NE NE - Jason Jolkowski -19 - Omaha - 13 Jun 2001 - #4

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Just to clairfy with the topic of Jason being pressured by his dad to joining a seminary:

This was a comment originally made by @studebkr , but only that it was a rumor and not proven fact. His family knew their family, so that carries more weight coming from him. The article I posted here a couple years ago did mention Jason was in fact considering joining one, as he was in communication with a group in St. Louis. Although it doesn't mention obviously whether it's his choice or not, I have a hard time believing that a 19 year old would decide to dedicate the rest of his life to God, celibacy, and a strict lifestyle. It's a little confusing because on the one hand we hear that Jason's dad wanted him to join a seminary, but then on the other we hear that he was getting a job to help pay for his way back into the radio program at school. So what was the end result going to be? Were his parents just humoring his radio dreams? We don't know. I also don't believe that someone at the church attacked Jason over the denial of joining a seminary; that seems way too out-there. If anything, it'd be more likely that him being forced into this would lead more to a suicide or running away.
"I also don't believe that someone at the church attacked Jason over the denial of joining a seminary"

I agree. I don't believe there was an argument over Jason going/not going to seminary (if there was an argument).
If an argument occurred, I believe it was about Jason cancelling at the last minute after agreeing to fill in to be a prayer volunteer for the church's 'Continuous Prayer.'
"I also don't believe that someone at the church attacked Jason over the denial of joining a seminary"

I agree. I don't believe there was an argument over Jason going/not going to seminary (if there was an argument).
If an argument occurred, I believe it was about Jason cancelling at the last minute after agreeing to fill in to be a prayer volunteer for the church's 'Continuous Prayer.'
Very unlikely it happened at continuous prayer. People show up on a schedule, there is regular turnover from 15 minutes to every hour depending on how that church set it up. Jason wasn’t on the schedule. There would be little time to dispose of a body since someone is always coming and going regularly to keep the prayers going.
Very unlikely it happened at continuous prayer. People show up on a schedule, there is regular turnover from 15 minutes to every hour depending on how that church set it up. Jason wasn’t on the schedule. There would be little time to dispose of a body since someone is always coming and going regularly to keep the prayers going.
"Very unlikely it happened at continuous prayer."
I agree.
If there was an argument, it would have occurred in a private area such as an office or unused room. JMO.

"Jason wasn’t on the schedule."
I agree.
Jason wouldn't have been on the official schedule because he was 'filling in' for a person who was scheduled, but cancelled. JMO.

"There would be little time to dispose of a body..."

I agree.
A body could have been placed in a closet in a private office or a closet in an unused room until a time when it was safe to move it without being seen. JMO.
Is there any case at all, that was solved, that is similar to this case? In that there was NOTHING, ZERO, obvious reason as to what happened?
I can't even think of one that is still unsolved, but wondering if anyone knows of one where it was this mysterious but concluded, so to speak.
Is there any case at all, that was solved, that is similar to this case? In that there was NOTHING, ZERO, obvious reason as to what happened?
I can't even think of one that is still unsolved, but wondering if anyone knows of one where it was this mysterious but concluded, so to speak.
I'm sure there are other mysterious cases but I can't think of any that are more puzzling than this one; and judging by comments here and by investigators who have handled this case, neither can they!
Is there any case at all, that was solved, that is similar to this case? In that there was NOTHING, ZERO, obvious reason as to what happened?
I can't even think of one that is still unsolved, but wondering if anyone knows of one where it was this mysterious but concluded, so to speak.

That is a good question. I can think of many cases where people seem to have disappeared into thin air.
But of those cases, at least one of the following seems likely:

-the victim was showing signs of struggling (mentally, with addiction, with their home-life, at school or work, etc) prior to disappearing
-the victim was known to have a dangerous associate
- the victim appears to have been meeting an unknown person
- they seemed to have "run away" willingly
- they disappeared from their own house and someone close to them may have been involved
- abduction seems likely (true for a lot of cases of still-missing children)
- misadventure outdoors seems likely.

Whereas Jason was an adult just going about his daily life, heading to meet his ride for work in his own neighborhood in broad daylight. There aren't clues showing which, if any, of the above describe his case, though I definitely rule-out most of these things.

