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Is it me reading this wrong? Or did she say that when she took her dogs out at 7:15, the place was already crawling with police? I thought Hannah's mom did not call them until 10.

The 24th is the day Hannah's body was found. She was reported missing on the 23rd by her mother.
"Friday evening August 24th I took the Davinia and Indiana out for their usual before dinner walk. I was running a little behind so instead of being 7:00 or a little bit before it was about 7:15 possibly a little later before we actually got outside."
I wonder if any kids missed school the days after?
Was anyone missing from that bus?
I wonder if any kids missed school the days after?
Was anyone missing from that bus?

Police can read the attendance records at Gainesville High School and see who was absent on Friday. I guess Hannah's parents both missed work on Friday.

There isn't any evidence that shows Hannah was afraid to ride the school bus. She was old enough to drive and her goal was to drive to school asap.

Hannah turned 16 on May 18 and her father was teaching her to drive after she admitted she hit someone and was told to get out. Hannah didn't hit a classmate so it seems obvious who she hit since she was living with her mother at the time. She moved back in with her mom at the end of July and 1 week before she was killed she tweeted "I'm gonna start driving to school soon. Mark my words."

Hannah and her family never sought psychological or medical help for their daughter who desperately needed it after she hit someone. She intended to get her license and start driving to school right away which isn't realistic if she couldn't afford a car but perhaps her father agreed to buy or lease her one and her mother opposed her on this too.

No teenager wants to ride a school bus when they can get their license and drive. When Hannah stated what she wanted, her mother shut her out and refused to help her achieve her goals. Hannah had problems at home not at school.

Hannah's parents didn't live together so Hannah was raised in a broken home and parents separate because they can't get along. They disagree and argue about everything. This is a difficult environment for a child who does not have any direct emotional support from their siblings. After school ended, the bickering continued and the hostile conditions in her home destroyed the plans she made.

Bethany Marshall said children feel about their parents how their parents feel about them and MANY mothers neglect their children. They won`t feed them well, they don`t comfort, they don`t sooth, and Hannah's tweets indicate she wasn't receiving any comfort or understanding from her parents who didn't see eye to eye and she was a victim caught in their crossfire. jmo
You drive a very valid point. The only reason I would contest it is due to the scratches on her face, which are indicative of some sort of struggle, IMO. But if she didn't see it coming, the killer could have knocked her out and went to town.

A blow to person's head can cause them to immediately slip into a coma and loose consciousness.
Here is something else to consider. Hannah said she wouldn’t get pregnant until she met the perfect man because she didn’t want her children to grow up without a father like she did. She wanted to make a different choice than the one her mother made and that could have created a great deal of friction between them that they both repressed into their subconscious minds. Hannah and her mother needed to see a family counsellor to discuss their pent-up emotions and fears in a safe, non-threatening place. The psychological term for this is catharsis.

Hannah said she didn’t grow up in a loving home and she wanted to create a better life for herself and her children than the one her mother gave her children, which is "her privilege” & choice to make is it not?

Here is something else to consider. Hannah said she wouldn’t get pregnant until she met the perfect man because she didn’t want her children to grow up without a father like she did. She wanted to make a different choice than the one her mother made and that could have created a great deal of friction between them that they both repressed into their subconscious minds. Hannah and her mother needed to see a family counsellor to discuss their pent-up emotions and fears in a safe, non-threatening place. The psychological term for this is catharsis.

Hannah said she didn’t grow up in a loving home and she wanted to create a better life for herself and her children than the one her mother gave her children, which is "her privilege” & choice to make is it not?


