GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 6

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We had a few snow squalls today, I don't even know this child and I cringed. I'm thrilled HuffP is doing a spot. They got that together quickly. Go JDC, et al!
We had a few snow squalls today, I don't even know this child and I cringed. I'm thrilled HuffP is doing a spot. They got that together quickly. Go JDC, et al!

Abby's sweet face is always with me. I was driving to the store today with thoughts of all we have discussed about what could have happened.

None of it makes any sense. All guessing games until more information is released and I believe that will be...never!
I think they weren't asking for help because they didn't want the locals out there, which would include many of their possible suspects at the time. There are often searches with volunteers and the description of it btw!

agree. right now, i don't think anyone has been officially cleared, correct? thank for liking the description, there was more to it, but i didn't want to bore folks. :blushing:

I always cringe for the parents of missing children who live in areas where the winter coming means months of thick snow cover on the ground. I imagine they DREAD the coming winter, knowing that for months on end ground searches will not be possible or fruitful. It must be so painful to know that it you will have to wait MONTHS before more searching for your child's remains (if they are deceased) can resume… and after all that time has passed, remains can be much harder to find.

I felt this same way for Elaine Redwine when Dylan went missing in CO last November.

i agree, dixie. it is horrible having to wait, especially if you suspect the worst. i can't imagine what her parents are going through right now, my heart breaks for them and her sister and other family members. waiting is just excruciating, every phone call makes you jump, every time you get a new text, your heart races "could it be her?" so so sad and heartbreaking.
100 agents and nary a clue. I have always found these types that harm children not the sharpest tack in the box. How do they get so lucky?

I have one quick question and if you prefer not to answer that's alright.

Do any of the agencies ever look at what bloggers are saying on any of the big web pages like Web Slueths? I always wonder about that because we have some wonderful and thoughtful posts from bloggers everywhere.

hmmmm i don't know.... maybe some do and some don't..... they should!!!! lol
hmmmm i don't know.... maybe some do and some don't..... they should!!!! lol

I just wondered because some of our posters come up with the most interesting facts about people, places and things.

The maps are most interesting showing everyplace in the area.

From the maps and all the forestry I think we are looking for a needle in a haystack.

God Bless those in the trenches every single day.


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I have finished an entire crow pie over granger, Grover lake- pond and camping area.thanks for helping me out, nice people. I'd rather not have anymore this week, it is bitter !I have never explained it right, and prolly will not do it right again, but.... RIzzo and other math and number people will have to help me, please. Leaf peeping is such a busy time in NH especially, it is astounding and will take your breath away. I put my life on hold and just meander/drive around to enjoy every minute. It is a gift of nature that (to me) lasts from around Sept. 25, 26, 27...thru October 9-10th. I only go out on bright sunny, blue sky the afternoon when the sun hits the red maples, bright yellows and I drag my iPad. Everyone thinks peak arrives at a diff. time, I personally think the trees need to still have green on them to be fantastic, and worthy of a heart attack. Can someone tell me how many foliage people are around the holiday 3 day weekend in N .Conway ?

Then we will get on to the 100, 000 plus peeps that attend the Fryeburgh Fair next ....again.

You must add all this traffic into the mix of this beautiful little town, and Abby, and the search too.
This is my first post here but I have been following this case since Abby went missing and the first thread started here. I live about 40 minutes from Conway in Maine but I am up there 4 days a week anyway - my son participates in sports and music activities in the Conway and North Conway areas. My husband now works on the other side of Conway.

What I have really noticed over the years is the diverse groups of people that sort of mix and mingle in the Conway area. Usually when the tourist seasons are underway you see a lot of Mass and Quebec plates. There are many people who camp or stay in motels but lots of people also have camps or condos or second homes or their families do in the area. There are no real main highways that come right into the area and you will see long lines of cars going along 16 back towards Mass or in the other direction over the mountains to Quebec. People come to shop or hang out or leaf peep or ski or enjoy the river and mountains in the summer.

