GUILTY NH - Camden Hughes, 6, suffocated, Hampton, 14 May 2011 #2

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DNA Solves
Total speculation, but I am assuming that Camden's mom was struggling with a mental illness. There are quotes in the news from her mother and her ex(?)-bf that she's struggled with depression in the past... I am wondering if maybe she had a new onset of bipolar disorder? I know that it can present itself up to almost 50 years of age.

When my mother was Julianne's age, she was being treated with medication for depression that led to her developing mania and being diagnosed as bipolar. It was quite scary - she was not herself. She heard voices and acted strangely, and we had to take away her car keys because she threatened to drive away and leave our family.

My thought on this is that to all appearances, Camden was loved and cared for before this incident. There has been nothing released to make us think otherwise, and when his description was first put out, even the authorities assumed he had been in a stable situation, nourished, and well-dressed with new shoes. I am wondering if his mom "snapped" and had a mental illness of some sort... I am by no means defending what she did, but it makes me sick to see comments on the internet insinuating she should be killed or worse... She must not have been in her right mind. MOO.

At least if she overdosed him, he hopefully died in peace, and not in a violent way. I hope wherever Camden is now, he knows that thousands of strangers have been following his case and care about him.
Somewhere in the other thread did I read something about a paternity suit on this boy and the man said he was not the dad but could not attend the hearing as he was in jail? I am going to look now for that let me know if anyone has faster access. I want to see if I can link dad to maine at all perhaps

Edited to add thank you Summer Breeze I did not catch that was her maiden name. I assumed that was the bio dad. I don't think his name was released yet just that he passed away?

I posted the info on the paternity suit filed in 2005. The guy lived in Texas at the time and was still in Texas as of 2008. I didn't track him any farther. He was ordered to take a paternity test but never did. He was named the father by default judgment and it was ordered that the birth certificate be amended to reflect his name. In 2008, the state came after him for non-support and that is when he sent correspondence to the court saying he was not the father, did not know Julianne & was out of the state (I beleive Florida) at the time of conception. I don't know if he is the same guy who died in the motorcycle accident.
I just saw that Camden's bed was in the back SEAT of the truck?????

ETA: forgot the word SEAT
I am convinced now premeditated we were not correct woth COD per this new update:

Maine Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Margaret Greenwald said Camden died due to asphyxiation. However, she said her final determination is still pending.

Looks like they are going to charge with 2nd degree murder here is what I found on NH sentences for murder the link to where I found it is

Why could this not be first degree or capital I wonder I must look at the stipulations more...

New Hampshire

Offense Mandatory sentencing Second degree murder Imprisonment for life or any other term
First degree murder Life without parole
Capital murder Death penalty or life without parole
in the video with her ex., at the very end of the video it says that one paternity test came back negative & the other paternity test didn't happen b/c the man was in jail ...
in the video with her ex., at the very end of the video it says that one paternity test came back negative & the other paternity test didn't happen b/c the man was in jail ...

I am a little confused, the 1st test was negative and then a second didn't happen, was this 2 different men that were being tested or just the 1? I have seen on talk shows where a test is done a second time on the same man so I am trying not to assume
I am so glad this beautiful boy has been identified. Rest in peace sweet boy Camden.
Whatever went wrong I feel sad for her, destroying the life of a young child she loved and ruining her life at the same time. It seems like she has to be suffering from some sort of mental illness. I don't consider her the same as Casey Anthony, who I feel no pity for. The whole thing is both a mystery and a terrible tragedy.

I do too. Casey Anthony has never shown she is anything but a narcissistic sociopath. I know there is no defense to this crime, and I am not defending her actions in any way, but we have to keep in mind that we don't know why she did it yet - there's still a lot we don't know. It sounds like everyone who knew her thought she was a good, loving mom - one with mental health issues. I deal with mental health issues in my own family, and it can be a very tortured existence. This woman is going to have to live with what she did for the rest of her life, and I think she knows the severity of what she did, unlike Casey Anthony, who seems to not be affected in the slightest, except for the perceived inconvenience of her trial. At least this woman confessed and didn't put LE and her own family through a lengthy search and investigation - I don't know much about her yet but I don't get a sense that she's a sociopath, just a deeply sick woman, and I know that mentally ill people have to carry the guilt of having hurt people because of their illness.
I don't know how to reply to a link on another thread so I hope this makes sense.

