wellbeing?

Or is he involved and knows what happened?

Sometimes simplifying helps to refocus.
*COULD* it be possible that LE already discovered ZB's body? The focus seems to have been on *evidence* as opposed to a *body* since the investigation changed from a mission person to a homicide. I mean, just the fact this case IS now a homicide yet no real theory on what happened & no charges to support that an actual murder took place.. it appears as though LE knows something MAJOR, does it not?

yes paige I'm right there with ya on there has to be something "major" that LE knows... Because I look at it this way..For any following the Kyron case... This child has been missing for almost 5 mos now and the police have NOT changed it to "homicide" tho the majority of us realize that more than likely Kyron was murdered... So what would make LE so soon label this a "homicide"?? You are correct the LE must have something "major"...any ideas on what that could be?,,,besides a body? because I wholeheartedly feel if they had her body at the very least there would already be AB behind bars and likely for them both to already have charges of murder...

One of LE reasons for allowing AB to still be free I feel is to possibly lead them to Z body...So, if thats the case, what could the "major" evidence be that warranted the label of homicide so very quickly???
*COULD* it be possible that LE already discovered ZB's body? The focus seems to have been on *evidence* as opposed to a *body* since the investigation changed from a mission person to a homicide. I mean, just the fact this case IS now a homicide yet no real theory on what happened & no charges to support that an actual murder took place.. it appears as though LE knows something MAJOR, does it not?

I have a feeling the LE won't find a body.
LE, FBI, US Marshalls looking in a landfill and stated not looking for Zahra's body.
But have allot of evidence, but need more to put the puzzle pieces together.
They could arrest AB on his 'other' crimes........wish LE would.
As for murder charges and a speedy trial, LE needs alittle bit more.
For all we know EB may of started talking before her lawyer came in
to the picture, same with AB and family.
IMO, abuse, sex and drugs are going to be the big picture!
Just like the Haleigh, Caylee sad.:furious:
Someone was giving EB money for drugs and I bet she saw Zahra
for more money in *advertiser censored* or sex.......JMOO
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