NE NE - Jason Jolkowski, 19, Omaha, 13 June 2001 - #2

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I always suspected it was someone who knew him, because I think I read somewhere he was shy. It didn't sound like he would have gone off with just anyone, so I'm thinking it was an opportunist who Jason knew, just waiting for the right time. I'm just surprised no one saw anything after he brought in the garbage cans. It was broad day light in a well occupied neighborhood.

That's right, he was quite shy indeed. If it was someone Jason knew, it begs the question if it was someone also the family knew, or only Jason.
This case simply does not make any sense, so maybe whatever happened does not make sense either, imo.
Jason was wearing a CUB t shirt, did that rile someone from an opposing team?
Did the female employee whom he was supposed to get a lift from, have a jealous suitor?
A 6'1'' guy is not easy to abduct and hide, imo.
Did he get hit by a neighbour's car en-route, or was someone hiding in the garage where he took in the garbage pails?

Not that any of those scenarios are likely, but what else could have happened, short of Jason banging his head, suffering amnesia and wandering off somewhere?
imo, speculation.

Jason's car was at the mechanic's shop, so his boss arranged a ride for him with a co-worker. She and Jason were to meet at a high school parking lot that was within walking distance from the Jolkowskis' home.

According to his mother, Jason had walked that seven-block route before. It took him along quiet, residential streets with little pedestrian or vehicle traffic.

Jason was last seen at 10:15 that morning, standing at the end of his driveway. Less than an hour later, his boss called and spoke with Michael, complaining that Jason had not shown up for work and had never arrived at the high school to meet his ride.

His parents arrived home from work to learn that Jason had been missing all day. They called Jason's friends. None of them had seen or heard from him that day.

"Jason was a quiet boy," his mother said. "He only had a small handful of friends. He was shy."

Jason did not have a girlfriend and was not the sort of person to take risks, like hitching a ride with a complete stranger, his mother insisted.

Jason Jolkowski is described as 6 feet 1 inch and 165 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes. He was last seen wearing a Chicago Cubs T-shirt, black dress pants and black dress shoes
I can't think of any scenario that could have befallen him that hasn't already been discussed at length here, or on other forums.
From what I've read, it sounds like investigators did a thorough job. I'm leaning toward him going off with someone he knew and trusted as opposed to stranger abduction, based on his size and the time of day - that would be too risky and had the potential to attract attention. But, if it were a well known acquaintance driving by or a nefarious neighbor, he could have been led away without much notice, especially if that person was familiar with the comings and goings of the other neighbors and knew the risks were minimal. I had a neighbor like that once, who seemed to know everyone's business. He would tell people who stopped by our place when we weren't home that we weren't there and that we were at work or school, etc. Figures, though, the one time someone broke into our house he saw nothing.
This case simply does not make any sense, so maybe whatever happened does not make sense either, imo.
Jason was wearing a CUB t shirt, did that rile someone from an opposing team?
Did the female employee whom he was supposed to get a lift from, have a jealous suitor?
A 6'1'' guy is not easy to abduct and hide, imo.
Did he get hit by a neighbour's car en-route, or was someone hiding in the garage where he took in the garbage pails?

Not that any of those scenarios are likely, but what else could have happened, short of Jason banging his head, suffering amnesia and wandering off somewhere?
imo, speculation.

The T-shirt? I guess that is a possibility, but feel that it is somewhat of a stretch, for the reason that Jason is still missing.
Attacks on people wearing certain symbols certainly happen, the question is if such attackers would have bothered going to such lengths as hiding the victim after such an attack? :/ My impression is that they rather tend to leave the victim lying on the ground.

It could however be wortn saying, regarding the work angle, that kelly said that this angle had been cleared already long ago. However this does of course not rule out the possibility of what you suggested; someone that he had somehow come across indirectly through the work, rather than the people at work being involved as such. I have often pondered that possibility myself.

His size is however unlikely to have staved off a predator, as such individuals preying on adolescent or adult males usually do not use force to abduct, but use other means. The most common is that they first lure their prey into either a vehicle or a home, and then either decieve the prey to ingest a drugged drink or with some other means induce the victim into a helpless state.
As an example, one of Gacy's miracle survivors, a 26-year-old male, described how he had been lured into Gacy's car, and as soon as he had entered it, had a rag of chloroform shoved in his face. Thereafter, he did not have any clear memory until he found himself strapped onto a so-called "rack" (A medieval torture device) in a house(Gacy's), and he also said there were other than Gacy precent.
This is a very common scenario in its basics, although the details widely variates between predators, such as means of subduction, but the main point is that such predators rarely use brute force during the actual abduction, and usually do not use violence until the prey is already rendered harmless, or, during some other type of occasion where they know they have a clear overtake.

