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I disgree that
"common sense" says that...people go missing all of the time. But compiled with all of the other evidence, and the searches being made close to to one another (if chloroform were searched within minutes of "missing kids" it would be more relevant, esp. because of the chloroform found in her car)

Since this case began I have searched Chloroform, how to kill someone painlessly, how mothers kill children, best way to bury a body, how to make sure a body is never found, how to destroy dna, etc. If my someone I know (god forbid!) went missing, were murdered, etc I'd have a rather hard time explaining that to LE. Though my websleuths posts would back me up;)

Especially in this case I've googled things as I thought Casey would have (in first person, as it were) to see what she might have seen...

That is hillarious, Ive told my daughter to be extra careful, cause God Forbid, if anything happens would any LE, FBI or anyone else in this world believe me if I told them I did these searches because of Casey Anthony. I wouldnt believe me either. I think Ill just send her to her room where it's nice and safe.
"Another page of the documents showed a sheet of paper taken from Casey Anthony's car after it was found abandoned at an Orange County Amscot June 27 showed Casey Anthony's name written repeatedly in different variations with the last name "Lazzaro" being used with it. Tony Lazzaro was Casey Anthony's boyfriend, and he said that he told Casey Anthony that if he ever did start a family, he wanted to have sons, not daughters, according to the documents."

~Bolded by always~

Oh, I did that too. When I was 16 years old!!!!!!!
What an awful thing to say when you are going out with a girl who has a daughter!

This could have been as innocuous as Casey asking him "Would you rather have a boy or a girl" and him saying "I've always wanted a son!"

It could be taken out of context....
I don't get too up in arms about google searches. Think about all the weird searches that are on each and everyone one of our computers based on this story alone. People search random, weird things that they hear/read about - and it's not all connected to creepy, nefarious things...

Yes but when you combine that with the chloroform actual found to the chloroform search and the posibility of a murder - then you must make the connection.
If your child DID go missing shortly after you did one of those searches, then yes, common sense would say that you had planned to do domething to that child.

LE could assume that you were putting together your story regarding YOUR missing child and then set out to prove it if that's what the evidence leans in this case. :)
It says the family computer...we don't know that it was Casey.I wouldn't exclude Cindy either,actually I wouldn't exclude any of them.

Its already been established that Cindy was at work at the exact time of day that these things were googled. George however, was unemployed at the time. George also never abandoned his car and failed to report his child missing for a month.

Casey did.
I've been thinking that the character names she used such as Juliet, Jennifer, Annabelle, Jeff etc. could have come from TV shows. I found these two and both episodes were about Chloroform and contain some characters with the above names. Anyone know of a series with TGIF in it? Both of these series were from May.

CSI Episode involving Chloroform May 15, 2008

LOST episode involving Chloroform May 2, 2008 Notice that one of the Characters in named Juliet

Hmmm...i definitely think this sound interesting...i want to watch that episode now, and am curious as to when it aired...
This could have been as innocuous as Casey asking him "Would you rather have a boy or a girl" and him saying "I've always wanted a son!"

It could be taken out of context....

Very true. TL probably didn't have anything against Caylee, but maybe KC was trying to create "the perfect family" for him and she knew he preferred to have a son.
In the online game "The Lost Experience" in 2006, figuring out what these numbers meant was a big clue.

They turned out to mean the end of the world on "4/8/2015 at 4:23 and 42 seconds."

So, I wonder if somewhere Casey has a set of numbers that start out 6 16 8 . . . or some other significant date in the case.
(The thing is, though, that the producers of Lost could come up with a set of numbers in chronological order because the ficticious world-ending date could be whatever that turned out to be.)
Casey often listed "Lost" as one of her favorite television shows. Maybe she was googling about that......after looking up neck breaking, shovel, and chloroform of course.
Well, I occasionally do go and browse the Center for Missing and Exploited Children's website to check out those missing from my area, just so I can keep an eye out for them, if I would ever see one.

Does this mean I am planning to do something to one of my kids?

No but shoudl your child end up missing and you not report it for 31 days, you can bet that farm that your searches for missing kids will be part of the circumstatial evidence used against you in a court of law.
That in addition to the Google searches, investigators found that in March someone used Wikipedia to search for "inhalation," "chloroform," "acetone," "shovel" and "death." A computer forensics report from a Sheriff's Office detective states that on March 21, someone used other Web sources like, and for the words "making weapons out of household products," "chloroformhabit," "how to make chloroform," and "chloro2."

OMG! Poor baby Caylee Marie. She never even had a chance, and I'm sitting here balling with tears streaming down my face, mascara running and have to go pick up my son from work and then grocery shop. My heart breaks just thinking about the torture this child must have lived through the last few weeks of her life. :confused:

When I look at the nursing home visit pics and video I not only see a very tried little girl, but also a pale baby girl. She doesn not have the coloring of a little girl who gets outside to play much. I also notice the dark circles, drawn look around the eyes and she seems to be balding in some areas. JMHO

I hope that Casey Anthony will rot in He!!
"Another page of the documents showed a sheet of paper taken from Casey Anthony's car after it was found abandoned at an Orange County Amscot June 27 showed Casey Anthony's name written repeatedly in different variations with the last name "Lazzaro" being used with it.

seriously? how juvenile...something i would have done in jr high!
That is hillarious, Ive told my daughter to be extra careful, cause God Forbid, if anything happens would any LE, FBI or anyone else in this world believe me if I told them I did these searches because of Casey Anthony. I wouldnt believe me either. I think Ill just send her to her room where it's nice and safe.
But does UCF have any kind of a sanctioned, verifiable laboratory for forensic testing like TN does? I think this was probably just an attempt at a local pre-examination to see what to go on as well as opportunity for CSI young adults to gain some experience...

Very interesting though - I'm sure JB will be all over this!

I doubt JB can do much with it.:boohoo:

It is like pitting the FoodNetwork Test Kitchens against my microwave, for culinary excellence.
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