It seems that people who live in the area have a lot of different people they know from different activities and seasons. Abby could have been for lack of a better word exposed to many maintenance people from the different places she lived - people who did repairs or landscaping or snowplowing. The folks at the races her mom might have run in and maybe her dad has a group of friends when he is in the area. If she skis there would be several different groups of people who ski in the winters. As well as all of the people who come to work in the area - in restaurants, fast food places, shops, convenience stores and motel/hotel/condos.

We have driven the North-South road many times in the last few weeks. And it just does not strike me as a road that is walker-friendly. No sidewalks along most of it and a lot of very isolated area except for cars whizzing by. One side is mostly just woods along the length of it. I very rarely see anyone walking, running or even biking along it. The main road got very clogged up as development progressed and the North-South Rd was put in as a by pass as someone said.

Anyway what I am beginning to think could have happened is someone she had a vague acquaintance with stopped along that isolated road and offered her a ride or got her into a vehicle by force. She is not a very big person...It would probably be very easy to do that on that road without anyone noticing.

I wish we knew more about how she was walking home that day and how she usually spent the time after school.

OK I think I have said enough for my first post. Thanks for indulging me.
Welcome hearts desire, I am happy you are here.
The state Division of Travel and Tourism Development reports that traffic through the tolls from Friday through Monday of the Columbus Day Weekend was up nearly 4 percent compared to last year’s holiday weekend. Almost 1.5 million vehicles passed through New Hampshire’s turnpikes over the four- day weekend. Sunday was up around 9 percent over last year.

1.5 million is a lot of cars. Not all went to Conway, but that's many strangers out and about. The article also says numerous hotels were at 100% and that there were more Canadian and International guests this year.
Another numbers article....this is for 2011 and 2013 was 7-9% busier.

Governor Lynch Kicks Off Season at Special Ceremony Held at Entrance to Loon Mountain
Announcing that Route 302 Will Open Tomorrow
Bad news rizzo...all those people. Things aren't looking good for Abby!
Economy better than last year, amazing color this year compared to the past few. Seems the amt of Canadians coming down is continuously increasing! Oc course, Columbus Day weekend was the weekend after AH disappeared.

The Fryeburg Fair (first week of October) has also become huge! Hotels and motels booked all around. I'm hearing a lot of surrounding area people don't bother going anymore. (Many many do, don't get me wrong, but it seems to be in a transition from a localized ME/NH area event to a tourist filled event)
Timing/Opportunity/Acquaintances/Knowns/Comms/Hard evidence

It all has to be broken down and dissected
I would hope to eliminate the true, well-meaning tourists as not your average perp in a case like this. In fact-would maybe deter? Or maybe provide 'people camo' for an abduction.

The influx of seasonal temporary workers would be worth looking into.
Kind of funny, when LE does not go all out from the start in a missing child case, we complain...when they do, we are suspicious...jMO.

Its not the "full force" that makes this look suspicious. I don't think suspicious is even the term we're looking at. What I'm looking at is more of the logistics, response time, man power afforded etc. This is a combination of my OPINION, experience, and FBI protocol and actions. Anything I state that is fact can be found on the FBI home page or other literature officially produced by the FBI.

The FBI doesn't keep data on their avg response time to a CARD (child abduction rapid deployment) team. However, there are several instances documented where they do provide a general response time. I've seen as quick as 2 hrs (Lindbergh Law). Generally, it appears that the arrival is documented as "same day". Without trying to assume, I think we can use the law of averages and state a general response is somewhere in the vicinity of 12 hrs. The thing of major importance in these cases is, the response time is AFTER THE FBI INVESTIGATION WAS OPENED OR AFTER THEY RECEIVED A LEAD. Many factors need to be taken into consideration. When EXACTLY was the call put in? What specific info was provided? What was it that automatically deemed it suspicious? "Unlike her to do this", is not an automatic factor that Police will use to immediately contact FBI. From my research, the team responding was out of Boston. While we like to think there's a dozen agents sitting around a phone waiting to get a call, obviously its not that simple. When the FBI (CARD) is activated, it comes from request and/or info provided on the circumstances. I haven't been able to find a source that states exactly when the CARD team arrived, but from some info provided by takeitfromme412, there were troops already in action the evening of the report, and essentially "full force" by the following morning. Is it safe to say this included the FBI?