A loving home!
Just because Mom and DAd dont love each ther does not mean they didnt love their daughter! She lived in a nice area not slums. Seems she had nice clothes dad taught her to drive. what was so bad about her life?
Mom took her Cell away?
I never saw anything posted that said her mom abused or hit her I can totally
understand MOm refusing to give her a phone again.
Cant blame mom till ya find out her side of the story and so far t me it seems she was protecting her daughter by not saying anything JMO
A loving home!
Just because Mom and DAd dont love each ther does not mean they didnt love their daughter! She lived in a nice area not slums. Seems she had nice clothes dad taught her to drive. what was so bad about her life?
Mom took her Cell away?
I never saw anything posted that said her mom abused or hit her I can totally
understand MOm refusing to give her a phone again.
Cant blame mom till ya find out her side of the story and so far t me it seems she was protecting her daughter by not saying anything JMO

Hannah said “You can’t buy love. That’s why I can’t stand my father” so the love” she received from her father was superficial right ?

Appearances are misleading and Hannah's dreams for the future were stymied.
Hannah said “You can’t buy love. That’s why I can’t stand my father” so the love” she received from her father was superficial right ?

Appearances are misleading and Hannah's dreams for the future were stymied.

Hey parents seperated from their kids do sometimes try to buy their love to compensate for the lack of time they sepend with them but I have not seen nor read anything they treated her badly.
Im not going to say her father was a bad parent .
As i see it she was becomming an uncontrollable teen with maybe some anger issues!
It was said she was AFRAID to ride the bus. Why?
Were there problems with any of the kids in her school either problems she had with them o rproblems they had with her?
I dont know but i think the ans are right there in her area of school and home.

Personally I think its a Teen girl that killed her.

Many teens cant stand their parents!

Can I ask you where you are reading these horrible home life stories?
Hey parents seperated from their kids do sometimes try to buy their love to compensate for the lack of time they sepend with them but I have not seen nor read anything they treated her badly.
Im not going to say her father was a bad parent .
As i see it she was becomming an uncontrollable teen with maybe some anger issues!
It was said she was AFRAID to ride the bus. Why?
Were there problems with any of the kids in her school either problems she had with them o rproblems they had with her?
I dont know but i think the ans are right there in her area of school and home.

Personally I think its a Teen girl that killed her.

Many teens cant stand their parents!

Can I ask you where you are reading these horrible home life stories?
ITA, Eileen!

It's very common for divorced/separated parents to vie for their children's affection with money/material gifts. The situation can seem ideal to a young child and it may help them adapt to their parents being apart. As a teenager, children begin to understand what's going on and often view the competition negatively.

Hannah was at that age when she saw through her father's attempts to compete against her mother. I think that's what she meant when she said she couldn't stand her dad. It was this aspect of trying to buy her affection with material goods that Hannah couldn't stand. She did not hate her dad. Even with her objections to his behavior, I'm sure she wouldn't have refused a car if he bought her one! That's the nature of teenagers.

