Nejame Donates $5000 Earnings to Meter Reader Reward

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I just want to take back anything negative I ever said about MN. I think he is one of the good guys.
I think RK should be able to recieve reward money, why not, he found her and he didn't give up. So what if he is a county employee? If there is some suspicious reason, if there is some reason he needs to be investigated, then ok finish that first. My personal opinion is that this guy is just like any of us and he felt or saw something that wasn't right and so he kept on calling until he was satisfied. JMO

Good post. I agree. Because MN is credible, him donating this money, imo, lends credibility to RK's actions. This says to me that MN no way believes that RK had any sinister action in all of this. It gives me rest, even if the defense tries to string him up.
Personally , I don't care one bit if the MR's sole purpose in finding Caylee was to collect a reward. Reward monies are offered as incentive to people for a desired outcome. The MR persevered, for whatever reason, and Caylee's remains were found. I think he should take the reward money and not feel guilty about it.

From the first time I saw MN on NG I knew he was a class act. The way he handled the press when GA was about to testifiy to the grand jury impressed me and this reward he's offering is a further testament to his character. Kudos to you MN. :clap:
RK, I hope you can collect the reward because you deserve it. :blowkiss:
Good post. I agree. Because MN is credible, him donating this money, imo, lends credibility to RK's actions. This says to me that MN no way believes that RK had any sinister action in all of this. It gives me rest, even if the defense tries to string him up.

very good points! :)
I was basing my opinion strickly because there was thought that NeJame received a retainer from the Anthony's and I felt the money came from other avenues such as appearing on TV Shows etc.

The source of the money is not important, although if the money is from a "foundation" the money should go back to the foundation in order to help other's in need or at least ask the foundation if we can do this or that with the money.

Either way, if Roy K can receive a reward, then he deserves the money.

MN took a hard line about this from the beginning, no one was to be making any money off Caylee. This came to a head when they got the rcpt. for LG.

"We've had enough of the exploitation, we've had enough of the lies, we've had enough of the lack of attention directed towards finding Caylee," NeJame said.
NeJame said Garrison assured the Anthonys that he never received a penny from the networks in licensing fees for pictures or any other form and that was a lie.
"We are outing him. We've had enough," NeJame said Wednesday. "People have accused my clients of making money. I've made it very clear to them, if they make a penny off of it I'm outta here."
NeJame said they are looking into whether any other payments have been made without the family's knowledge.
I am not disagreeing with your post at all but before folks start saying all state and govt. employees better take a look at what all those teachers received at Christmas. Yes, I know everyone is going to slam me for that, but it is the same. They are gifts. How many got gift cards? If exceptions are made for them, then exceptions can be made elsewhere. JMO.
ETA Needed to clarify: I think teachers need to get as many bonuses, presents, gift cards as they are unsung heros in my book, I am not against teacher gifts. I just want MR to get his reward if he is entitled to it.

Excellent point... same goes for postal workers and the like. Interesting. There might be a loophole that we're not aware of but nonetheless I'd sure like to see his persistence rewarded!

MN took a hard line about this from the beginning, no one was to be making any money off Caylee. This came to a head when they got the rcpt. for LG.

"We've had enough of the exploitation, we've had enough of the lies, we've had enough of the lack of attention directed towards finding Caylee," NeJame said.
NeJame said Garrison assured the Anthonys that he never received a penny from the networks in licensing fees for pictures or any other form and that was a lie.
"We are outing him. We've had enough," NeJame said Wednesday. "People have accused my clients of making money. I've made it very clear to them, if they make a penny off of it I'm outta here."
NeJame said they are looking into whether any other payments have been made without the family's knowledge.
...and away he went!!
Aren't postmen federal employees? They break the rules of gifts all the time. Same for garbage collectors.
I think RK should be allowed any amount of reward money anyone wants to give him. If not for his persistence, Caylee may have never been found.
Aren't postmen federal employees? They break the rules of gifts all the time. Same for garbage collectors.
I think RK should be allowed any amount of reward money anyone wants to give him. If not for his persistence, Caylee may have never been found.

Where has it ever been confirmed that RK can't accept reward money? Anyway, this money is not a reward considering rewards are publicly offered in advance. This can only be called a donation or gift, after the fact.

It's not really clear what would motivate MN to give this money, other than to "look good". That seems to be working for him...

