GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 3

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that sounds somewhat promising. they have probably been able to rule out people and areas where she could be located, gone through all of her social media, got records from the phone company like call logs, outgoing texts, etc..maybe the fbi has been able to make a profile of a possible suspect based on abby's victimology report which has probably already been developed by the fbi....just some guesses as to what he might be talking about
I've had Shefner's occam's razor post in my head all morning. First a disclaimer about this being my opinion and just speculation...blah, blah.
I believe both LE and the community believe she at least attempted suicide. The fact that she's failed to emerge from a hiding place reinforces this, at this point maybe they're just looking for a body?
This theory resolves a lot of the cognitive dissonance I've felt this entire thread...
Someone I trust has explained it to me. The sentence that made my eyes widen was..."multiple unconfirmed sightings along N/S Rd." Since I am totally back at square one, that means she walked down Eagles Way, headed onto NS rd. Where did power line info come from .was that a sighting too.
Someone I trust has explained it to me. The sentence that made my eyes widen was..."multiple unconfirmed sightings along N/S Rd." Since I am totally back at square one, that means she walked down Eagles Way, headed onto NS rd. Where did power line info come from .was that a sighting too.

A timeline has been put together from interviews and surveillance video gathered along the route from Kennett High School toward Abby’s home.

The incentive comes one day after authorities released a detailed timeline of Abby's last known whereabouts, which puts her on the so-called power line trail after she left school and the North-South Road before she disappeared.
I've been following what I can of this case and of course like all of you praying for this beautiful girl to be returned home soon.

How many of you are working with the theory that this was a potential suicide, or at least, a planned disappearance? At first I thought this just smacked totally of an abduction but I have to say I'm not sure what I'm thinking at the moment!
I've had Shefner's occam's razor post in my head all morning. First a disclaimer about this being my opinion and just speculation...blah, blah.
I believe both LE and the community believe she at least attempted suicide. The fact that she's failed to emerge from a hiding place reinforces this, at this point maybe they're just looking for a body?
This theory resolves a lot of the cognitive dissonance I've felt this entire thread...

Can we cite even one case in which a 14 yo committed suicide and 30+ FBI and SS agents got involved to look for the body? If not, that closes off Occam's Razor on that theory...
Can we cite even one case in which a 14 yo committed suicide and 30+ FBI and SS agents got involved to look for the body? If not, that closes off Occam's Razor on that theory...

Is there any evidence to say definitely that is is PROBABLY an abduction or PROBABLY a suicide, though? All (it seems) we know is that there is an endangered missing who needs to be found; I don't think it's worth trying to validate the presence of the FBI by saying it's unlikely to be a suicide.

Sorry for caps, on iPhone & easier than putting in italics!
Thanks for posting that. I have only read the first article . You see, if you look at an aerial map ( can not say which one now ). As you would be walking down eagles can see power line trail on the right. This is before you get to the base of eagles way. Why turn on the power line trail at all.? This is so puzzling to me, did she walk on power line trail, turn around somewhere, retrace her steps back to eagles way and then continue on to NS rd? Why did she do that, is that a red herring? Do I need to believe the NS rd. Sightings and disregard the power line sightings . I will be on square one forever - sigh
Can we cite even one case in which a 14 yo committed suicide and 30+ FBI and SS agents got involved to look for the body? If not, that closes off Occam's Razor on that theory...

She said suicide was not a viable solution to problems. I don't think I can link that site. I guess she could have said one thing and done another but I think this was foul play.
She said suicide was not a viable solution to problems. I don't think I can link that site. I guess she could have said one thing and done another but I think this was foul play.

Yes, she did say that and apparently she has a strong faith in God. Things change, though, and we don't know where her head was immediately prior to Oct. 9th. I have to say that I am curious about the wording of the pleas from the family. Does it suggest that she may be upset, emotional, feeling unwanted? That she can willingly come home? I can't say. But, my gut agrees with you and tells me AH did not go missing of her own accord.
Can we cite even one case in which a 14 yo committed suicide and 30+ FBI and SS agents got involved to look for the body? If not, that closes off Occam's Razor on that theory...

I guess I can sort of see your point ;) I think I'm having trouble believing FBI and SS involvement is little more than a paperwork requirement that they assist with a percentage of local LE's missing person cases.

If Abby was abducted and LE are on top of it ready to make an arrest then no problem's here, I understand the lack of details and total radio silence of her friends and classmates.

