Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 #11 *Arrest*

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I think the article states that the last time Nick saw Celina was the day BEFORE she disappeared while visiting his father, not the day of or night of. Interesting that he doesn't speak with his father much now. I don't know for sure, but I am not getting the idea that NN was one of the peeps WN was socializing and drinking with on the porch that night.

[Nick Noyes, Celina's step-brother] last saw Celina the day before she disappeared.

"She was sitting down in her pajamas watching TV on the couch. I was visiting with my dad," says Nick Noyes who doesn't speak with his dad much anymore.


It's interesting that NN did not say, "She was sitting down in her pajamas watching TV on the couch with her mom."

Does this place NN in the living room after LN retired to bed?

Nick Noyes says that he, like most people we talked with in town, discounts the idea that a stranger murdered his step-sister.

"I think it was somebody that was close, in that house," he says. "I think somebody in that house knows what happened."

Does NN mean "in that apartment" or does he mean "in that apartment building"?

It seems no one as of yet has reported why 'most people in town' hold that opinion. Is it based on WN's mental condition? On KM's age? On LN's 'oblivious' nature?

If there was history of abuse (if previously reported to authorities) surely that would be big news by now so, might we rule out that angle?

Did LE follow up with checking prescription meds that might have been in the apartment? Any missing?

Was Celina found with broken / healed bone(s)?

Broken nose?


Is there a bathroom in the basement bedroom level?

Did Celina visit a bathroom that evening (basement or upper floor)?

Would EN cover for her son?

Would KM cover for his surrogate mother?

Would NN accuse his father?

Would LN admit to making a bad choice regarding her relationship?

Did LN trust WN before Aug 1, 2011?

After LN left for work that morning ... how much time had elapsed when LN received the phone call from WN?

Where did KL sleep that eveining?

Was everyone in the house in which KL was sleeping accounted for that evening / next morning?

These questions, plus many others, hound me.....................
I think the article states that the last time Nick saw Celina was the day BEFORE she disappeared while visiting his father, not the day of or night of. Interesting that he doesn't speak with his father much now. I don't know for sure, but I am not getting the idea that NN was one of the peeps WN was socializing and drinking with on the porch that night.

The day (date) Celina disappeared is the day that she was reported missing. Celina was reported missing or disappeared on July 25, 2011, that was on a Monday, the same day that WN went to wake Celina up for her hair appointment and noticed her missing around 8:30 in the morning.

The day BEFORE Celina disappeared would have been Sunday, July 24, 2011. The night that Celina and LN were sitting on the couch watching TV, the night that WN was sitting on the porch drinking (socializing) with two friends, the night KM was out driving around in his truck and came home some time around midnight and didn't remember seeing Celina on the couch when he himself sat down on the couch to watch TV and eat a sandwich, the night (day) that Nick Noyes reportedly seen Celina sitting on the couch watching TV in her pajamas.

The biggest question I have is what time of day did Nick Noyes see Celina sitting on the couch that Sunday, the day BEFORE Celina went missing. Was it during the day or that evening. I'm leaning toward it being that evening when Celina was watching TV with her mother.

And yes the fact that Nick doesn't speak with his dad much anymore is very interesting. It seem many people involved with this case have distanced themselves from WN including his own son.

Long-time lurker just thinking out loud...if she had on pj's when she was watching TV that night, why was she reportedly wearing different clothing (sweater, shorts, shoes) when she was last seen?
Long-time lurker just thinking out loud...if she had on pj's when she was watching TV that night, why was she reportedly wearing different clothing (sweater, shorts, shoes) when she was last seen?

One persons description of pajamas might be different than what you or I would consider to be panamas. When I think of pajamas I think of a flannel material with either matching pants with footie's and a shirt or a jump suit type garment with a zipper in the front.

What Nick Noyes considers pajamas might be blue shorts a pink shirt and a pink pullover. Shoes could have been slippers or maybe even flip flops that Celina normally wore around the house prior to going to bed.


Fairly sure everyone who is following CC has seen this video or a variation thereof, but just posting - just in case.

You know - we haven't heard a peep from Celina's bio father since her funeral. Any thoughts on that? We know he was sick but...?

Also - LN made a point of saying "person or persons" who took my baby. Interesting.
The day (date) Celina disappeared is the day that she was reported missing. Celina was reported missing or disappeared on July 25, 2011, that was on a Monday, the same day that WN went to wake Celina up for her hair appointment and noticed her missing around 8:30 in the morning.

The day BEFORE Celina disappeared would have been Sunday, July 24, 2011. The night that Celina and LN were sitting on the couch watching TV, the night that WN was sitting on the porch drinking (socializing) with two friends, the night KM was out driving around in his truck and came home some time around midnight and didn't remember seeing Celina on the couch when he himself sat down on the couch to watch TV and eat a sandwich, the night (day) that Nick Noyes reportedly seen Celina sitting on the couch watching TV in her pajamas.

