Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 #12 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
So no one was there to give testimony against KM? It sounds like they are leaning towards WN? Wasn't one of his family members a registered sex offender? I was kind of suprised they asked for a DNA sample from his brother.
So no one was there to give testimony against KM? It sounds like they are leaning towards WN? Wasn't one of his family members a registered sex offender? I was kind of suprised they asked for a DNA sample from his brother.

Well it always seemed to me from the public information that WN was the most likely suspect and it also seemed that LE's actions showed that they have been leaning that way and they certainly have more information than we do.

I never thought the type of crimes and activities attributed to KM made him a suspect, but I was a little shaken after his recent round of illegal activities.

Hopefully the most recent grand jury actions will bring this case to a resolution. It certainly seems to center on WN.

Here are a few links to news stories about the most recent grand jury sitting, KM's recent problems with the law, and other recent news. Sorry for any duplication.

Family Of Missing Girl's Stepfather Questioned - YouTube
So no one was there to give testimony against KM? It sounds like they are leaning towards WN? Wasn't one of his family members a registered sex offender? I was kind of suprised they asked for a DNA sample from his brother.

If WN hasn't volunteered one, it could be their effort to get the closest comparator. That gives me some hope that they have something on CC's body/clothing to match a sample to.
So no one was there to give testimony against KM? It sounds like they are leaning towards WN? Wasn't one of his family members a registered sex offender? I was kind of suprised they asked for a DNA sample from his brother.

We don't know that for sure cos it may have been on a diff day or they haven't gotten to KM yet or they have but it was kept quiet..I'm surprised these folks spoke out! And I'd be shocked IF they don't include KM in their search for answers & potential suspects..That is what the GJ is for is it not?

eta..I don't think they have gotten to KM yet cos IF they did surely Celina's mom would have been questioned..Along with his father..She also should have been re: WN..So, why wasn't she? It could be the GJ is not done with him yet?

He def should be considered a 'suspect' just cos he was there that night but with his bizarre reaction to finding her & word of his past & present 'mental condition' I'm honestly not sure he's capable of what it took to hide her body especially where it was found & for him to keep quiet about it this long.

eta..Considered a suspect also cos of his past 'violent' actions.
Woah... wait a minute. Why did I just get a really weird feeling when I read this?

"Yes, news media?
I'm just calling to make SURE you know that I do NOT want to talk to you. Okay? Is that clear?"


Atwood, who called the New Hampshire Sunday News to make sure it was clear they did not want to be interviewed, said:
“We are devoted and have been spoken to and ordered not to speak to (the) media.
It's a devastating loss to the North Country, and I'm sorry she's gone.”

Sorry, I know that I'm behind so I apologize if I am being redundant or asking questions that have already been answered. This bit of news confuses me. Were the Atwoods being hounded by media for interviews? If I didn't want to talk to someone, I just...wouldn't talk to them. Am I missing part of the story?

:twocents:Reading this article reminded me of how much damage a crime does beyond the "obvious" victim(s) (eg., the person who was murdered and his or her loved ones). It's like when you drop a stone into a pond and the ripples disturb the whole pond. I don't know who killed Celina, but even supposing it was WN, my heart aches for his family, especially his mom. I don't know what kind of parent she was to him, but it seems to me that it can't be easy to watch your child suffer from schizophrenia. (I have a mental illness and I have seen the anguish in my mom's eyes!! :cry:) I cannot imagine the conflict a mom must feel when her son is accused of a heinous crime, much less the stress of being questioned about it. I can't even begin to list all the emotions I imagine must be tearing her apart...fear that he's going to be punished for something he hasn't done? Doubt about whether he did kill Celina? Anger at his accusers? Guilt (rational or irrational)? I could go on but I need to put it out of my mind because I feel like I literally cannot handle how much pain there is "to go around." :twocents:
Sorry, I know that I'm behind so I apologize if I am being redundant or asking questions that have already been answered. This bit of news confuses me. Were the Atwoods being hounded by media for interviews? If I didn't want to talk to someone, I just...wouldn't talk to them. Am I missing part of the story?

You are not missing anything.
They were not being hounded.

They have said they didn't want to talk to the media.
They have commented openly on facebook.

Then he called the media to make SURE it was clear they wouldn't be commenting.
Then, he commented when he called to tell them he wouldn't be commenting.

