GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 4

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woops sorry. just thought i'd point out a potential connection.

i'm battin' a thousand into the toilet on this thread. sorry guys.

woops sorry. just thought i'd point out a potential connection.

i'm battin' a thousand into the toilet on this thread. sorry guys.


We all are, White Rabbit. :banghead:
I'm just wondering something. How many of you are/were extremely close to your kids boyfriend/girlfriend in their early teens? I have a 13 year old son who thank god is a little akward and doesn't have a "girlfriend". Is it normal?

my kids are lil ones, but my mom was always very cool and close with my friends.... when i was about 13 1/2 to 14 i had a bf and my mom stepdad and him were very tight (he is still a close family friend actually).... and in my later teens had 2 boyfriends that my mom LOVED and my family was close with them...... then of course there were boys they hated...... they didn't last long lol
I have a 15 yr old daughter, I am pretty close with her boyfriend and his parents! They are here or go out with either us or his family.
When the news gets slow, it's hard not to turn to sleuthing non-case players and gossip. Perfect time to check out other threads or help identify in the unidentified threads!
I wonder if a call could have been made from her phone at 6:30, like the Fish and Game said, but it wasn't Abby who made it. Maybe that person contacted Abby's mom, or left a message on her mom's phone from Abby's. Far fetched, but that may explain why they were so plain in saying the call was made from her phone at 6:30 and then they say she didn't make a call at 6:30. Maybe she didn't, but someone else did.
And....that might explain why LE was so certain in the first week or so that her phone was not with her.
I see no importance of Abby's Monday cleaning job. She went missing on a Wednesday.
Are there any locals here that can give us an idea of the LE presence in the North Conway are?
i have thought of this many many times..... the only thing that the AG said was incorrect info about this was that Abby did not make a call at 6:30.... i believe thats what she said anyway

this has been a thorn in my side as well...she used the term "not accurate". IMO that's very carefully scripted...kwim?

october 15th -- 8:30am -- "Abby's phone was last used around 6:30 p.m. Wednesday near the Cranmore Mountain Resort. The call was made hours after she left school and the phone hasn't been used since, police said."

october 15th -- 9:34pm -- "At the daily law enforcement news conference Tuesday, Senior Associate Attorney General Jane Young said that previous information indicating that Hernandez's cell phone was last used near Cranmore Mountain Resort at 6:30 p.m. last Wednesday was not accurate.Fish and Game Maj. Kevin Jordan told a New Hampshire Union Leader correspondent Sunday that the phone was used that Wednesday.
When asked Tuesday night if Hernandez's cell phone is missing, Young would not say."

october 16th -- 8:00 -- At the press conference Tuesday evening Young said that reports of a call being made from Hernandez's phone at 6:30 p.m. on the day that the teen disappeared are not accurate. Young did ask if anyone has any information about such a phone call that they contact authorities.

how could anyone have information about a call that didn't exist??? IMO fish & game did not pull that piece of information out of their arse...kwim?
i wonder if the fish and game major was just let's say "not supposed to be at liberty" to say anything about the phone or any calls.... like maybe he crossed a line that the FBI and AG were not comfortable with..... or that MAYBE some phone call was made that was alarming at that time..... but not from Abby's phone?? i don't know, just throwing things out there
Again, you may discuss posts from the Missing FB. You cannot use it to sleuth the admin of that page. We are not here to discuss what he posts and then delve into it.

Addressing just the posts, not the administrator, what has concerned me is that people are going to that page and asking for permission to search, or providing tips. In some cases (now deleted) the offers to help search were turned down, or told they were not needed.

In my opinion, no private party, no matter who they may or may not be, should have that authority. Further, any tips should go to LE, and should not be filtered through other people.

We have trained law enforcement for a reason, and in this case, the FBI, Secret Service, local and state police, and others are involved. I trust that they know how to handle information and maintain confidentiality.

I also trust that all of those Facebook pop up pages are being read, and comments and postings noted.

MOO, etc.
Addressing just the posts, not the administrator, what has concerned me is that people are going to that page and asking for permission to search, or providing tips. In some cases (now deleted) the offers to help search were turned down, or told they were not needed.


And many are just straight up ignored. Not to disparage anyone's good intentions or efforts over there—I just have to let my mind wander away occasionally from all the sad and dark places it goes when reading about this case. That's why I have to say I let out a rather dry laugh after reading a post that (paraphrased) asked "have they tried calling her cellphone? just wondering"

Made me imagine some bumbling detective in a 40's slapstick reading that with widening eyes, mumbling "by George!", then racing to the station to tell the Chief, whose cigar drops from his mouth as he throws his arms up, yells "of course!", and finger-snaps some gulping rookie who trips over himself to fetch the nearest rotary phone receiver.

Turns out it was all a terrible misunderstanding! Abby is reclining somewhere tropical in giant sunglasses with one of those tanning mirrors. A hunky bellhop brings her another virgin pina colada on a tray and tells her there's a message for her at the front desk. Cut to Abby in sunglasses walking through her front door, luggage in hand and a trail of sunburned detectives in lei's, Hawaiian shirts, and their usual fedoras. They almost crash into a pile-up behind her as ZH marches in with one arm on her hip and the other finger-wagging in "you've done it this time!" disapproval. The detectives gulp. Abby shrugs with a smile and after a quiet minute everyone bursts into laughter, coming in for a group hug as the credits circle closes around them.

I would settle for any movie genre of happy ending, though. :please:

(And if this post comes off the wrong way, I hope it's because I sound like a crazy person and not an insensitive one.)
Oh, Abby! It's getting cold outside. Find your way home!
And hopefully it's something he'll quickly pass on to LE.

I am sure this has been said, cause I'm catching up, but if you all read or see something that seems odd, report it to LE. I do not care if they are a friend, family, etc. Go with your instincts.

Yes that is what she said be honest...Nancy doesn't always get it right. I remember night after night she showed a picture of a home that did not belong to Isabel Celis but she kept hammering away with that picture.

She makes lots of mistakes as do reporters. LE usually gets it right but they aren't speaking.

I was watching a program on a missing person in I think it was Colorado and it said LE in that state are NOT ALLOWED to comment on an ongoing investigation.

I wonder if that is the policy in a lot of states and that is why they don't say much because they can't...state law?


I don't believe that's true, as LE in both the JonBenet Ramsey and Jessica Ridgeway cases both commented on the cases when they were ongoing. Also, what happens if there is something like a terrorist attack or a mass shooting in a state? The local LE can't say a word to the media? That seems like a really bad law.

I think most LE do not want the media hounding them, so unless they feel it's 100% necessary, they aren't going to put effort into keeping the case in the news.
I don't believe that's true, as LE in both the JonBenet Ramsey and Jessica Ridgeway cases both commented on the cases when they were ongoing. Also, what happens if there is something like a terrorist attack or a mass shooting in a state? The local LE can't say a word to the media? That seems like a really bad law.

I think most LE do not want the media hounding them, so unless they feel it's 100% necessary, they aren't going to put effort into keeping the case in the news.

Policy, but I doubt state law.....
Please only post details that you KNOW, we are not posting guesses here. In assuming Abby may have worked for this person, you are putting her personal info out there.

Sorry... Just can't resist this one. If we are not posting guesses here, you could eliminate an awful lot of posts!!.
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