The biggest question I have is what time of day did Nick Noyes see Celina sitting on the couch that Sunday, the day BEFORE Celina went missing. Was it during the day or that evening. I'm leaning toward it being that evening when Celina was watching TV with her mother.

And yes the fact that Nick doesn't speak with his dad much anymore is very interesting. It seem many people involved with this case have distanced themselves from WN including his own son.


Hi Joe Friday, Yes, I was interpreting that statement to mean Nick saw Celina on Sunday, because she did supposedly disappear on Monday night the 25th. However she was not discovered or "reported" missing until Tuesday AM the 26th at approximately 9:30 AM. That was also when it was said she had the hair appt. Louisia was off work that Monday, because the consignment shop was closed. She and Celina were watching the Movie on Monday night if I am not mistaken. Because LN had to work the next day which would be Tuesday she went to bed early. I have always wondered what went on Monday during the day while Louisia was off. What did everyone do that day. Did they all just hang out around home, doing chores or did Louisia and the girls go shopping and where was Wendell this whole time? I know different people live different. But I always thought it a bit unusual that Wendell was drinking and socializing on a Monday night and now we find out so was Kevin Mullaney, who was also hanging out and driving around with a friend. I guess the only one who it made a difference to was LN. She went to bed early for work... who knows, maybe she partied all day and couldn't hang...IDK, I truely wonder about her also. I have really been studying those Wedding pics that just recently appeared on WN's facebook. In every single one, LN is all smiles, but WN seems completely detached. Almost like just going along with the whole thing. Doesn't seem happy. Really surprised to see the white wedding gown, veil and so on. Both of them had been married before and I just get the idea that this was all about LN. I was unhappy to read that WN said he is moving away. This makes me think even more this case will just go unsolved and cold.

Fairly sure everyone who is following CC has seen this video or a variation thereof, but just posting - just in case.

You know - we haven't heard a peep from Celina's bio father since her funeral. Any thoughts on that? We know he was sick but...?

Also - LN made a point of saying "person or persons" who took my baby. Interesting.

I didn't and don't believe that Adam Laro was close or had a very big part in Celina's life. He may have called every now and then, but I imagine that was about it. Doubt he even paid child support due to his circumstances and health. LN didn't even include him in the funeral plan decisions. I don't know if she even told him when it was. I know he was quite upset over it. Maybe LN didn't like the fact that he told everyone Celina was sleeping in the basement on the floor. I also caught the person or persons comment from LN and still think that LE knows who did it, but also knows they didn't act entirely alone. So frustrating.
One persons description of pajamas might be different than what you or I would consider to be panamas. When I think of pajamas I think of a flannel material with either matching pants with footie's and a shirt or a jump suit type garment with a zipper in the front.

What Nick Noyes considers pajamas might be blue shorts a pink shirt and a pink pullover. Shoes could have been slippers or maybe even flip flops that Celina normally wore around the house prior to going to bed.


Exactly! and pajamas today come in all different shapes, patterns, colors and forms. Some you could actually mistake for day clothes! LN did say all she was allowed to identify was the underwear and pajama bottoms. and that could be either a long leg garment or shorts. Without a better description from all, mainly LN, it's impossible to distinguish if Celina was in the same outfit or two different. I know kids these days sleep in workout/sport shorts and tops and call them pajamas! expecially the ones in sports and Celina was.
I was unhappy to read that WN said he is moving away. This makes me think even more this case will just go unsolved and cold.
Respectfully snipped-

Wendell is moving. Ugh. This is an ominous sign for the continuity of care for his schizophrenia treatment. For the sake of the new town's citizens, I hope it is publicly announced where and when he is moving.
Respectfully snipped-

Wendell is moving. Ugh. This is an ominous sign for the continuity of care for his schizophrenia treatment. For the sake of the new town's citizens, I hope it is publicly announced where and when he is moving.


Pensfan, on earlier threads I had quite a lot to say about WN drawing disability compensation from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the possibility he is also drawing disability payments from the Social Security Administration. I don't know if you have been in on these threads from the beginning so I'm not going to assume you saw my earlier posts.

As far as "the continuity of care for his schizophrenia treatment" goes, in order to continue to draw VA disability compensation, WN MUST be monitored on a continuing, regular basis. If he fails to show for appointments and/or treatments, the VA will cease his disability payments--no ifs, ands, or buts.

To all who read this post, I unexpectedly found myself at a meeting early this afternoon at the White River Junction (VT) VAMROC (VA Medical and Regional Office Center). The meeting broke up a little after 2 p.m, and as I was walking down the hall to exit the building, I passed in front (within a foot) of a man who was waiting to check in at the X-ray department: The man was WN. When I walked out of the building, I saw the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) van in front of me; that answered the question I had in my mind as to how WN was able to travel the roughly 125 miles between Canaan and White River Junction when LE still is in possession of his truck (to the best of my knowledge).

