GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 7

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Thanks JBlock. And thanks to all the posters. Love to read everyone's ideas!
True, there was that and that's always going on to some degree. I wonder, though, if investigating ongoing widespread crime gives them the resources to mobilize large numbers of personnel and search wide areas of rough terrain with dogs, air searches, etc. all on only a few hours notice. Seems to me that having those resources already in the area in the event of a Boston Marathon repeat is more likely.

Not being oppositional -just me opinionatin' ::pillowfight2:

That is exactly what I've been saying. Read the news (not meant to be directed at you Stele... general statement), we have issues with blocks of possible Muslim Extremists living here and trying to convert people. FBI presence is here from the big events like the Marathon and 911, but also what they've learned in the meantime.

Here is just one link, there are a lot more and this is just regarding THIS issue having to do with Somalian presence in ME and possible recruiting:

So that's my final answer in small detail why the FBI was so available... I don't think this helps anybody figure out where abby is and how to get her home.
RE: FBI in NH...

Could be the marathon bombing connections, trafficking, drugs, gangs. The conspiracy theorists think the FBI is trying to infiltrate the Free State Project.

There is also a counterterrorism college/campus here that I can't remember the name of.
True, there was that and that's always going on to some degree. I wonder, though, if investigating ongoing widespread crime gives them the resources to mobilize large numbers of personnel and search wide areas of rough terrain with dogs, air searches, etc. all on only a few hours notice. Seems to me that having those resources already in the area in the event of a Boston Marathon repeat is more likely.

Not being oppositional -just me opinionatin' ::pillowfight2:

On the other hand, I would think it would mean the FBI in the area is busy with other cases and issues, and cannot just pick up and go work on a missing person case that easily. Obviously there are tons of FBI in the DC area, and they don't just assign a large amount of them to investigate every person who goes missing there, for instance.
What if the FBI does NOT want the parents to voice their fears of abduction? What if they are coaching the parents on what to say? I don't necessarily think that is what is happening, but just something I've been pondering. :moo:

I believe every word spoken is orchestrated by LE. Nobody is talking on their own...nobody.

This latest press conf. has me more than perplexed. I do believe her parents are in agreement that she left of her own accord. I don't think LE agrees or is totally comfortable with that assumption. The letter is clearly assuming AH has the ability to come home, and in another article Jane Young was quoted as saying they hope to have AH home by Thanksgiving. What a beautiful thing that would be!

By now LE knows everything about Abby. They know if she was planning on leaving by her phone and computer. They also know if she made it home and what she took IF she left. They have a whole lot more to go on than we do.

Also I think LE will continue giving messages of hope. That's their MO!

No problem dude.

So I was thinking a while ago when you first posited the the notion that the FBI was already in the area and for what reason but I came up empty.

I now think the answer is Fryeburg. I know it's small town but the fair is by no means Small Time. It's huge and the sheer number of 'out of towners' can pose a significant safety problem for the public and for national security. Not just with regard the visitors but with exhibitors as well. Who are they, where are they from - it's impossible, so after the Marathon Bombing in Boston, the Boston office of the FBI was taking no chances I would almost guarantee.

SO what are some thoughts? Can any locals attest to a heightened security presence at the fair? Dogs, searches, teams of officers, etc?

The fair ended on Sunday the 6th and Abby went missing on Wed. the 9th. and I imagine exhibitors were still breaking it down and packing up

In our city we have a County Fair each Summer. People pour in from everywhere. Since the Fairgrounds are huge there are lots of trailers that come and park there for the week. The Fair runs for 9 days. The morning after the day the Fair ends it is like a ghost town with just a few trailers and carts to be taken down. I always wonder how they get out of town so fast. But they are gone.....

If the fair ended on LE would be hanging around til Wed. They too would be long gone. MOO

Maybe whatever evidence they have, maybe from her past actions, friends, a journal, tips, etc., leads LE to believe her mental state was that of a runaway. Obviously, the parents seem to agree. I hope that's the case.

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Exactly...they know plenty about Abby but they are not telling or even letting on. But I do think they are guiding what Zenya is saying and what they are saying and the direction seems to be runaway.

But they don't know for sure. What if they say they believe she ran away and leave the case, only for her body to be found? That would not be good.

We have seen that happen before and they make a statement, answer no questions and then ask for privacy for the family. The end.
LE would not know if she had a private phone, for example. So they can't know everything.