Factors to consider (assuming local LE deemed it an abduction immediately and contacted FBI): How long was FBI initial inquiry? How long would it take to assemble a team to respond? What time did they deploy and from what location (Boston is the closest field office)? Boston is approximately a 3 hours drive by motor vehicle. Not taking into any extraordinary occurrences.

**From the FBI in direct reference to missing child (above age of 12):

"Our field offices respond to cases involving the mysterious disappearance of a child whenever and however they come to our attention. All reports of circumstances indicating that a minor has or possibly has been abducted are afforded an immediate preliminary inquiry.

In this initial inquiry, we evaluate all evidence, circumstances, and information to determine if an investigation is warranted under federal law. (For instance, it is a federal violation for a person to travel between states to engage in any sexual act with a person under 18.) If a case is warranted, we will immediately open an investigation in partnership with state and local authorities."

Under the age of 12 falls under the category of the "Lindbergh Law". These cases often receive much faster response due to different protocols.

IMO, before the initial report of AH being missing, there was already FBI "activity" in or in the near vicinity of N. Conway. If this is the case, why? Although the FBI can be involved in nearly ANY type of case, for them to be "local" to N. Conway BEFORE AH went missing, I believe this limits the specific reasons of why. Online predators, human trafficking, crimes against children may be a few of the reasons there was FBI activity. It appears there's been no shortage of investigations (as seen in the media) into missing children, human trafficking in the NE area in recent times. As far as the N. Conway area, was there non- reported, or under-reported cases of abduction attempts, luring, or cyber activity that was already being investigated? Was there an investigation into an RSO or RSOs?

I might be dragging this into the deep waters, but something is telling me that there was already an FBI presence in N. Conway and/or its surrounding areas before AH went missing. Again, this is strictly based on my opinion, given on the information i know about this case, and my experience working major crimes. Does this lead us any further into where AH is? No, but I think trying to look into (in general) the previous days/weeks prior to the report of her being missing, might put us on a track that we may have strayed from by looking into the finer details.

Side note. Ramsey stated in his most recent interview that its been confirmed that AH was seen leaving school property and going down the powerline trail. He states that this was based on info given by 2 of her friends. I personally would never use the statements of two 14 y/o to CONFIRM a sighting. Confirmation is such a strong word in an investigation. Eyewitness reports are among the least accurate forms of evidence. Were these two statements confirmed by a 2nd source of information?
Side note. Ramsey stated in his most recent interview that its been confirmed that AH was seen leaving school property and going down the powerline trail. He states that this was based on info given by 2 of her friends. I personally would never use the statements of two 14 y/o to CONFIRM a sighting. Confirmation is such a strong word in an investigation. Eyewitness reports are among the least accurate forms of evidence. Were these two statements confirmed by a 2nd source of information?

Respectfully snipped by me. Very interesting info, thank you. I wanted to just answer your question at the end.

Early on there was mention of someone who worked at the school (a maintenance worker or something like that) who said he saw Abigail walking in this area at the same time. I have two problems with that:

1. at best I can recall, the article named the man and then said something like [guy's name], who says he works at the school....I mean come on. Did he or did he not work there?

But more importantly:

2. you cannot tell me that a maintenance man can positively ID a freshman who has been in school for approximately 1 month. Abigail looks so much like so many of these other girls. Have you noticed how many of them have long, straight brown hair? I find it hard to believe that he can positively ID her unless she walked right in front of him and even then, how well could he have known her? It's not like he was her math teacher and saw her every day. I don't recall having any interaction with maintenance staff when I was in HS

I'm not suggesting this man did anything nefarious I'm just a bit skeptical about his reliability.

But to answer your question, yes there was another witness.
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