Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 4 *Arrest*

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CC had pet animals, a yard, played basketball. One of her relatives worked as a cook next door at the Spa restaurant. Many of her nearby neighbors are very close to the family, and some are extended family. In a moment you could imagine, she's out at the court shooting hoops, at a friend's, off on her bike - none of this is bizarre behavior for an 11 year old. They can be expected to tell Mom or Dad where they are going, but they're kids, and kids don't always remember to follow parents rules! I think the first thing I would do is exactly what her family did - run around looking for her (worried sick) and hoping to find her in a neighbor's yard or at a friend's house. It would be very hard for me to stay still long enough to call 911, and I would guess that is what happened here, and why someone else did it - I would be running around trying to find her, and trying very hard not to believe she could be bona fide missing.

I agree. But clearly for Celina it was unusual to just bop out w/o saying anything because SF expected her to be in bed and when she wasn't, SF called mom about her not being there and everyone jumped to action of the All Points Bulletin variety...
Our crew at the attorney general's office reports that there is no activity there yet. The news conference may not start exactly at 6:30 p.m.
by Kirk Enstrom/Staff 3:22 PM
The neighbor DID NOT call at 2:30, she called in the morning while KL and WN were going door to door looking for her. WN/KL found her missing, called LN at work, went running around looking for her, neighbor (and family friend) called 911.

This is getting like the game of telephone! At 2;30, the MEDIA was called.

Read more:

Thanks, elmomom! ...for getting that information corrected...with so many posting so much information and new posters coming in, at times things do get confused.

Have that quote saved now if needed again...
Mac users
I'm on a Mac too and I could see yesterday's presser. I'm on Firefox.
Not to be argumentative (certainly not my intent), but I don't believe an 11 year old should be allowed come and go as they please. My son is 14 and still can't come and go as he pleases. Maybe when he's 18 ;) If he decided to take a walk at night (at the age of 11) without telling me I'd go through the roof.

Granted we live in San Diego, and not a town of 800+ people, so I cannot attest to her living environment.

Providing that young females are more of a target than males, I do believe IMHO that parents should be more diligent in keeping an eye on their young children. This includes FB, cell phones, etc.

Again, just a MOOO



Totally an aside, but the truth is, males are much more likely to be the victims of crimes than women, and much more likely to go missing. We don't act like that as a society - we act like our young men aren't vulnerable, but they're more vulnerable to going missing than our girls are.

Looking at missing persons sites, and unidentified remains sites, males outnumber females by about 4 to 1.
The livestream will be here, once the news conference begins. There is no video at that link yet because the AG's office has still not opened up to let media set up:
by Kirk Enstrom/Staff 6:28 PM
Update WMUR:
It appears that the news conference is delayed. We're still awaiting the Attorney General's office.
by David Hurlburt/WMUR Staff 3:30 PM
As others have indicated, I'm open to any and all possibilities at this time. Hoping there will be information divulged at the press conference that narrows the number of potential suspects and scenarios. I don't know how closely the ME can determine the length of time a body has been in water, but I sure would like to know. The estimated time of death should help LE and sleuthers determine priorities for investigation. I would like to know when was the last time Celina was seen by her sister and/or someone outside of the home.

Regarding the stepfather, I am not so concerned about him having a mental illness as about him having a record of breaking into someone's home and threatening her with physical violence. Many people with mental illnesses have no history of violence whatsoever. For me, mentally ill or mentally healthy, a history of not respecting personal boundaries and threatening violence is a valid point of concern when that person is the last one know to have seen a presumed murder victim alive. It could turn out to have absolutely nothing to do with Celina's demise; but it is certainly something I'd expect LE and sleuthers to find worthy of initial consideration (not accusation without supporting evidence, but initial consideration).

P.s. I too would love the find out that this was an accident and Celina was not intentionally frightened and killed. But, if the body was truly "put" in the river, it sure suggests that someone was trying to hide a crime. In the (paraphrased) words of Jeff Ashton, who attempts to cover up an accident by making it look like a murder?
AG is delayed.....I would imagine depending on the news, family has to have all been notified first, maybe that is the delay...
I think what was meant was to go in and out of the house. In most places 11year olds are starting middle school. I grew up in small town NH and unless you live there, its hard to explain but some of these towns just have a different "feel" to them. We were always out early in the summer, picking berries, going to the pond or friend's houses. Didn't think anything of it. My own child spends the summer with my folks in a town in NH just like this, until this week, I never gave it a second thought.

Yes, but here we are talking about her leaving, without telling anyone, sometime between 9 pm and 7 am. I find that highly unusual. Running in and out of the house, once everyone is up and dressed is one thing. But a 4th grader leaving in the middle of the night or very early morning, without telling anyone, that seems odd.

This article is SO misleading I am not even going to quote it.

It gives the impression that Jane Young is just going to hand the media Celina's autopsy report.

Or say "The manner of death is ____ and she died from ____ and we think _____ was responsible and this is what we are going to do about it."

If either of those things happen I might pass out from shock! I might if we even get a cause AND manner of death.

There is no direct quote, that is not what she said.
Whatever she wants to release from the autopsy will be released.
Which may likely be "We have nothing to release."

Okay... rant over.
Well I'm ready and waiting and I pray it stays operational. Seems like it goes down on me every time there is a large number of interested parties, here at WS and elsewhere too. Yikes!
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