Hannah may have had some conflicts with her mother, but there's no evidence she hated her mother, either. Her mother had her hands full with a job and 3 children, including a teenager expressing a lot of angst. I don't think we know Hannah's sitution at school. Had she been referred to a counselor at school? What was Hannah's relationship with her siblings like?
I've been following this case on WS but don't post much. Didn't much of the info about Hannah being reported missing, her body being found, etc come from the father's interview on TV? Has there been independent corrobaration of his info? What I think we heard was a one-sided description of the dynamics of the personalities involved in this horrible situation. This is, of course, my opinion.
I've been following this case on WS but don't post much. Didn't much of the info about Hannah being reported missing, her body being found, etc come from the father's interview on TV? Has there been independent corrobaration of his info? What I think we heard was a one-sided description of the dynamics of the personalities involved in this horrible situation. This is, of course, my opinion.
I agree, Pearl. I said earlier that I think a lot of information we've been given on the family dynamics is biased for this reason. Other perspectives on Hannah's relationship with her parents are snippets from Hannah's twitter account. Much of what has been circulating on this thread concerning Hannah's mother are unsubstantiated rumors.
I work with teenagers every day and have for the last 30 years. I am not implying my following thoughts in any way have bearing on Hannah's case. They are just my observations. Oftentimes, teenage children play parents against one another when the parents are divorced. Some become quite good at this. This can be especially true when one parent is permissive and the other is not. The nonpermissive parent sets the rules and enforces them when the child is living with him/her. What to do to discipline an older teenager when he/she rebels (although hitting a parent is far more than rebellion)? Taking away a cellphone surely catches the teen's attention. Kudos to the parent who can actually withstand the antics of a teenager intent on getting the cellphone back. As for Hannah not having a key to the apartment, there are some doorlocks that don't require actual keys. Numbers and/or letters are entered on a touch pad near the lock. I do think that Hannah was likely murdered by someone she knew. Scratches on the face remind me of what we refer to as "cat fights" between two girls.
I work with teenagers every day and have for the last 30 years. I am not implying my following thoughts in any way have bearing on Hannah's case. They are just my observations. Oftentimes, teenage children play parents against one another when the parents are divorced. Some become quite good at this. This can be especially true when one parent is permissive and the other is not. The nonpermissive parent sets the rules and enforces them when the child is living with him/her. What to do to discipline an older teenager when he/she rebels (although hitting a parent is far more than rebellion)? Taking away a cellphone surely catches the teen's attention. Kudos to the parent who can actually withstand the antics of a teenager intent on getting the cellphone back. As for Hannah not having a key to the apartment, there are some doorlocks that don't require actual keys. Numbers and/or letters are entered on a touch pad near the lock. I do think that Hannah was likely murdered by someone she knew. Scratches on the face remind me of what we refer to as "cat fights" between two girls.

I was just going to say something like this :) While I am not a trained expert, I do have 6 kids, aged 10-28, the youngest is the only boy. I am going through some stuff with my own daughter right now who is 13 going on 25. She speaks, looks, and carries herself as much older, and it's frustrating, to say the least. Her current favorite game is "I don't want to live with you anymore. I want to live with my Dad". HE EATS THIS UP! You can't convince him that she is full of drama & embellishing/omitting actual events. Problem is, Dad travels constantly. There is zero stability for a teenage girl in his line of work. This comes up ANY time she doesn't get her way. He is an enabler of her behavior and it's hard to deal with in house, every single day. SO in this sense, I feel for Mom. My gut tells me she isn't responsible for the crime. Did they fight? Probably. Was there a competition for dominance in their relationship or attention? Most likely.

MOO is that this was done by her peers. Girls. Multiple. Possibly gang-style. I don't think murder was the plan. I believe it was a butt kicking that went too far. And of course, I could just be way off base here..
ITA, Eileen!

It's very common for divorced/separated parents to vie for their children's affection with money/material gifts. The situation can seem ideal to a young child and it may help them adapt to their parents being apart. As a teenager, children begin to understand what's going on and often view the competition negatively.

Hannah was at that age when she saw through her father's attempts to compete against her mother. I think that's what she meant when she said she couldn't stand her dad. It was this aspect of trying to buy her affection with material goods that Hannah couldn't stand. She did not hate her dad. Even with her objections to his behavior, I'm sure she wouldn't have refused a car if he bought her one! That's the nature of teenagers.

Hannah may have had some conflicts with her mother, but there's no evidence she hated her mother, either. Her mother had her hands full with a job and 3 children, including a teenager expressing a lot of angst. I don't think we know Hannah's sitution at school. Had she been referred to a counselor at school? What was Hannah's relationship with her siblings like?


I believe we have not heard much about the school is because maybe THAT is where LE is focused.

Notice they have not said she was sexually assaulted and are not looking for
sex offenders.
This was a crime done by a very angry person JMO and i think its a girl!
Im still thinking bullying!
I was just going to say something like this :) While I am not a trained expert, I do have 6 kids, aged 10-28, the youngest is the only boy. I am going through some stuff with my own daughter right now who is 13 going on 25. She speaks, looks, and carries herself as much older, and it's frustrating, to say the least. Her current favorite game is "I don't want to live with you anymore. I want to live with my Dad". HE EATS THIS UP! You can't convince him that she is full of drama & embellishing/omitting actual events. Problem is, Dad travels constantly. There is zero stability for a teenage girl in his line of work. This comes up ANY time she doesn't get her way. He is an enabler of her behavior and it's hard to deal with in house, every single day. SO in this sense, I feel for Mom. My gut tells me she isn't responsible for the crime. Did they fight? Probably. Was there a competition for dominance in their relationship or attention? Most likely.

