GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 4

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How long would you guess it would take her to walk the approximate 2 miles?
Well, honeybun, it took my 14-year-old about 35-40 mins to walk 1.7 miles last week, which is what I think Abigail's walk home would be. He was reading and missed his stop....I was away for a few days. His older brother thought it was odd that he didn't get off the bus but just texted "Home" to my husband. About 40 mins. later my husband got a call from the 14-year-old saying he was home now.

Everything turned out fine, as things generally do. But while I am following the case of a 14-year-old in our state who disappeared walking that distance after school, the parallels and both boys' reactions astounded me.

You can talk to kids about what to do in out-of-the-ordinary situations. But its kind of like stranger danger. The kids have to recognize that the person is a stranger. My older son didn't recognize this was a situation that merited a call to a parent (or to his brother). He assumed his brother stayed after school and didn't do anything.

I have re-emphasized to the younger boy to turn on his phone on the bus and to call and let someone know what is going on if something out-of-the-ordinary happens. He says he had turned his phone on but that was not his habit. I have been sending him joke texts during the school day so I can make sure he gets into the habit. He doesn't know why I am doing that but he has texted back funny answers from the bus. So, progress!
When we went to N Conway over the weekend for the vigil, my daughter wanted to see where the High School was. Eagles Way is basically just a road to the high school, nothing else is on it. I saw what I think was the powerline trail, it would be a right off Eagle's Way (walking away from the school). WebSleuths was down all day Saturday, so I wasn't able to verify the way that she had been walking. But if the powerline trail leads to WalMart, than that sort of could make sense.

Also, as we observed it, Eagles Way appears to be about a mile long (again, only leading to the school, but it starts out sort of across the street from WalMart (which is OFF of 16, the main road, we had a wonderful time finding it....had to get Lindsay a coat, because it was COLD!). So, half of the two mile walk is simply getting from the school to the (semi) main road.
Wow, not much activity in here at all lately.

Yah, depressing....We know so little after 3 weeks, there isn't much to discuss. We keep recovering the same ground. I keep checking in to see if there are any developments....
Since I don't believe LE has any idea of what became of Abigail, I am not sure what to make of the call/no call at 6:30. Maybe at first LE hoped to hold it back, if it existed, as a potential clue, but apparently, IMO, it has not helped all that much. Cannot believe this is three weeks now. I really think a girl her age would have taken some things important to her if she meant to leave for good...I wonder what she had in that bag, what is missing from her room. Yet I feel like she was meeting someone. Anyway, just rambling...

Nope. I can't even believe she "ran away" at all, but so much less for good. I believe that something is seriously wrong here, and she's either in serious trouble or... It's a good thing I don't live near that area or I'd be raising blazing |-|3LL long before this. I'd be well known by now. :mad::mad:
Hi Everyone! :seeya:
Im new to posting here, but have been lurking here reading since Abby went missing. My heart breaks for Abby's family. As a mom I cannot imagine not knowing where my child is, and after all this time, i can only imagine that you think the worst. :please:
My family and I frequently go to the Cornish/Fryeburg, Maine area, which is about 2 hrs north of where we live, and last weekend we put up some flyers around that area. We are going back this wkend and I plan to do the same again. We a 4 wheeler/snowmobile riders and focused more on some of the trails in the wooded areas around there. We also went to Conway Saturday for some shopping.. As for Settlers Green shopping area, near Kennett High, i didnt see ONE SINGLE FLYER... and when I asked at one of the stores, they told me that they are not allowed to hang flyers of any nature. Shocking considering this concerns the welfare of a minor child. That specific area, sees many tourists.. I have been to N Conway/Conway many times a year for the past 20 years... this was the only time ive ever had such an erie feeling, like always looking over your shoulder. IMO Abby met with some sort of foul play.

As for the case, I tend to believe there is something to this 6:30 call that Fish & Game said took place, whether the call came to her phone and was answered or a call was made from her phone, there has to be something to this... I can see there being a time discrepancy due to miscommunication if the time had been closer to the time LE now says her phone was last used or pinged. I believe that LE didnt want this info out yet, if at all, and Fish & Game released it inadvertantly.

welcome and thanks for posting...

verrry interesting what you said about settler's green, that flyer's are not allowed. for such a close knit and contributing community, i'm shocked...

