Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 #12 *Arrest*

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He wouldn't be the first druggie to steal from his parents.

While that's of course true, my point was that the mother figure from whom he stole had just suffered through her real daughter's murder. He's not just a druggie; he's far below that.
Am not so computer literate as to be able to post a link, but I'll give as much information as I can so any of you can verify if you wish to.

The New Hampshire Sunday News, January 22, has as its headline on the "STATE EDITION:"

2 others saw Celina on eve of disappearance

This newspaper is published by The Union Leader Corporation in Manchester, New Hampshire which is the largest newspaper publisher north of Boston and is definitely MSM.

There are photos on the front page, and the article continues on Page A8.
Is it this article??

Am not so computer literate as to be able to post a link, but I'll give as much information as I can so any of you can verify if you wish to.

The New Hampshire Sunday News, January 22, has as its headline on the "STATE EDITION:"

2 others saw Celina on eve of disappearance

This newspaper is published by The Union Leader Corporation in Manchester, New Hampshire which is the largest newspaper publisher north of Boston and is definitely MSM.

There are photos on the front page, and the article continues on Page A8.
Am not so computer literate as to be able to post a link, but I'll give as much information as I can so any of you can verify if you wish to.

The New Hampshire Sunday News, January 22, has as its headline on the "STATE EDITION:"

2 others saw Celina on eve of disappearance

This newspaper is published by The Union Leader Corporation in Manchester, New Hampshire which is the largest newspaper publisher north of Boston and is definitely MSM.

There are photos on the front page, and the article continues on Page A8.

Two people who saw Celina Cass at her West Stewartstown apartment the night before she was reported missing — and may have been among the last to see her alive — said they have been told by the authorities not to speak with the media.

CH and JA visited Celina's stepfather, Wendell Noyes, on the porch at 863 Washington St. while Celina played on the computer and watched television inside in the nearby living room on the evening of July 25, 2011. A massive search was launched the following day.
One thing everyone should be aware of is that LN did not have to move in with anyone to have housing. NH towns and cities are required by law to provide rent assistance, including full rent payment, for those who cannot afford it. Food stamps and assistance to families with dependent children are also readily available. I have to assume, given her financial situation, that she is, and has been, receiving state benefits. Her choice of companions and living arrangements since Celina's death have been unfortunate and, imo, absolutely unnecessary.
I wish CH & JA would indicate what time they last saw Celina, did they go in and say goodbye before they went home? Did they see her at 7 then not see her again before they left? Did they see her at 9? 10? 11? Why is there not a time frame for when they last saw her? What time did they leave, what time did WN get to bed? It would just be nice to get some info from people who didn't live in the house. When Celina was on the couch was she prepared for bed? Did it look like she intended to sleep there that night?

So many questions, so few answers.
I think the part about the grand jury is interesting. IMO it means the case is not at a stand still.

The Coos County Superior Court clerk's office said a grand jury was still sitting Friday at 4 p.m. when the court closed for the day.

Noyes said she was upset Thursday to hear from a customer of the consignment shop where she worked that a grand jury in Lancaster was involved in the investigation.

Besides issuing indictments, grand juries can also investigate difficult cases.

Senior Assistant Attorney General Jane Young wouldn't say whether a grand jury has been empaneled or whether one met, citing professional conduct rules. She would not say where she was working Friday.

“I worked today,” Young said when asked if she worked in Lancaster.
I don't understand why Mom would be upset that the grand jury was meeting? Or was it more because she wasn't told by LE?
I don't understand why Mom would be upset that the grand jury was meeting? Or was it more because she wasn't told by LE?

I was about to ask the same question. Why would that be upsetting?

Maybe it is because she was never told. But still she should be happy they are actively pursuing the evidence. imo. I think that LE has to leave her out of the loop because she is too closely enmeshed with some of the potential suspects, imo.
Almost from day one KM has been on the top of my list. And, despite all the finger pointing, WN was never there because I do not feel he has the mental capacity to commit such a crime and cover it up so well. KM remains at the top of my list......way on the top.

I remain all over the map on this one. It like looking at a mini cooper packed with clowns trying to figure out which one threw a pie. In truth I have never really leaned particularly towards WN simply because as crazy as he might be, compared to the rest he's damn near the only one acting the way I would expect (when considering his mental illness).
Me too. Absolutely agree with you. Even more so after reading that he was the last one to come home, and he 'sat on the couch' but never saw her that night.
Everyone said she was afraid to sleep down in the basement alone. And they also said she was in the livingroom watching tv and playing on the computer while the stepdad was visiting friends on the porch. So I do not believe that she went downstairs alone in the dark after everyone went to bed. I think she went to sleep on that couch. And then a drunk and high KM stumbled through that door and 'sat on the couch.'

We know that the stepdads truck has been impounded. I have always wondered if KM took the keys to that truck and tool CC for a ride himself that night. :mad:

Certainly a very real possibility.
In a WMUR story back in October, KM was quoted as saying to the media that Louisia had been like a mother to him. So he pays her back by stealing and trying to cash one of her checks, after her daughter has been found murdered. That's a sociopathic personality.

Glad the AG is looking to detain him however possible.

Assuming, of course, that mom didn't give him the check as part of a scam they were trying to pull together.
I wish CH & JA would indicate what time they last saw Celina, did they go in and say goodbye before they went home? Did they see her at 7 then not see her again before they left? Did they see her at 9? 10? 11? Why is there not a time frame for when they last saw her? What time did they leave, what time did WN get to bed? It would just be nice to get some info from people who didn't live in the house. When Celina was on the couch was she prepared for bed? Did it look like she intended to sleep there that night?

So many questions, so few answers.