MOO is that this was done by her peers. Girls. Multiple. Possibly gang-style. I don't think murder was the plan. I believe it was a butt kicking that went too far. And of course, I could just be way off base here..

I totally agree with you this was my opinion also.
Possibly a set up! And agreed also where i think it went to far!
The secret lies witht he ppl on the bus and school!
I wonder if the scratches on her face could be from animal life in the area of where she was found. I haven't read anything that specifically says that the scratches where directly associated with the cause of death. I had also wonered if possibly she knew mom was coming home and being a rebelious teenager wanted to be gone when she got there and headed off into the woods, possibly walking into a bad situation that had nothing specifically to do with her. I hike sometimes and occasionally run into folks while on trails engaged in suspicious behavior. Particularly trails close to houses,common areas of parks etc.
I have some experience in helping to break up fights between teenagers being in the profession I am in. My opinion is that breaking up physical fights between two teenage girls is the hardest to do. It takes multiple people to accomplish usually. Once you get the girls apart, you'd better hold tight until they are moved far away from each other. The girls will continue to hit, scratch, and kick at one another continuously. I witnessed one girl fight many years ago where one girl got the other girl flat on her back on the sidewalk and reached down and bit off the girl's bottom lip and spit it on the ground. My experience is that once you separate boys who are fighting, they will stay separated. We even have to go through restraint training for the proper way to intervene in a fight. Yeah, that goes right out the window when faced with the task of which one do I try to immobilize by restraining the upper body. I've digressed from the topic at hand. Hannah could very well have been killed, either intentionally or not, by another teenage girl.
I have some experience in helping to break up fights between teenagers being in the profession I am in. My opinion is that breaking up physical fights between two teenage girls is the hardest to do. It takes multiple people to accomplish usually. Once you get the girls apart, you'd better hold tight until they are moved far away from each other. The girls will continue to hit, scratch, and kick at one another continuously. I witnessed one girl fight many years ago where one girl got the other girl flat on her back on the sidewalk and reached down and bit off the girl's bottom lip and spit it on the ground. My experience is that once you separate boys who are fighting, they will stay separated. We even have to go through restraint training for the proper way to intervene in a fight. Yeah, that goes right out the window when faced with the task of which one do I try to immobilize by restraining the upper body. I've digressed from the topic at hand. Hannah could very well have been killed, either intentionally or not, by another teenage girl.

Never had to break up teenage girls fighting but I worked security in bars for alot of years and 100% agree with you about breaking up fights involving women. I still have faint scars from being scratched by a woman who attacked me while we where throwing her boyfriend out of the club. And we where throwing him out for striking her! I just wonder how difficult it would be to distinguish how someone got scratches i.e. animal vs. human?
Never had to break up teenage girls fighting but I worked security in bars for alot of years and 100% agree with you about breaking up fights involving women. I still have faint scars from being scratched by a woman who attacked me while we where throwing her boyfriend out of the club. And we where throwing him out for striking her! I just wonder how difficult it would be to distinguish how someone got scratches i.e. animal vs. human?

Somewhat graphic here. I think there would be an initial gouge mark where a fingernail entered the flesh if it were a human scratch. Also, horrible to think of, doesn't a fingernail scratch produce a kind of ripping of the skin versus an incision type made from the claws of an animal? This would not apply to Hannah but fingernail scratches produce infections quite easily because of the bacterial under them on humans. Autopsy results could list types of bacteria present in human scratches couldn't it?

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