Do you think that RKs lawyer wants to be cautious in regard to THE SOURCE of money that's offered, to protect his client?
Where has it ever been confirmed that RK can't accept reward money? Anyway, this money is not a reward considering rewards are publicly offered in advance. This can only be called a donation or gift, after the fact.

It's not really clear what would motivate MN to give this money, other than to "look good". That seems to be working for him...

Do you think that RKs lawyer wants to be cautious in regard to THE SOURCE of money that's offered, to protect his client?

I haven't been able to locate any information on whether or not county employees can accept rewards. The offer by Nejame was made through Kronk's attorney and Kronk is said to be considering accepting it.
As I recall, the statement was made that he wasn't eligible for the "regular" reward due to the fact that he did not call the crimeline, and instead called 911......or is that vice versa? In any case, I was surprised to hear the 911 calls released because it was apparent he'd done the thing required to receive the reward in August. Maybe that was before there was a reward set up.........who knows anymore with this case?
As I recall, the statement was made that he wasn't eligible for the "regular" reward due to the fact that he did not call the crimeline, and instead called 911......or is that vice versa? In any case, I was surprised to hear the 911 calls released because it was apparent he'd done the thing required to receive the reward in August. Maybe that was before there was a reward set up.........who knows anymore with this case?

LP said he wanted to give Kronk $5,000 but couldn't because Kronk's job keeps him from being able to accept it. :waitasec:
As I recall, the statement was made that he wasn't eligible for the "regular" reward due to the fact that he did not call the crimeline, and instead called 911......or is that vice versa? In any case, I was surprised to hear the 911 calls released because it was apparent he'd done the thing required to receive the reward in August. Maybe that was before there was a reward set up.........who knows anymore with this case?
The whole thing is actually ridiculous, isn't it?
I don't care which "line" he called, or who he works for. IMO he deserves the reward for his persistence in finding Caylee.
The whole thing is actually ridiculous, isn't it?
I don't care which "line" he called, or who he works for. IMO he deserves the reward for his persistence in finding Caylee.

I think he deserves a reward also,but in the end he will have the satisfaction of knowing he made a difference.
It makes me sad that he has to endure speculation and investigation for doing the right thing.
The whole thing is actually ridiculous, isn't it?
I don't care which "line" he called, or who he works for. IMO he deserves the reward for his persistence in finding Caylee.

I'm with you! And, I would like to add, for Nejame :clap::clap::clap:, thank you!
IMO, this money is the money that NeJame made off of different TV shows based on how the article is written -

Roy K's attorney confirmed to WESH 2 that they are now considering an offer made by NeJame, who is offering a $5,000 reward to Roy K. That amount represents the money NeJame made while serving as the Anthony family's representative.

If the Anthony's had given a retainer to NeJame, IMO, then the article would have said: "NeJame offers Roy K's the $5,000 retainer from the Anthony's as a reward for finding Caylee".

Originally Posted by Patty G
I was basing my opinion strickly because there was thought that NeJame received a retainer from the Anthony's and I felt the money came from other avenues such as appearing on TV Shows etc.

The source of the money is not important, although if the money is from a "foundation" the money should go back to the foundation in order to help other's in need or at least ask the foundation if we can do this or that with the money.

Originally posted by Whiteangora Are you serious Patty?

IMO, IF a foundation gives money to an attorney to help defray the costs of their client AND the attorney decides to take this money and give it to someone else as a reward, then I feel the foundation should at least be notified.

I don't know one way or another if this "reward" money is from this foundation, or "money made" while representing the Anthony's, or from a retainer. I am just stating my opinion and anticipating the final outcome of where this money actually came from.
IMO, IF a foundation gives money to an attorney to help defray the costs of their client AND the attorney decides to take this money and give it to someone else as a reward, then I feel the foundation should at least be notified.

I don't know one way or another if this "reward" money is from this foundation, or "money made" while representing the Anthony's, or from a retainer. I am just stating my opinion and anticipating the final outcome of where this money actually came from.

I don't understand your position. IF the money was paid to Nejame to represent the A's in their search for Caylee, isn't it is to do with as he pleases?
Just to be clear -

I don't know anything at all about the "foundation" that gave money to NeJame, and what they stand for or represent. I used "foundation" as in any type of "foundation" that might donate money to a good cause.
I would guess so, what else could it be for?

Well, normally if an attorney receives a "retainer" and decides to not represent a client, they would return the retainer minus costs involved, if any at all.

I have a feeling we will all know eventually where this $5,000.00 came from.

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