ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #1

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There have been gangs in Fargo for many years. Years ago there was a woman in West Fargo and she and her husband noticed some suspicious activity down an alley way so they drove down there to look. A gang member stepped out and just shot her right in the head, in the car, through the window of the car.

That was when west Fargo was still basically a field with some houses on it.
I think the warning to the public is the same type of warning that should be followed anytime. It's just common sense. Especially if you're going to be out at 3 or 4 in the morning.

I agree. Just yesterday or the day before, one of the local tv stations aired a segment interviewing a woman that lived just a few doors down. The poor woman was scared out of her mind. It seems like when there isn't much to report, they have to put together something to keep the interest flowing. Everyone should be aware of their surroundings.

You are statistically more likely to succumb to homicidal violence from someone you know.

You are far more likely to succumb to any number of diseases or car accidents than this type of thing. Random, stranger homicidal violence is actually fairly rare.
Just my opinions here - take them as you wish.

LEO's are NOT going to blast their every thought and movement to the media. If "Joe Murderer" is watching the news and sees that he's a suspect, do you really think Joe Murderer is going to pop a beer and wait patiently on the couch for LE to come pick him up? Not likely. So they tend to keep their suspects and theories a secret until they have enough probable cause to go get them as to not spook them into taking off before they can pick them up.

Same with theories and evidence. Of course they're not going to tell us how they got to the RV park. Well, not right away anyway. If for example, they got a search warrant for CM's phone records and they show pings from the RV park, and they blast that over the news, what do you think CM is going to do? He's going to run. And just for the record, I have NO idea how they got to the RV site - just giving an uneducated guess - or possibility rather.

It sounds like you all think LE are inept and incompetent, but I have all the faith in the world they've been trained and are handling the case as best they can with all of the unknowns.

My last thought is, has anyone else besides CM confirmed that TB was actually at that party until 3:40? My spidey senses are tingling - I just don't believe he ever made it. I think something happened to him before the 1:23 tweet. And I think there's a strong possibility that the person who sent the tweet at 1:23 might not have even JW? Has JW admitted to sending the tweet?

I'll be curious to find out what the TB's TOD was. How long had he been in the RV park?

So many questions still....

(BBM). Well, let's see what you've got here...

1). When the police ask for the public's help in finding a person, body, phone, shoe, then the public also wants answers to help them find these items. Involvement causes people to question. But thank you for clarifying the whole, "Joe Murderer" scenario.

2). They might tell us if it helps find the shoe or the phone or the person who did this. It's all up to them and depends not only on the case but what the district/ county attorney thinks is ok.

3). Having all the 'Faith in the world' in any authority figure is a very precarious way to live and not one I would relish. The police are human and as such make a lot of mistakes.

4). Questioning authority, questioning how a young kid in the start of his life ended up dead in a small midwestern town after partying with 'friends', questioning who, what, when or why and OFFERING suggestions on a sleuthing website, is what American soldiers have fought and died for. It's my civil duty and my Constitutional right to question, wonder, and otherwise keep an eye on my surroundings. <modsnip>

5). For someone who has a 'World of faith' in local law enforcement and 'spidey senses', you don't think LE checked to verify who else may have witnessed this young man coming or going to that house? I would think that would be 'Investigation 101'.

6). I don't think that LE is going to announce the time of death, what with "Joe Murderer" still out there.
What we know so far is the place the body was found, it was homicide with a missing shoe and cell phone. No time of death, no exact cause of death, no info on who found the body, when, or under what circumstances, or if LE thought the RV area was the place of death, tire tracks, footprints. And, we are told to be cautious. Cautious of what - groups? individuals? students? the area around the RV establishment? Fargo? Moorhead? campus? the area next to campus?
If not, then they are asleep at the wheel and need to consider a different line of work.

Have there been any appeals to the public for video info?

Or perhaps they have all they need from traffic and business cams and do not need anything from the public
What we know so far is the place the body was found, it was homicide with a missing shoe and cell phone. No time of death, no exact cause of death, no info on who found the body, when, or under what circumstances, or if LE thought the RV area was the place of death, twire tracks, footprints. And, we are told to be cautious. Cautious of what - groups? individuals? students? the area around the RV establishment? Fargo? Moorhead? campus? the area next to campus?

Exactly! These are two cities with colleges and in MN, the private school is very expensive.

If I had a child in college there, I would be extremely upset.

And just living there with all of the issues because of the oil fields would add to the sense of fear.
There have been gangs in Fargo for many years. Years ago there was a woman in West Fargo and she and her husband noticed some suspicious activity down an alley way so they drove down there to look. A gang member stepped out and just shot her right in the head, in the car, through the window of the car.

That was when west Fargo was still basically a field with some houses on it.

The article I posted stated that LE has had interaction with 93 gangs. That is a crazy amount for a place of low population.
So could his death been a part of a gang initiation? You know, like let's see how much you can take.....drinking, maybe drugging, & how many punches to the gut can you handle to be a part of "us"???
Maybe that sort of thing? Let's face it, young men at that age don't have a mature brain part that controls risk vs reason....not until around age 26 or so according to the many research articles I've read about the "command center" of the brain & development.

Anywhooooo---it could be pressure from him trying to join a gang, a clique at a sports team (I.e. Baseball team), or it could be a fraternity pre-initiation????
There has, to my knowledge, been no mention of him being in a fraternity. One would think if this were so, his frat brothers would be heavily involved in his search, etc.

BBM Not necessarily, if something got out of hand. He may not have been in one yet.
Wow. Would have never guessed that about Fargo.

It is a growing area because of all of that oil. I have not been there for years, but it seemed like a very clean city back then.

Sounds like a lot of trouble there. At least they should have the money to deal with their crime.

I just pictured lots of horrid issues in the man camps. Ugh
Liquor has the highest amount of issues.

Otherwise, the report looks like there is not much going on there.

Sure is a difference between those campus reports and what is going on in the city.

Here is an idea from a nd citizen
Fights in nd on young people happen almost alwau

My guess is tom got into it with a group of guys and his friends bolted

I have seen so many guys get jumped in nd its astounding

The dropping off in a rv park is nothing of a drug or gang thing more or less drunk kids doing something they saw on the internet

Fargo metro is not that small its around 300 000 and it has many
areas in north fargo thar arrent the safest
Here is an idea from a nd citizen
Fights in nd on young people happen almost alwau

My guess is tom got into it with a group of guys and his friends bolted

I have seen so many guys get jumped in nd its astounding

The dropping off in a rv park is nothing of a drug or gang thing more or less drunk kids doing something they saw on the internet

Fargo metro is not that small its around 300 000 and it has many
areas in north fargo thar arrent the safest

Kyle welcome and can I say I think you hit the nail square on the head with your assessment.
Here is an idea from a nd citizen
Fights in nd on young people happen almost alwau

My guess is tom got into it with a group of guys and his friends bolted

I have seen so many guys get jumped in nd its astounding

The dropping off in a rv park is nothing of a drug or gang thing more or less drunk kids doing something they saw on the internet

Fargo metro is not that small its around 300 000 and it has many
areas in north fargo thar arrent the safest

I think your theory is a very plausible one.

BTW - What do you consider to be Fargo Metro? Fargo/Moorhead/West Fargo?
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