NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 # 22

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I remember seeing discussions about that..

Due to the illegible tag # on the warrant - and based on what I'm seeing in the DMV searches - I can't really rule that in or out yet.

I'll put it this way.. none of the #'s I tried searching on for the Impala popped up a clear-cut record showing registration to anyone I've been able to connect to AB's employer. Or even registration belonging with an Impala, for that matter.

I'm needing to conserve the number of database lookups I do for a little while.. so I did not try searching with last digit of 2, 3, 5, or 6. I tried all other possible digits - got results using digits 7 and 8. Nothing I'm able to make a solid connection on yet.

Oh yeah i tried to respond to the prior thread about the last number but it had been closed. To me it looked like a 9 but I have to admit I got a kick out of how we all saw a different number! :crazy:

I met my husband online too and moved my munchkins. I can't speak for Oz but many in the UK believe America to be 'the land of milk and honey'. Most people question why my husband didn't move there instead (long story).

I have to be honest - it irks me to no end that no one was Zahra's advocate just in the move alone! Before we moved to Britain I brought the kids over and we visited their school, parks, talked to locals, visited shops, etc. We watched BBC America for 6 months straight. That little sprite deserved to have someone caring about making such a huge adjustment at least a bit easier on her. And it seems from all we've seen everyone that truly cared was more than half a world away.

It just wasn't fair to Zahra the way she was uprooted. :furious:

If Z had just one parent half as good as you she would definitely be here today. :( You are an awesome parent, one that Z deserved herself.

I couldn't imagine how scary it would be, especially after being so sick, to move to another country. Far away from the people who got her through cancer. I'm sure she bonded with her doctors and people of the community. It wasn't just her grandmother she left, it was everyone. And it's not like she could go visit them for the weekend. Another country to a child must seem like a whole world away. Terrifying.

Still she stayed strong and got through it. Showed people she was a well mannered sweet child. She really had every reason to act out and be angry. I can honestly say that little girl was 100 times stronger then I ever could be.

At the very least she deserves a respectful place to rest. I just can't imagine where her little body is right now. I just know it's not right. She deserves better. :furious:
I don't think that is true. LE made a statement that they had NOT found ANY evidence at the ladnfill. When faced with a couple of conflicting newsreports and the overwhelming majority of MSM reporting the opposite, and the word from the horse's (LE's) mouth - I gotta go with the horse's mouth.
Backtracking a bit, and I saw this post...

Assuming it was EB's father in the car pulled over...

As shopgirlnc noted the burgundy car was a 4-door, I think we can at least probably rule it out as having been a Monte Carlo - as those were only ever made as a 2-door coupe.

ShopGirl, would you say the burgundy car was a 2000's model? Or something older?


Didn't the media pictures etc. show that the 1990's-ish Camry was a maroon 4 door?
Didn't the media pictures etc. show that the 1990's-ish Camry was a maroon 4 door?

The car I saw stopped by LE was a newer model, 4 door older gentleman got out and stood in the parking lot of a local bank...while LE searched the car. It just appeared with all the LE around..that maybe it was related to the case...and it was a burgandy/maroon color
You are so right. I was talking about Zahra and there are so many in PA and IND that have no idea what I was talking about.
So picking a jury, there is always someone to busy to read all the news.
I have people that ask me what is websleuths when I have my drink cup or shirt on.
Some people are not into detective type things like we are.

And the longer it takes to get to trial, the less people will remember about what happened in the beginning. MOO
Thank you, TB. I'm still trembling a little -- maybe from the shock of the experience itself. Never had a moment like that! Anyway, I will continue to pray for Zahra and to advocate for all mistreated children. Let's keep sleuthing!

Spool, thanks for sharing for vision. I got one, too, only once before in my life years ago when a friend was killed by someone, and I experienced it at the moment she was killed. It scared the life out of me. I was terrified. But it turned out to be true to the detail. I don't ever want to experience that again, so I know how you feel.

If that vision is true, our little Zahra is not in pain or fear now. All she feels is intense love and protection and an amazing peace.
Thank you Camille and NCoastmom for answering my question about EB's daughter in the other thread. :)
Either that or some wellmeaning anyonymous online person trying to be kind but in reality being creepy IMO[/QUOT

Nope! I am pretty certain that she is a family friend of KB. I wonder if that means some news may come soon??
TY for the clarification. Then I guess its okay for her to hold out hope as she is family of sorts.

I just find alot of the comments on various social sites regarding Zahra from the peripheral players in the situation to be odd and sort of creept (AY comes to mind)
creept equal creepy btw
if KB really is ono her way I wonder what, if anything this means. Did LE give her any reason to believe things are rapidly progressing or winding down in their investigation?

Has she been given reason to come now as opposed to last week?
I have to go make sure my birthday girl is in the bath, school day tomorrow. Will try to check back later on the off chance of developments.
Hello Everyone,

I am new here but would really like to tell you that I got an email today that said that they found the mattress that they were searching for. I am putting the address on this and feel free to look into it. I was so shocked and happy to know that we are finally getting somewhere on this case. Thank God! Here is the link Hopefully there is going to be a break in this case very soon. So that they can get justice for this beautiful little girl.
Quote from previous thread:
Posted by: LCoastMom

"Zahra would have turned 11 - November 16. In the US, 11 yr old girls in the 50th percentile are 4’8″ (56″ and weigh 80 lbs – an 11 yr old at 60″ – 61″ is near off the chart at 90 – 95 percentile while her weight of 55 lbs would be the 5th percentile or at 85 lbs she is in the 28th percentile. This according to the CDC."

Just for comparison purposes, my own daughter is 9 1/2 and way off the charts in both directions. She is *very* tall and thin for her age, always has been. She's 5'1", and I'm guessing approx. 75 lbs. She's head and shoulders above almost all the other kids her age. Aside from genetics (both myself & her father are tall & thin), she's always on the go, burning off calories. She has an older friend who is about 10 1/2, and appears to be about the same height (but alot heavier).

Me too, I was the same way - always tall and stick-thin until I was maybe 16 - eating like a horse and could not gain any weight, and I wasn't particularly athletic or anything. God I wish I could go back to those days- the metabolism did eventually slow down a lot by college and now I definitely have to watch what I eat.

That aside, her height/weight make me think either 2 things:

1. cancer patients can be slow to recover the weight they lost while sick/getting chemo. I know this because a roommate of mine is currently recovering from a rare form of cancer. She had surgery and an internal chemo "wash" about 10 weeks ago. She's eating normally now but at first she couldn't keep anything down, and her hair is still falling out (I find a lot of it still in the shower every day), and she hasn't put any weight back on. She got her appetite back by taking a steroid. I wonder what drugs, if any, Zahra was put on while in remission to help her body recover.

2. She was poorly fed or underfed by EB. Given what we already know about how EB treated her, this doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility.
Hello Everyone,

I am new here but would really like to tell you that I got an email today that said that they found the mattress that they were searching for. I am putting the address on this and feel free to look into it. I was so shocked and happy to know that we are finally getting somewhere on this case. Thank God! Here is the link Hopefully there is going to be a break in this case very soon. So that they can get justice for this beautiful little girl.

Gosh, that's great news if it's really the case! I just hope and pray they find her soon, this has been the most heartbreaking and disturbing case I can remember. She just captures your heart when you see her pictures.
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