An attacker could certainly lure on someone in a garage, but given that "witnesses claimed to have seen Jason walking on foot in the area of 48th and Bedford street" (Taken from the above link), I feel that sort of rules the possibility out? I mean, if he was seen walking already on his way to the school, he is obviously already outside of it, no? :/

Looking for info. on missing djs, came across this unrelated, but thought provoking link, fwiw.
Are there any others like that one, with whom Jason may have come into contact, either directly, or indirectly?
speculation, imo.
Jason was a DJ at The River radio station, staffed by Iowa Western Community College students as a part of their Radio Broadcasting program. Jason took on the persona of “JJ”, and became beloved of his listeners.
Looking for info. on missing djs, came across this unrelated, but thought provoking link, fwiw. Are there any others like that one, with whom Jason may have come into contact, either directly, or indirectly?
speculation, imo.

Good find, Dot. Interesting information.

Does anyone know if investigators checked the phone call details on his mobile phone and house phone (if they had one)?
I hadn't heard that a neighbor's house had been searched. That is news to me. Thanks Picachu for sharing that. I agree that police can't just search someone's house just because they feel like it, so there must have been something pretty suspicious. Sometimes LE does a search like that and then an arrest comes 20 years later when they get the last bit of evidence they need.

One thing that was brought up previously in the thread is how quiet some neighborhoods can be during the day, even in the summer. I live in a typical subdivision, which is different than Jason's neighborhood, but it can get eerily quiet during the day. Not surprised no one saw anything.
This case simply does not make any sense, so maybe whatever happened does not make sense either, imo.
Jason was wearing a CUB t shirt, did that rile someone from an opposing team?
Did the female employee whom he was supposed to get a lift from, have a jealous suitor?
A 6'1'' guy is not easy to abduct and hide, imo.
Did he get hit by a neighbour's car en-route, or was someone hiding in the garage where he took in the garbage pails?

Not that any of those scenarios are likely, but what else could have happened, short of Jason banging his head, suffering amnesia and wandering off somewhere?
imo, speculation.

You're right, it doesn't make sense. Now I'm wondering why the co-worker who was giving him a ride didn't just pick him up at his house since it was only seven blocks away from where they were to meet. Idk, maybe he just told her he'd meet her there, still, seven blocks is a lot further on foot than in a car.
You're right, it doesn't make sense. Now I'm wondering why the co-worker who was giving him a ride didn't just pick him up at his house since it was only seven blocks away from where they were to meet. Idk, maybe he just told her he'd meet her there, still, seven blocks is a lot further on foot than in a car.
I read that she didn't know the neighborhood and wasn't sure where his house was, so they agreed to meet at the school.
I read that she didn't know the neighborhood and wasn't sure where his house was, so they agreed to meet at the school.

Ok, thanks. I just was envisioning it was right down the road, but maybe it was a little more complicated than that, and Jason was probably the kind of guy that hated putting anyone out.
Another s-t-r-e-t--c-h but,
could Jason have been mistaken for this person released from jail on the same day Jason went missing?

Jeremy Sheets

On June 13, 2001 Jeremy Sheets was released after prosecutors decided not to retry his case. Sheets had been sentenced to death for the September 23, 1992 kidnaping and murder of Kenyatta Bush.


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I don't think it's a stretch. What do you think? Could he be in jail, mistaken for someone else? Or possibly a revenge killing? Something like that?
I don't think it's a stretch. What do you think? Could he be in jail, mistaken for someone else? Or possibly a revenge killing? Something like that?

Definitely worth looking into IMO. I guess it all depends on if the family of his victim were made aware of his release in advance.
Definitely worth looking into IMO. I guess it all depends on if the family of his victim were made aware of his release in advance.
I'm not entirely sure how that works if the person's sentence was overturned as opposed to being released for time served. I know that when the person who attacked one of my family members was released after serving his time, officials called her and let her know so she could take precautions.
Another s-t-r-e-t--c-h but,
could Jason have been mistaken for this person released from jail on the same day Jason went missing?

FWIW I think it bears looking into. Let's say he was mistaken for this guy, only by law enforcement instead. Would they believe him if he said he were someone else? Did Jason have ID on him that day?
It would be very sad if Sheets' enemies targeted Jason by mistake.
Another s-t-r-e-t--c-h but,
could Jason have been mistaken for this person released from jail on the same day Jason went missing?

What an interesting theory. Except I'm thinking it wouldn't have been LE that would have mistaken him for Sheets. I'm thinking friends / family of the victim, as in revenge / vigilante justice . As terrible as it is, I guess it's possible. :(
Another s-t-r-e-t--c-h but,
could Jason have been mistaken for this person released from jail on the same day Jason went missing?

Nothing wrong with thinking outside the box. Stranger things have happened.

That said, I'm sceptical about this. There was only a small time frame between Jason leaving his house and getting to the school. Did this guy's enemies just happen to be driving through the neighbourhood when they mistook Jason en route to the school? Also, what time was Sheets released from jail? How far was the jail to Jason's neck of the woods? And if they did have prior knowledge of his release, wouldn't they be following his movements from the jail?
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