Someone mentioned the 5/21 rapture thing on her f/b page and that maybe she was protecting him considering was reading her Bible when found. The majority of pre-tribbers believe that all children would automatically be raptured along with the saints. Doesn't make sense that if she truly believed in the rapture, that she felt killing him would protect him.

I really hope this is not connected to that. My brother and I have been obsessed with the whole May 21st thing, very interested in the followers and wanting to see their reaction when the world doesn't end. But we feared that some people might take their own lives. However, I never thought of something like this.

BTW, the followers are semi-Calvinistic and do not believe that children automatically go to heaven. They believe that the elect number about 4 million, or 2% of the world's population from the beginning of time and were predetermined by God prior to the creation of the world. There is nothing a person can do to be saved, nothing. God has chosen and that's that.

Very confusing to me because why then did Jesus die on the cross for our sins? And what's the point of letting people know about judgment day if there is nothing they can do to save themselves? Also unclear is why there will be a five month judgment period. Unlike many Christians, they do not believe in a trib period during which people if they commit and stray committed to Christ can be saved. Scary stuff, especially for the unstable.

But, I think it is a stretch to believe this murder is connected and I hope it's not.

I read on a news article in the comments section that the man and his wife that found him has offered to pay for the funeral. Not sure if this is factual as it came from someone posting a comment, but I'm sure it obviously tore these people up to find a precious little boy dead.

I cannot imagine the horror of such a discovery. It will haunt them for life.

His brother Ian posted on Juli's fb friend Tonya's page saying "that's my lil soldier" about him in a photo. So the older brother knows now.

This poor guy. It really gets me to know that this poor young man out serving his country now has to deal with the death of his precious brother and the arrest of his crazy mother. Poor, poor guy! It is so unfair and so unnecessary.
I am convinced now premeditated we were not correct woth COD per this new update:

Looks like they are going to charge with 2nd degree murder here is what I found on NH sentences for murder the link to where I found it is

Why could this not be first degree or capital I wonder I must look at the stipulations more...

New Hampshire

Offense Mandatory sentencing Second degree murder Imprisonment for life or any other term
First degree murder Life without parole
Capital murder Death penalty or life without parole

Yeah, you can see the swelling and bruising on his mouth in the photo. I think it was more than an overdose. Maybe she sedated and then smothered him.

Sweet little kid. I will never understand this kind of thing. You ask for help! You think of your child instead of yourself! You think of his right to live! You do whatever it takes to protect him. I don't get it.
Lady and TXmomma I found the paternity documents for the potential dad in jail, thank you for your help!
Total speculation, but I am assuming that Camden's mom was struggling with a mental illness. There are quotes in the news from her mother and her ex(?)-bf that she's struggled with depression in the past... I am wondering if maybe she had a new onset of bipolar disorder? I know that it can present itself up to almost 50 years of age.

When my mother was Julianne's age, she was being treated with medication for depression that led to her developing mania and being diagnosed as bipolar. It was quite scary - she was not herself. She heard voices and acted strangely, and we had to take away her car keys because she threatened to drive away and leave our family.

My thought on this is that to all appearances, Camden was loved and cared for before this incident. There has been nothing released to make us think otherwise, and when his description was first put out, even the authorities assumed he had been in a stable situation, nourished, and well-dressed with new shoes. I am wondering if his mom "snapped" and had a mental illness of some sort... I am by no means defending what she did, but it makes me sick to see comments on the internet insinuating she should be killed or worse... She must not have been in her right mind. MOO.

At least if she overdosed him, he hopefully died in peace, and not in a violent way. I hope wherever Camden is now, he knows that thousands of strangers have been following his case and care about him.