If however Abby was abducted, and LE have NO idea who took her or where they went then there has been a major injustice done to Abby, her family, and the entire community of North Conway.
Hi all!
First post here. I just found something quite interesting tucked away on the Missing Abigail Hernandez FB page.
Tucked away some way down in the comments section there is a report of a possible sighting of Abigail on the outskirts of Lincoln,NH, at about 9 pm on Friday 18th October.
A Connecticut lady and her husband was driving east on Rte 112/the Kancamagus Highway looking for lodging and twice passed someone who according to the descriptions could possibly have been Abigail.
Please, check this out on FB. Being a media guy myself I'm amazed that this hasn't been picked up by the media as yet, but regrettably lots of reporters these days tend to be somewhat lazy...
I hope LE went through her locker at school and her gym locker. I hope her mom really looked in her bedroom for that ONE CLUE.

This is not a theory of mine but wanted to throw this out there to maybe reinforce the fact that we are still missing many pieces and it is impossible to "make sense" of it all without all the details.

Some are assuming Zenya worked until 7:00 PM and returned home a short time later. At first glance, the reports COULD indicate a short time frame BUT what IF Zenya worked until 3:00 PM and did not "get home" until 7 PM or so and What IF her time was unaccounted for or there are questions surrounding that?? That COULD leave a 4 hour or so window of time. That is IF you believe that there are not other details/communication regarding AH prior to the Official First report by Zenya.

If the reports gave specifics to the above, it could point to many theories and possible outcomes. In addition, it could also explain why the FBI is/remained involved. Investigators follow the leads and facts until they are documented and run down. If a piece is not validated/confirmed, it is pursued further.

What IF they believed the initial report is not 100% factual and they can't confirm yet?? COULD they be investigating other theories? COULD they believe AH IS/WAS outside NH for some reason?

Some of the recent posts/links point to the FBI update where they state they are making progress and have pursued Social media leads but they have not produced significant info etc.. That COULD indicate a stranger abduction, an accident, "opportunist" type or other dispositions not connected to anyone she communicated with routinely. It COULD also indicate involvement of someone close to her that would not require constant social media contact because they have personal contact/communication. That part of an investigation would rely on facts, timelines and accountability for persons that fit that criteria.

COULD the changes on the facts about being at home first, then not being at home etc have something to do with investigating/confirming information. If a piece of information becomes contradicted by factual information....

Same with the 6:30 PM Phone call(s), later changed. Reports were out there that the phone was used hours after AH wast last seen...COULD that have been explained at first and then disproved later?
Thanks for posting that. I have only read the first article . You see, if you look at an aerial map ( can not say which one now ). As you would be walking down eagles can see power line trail on the right. This is before you get to the base of eagles way. Why turn on the power line trail at all.? This is so puzzling to me, did she walk on power line trail, turn around somewhere, retrace her steps back to eagles way and then continue on to NS rd? Why did she do that, is that a red herring? Do I need to believe the NS rd. Sightings and disregard the power line sightings . I will be on square one forever - sigh

I made a comment very early into this case about that exact question. The travel distance / time was longer taking Powerline trail. The more direct route home was to stay on Eagles Way.

Why wonder off alone into the woods ?

Given the timing we know she likely was texting her friend during the time she was walking the trail, but for some reason her texts ended and her phone 'turned off' either somewhere along the trail or very near it's endpoint.

Maybe she shut down the texting and phone when she reached the busy intersection, so she could navigate the traffic and roadways on foot. Or, maybe she met or encountered someone on the path or near the end of the trail, and either she or that person disabled the phone at that time.

My personal theory ( :moo: ) is , her journey by foot ended close to the end of the wooded trail, and she left that somewhat secluded location (trail head) by car. Now if she was going to meet someone she knew on purpose, pre-arranged, why would she walk through the woods ? That seems unlikely to me, if she was planning on getting a car ride from someone, why leave the road way and walk into the secluded woods ? The logic doesn't follow for me, leaving the other more likely explanation, she had an unexpected encounter with someone on her walk home that is not willing to come forward and tell LE what happened.
Maybe Abby simply preferred to walk along the power line path rather than staying on Eagles Way? I have never been to North Conway so I don't have a great idea of what type of road Eagles Way is. However, me personally, I would have rather walked through the woods than on the road. I personally hate the feeling of running or walking along a road (even one with a nice sidewalk or shoulder) because I feel like everyone driving by is looking at me! I prefer the environment of running or walking through a more secluded, nature-ish surrounding.

But, that's just me!
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