I think his case fits somewhere in there, though, but the critical clue is missing. With just one clue, it would be clearer...An outlier case in that regard. And it's one reason why we keep talking about the case through the years...
That is a good question. I can think of many cases where people seem to have disappeared into thin air.
But of those cases, at least one of the following seems likely:

-the victim was showing signs of struggling (mentally, with addiction, with their home-life, at school or work, etc) prior to disappearing
-the victim was known to have a dangerous associate
- the victim appears to have been meeting an unknown person
- they seemed to have "run away" willingly
- they disappeared from their own house and someone close to them may have been involved
- abduction seems likely (true for a lot of cases of still-missing children)
- misadventure outdoors seems likely.

Whereas Jason was an adult just going about his daily life, heading to meet his ride for work in his own neighborhood in broad daylight. There aren't clues showing which, if any, of the above describe his case, though I definitely rule-out most of these things.

I think his case fits somewhere in there, though, but the critical clue is missing. With just one clue, it would be clearer...An outlier case in that regard. And it's one reason why we keep talking about the case through the years...
That's why I personally still think it's "meeting an unknown person". Again, even if it was just going to be for a minute. His schedule was changed that day, just can't be a coincidence. Whether it's that theory or someone at Fazoli's, I don't care-- somehow the schedule plays into it. The more I think about the "lured in by neighbor and killed" theory, the more I dislike it. It just doesn't make sense to randomly spur of the moment decide to invite a grown man off the street inside and murder him. Occam's Razor points in this direction, but it's messy. Jason's old "about me" page on the radio program website said that he likes emailing and the internet. Was he talking to someone? Where was he going on the internet? If any clue or avenue should be looked at, it's that imo.
That's why I personally still think it's "meeting an unknown person". Again, even if it was just going to be for a minute. His schedule was changed that day, just can't be a coincidence. Whether it's that theory or someone at Fazoli's, I don't care-- somehow the schedule plays into it. The more I think about the "lured in by neighbor and killed" theory, the more I dislike it. It just doesn't make sense to randomly spur of the moment decide to invite a grown man off the street inside and murder him. Occam's Razor points in this direction, but it's messy. Jason's old "about me" page on the radio program website said that he likes emailing and the internet. Was he talking to someone? Where was he going on the internet? If any clue or avenue should be looked at, it's that imo.
I think you or someone said previously that LE looked at his computer, or at least his parents would have IMO. And that nothing was found? But with the messaging back then, maybe it was eraseable more easily, I don't know! And of course they didn't have his cellphone, so couldn't check that unfortunately. Wonder if forensics would've been able to find something on it, and if it is still around. I imagine his family kept it IMO.
I think you or someone said previously that LE looked at his computer, or at least his parents would have IMO. And that nothing was found? But with the messaging back then, maybe it was eraseable more easily, I don't know! And of course they didn't have his cellphone, so couldn't check that unfortunately. Wonder if forensics would've been able to find something on it, and if it is still around. I imagine his family kept it IMO.
I can't remember if my cell phone stored incoming call numbers back then. In 2001, I still had a bag phone, which I left in my car when not in use, as I got it for road side emergencies. I had a long commute through back rural roads.
But I do know all my out going calls were itemized on my bill, I'm not sure about incoming calls, since we paid for minutes, and texting wasn't a thing until toward the end of 2001. So I'm not sure having Jason's actual phone and going through it would have yielded anything useful, except for maybe stored contact numbers.
I haven't followed this case closely, but I do remember how another young man in the area, SS, also went missing about a month after JJ. SS just disappeared without a trace, too. I was just informed on another platform that SS has now been located alive after all these years!

The past speculation was that SS and JJ may have been abducted and killed by the same person, but I am now wondering if SS *was* the abductor himself.
I haven't followed this case closely, but I do remember how another young man in the area, SS, also went missing about a month after JJ. SS just disappeared without a trace, too. I was just informed on another platform that SS has now been located alive after all these years!