"I can't say it has no benefit," said Perley of Mission for the Missing's search. "In this particular case it caused no problems and didn't utilize any law enforcement resources."
Perley said volunteers, in general, can be a "double-edged sword." By that, Perley means volunteers can sometimes be helpful but other times can redirect law enforcement resources away from the task at hand. For instance, groups searching an area have to call police whenever they think they see something important whether or not those items are in fact relevant. Perley says the only time volunteers can be said to be in the way are when they insist on searching for evidence in places where law enforcement is still working. This happened during a search for Hernandez in the area of Settlers' Green, said Perley.
"There were a few volunteers that did not heed our warning to stay clear of the area until we performed a law enforcement search,' said Perley. "That is bothersome because they can contaminate areas and they can mess up dog scent search areas."
As I was fixing dinner this evening my thoughts were with Zenya.

If one was to describe a heartbroken mother Zenya would be the poster girl!

Many times in these missing children cases one might say 'she didn't seem all that sad'

Well take a look at Zenya and everybody will soon know what it's like to lose your daughter. She is just...overcome by sorrow!
I'm very saddened that Abby hasn't turned up..... its so depressing..... someone out there made her vanish and I want them caught.... as another poster put it I am at that point where I feel like going up there and flipping out.....

I know how abby's friends feel, I've been in their shoes.... but at least my bff's family and friends got her and her stepsister's bodies back..... and a week later, 3 young men (monsters rather) were in breaks my heart to know abby is out there somewhere, not found and some piece of crap is getting away with this......
welcome and thanks for posting...

verrry interesting what you said about settler's green, that flyer's are not allowed. for such a close knit and contributing community, i'm shocked...

"I can't say it has no benefit," said Perley of Mission for the Missing's search. "In this particular case it caused no problems and didn't utilize any law enforcement resources."
Perley said volunteers, in general, can be a "double-edged sword." By that, Perley means volunteers can sometimes be helpful but other times can redirect law enforcement resources away from the task at hand. For instance, groups searching an area have to call police whenever they think they see something important whether or not those items are in fact relevant. Perley says the only time volunteers can be said to be in the way are when they insist on searching for evidence in places where law enforcement is still working. This happened during a search for Hernandez in the area of Settlers' Green, said Perley.
"There were a few volunteers that did not heed our warning to stay clear of the area until we performed a law enforcement search,' said Perley. "That is bothersome because they can contaminate areas and they can mess up dog scent search areas."

It doesn't surprise me that flyers aren't allowed to be hung on windows. I worked at a different outlet mall and nothing was allowed to be hung on our windows or doors. It's corporate policy and in rental contracts. It's part of the "clean" image that the corporate world wants to portray.
i don't disagree with you, takeitfromme...but i question who exactly her friends were. they've made nary a comment. their fb pages are empty, her fb page isn't afire.

a few local adults are enraged, as they should be, but other than that, support is coming in via strangers and sporadic at best. folks across the country are posting missing flyers but not in settlers' green? c'mon.

It doesn't surprise me that flyers aren't allowed to be hung on windows. I worked at a different outlet mall and nothing was allowed to be hung on our windows or doors. It's corporate policy and in rental contracts. It's part of the "clean" image that the corporate world wants to portray.

BBM Heaven forbid they litter their windows and take people's attention away from buying merchandise at their stores. $$$$
Not sure what type of store we're talking about, but when I was younger I worked at a convenience store & we weren't allowed to post any signs except for ones that were required (ages for cigarettes and alcohol, etc) because of security. If the store were being robbed and the windows/doors were covered with fliers, no one could see inside before they entered.

I just wish someone would speak up & Abby would be found.
Settlers green is an outlet mall. It's part of a "chain" of outlet malls.
again, agreed.

i don't care if it's tiffany's, macy's, bloomingdale's or the dollar store. you don't deny a missing child's flyer. period.

i've spent many a summer camping in north conway, these are generous people. and the FBI doesn't turn away volunteers searching an outlet mall...unless they don't want a verified SAR team asking questions...kwim?
Here is a very similar case 6 hour drive in St. John, NB Genevieve Cormier went missing on September 29th in almost the exact same circumstances..... 19 long dark hair... missing while walking along a nature path on her way home... cell phone activity stops in the middle of her walk.....

ACTIVE SEARCH Canada - Genevieve Mary Cormier, 19, Saint John NB, 29 September 2013 - Page 16 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I was aware of this case as well and its eerily similar to abby's circumstances
I know it's been in other missing person cases that fliers aren't allowed in certain stores/businesses but it still upsets me! Heck, every local business we went to allowed us to hang fliers for my missing dog!

I truly believe in Abigail's case it's because of the tourist activity and they don't tourists to think it's not a safe place, or that anything out of the ordinary is going on! Sickening!!
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