As always, to those veterans who read this, thank you for your service to our country, and to Vietnam veterans, welcome home!
Hi Joe Friday, Yes, I was interpreting that statement to mean Nick saw Celina on Sunday, because she did supposedly disappear on Monday night the 25th. However she was not discovered or "reported" missing until Tuesday AM the 26th at approximately 9:30 AM. That was also when it was said she had the hair appt. Louisia was off work that Monday, because the consignment shop was closed. She and Celina were watching the Movie on Monday night if I am not mistaken. Because LN had to work the next day which would be Tuesday she went to bed early. I have always wondered what went on Monday during the day while Louisia was off. What did everyone do that day. Did they all just hang out around home, doing chores or did Louisia and the girls go shopping and where was Wendell this whole time? I know different people live different. But I always thought it a bit unusual that Wendell was drinking and socializing on a Monday night and now we find out so was Kevin Mullaney, who was also hanging out and driving around with a friend. I guess the only one who it made a difference to was LN. She went to bed early for work... who knows, maybe she partied all day and couldn't hang...IDK, I truely wonder about her also. I have really been studying those Wedding pics that just recently appeared on WN's facebook. In every single one, LN is all smiles, but WN seems completely detached. Almost like just going along with the whole thing. Doesn't seem happy. Really surprised to see the white wedding gown, veil and so on. Both of them had been married before and I just get the idea that this was all about LN. I was unhappy to read that WN said he is moving away. This makes me think even more this case will just go unsolved and cold.


Texsun, please don't wager any money that the homicide of CC "will just go unsolved and cold."

Thank you for your most interesting posts. I look forward to seeing more.
Respectfully snipped-

Wendell is moving. Ugh. This is an ominous sign for the continuity of care for his schizophrenia treatment. For the sake of the new town's citizens, I hope it is publicly announced where and when he is moving.

Sounds like you're making an accusation based on assumptions. Otherwise, why would you hope WN's new location is publicly announced?
Sounds like you're making an accusation based on assumptions. Otherwise, why would you hope WN's new location is publicly announced?

Pensfan is a professional poster who is a Psych nurse and MPH.

I agree with her. WN has shown in the past some very odd behavior and if he doesn't continue with treatment/meds it could happen again. I don't think we should put a big X on him however I do feel that his new neighbors/LE should be aware of who he is. IMO

Texsun, please don't wager any money that the homicide of CC "will just go unsolved and cold."

Thank you for your most interesting posts. I look forward to seeing more.

I agree with you that the homicide of CC will not go unsolved and cold.

Here's the thing about NH...In our State you will not see many LE departments doing press releases on major cases. All of our major crime cases are handled by the AG office and their investigators. They always keep all information out of the press until an arrest is made. In fact when the AG has a press conference I can usually tell you what they will say word by word before they even go on the air.

The Press: They try to do their job however they will not publish anything that the AG doesn't want public. It's respect for the office of the AG. This also goes for most of our city and town LE departments. It is an unwritten agreement between most of the editors and LE. I for 1 agree with this to an extent because I feel that the press and the general public in many cases, hurt the cases. This keeps out the people that want their 2 minutes of fame, untruths written or spoken to the press and people take it as truth but most of all those who are being looked at have no idea where the investigation is. I do feel bad for the families involved simply because they also are left out of the loop or given very little information. When or if there is an arrest LE will talk to the family and tell them everything that is going to happen/why they are making the arrest and the circumstances of the crime. It is at this point that a victims advocate becomes involved with the family full-time and is with them every step of the way. It actually is a system that works and I for 1 hope that we continue to handle cases in this manner.

Just because we haven't heard anything about this case doesn't mean that the AG and their investigators are not working on this daily. They will have their i's dotted and t's crossed before an arrest is made. NH has 1 of the highest conviction rates on major crimes in the US. Many of our major crime offenders plea out before it goes to trial.

I actually think many people would be surprised at the crime rate in NH. Yes most of it is petty crimes however you usually never read about it in the newspapers or hear about it in our news. This also is an unwritten agreement between the press and LE...we do not want to tarnish our town/city reputation.
Not that I want to be unkind, but in some these small NH towns (and I live in one) there appears to be more than a few cases of inbreeding. Determining who belongs to who can become quite a challenge.

I am not sure of how true this is and as a resident of NH I am offended by this. I have traveled this entire State, visited every town and for the most part I have met very intelligent people that just want to live the simple life.

IMO this paints a very nasty and dirty picture of CC and her family. In fact it does for the "small" towns in this State.

I do know that there are a couple of towns that this joke is always told:

Joke: What happens in (*insert town name) on Father's Day?

Mass confusion

I think that this joke can be said about any small town in the United States. IMO it is an opinion that has been painted over the years about small town life. Doesn't make it true.
Respectfully snipped-

Wendell is moving. Ugh. This is an ominous sign for the continuity of care for his schizophrenia treatment. For the sake of the new town's citizens, I hope it is publicly announced where and when he is moving.

If they did this would be a SERIOUS violation of his civil rights.
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