New Video Interviews released from SA's office 11/21

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The poor agent, trying to cut her off and get to the chase. Just cutting her off, "So at the end are you going to tell me that Amy is the nanny?"
What interests me at this point is yet another Cindy lie.

Is anyone sick of the words "this is key".

BINGO! I have lost count of her lies at this point and IMO she borders if not crosses the line of obstruction.

How this woman even shows her face, let alone keeps shooting her mouth off every time one of these videos is released is beyond me. I know she is suffering/grieving but I sure wish someone would interviene and get her some help. She is not helping her grandaughter, her daughter, her family, or herself with this behavior...IMO she is spiraling...further and further every day.

There has to be some family member, somewhere that can help her.
I think the "you held her first" rant is Casey's defensive response to Caylee being more bonded with Cindy. Along the lines of don't blame me and call me a s*@$ mother, you interfere with our bonding. I think that is why it is such a chronic topic, especially since this entire situation seems to be about Casey never bonding with Caylee.

thats total bunk - if thats what Casey thinks well she's wrong - my Mom held my 2nd daughter right when she was born but my daughter bonded more with her Grandpa when she was young than Grandma - my older daughter bonded more with Grandma when she was young - and neither parent was there when she was born.

It's who cares for the child when they are young where the bonding is - my Mom babysat yet my Dad was the one who gave them treats they weren't supposed to have when they were older (like when he gave my youngest peanut butter and cherrios - don't ask me why he just did - and my daughter in her high chair feeding them in turn to the dog) THAT is where bonding comes from

Heck all Casey seemed to have done was hold her a little and whatever else she did when she was partying - it was Grandma and Grandpa who did everything for the child
BINGO! I have lost count of her lies at this point and IMO she borders if not crosses the line of obstruction.

How this woman even shows her face, let alone keeps shooting her mouth off every time one of these videos is released is beyond me. I know she is suffering/grieving but I sure wish someone would interviene and get her some help. She is not helping her grandaughter, her daughter, her family, or herself with this behavior...IMO she is spiraling...further and further every day.

There has to be some family member, somewhere that can help her.

I know-- to me she just sounds unhinged. Like with all the papers and drawing arrows and saying "so X is really Y and I think Y means X but, like, if you look at this picture of the drums then you see that XYZ is a clue!"

It reminds me of the scene in A Beautiful Mind where they discover the shed with maps and diagrams and newspaper clippings plastered all over the walls. I think this is driving Cindy insane.
"Friends" are selling their stories to the Globe though, I think if someone had pics of Casey nude or semi nude they would have sold them or leaked them by now. I totally get a john not coming forward to say someone is a call girl, but having pics in hand, those I think would be released.

I am starting to wonder who is in the those photos with Casey. They tiptoe around the topic in the interviews, they haven't been leaked, even the content hasn't been leaked.

You got me thinking....Maybe there's more pics from that super raunchy looking party (an X night by the looks of it .
The one where she's wearing a casino- ho costume)

Something is making me think that was one of the parties that Caylee was present at....have to go back and check... but if they were all in a group lovin' kind of situation and taking pics, while on drugs, with a child in the house- thats something that someone wouldnt want to be made public. Alot of ugly assumptions could be made about that.

And there were definately lots of pics taken that night. Theres even photos of people taking photos of all the action!
Looks like i'll be spending the next few hours going back through all the pics.
She's been blabbing for almost an hour and the agent hasn't even gotten a full page of notes out of her rambling. I literally can't keep up with it. Normally, I speak crazy pretty well and I am lost.
It's like she thinks she is giving the guy clues!

...and if I never hear the phrase "a red flag" again, it will still be too soon! I swear to God CA sees them everywhere and in everyone except the very one who is holding the biggest one and waving it the hardest!
And didn't the blog say "Caylee is missing"? Not "We miss Caylee" or "Casey took Caylee from us" or "we haven't seen caylee in a month" but "Caylee is missing". I find that odd.

Yes, Caylee is MISSING...damn I wish I could find it right now, but I remember when I first read it, because of the wording kinda shouted to me that she may have known then that her daughter was capable of something sinister.
Clover or shamrock symbols are a common marking on the "club drug" Ecstacy. Is this why she was so into the symbol? She had a 4-leaf clover symbol sticker on her car, had one on a lanyard inside her car (now missing according to Cindy) and even wore one around her neck.