The past speculation was that SS and JJ may have been abducted and killed by the same person, but I am now wondering if SS *was* the abductor himself.
Actually, SS has been discussed on this forum and on others in relation to Jason. However, it was a different situation and he was found/resurfaced quite awhile ago. But others will remember what happened with him better than me most likely and fill you in on that.
I'm sure there are other mysterious cases but I can't think of any that are more puzzling than this one; and judging by comments here and by investigators who have handled this case, neither can they!
Well this one shocked me (in a good way) just found out today!
Missing since 2005 and returned home quietly in 2019!!
Feb 16 2023
''A Barrie man who was reported missing in 2005 has returned home to his family, has learned.
Hal Forrest was 24 when he left a note for his parents that said he was leaving the house to “find himself” on Feb. 28, 2005.
He was apparently going to do some job hunting and, after dropping his mom off at work, he parked the car at a Barrie bookstore, leaving the keys inside. He left a note behind for them to find the vehicle, but had gathered his belongings — including a computer and some clothes — and vanished. He even left all of his identification at home.
It was a mystery that stumped police and family members. But now, Barrie police have confirmed Forrest has reunited with his family after more than a decade.
"He is no longer missing and returned home in August 2019," spokesperson Peter Leon said. "The case was closed upon his return, as it was determined that there was nothing criminal in nature with respect to his disappearance."

Ws thread..
Well this one shocked me (in a good way) just found out today!
Missing since 2005 and returned home quietly in 2019!!
Feb 16 2023
''A Barrie man who was reported missing in 2005 has returned home to his family, has learned.
Hal Forrest was 24 when he left a note for his parents that said he was leaving the house to “find himself” on Feb. 28, 2005.
He was apparently going to do some job hunting and, after dropping his mom off at work, he parked the car at a Barrie bookstore, leaving the keys inside. He left a note behind for them to find the vehicle, but had gathered his belongings — including a computer and some clothes — and vanished. He even left all of his identification at home.
It was a mystery that stumped police and family members. But now, Barrie police have confirmed Forrest has reunited with his family after more than a decade.
"He is no longer missing and returned home in August 2019," spokesperson Peter Leon said. "The case was closed upon his return, as it was determined that there was nothing criminal in nature with respect to his disappearance."

Ws thread..
Wow!!! I look forward to reading this, amazing! Thanks!
Well this one shocked me (in a good way) just found out today!
Missing since 2005 and returned home quietly in 2019!!
Feb 16 2023
''A Barrie man who was reported missing in 2005 has returned home to his family, has learned.
Hal Forrest was 24 when he left a note for his parents that said he was leaving the house to “find himself” on Feb. 28, 2005.
He was apparently going to do some job hunting and, after dropping his mom off at work, he parked the car at a Barrie bookstore, leaving the keys inside. He left a note behind for them to find the vehicle, but had gathered his belongings — including a computer and some clothes — and vanished. He even left all of his identification at home.
It was a mystery that stumped police and family members. But now, Barrie police have confirmed Forrest has reunited with his family after more than a decade.
"He is no longer missing and returned home in August 2019," spokesperson Peter Leon said. "The case was closed upon his return, as it was determined that there was nothing criminal in nature with respect to his disappearance."

Ws thread..
Great that it had a happy ending, but unfortunately doesn't totally compare to Jason's. That man left a note and packed up some belongings. Jason just fell off the face of the Earth with no warning.
Great that it had a happy ending, but unfortunately doesn't totally compare to Jason's. That man left a note and packed up some belongings. Jason just fell off the face of the Earth with no warning.
Agreed that there are different circumstances between this young man's case and Jason's. But it still gives me hope.
An interesting find, but I have to echo others sentiments that I don't see the relevance to Jason's disappearance. Jason is almost certainly gone, and in all likelihood, it was over that day he disappeared. Despite the perfectly hatched crime (and I'm certain it was foul play), I think this was the offender's first murder. They were fortunate that Jason kept his private life private, and they presumably had somewhere secluded to hide the body. However, I would not be surprised if stories would emerge about inappropriate behaviour and minor offences committed by this person. That's just a hunch of mine. That's if this case is ever solved, but unfortunately it would take a miracle at this rate.

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