Believing she ran away (if they do) is not the same as knowing it. They might think she did, but having no proof of it, don't quite dare abandon her case either. We know LE has been wrong in other cases, Amber DuBois for one. So I am not suspicious as far as thinking they know more than they are saying. After seven weeks or whatever it is, I do not think they would be playing word games if they are sure she was taken against her will. JMO
I just have to question the logic behind the new conference. If they are not sure she ran away, then why promote it? It is irresponsible for LE to allow the public to believe she is a runaway if it is untrue.
Why the statement that there is nothing for the public to be concerned about, that there is nothing for other teens to fear? Is it because they have a good idea of where she is or who she is with?

I wonder how many people saw that conference today and thought to themselves, oh well just one more teenage girl pissed off at her parents.
I fear people outside North Conway will now start to forget all about her. I talked to my daughter about this after the news conference and she said 'I don't know how she could ever show her face in town again now, if she did just run away' That is really scary. Kids are so concerned at that age about how their peers will perceive them.
I just have to question the logic behind the new conference. If they are not sure she ran away, then why promote it? It is irresponsible for LE to allow the public to believe she is a runaway if it is untrue.
Why the statement that there is nothing for the public to be concerned about, that there is nothing for other teens to fear? Is it because they have a good idea of where she is or who she is with?

I wonder how many people saw that conference today and thought to themselves, oh well just one more teenage girl pissed off at her parents.
I fear people outside North Conway will now start to forget all about her. I talked to my daughter about this after the news conference and she said 'I don't know how she could ever show her face in town again now, if she did just run away' That is really scary. Kids are so concerned at that age about how their peers will perceive them.

Abby's parents cannot act like their daughter is a runaway, and expect the media and public to maintain an interest and concern in the case. I think more and more people are starting to think Abby ran away, and the only thing that keeps people thinking maybe she was abducted is the FBI's involvement. But if the FBI were to announce they are no longer part of the case? I think the Portland and Boston media would be done with the case, and it would be even harder to get people to care. They need to start treating it like an urgent, life or death matter if they want the public to see it as one.
Abby's parents cannot act like their daughter is a runaway, and expect the media and public to maintain an interest and concern in the case. I think more and more people are starting to think Abby ran away, and the only thing that keeps people thinking maybe she was abducted is the FBI's involvement. But if the FBI were to announce they are no longer part of the case? I think the Portland and Boston media would be done with the case, and it would be even harder to get people to care. They need to start treating it like an urgent, life or death matter if they want the public to see it as one.

My guess is they are down to one lead detective working this case and maybe somebody entering tips to see if anything works. Probably an answering service taking the called in tips.

The FBI man in the picture today probably just came by for the news conference to lend support to JA.

Six weeks...not much more they can do but hope for a miracle.
What if the FBI does NOT want the parents to voice their fears of abduction? What if they are coaching the parents on what to say? I don't necessarily think that is what is happening, but just something I've been pondering. :moo:

LE were certainly controlling the interaction between the parents and the media earlier on; there's no reason to believe that's changed. I find it hard to believe that in any case where someone is addressing the press that LE won't be coaching and guiding to some degree, it wouldn't necessarily be "safe" to let a distraught individual loose.
My college student son watched the news clip of Zenya speaking last night and said "so they think she ran away?" I think that will be the overwhelming feeling from anyone watching.

My own feeling watching was that Zenya seemed flat. I can't imagine how she is feeling. I know if it were me I would be on some kind of meds to get me through it ~ giving that "flat" feeling........really, if Abby is out there and able to get home, it seems it would be hard to ignore the Mom's pleas.

Where are you, Abby? Please find your way home safely.
LE were certainly controlling the interaction between the parents and the media earlier on; there's no reason to believe that's changed. I find it hard to believe that in any case where someone is addressing the press that LE won't be coaching and guiding to some degree, it wouldn't necessarily be "safe" to let a distraught individual loose.

Watching this last press conference it is quite evident who is controlling the show.

Zenya and the AG are holding hands and Zenya looks up at AG after the press conference with the unspoken words "did I do good'' and JA smiles like a mother to a child that has made her proud.

Make no mistake everything is being controlled. This is all going according to some plan by the police.

Soooo, in conclusion, I believe the police believe she has run away and that has to come from phone records, conversations with friends and social media they have now been able to view.

Personally I think Abby was very alone. Her sister was off to college, RG who had been there for a while was back on ship. Her mother was working long hours and also she has an absentee father.