Clear as mud enough for everyone?? :waitasec:
Something about it just gave me the creeps, instantly when I read it. :twocents:
After reading the latest, I still feel that WN is and was the one who harmed Celina. I don't believe his illness made him incapable at all, and I also believe that yes, he had help in the aftermath and disposal. Could be that KM has given information about WN and now was the time for LE to shake the family tree. WN has and still is refusing to cooperate. He flat out refused to talk with LE and also to give DNA. They still have his truck for some good reason and more than likely know his family is not saying what they really know or suspect or been told that one of his family members helped him. But it sure does look promising that LE is trying to bring everything together for an indictment and arrest. So glad they are still active on the case. Sooner or later, somebody is going to quit hiding the truth or provide answers to lead to the truth.
After reading the latest, I still feel that WN is and was the one who harmed Celina. I don't believe his illness made him incapable at all, and I also believe that yes, he had help in the aftermath and disposal. Could be that KM has given information about WN and now was the time for LE to shake the family tree. WN has and still is refusing to cooperate. He flat out refused to talk with LE and also to give DNA. They still have his truck for some good reason and more than likely know his family is not saying what they really know or suspect or been told that one of his family members helped him. But it sure does look promising that LE is trying to bring everything together for an indictment and arrest. So glad they are still active on the case. Sooner or later, somebody is going to quit hiding the truth or provide answers to lead to the truth.


I don't think WN was incapable of the 'murder' but cos of where & how she was found I do question if he was capable of the disposal & keeping quiet about it especially in the 'state' he was in when the news broke she was found..He had a very public meltdown & appeared to be 'out of his mind'=it would be tough for him to realize he had to keep his mouth shut IF he had anything to do with it..Since then I believe he's been in&out of a psych unit where he still managed to keep the 'secret' IF he really has one..I admit I don't know that much about it but it seems to me someone in his 'mental state' would be confused enough to 'break' when questioned..Unless he doesn't remember doing it? I suppose that's always a possibility.
I understand why WN is a suspect, but there is not a shortage of good suspects in this case, have they looked beyond WN? Did they only arrest KM to try to leverage info out of him for reduced charges?

Still think the neighbors make good suspects. What did LCN hear, see, find out when she returned home that morning?
I understand why WN is a suspect, but there is not a shortage of good suspects in this case, have they looked beyond WN? Did they only arrest KM to try to leverage info out of him for reduced charges?

Still think the neighbors make good suspects. What did LCN hear, see, find out when she returned home that morning?

That sounds about right re: KM but I bet he's gonna be a tough nut to crack unlike my perception of WN..I just hope KM (if he's the perp) doesn't throw WN under the bus to protect himself..I can see him doing that cos he's such an easy target.

ITA about the male neighbor but not so sure about his g/f who just happens to be the X of KM..Her feelings for Celina appear to be 'genuine' from what I've seen on her FB page..That could be a ruse but either way it's kinda unusual for females to participate in this type of 'crime'..
That sounds about right re: KM but I bet he's gonna be a tough nut to crack unlike my perception of WN..I just hope KM (if he's the perp) doesn't throw WN under the bus to protect himself..I can see him doing that cos he's such an easy target.

ITA about the male neighbor but not so sure about his g/f who just happens to be the X of KM..Her feelings for Celina appear to be 'genuine' from what I've seen on her FB page..That could be a ruse but either way it's kinda unusual for females to participate in this type of 'crime'..

Typically I'd agree, but I try to remember that she was pregnant with KM's child that she was giving up for adoption. Pregnancy hormones can be sketchy, possibly she'd be involved if she thought she could make it look like KM did it, some sort of revenge? I just don't see any other reason for her to be involved.
So many potential perps in this case I won't make myself look the idiot again by speculating.

I hope this is going somewhere soon. The stepfather checked himself into the hospital if I recall correctly. Sounds about right to me for someone counting on a insanity defense.

I will keep reading and praying for this case to be resolved.
Trying to catch up. Someone please refresh my memory. Who is KM? So this person was arrested? Was his arrest connected to this case? TIA
Well it always seemed to me from the public information that WN was the most likely suspect and it also seemed that LE's actions showed that they have been leaning that way and they certainly have more information than we do.

I never thought the type of crimes and activities attributed to KM made him a suspect, but I was a little shaken after his recent round of illegal activities.

Hopefully the most recent grand jury actions will bring this case to a resolution. It certainly seems to center on WN.

Here are a few links to news stories about the most recent grand jury sitting, KM's recent problems with the law, and other recent news. Sorry for any duplication.

Family Of Missing Girl's Stepfather Questioned - YouTube

Thanks for all the links, WizPro! I heard a headline about the grand jury on local news yesterday; then the full story was just a couple of sentences. Your links allowed me to get to up-to-speed quickly! I am keeping my fingers crossed that the grand jury will move the process along.

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