NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 # 22

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I found this it may or may not be applicable to Zahra because we have no clue what her medical care was...

Just posting this if indeed she was eligable for NC medical card and had one.

I don't know if Zahra's prosthesis was too small, or that a doctor had determined that it was, or if a doctor had determined it was and the paperwork had been started to request services for her.

State Medical Insurance can be tricky. IMHO unlike private insurance where care and the need for medical equipment can be expedited- there is a bureaucracy that must be navigated and to put it bluntly hoops to jump through to get medical care and/or assitance.

In addition to not knowing if she even had this type of insurance we don't know if there would have been any qualifiers on it. Meaning was her family responsible for a co-pay?

I am in no way defending Zahra's parents but I can't, personally, with good conscious not give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to having gotten her basic medical care. JMHO. I don't like them but I can't judge them harshly on each and every single aspect of their relationship with Zahra. The fact that Zahra is the subject of a homicide investigation speaks loudly enough as to how valued and cared for she was at least during the last couple of months of her life.

Wow that reads like a's not I promise, I"m just sharing my personal views. As always I deeply respect the members here that disagree. :) All JMHO.

Applying for and receiving services under the Katie Beckett would require some serious record keeping. Record keeping= HIPPA.

<Participating states are required to cover some of these categories of eligible individuals, such
as pregnant women and infants below 133% of the federal poverty level, low income Medicare
1Produced by the National Health Law Program with a grant from the Training Advocacy Support
Center (TASC), which is sponsored by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, the Center for Mental
Health Services, the Rehabilitation Services Administration, the Social Security Administration, and the Health
Resources Services Administration. TASC is a division of the National Disabilities Rights Network (NDRN). >

Hope this helps some of our Aussie friends understand.
Thanks to everyone who played my Impala tag # guessing game in thread #21 - I appreciate it!

Here's what I'm able to say, at this time, about the vehicles shown in the warrant:

None of the vehicles listed on the warrant come up in a DMV search as being registered to either EB or AB. I don't find this surprising, given EB's long history of driving unregistered vehicles. (EB's criminal history: Spreadsheet | Screenshot PDFs: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

The Tahoe does not come up in a search by its tag #. It does, however, come up in a search on its VIN - but the resulting record has a different tag # associated with it. Although expired, the record shows having last been registered to a lawn service. I'm satisfied this is, as reported, a work truck.

The Camry comes up as currently registered to a family member of EB. Nothing strikes me as particularly important or nefarious about this connection.

The last digit of the Impala's tag # is in question (illegible on the warrant) and there is no VIN listed for it. In a DMV search by tag:

  • I get no hit if I use -1 as the last digit.
  • I get hits if I use -7 or -8 as the last digit, but neither result is that of any person I know to be among EB's family or friends; also, neither resulting record is shown to be for an Impala.
Of course, I realize it's possible for an incorrect license plate to have actually been on the Impala at the time LE executed the warrant.

As time permits, I'll see if I can determine any connection re the Impala - I was soliciting opinions to help me decide which record to start with. Thanks for all the input! I'll post an update if I make any interesting determinations.

Also, I am trying to come up with some details on the (alleged) missing Monte Carlo; however, I expect this to take some time, as it looks like I'll need to make a FOIA request (and hope to get the info I'm looking for) to get started.

I'm hoping Zahra will be found much sooner than I'll be able to chase all these details down!


Why was under the impression that the Impala was his employer's vehicle and that he parked it at that residence for whatever reason. :waitasec:
If the trial comes to be, I am absolutely certain they would not hold it in this area. They would move it somewhere else because of the emotion of the public involved.

Not necessarily. Depends on the judge. Some judges will refuse to move the trial, especially if the case has national attention. I guess their reasoning is, the defendant won't get a "fair" trial anywhere. And if the defense lawyer does not put up a motion to move it... the DA is quite happy with the trial being in that county!
Backtracking a bit, and I saw this post...

shopgirlnc said:
I didnt realize EB's father's house was close to their Hickory house either? Hwy 127 is the main street in Hickory to travel (this 4 lane hwy runs through town and 21st st is one of the streets you can turn off on). Curious...maybe two days after Z came up missing...4 police cars were traveling on hwy 127 right past 21st st and abruptly made u-turns and turned their blue lights on. I was turning onto the hwy myself, so I followed. Not far from 21st st...the police stopped a burgandy 4 door car into a bank parking lot. They surrounded the car and all the LE got out and stood away from this vehicle. It was an older gentlemen in the car. I pulled into a business close by so that I could watch. A police officer opened all the doors on this burgandy car and the older gentlemen got out and walked to the middle of the bank parking lot. It just seemed strange. A couple of the LE cars were the SUV type that had been seen at EB's residence. I wonder if this was her father and his vehicle? I didnt stay around long enough to get a tag on it or see what else happened. As I left, LE was was looking throughout this car. May mean nothing...but I got a feeling at the time that it was somehow related to this family.
Impala maybe?? I am no car expert. I just couldnt see that the car was doing anything wrong or illegal to be stopped!

Assuming it was EB's father in the car pulled over...

As shopgirlnc noted the burgundy car was a 4-door, I think we can at least probably rule it out as having been a Monte Carlo - as those were only ever made as a 2-door coupe.

ShopGirl, would you say the burgundy car was a 2000's model? Or something older?

just checking in. No new news I see. I did note the "comment" in the hickory news and wonder as well if it was just so much talk or inside info.

I will say this, if case is being prepared for GJ it worries me. IMO it means LE and DA have strong belief, but are light on proof, hence the GJ. Unless things work differently in NC than they do here in IL.