Folks seem to be playing a maybe game with this one. We shall see.
Well, considering this is a law enforcement investigation it would make sense that they have control over what is being said, in NH that is what happens when the AG's office gets involved.... there is no doubt this is a baffling investigation.... I feel the HOPE is that she has left of her own accord and the family HOPES she will return when she is ready.... but I take into consideration that in NH and in New England as a whole we have had SEVERAL girls and women who have just simply vanished under mysterious circumstances.... people do not just fall into a vortex and are never heard from again.... they either leave, or have been harmed.... my feeling is because of all the unknown this is a case to tread lightly on.... make it comfortable for Abby to come home if she did leave and also hope that no one will or has harmed her if that is why she is missing.... regardless.... I want a safe return of her and closure for her family.... I hope if someone does have her, they realize that she is a PERSON, a HUMAN with feelings, family, friends, a personality, a sweet young girl who has pulled the heart strings of so many and that someone with even the most horrible of intentions sees that and can not bear to even think of harming her
I also just wanted to make a remark here about Jane Young..... she is good at what she does and works well with families and is harsh on perps.... she also has a HUGE heart.... for those of you that followed Celina Cass's case..... when they held the press conference to announce that they had found her and not in the condition they had wanted to bring her home in (Jane Young's words) it was JANE YOUNG who choked up with tears and for me..... that is what made my eyes explode with tears... to see how human she really is and how deeply that case and Celina's death had affected her..... normally when its bad news in these cases it's after the announcement that I process it and shed tears...... in Celina's case... Jane Young's reaction in front of the camera sped up that process for me because to see LE cry or start to cry is when you realize exactly how tragic it is and how tough their jobs really can be
Watching this last press conference it is quite evident who is controlling the show.

Zenya and the AG are holding hands and Zenya looks up at AG after the press conference with the unspoken words "did I do good'' and JA smiles like a mother to a child that has made her proud.

Make no mistake everything is being controlled. This is all going according to some plan by the police.

Soooo, in conclusion, I believe the police believe she has run away and that has to come from phone records, conversations with friends and social media they have now been able to view.

Personally I think Abby was very alone. Her sister was off to college, RG who had been there for a while was back on ship. Her mother was working long hours and also she has an absentee father.

Folks seem to be playing a maybe game with this one. We shall see.

Where would she go though? What were the dreams her Mom spoke about? There doesn't seem to be a hint of another guy involved, so where would she take off to and to live out what dream? Does her FB page give any clues? I'll never be a good sleuther because I just dislike and avoid ever having to go to FB but I'd think her social media would give some kind of clues about her aspirations.
Even if she's a runaway, she's still in danger. Also, is it normal for the attorney general to be involved in a case of a runaway?
Even if she's a runaway, she's still in danger. Also, is it normal for the attorney general to be involved in a case of a runaway?

Personally I haven't seen the AG involved in a runaway, but due to the initial response because no one knew what happened and i'm assuming from what mom has said that this is out of character for abby that because it is a "missing person" then yes, AG gets involved because NHSP MCU is involved.... if it was known day one that yes, she definitely ran away, i do not believe they would have been directly involved but they certainly would have been available to assist with advice, point investigators in the right direction for resources, etc NH is a very kind state, we all, LE or not, help each other when we can
Even if she's a runaway, she's still in danger. Also, is it normal for the attorney general to be involved in a case of a runaway?

It can be normal, it depends on the circumstances. If the person she left with, or they suspect she left with, is an unstable individual they might be involved. If there is some situation that would call for this, they would. For example, let's say AH met another teen and they started chatting online. AH starts complaining that her mom makes her walk the dogs, and pick up after herself, etc (you know how kids are!) and the other teen suggests that if AH lived there she wouldn't have to go to school, could sleep whenever she wanted to, wouldn't have to eat her vegetables or brush her teeth and so on. So AH decides that sounds good and runs away. Trouble is, she wouldn't understand that an environment like that isn't safe, she may be staying in a situation where there is drug use, physical abuse, and other things. Add to that this may be a situation of homelessness, like a family that's homeless and doesn't have a physical address, then you've got a child on the streets in an unsafe environment, you may know who she's with but don't know where she is and the best you can do is plead with her to come home. That to me would explain the run away and missing issue. It would explain the LE involvement and it would explain why the parents keep pleading with AH to come home. If you put all the pieces together and accept that AH left on her own, one reason why LE might not have gone and brought her back is that the family she is with is homeless, living in their cars or underpasses and constantly moving.
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