She also has a shamrock tattoo!
Originally Posted by nancy botwin
Listening to the George interview--
Does anyone else find the numerous references made to Cindy being allowed to hold newborn Caylee before Casey are becoming rather grating??
It probably shouldn't have happened and it's unfortunate that it did. But, to me, the Anthonys keep referring to this incident as if Casey happened upon her mother skinning the family pets in the backyard or something. Get over it.
Five kids here....all adults. Three daughters, 2 sons.
I went through something very traumatic that not only changed me physically but emotionally and most devastating, mentally.

The last three months of my daughter's pregnancy with our own Caylie, I was so afraid I wouldn't gain back the trust and respect from my children, especially that of my mommy-to-be daughter.

I was asked to be at the foot of the delivery table. Daughter did her last push as her hubby grabbed her hand, they both squeezed hands and my beautiful granddaughter was out.
Granddaughter was still attached to the cord when the doc raised her up and forward as if to hand her to my son-in-law.
Son-in-law shook his head 'no' at the same time he pointed to me.
Doctor handed me my beautiful granddaughter. I was the first to hold her at daughter and son-in-laws insistance. My precious baby Grandgirly wasn't even cleaned, umbilical cord wasn't cut and these two young adults were handing their most precious possession to me...... me!
That told me all I needed to know. I could be trusted, I had my self-confidence back! Despite what had happened to me, despite the fact that I didn't think I could ever function on a normal level mentally, these young adults gave me the most precious gift I've ever received...the gift that they trusted me with their most precious possession.
From that day on, my emotional state has never been better. They trusted me. A gift I will never be able to repay.

Long story a bit shorter.....
Every time I hear George, Cindy or Lee discuss the
animosity between Cindy and Casey because Cindy held Caylee 'first', I want to throw something at one of them!
How dare any of the four of them take such a beautiful moment and turn it into a 'nanner nanner, I held her first' or "I'm telling! Why do you get to hold her first!?!"

Get over it!

Casey, the fact that you had a loving family, a supportive family, willing to take you and your new daughter into their loving arms, no matter WHOS arms got her first, well..... You are so much more fortunate than a lot of young, single moms with a new child who have nobody to help, noone to offer their loving arms to them and that new little life.

Nancy Botwin is soooo right......

*steps off soapbox*
Well Cindy, uhmmmm, you know. If we must play KC Clue!! I think KC did it in the swamp with the chloroform. Who give 'clues' when their child is missing? Why not just say what the gridge is going on!? You know, um?
I think if Casey were doing Ecstasy we'd see more things like the whole glow sticks, pacifiers, lollypops, going to raves.. she acts like a teenager and I think that would reflect in her behaviors while on drugs.

We've seen the lollipop photos....
Yes, because RM's apartment is really Zanny's apartment. And that's where Casey led them...i need a drink.

Maybe whenever NG comes on we all need to open up a bottle of wine - it might be the only thing we can do to get through all this stuff - I can't imagine what will happen during the trial - we will need to take notes and compare
Casey is a smart enough girl to take the car somewhere if there was evidence in it, but not smart enough to plot a murder? Come on Cindy. make up your mind. Find your mind, then make it up.

We have walking dead squirrels and disappearing maggots. I think I'm gonna go jump off a bridge. I literally don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Listening to the George interview--
Does anyone else find the numerous references made to Cindy being allowed to hold newborn Caylee before Casey are becoming rather grating??
It probably shouldn't have happened and it's unfortunate that it did. But, to me, the Anthonys keep referring to this incident as if Casey happened upon her mother skinning the family pets in the backyard or something. Get over it.

:clap:Well said - !
The more I read and the more I hear...the more I have to wonder if maybe this entire ordeal wasn't a hoax that went really, really bad.

1. Family in financial crisis
2. Way too many secrets
3. No One, absolutely No One, in the A family conducting themselves as normal people would in these circumstances
4. 2+2 does not equal 4 (Nothing makes sense)

From "Day One" (Cindism) nothing looked right, not the interviews, not the hostility, no pleading with the public, no tears, no normal emotion that we have seen all to often from parents of other missing children.
Anyone else sense this?

At this point with what I have seen...I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up a scam...or maybe just became one after the fact. I have never heard so much blaming and displaced anger in my life. .
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