Here GJ is not a matter of course but is convened at regular intervals and presented with testimony on ongoing cases where there is belief but not much evidence.

I hope that is not the case here.

That is not how it's done where I live! Every case has to go through a GJ to get an indictment. The DA doesn't usually present a case to the GJ until they are sure they've got enough evidence to get the indictment.
Some states don't have GJ's... some only have preliminary trials where it's up to a judge whether to bind them over for trial or not. A few states have both. But where I live, GJ's are not meant to be investigative.. their job is to decide if the evidence and testimony is enough to ensure an indictment.
I know its a Sunday, so prob nothing new is going to surface today.... But I sure wish it would.
Not necessarily. Depends on the judge. Some judges will refuse to move the trial, especially if the case has national attention. I guess their reasoning is, the defendant won't get a "fair" trial anywhere. And if the defense lawyer does not put up a motion to move it... the DA is quite happy with the trial being in that county!

I think no matter which county in my state the trial could be in it would have the same result. MOO
Thanks to the world we live in now, this change in venue thing comes up almost as a matter of course now. Because we live in the age of instant news, every case that garners national attention is automatically put forth by defense attorney as one in which his or her client cannot possibly receive a fair trial.

Most judges know this and are not swayed simply because there's been alot of press. If they were, IMO we'd be changing venues more than we would be holding trials in teh counties in which they were committed.
Why was under the impression that the Impala was his employer's vehicle and that he parked it at that residence for whatever reason. :waitasec:

I remember seeing discussions about that..

Due to the illegible tag # on the warrant - and based on what I'm seeing in the DMV searches - I can't really rule that in or out yet.

I'll put it this way.. none of the #'s I tried searching on for the Impala popped up a clear-cut record showing registration to anyone I've been able to connect to AB's employer. Or even registration belonging with an Impala, for that matter.

I'm needing to conserve the number of database lookups I do for a little while.. so I did not try searching with last digit of 2, 3, 5, or 6. I tried all other possible digits - got results using digits 7 and 8. Nothing I'm able to make a solid connection on yet.
That is not how it's done where I live! Every case has to go through a GJ to get an indictment. The DA doesn't usually present a case to the GJ until they are sure they've got enough evidence to get the indictment.
Some states don't have GJ's... some only have preliminary trials where it's up to a judge whether to bind them over for trial or not. A few states have both. But where I live, GJ's are not meant to be investigative.. their job is to decide if the evidence and testimony is enough to ensure an indictment.

sorry to give the wrong impression. Grand juries here in IL are not investigative they are to determine if the jury thinks enough evidence exists to move foward with charges.

What I was trying to convey in my post is that it is not a neccesity that indictments be handed down by GJ here.

snipped from Illinois Grand Jury Handbook

The Grand Jury

The Constitution and laws of Illinois provide that no person shall be brought to trial for a crime punishable by death or by imprisonment in the penitentiary unless either the initial charge has been brought by indictment of a grand jury or the person has been given a prompt preliminary hearing and a judge has found probable cause.

In cases presented to the grand jury, the grand jury has a dual function. It determines that a person should be charged or prosecuted for a criminal act when it finds there is probable cause to believe the person has committed an offense. At the same time, it protects the innocent from unfounded accusation of crime and from the trouble, expense and anxiety of a trial when there is, in fact, insufficient evidence to believe the accused is guilty of any criminal offense. The grand jury thus stands between the citizen and the State, pledged to bring before the Court, to answer to a charge of having committed a crime, persons against whom there is evidence of guilt and to prevent the unjust indictment of those who are accused of a crime without sufficient evidence or because of private motives or popular feelings.

here, in most instances, LE arrests/charges person and they are are taken before a judge for araignment. When a case goes to the grand jury here it means LE is not confident they have enough evidence to convince a judge that the charges should stick.

now I am off to finish dinner and research the grand jury procedure in NC.

Unless Mrs G Norris has already beaten me to it when I get back.
Backtracking a bit, and I saw this post...

Assuming it was EB's father in the car pulled over...

As shopgirlnc noted the burgundy car was a 4-door, I think we can at least probably rule it out as having been a Monte Carlo - as those were only ever made as a 2-door coupe.

ShopGirl, would you say the burgundy car was a 2000's model? Or something older?


After the fact, I definitely thought it could be EB's father! It was a newer model of car...definitely a 2000's model
I thought NOTHING was found at the landfill - now this appeared on Sorry I am behind in catching up!

I guess it depends on where you read.... lol Some place have said nothing was found, this and FOX said it was found (right?) And some just leave it vague..... I would really like to know which it is!!!! And more importantly, if it gave them the info they were seeking by looking for it!
I was thinking about the search of the home on that Friday and I've yet to see anything other than LE and AB were there for about 2 hours with dogs, they removed the bed and a couple of bags of evidence and that was about it. There were no forensics done and I'm not even sure if they had a search warrant but just the approval of AB to search it. And it was done almost a week after she disappeared and a couple of days after it was changed to a homicide investigation.

Many local posters have stated that the house is not under surveilance and there is no LE activity there. AB was actually free to live in it I understand although he has chosen not too it appears.

With this in mind, I have to believe that LE are quite certain that Zahra did not die in that house. What do they know?

I think no matter which country in my state the trial could be in it would have the same result. MOO

You are so right. I was talking about Zahra and there are so many in PA and IND that have no idea what I was talking about.
So picking a jury, there is always someone to busy to read all the news.
I have people that ask me what is websleuths when I have my drink cup or shirt on.
Some people are not into detective type things like we are.
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