If CH left before JA, that could conceivably put him in the mix of potential suspects too.
KM is a 'bad seed' & supposedly the last one awake in the house that night but lucky for him there was also WN who's past (mental illness) became public knowledge almost ASAP..After Celina was found he displayed severe erratic behavior that also helped point in his direction..But still there was always something about KM that I couldn't shake..I'm not so sure about Celina's mom tho since she left WN in the dust pretty quick..At that time I don't think she considered KM a possibility since she allowed him to keep living with her & Celina's sister..Maybe she didn't know about his past & he had her snowed?..It wasn't until he stole & cashed her check a few months ago that may have opened her eyes to him..But I hope LE always had their eye on him..If not, then I have NO faith in them.
I agree with many of you. I remember early on it was said that KM had 2 girls PG. Also said was that he liked to stop and lag in his truck talking to young girls. CH was a former girlfriend and gave birth shortly after Celina's murder and gave the child up. Could this have been KM's child? She was already involved with JA and was at least 8 months along when KM drove by the house that night and didn't stop. Was that why he didn't stop? Sounds likely to me. And I'm not real comfortable with JA's behaviour and attitude either. At first he refused to be named as the friend who was with CH that night on the porch. Now it comes out, he is acting a little agressive and calling the newspaper making sure they know not to ask him anything. I would think he should have been one of the first to help determine what could have happened and not hid. I believe it was stated by CH that she left right around nine o' clock, but not absolutely sure if she said I or we. I'd have to go back to the original article. I also got the impression that Louisa was not at all happy about who WN was out on the porch socializing and drinking with.
I agree with many of you. I remember early on it was said that KM had 2 girls PG. Also said was that he liked to stop and lag in his truck talking to young girls. CH was a former girlfriend and gave birth shortly after Celina's murder and gave the child up. Could this have been KM's child? She was already involved with JA and was at least 8 months along when KM drove by the house that night and didn't stop. Was that why he didn't stop? Sounds likely to me. And I'm not real comfortable with JA's behaviour and attitude either. At first he refused to be named as the friend who was with CH that night on the porch. Now it comes out, he is acting a little agressive and calling the newspaper making sure they know not to ask him anything. I would think he should have been one of the first to help determine what could have happened and not hid. I believe it was stated by CH that she left right around nine o' clock, but not absolutely sure if she said I or we. I'd have to go back to the original article. I also got the impression that Louisa was not at all happy about who WN was out on the porch socializing and drinking with.

I believe that it was KM's child, IIRC.

I also wonder what LCN thought of JA & CH sitting on the porch w/WN. I would assume both of them are still in the suspect pool, they probably were aware that the door would be left unlocked for KM.
I think the mention of a grand jury meeting is maybe the most interesting part of all of the recent news.

In my state, Kentucky, anyone involved in a case that is being presented against them is allowed to speak and testify in that procedure. I think it is telling that the step dad and mother had no knowledge of the date of the meeting. The fact that the stepbrother is conveniently tucked away in a local jail and readily available for whatever purpose LE might deem appropriate just might be a good sign. It could be just coincidence. I wouldn't be suprised either way. Even if there is an indictment for the death of Celina, it may be months before it is announced. The whole procedure might be a way for the SA to get facts, evidence, and testimony from someone that has not been willing to talk so far.

Just one other observation, if the mother and stepfather really were not informed of a grand jury meeting it could mean a couple of things. The first being that the state doesn't expect cooperation from them. It could also mean that the arrest of the stepbrother and the meeting of the grand jury has nothing to do with the investigation of Celina.

Fingers crossed for the end to this mystery. Celina didn't have a chance and I for one wanna see her get her justice. I am hushing now before I go on a rant about who and how many failed this child.

Thanks for reading.
I think the mention of a grand jury meeting is maybe the most interesting part of all of the recent news.

In my state, Kentucky, anyone involved in a case that is being presented against them is allowed to speak and testify in that procedure. I think it is telling that the step dad and mother had no knowledge of the date of the meeting. The fact that the stepbrother is conveniently tucked away in a local jail and readily available for whatever purpose LE might deem appropriate just might be a good sign. It could be just coincidence. I wouldn't be suprised either way. Even if there is an indictment for the death of Celina, it may be months before it is announced. The whole procedure might be a way for the SA to get facts, evidence, and testimony from someone that has not been willing to talk so far.

Just one other observation, if the mother and stepfather really were not informed of a grand jury meeting it could mean a couple of things. The first being that the state doesn't expect cooperation from them. It could also mean that the arrest of the stepbrother and the meeting of the grand jury has nothing to do with the investigation of Celina.

Fingers crossed for the end to this mystery. Celina didn't have a chance and I for one wanna see her get her justice. I am hushing now before I go on a rant about who and how many failed this child.

Thanks for reading.

BBM, The mother & stepfather are no longer together, the mother is living with an ex-boyfriend, the father of KM (who is not CC's stepbrother, her stepbrother is <modsnip>). We only have information from the mother saying she was not aware, we don't know if the stepfather, or anyone else was notified or will be involved.
BBM, The mother & stepfather are no longer together, the mother is living with an ex-boyfriend, the father of KM (who is not CC's stepbrother, her stepbrother is Nick Noyes). We only have information from the mother saying she was not aware, we don't know if the stepfather, or anyone else was notified or will be involved.

Cool. I thought they had reconciled. I should keep up. This case gets me in a way that I try to avoid it. The utter negligence of the parent in this case is upsetting to me in a way that I haven't felt in other cases. I won't continue to disparage the parent as I am sure she regrets the decisions she made.

Maybe we will know soon if the grand jury did take up this case. It maybe that the stepfather or stepbrother (?) will testify. Perhaps, one against the other.

I continue to pray for the resolution to this murder. This little girl had potential that will never be realized and a future that will be forever lost. God bless Celina and all those children like her who have been victimized and taken too soon.

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