The articles have mentioned that she has had drug problems in the past. Bipolars frequently self-medicate - uppers for the depression, alcohol for the mania. It can make bipolar harder to diagnose. Often times it isn't diagnosed until the person has first had a depressive episode and been prescribed an anti-depressant, which causes them to swing wildly in the other direction to mania. And mania can look wildly different for everyone. Also, in terms of what you mentioned with your mother's delusions and paranoia, it sounds like what I experienced with a good friend in college who went through a minor depressive episode after we graduated - we were all a little down and struggling to find jobs, and he had always been a good student, stable, a leader at school and a pretty social happy guy - so it didn't seem like a big deal - was prescribed anti-depressants, and within a few days was bouncing off the walls with all these plans- he wanted to travel the world! start a business! go to grad school! - and spend thousands of dollars on cameras, trips, furniture, etc. It only took 3 days for him to get to full-blown mania. Bipolar hadn't really occurred to me at this point - I thought if anything maybe he had tried coke or something. His roommates tried to sit him down and get a sense of what was happening, and at this point, he started telling about his latest idea - he thought he might be the messiah (he's Jewish), and he felt an overwhelming calling to go to Jerusalem. He then got this idea that there was somehow a "portal" to Jerusalem in his closet and that is where paramedics found him as his roommates decided to call 911. He put up a terrifying struggle against going to the hospital and had to be put in restraints, and raged and fought and screamed on a gurney until he was sedated. 3 days and a small dose of anti-depressants was all it took for him to go from even-tempered kid just out of college to full blown delusional mania.
On her YouTube username about being god's problem baby.... I think that was posted a couple of years ago, about the same time she became a Christian and was baptised in a Baptist church. Before that she'd had some brushes with the law and some substance abuse problems and some mental illness. I was thinking that after being "saved" and baptised, maybe she was refering to herself as being God's problem now. Baptists believe that baptism is the washing away of old sins and the beginning of a new life following the direction of the Holy Spirit. Its the ending of the old sinful life and the beginning of a new and better life. I just had the idea that she was referring to herself and not to her child.

I don't think so, but I do think the timeframe is why she chose that username. That's when the guy she 'was obsessed with' died on the motorcycle. I bet that's who she meant.
It's been a crazy day but that little one now has a name and hopefully soon he will find some peace in his final resting place.

I now have three haunting images in my head, Little Boy W No Name, Little Camden and the booking photo of his mother that reveals overwhelming grief, confusion, agony and something that just appears to be vacant and void, lost.

I really pray her older son finds some way to cope with all this. I'm sure Camden would have wanted his mom and brother to be happy.

I am pretty sure the "mug shot" was from a previous arrest??? I think I read that caption under one of the images.
Let's see if I've been paying attention. She appears to have left her job, voluntarily, some two weeks ago. She appears to have "abandoned" her current relationship with the man who acted as Camden's father within the same period of time. She appears to have left the state of Texas, without telling anyone she knew, within just a few days prior to Camden being found. She appears to have driven 1800+ miles/30+ hours and rented a hotel room. Therefore, it would appear as though she knew no one in that area. Then after she dumps her child, she continued to hang around the area.
BUT she did drive that distance. That, to me, doesn't indicate mental illness. She appears to have had a good deal of her wits about her to make that trip.
I'm going to go out on a limb. I'm not sure "exactly" what happened, but I'm wondering if there is a man involved she met via internet. And perhaps when she got where she was going, things didn't work out as she'd planned. I have difficulty believing that she drove 1,800 miles to end this child's life and dump him in the 100 block of Dennett Road. I don't think the reasons she was in Maine had anything to do with Camden. Seems as if perhaps something pushed her over the edge AFTER she was in Maine. If she did meet someone via internet, I'd say he's connected to the area surrounding Dennett Road. He may never have known that Camden existed and didn't associate the unidentified child's body to JM.
At least if she overdosed him, he hopefully died in peace, and not in a violent way. I hope wherever Camden is now, he knows that thousands of strangers have been following his case and care about him.

This is exactly what I had been thinking. Regardless if the overdose was intentional (or not), he didn't know and just went to sleep. However, now I read it was asphyxiation so that's a whole new thing. Hopefully it was done after the Nyquil (if that even happened) so the poor thing didn't know.

I'm not a medical professional, but have read she has had issues with mental illness in the past, so who knows what was going on in her mind. The whole situation is sad. I still don't believe this means she didn't love him (in her own way).

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