Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 7 *Arrest*

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From what we know, Mom is called at work because her 11yo child is missing, she knows (again, from what we know) she hasn't seen her since the movie last night and her hubby hasn't seen her since last night either. I'd be completely freaking out!

Yep, exactly. In fact, I don't know that I'd be functioning. I often wonder how people in those situations do even the simplest things -- shower, eat, go to sleep. My God...I can't even think about it. God bless that mother.
I have to say, if my daughter was missing (taken from her room sometime in the night), I would be sobbing and inconsolable, too. Short of thinking it might be a family abduction, I could not imagine there would be any kind of happy ending. If I was simply going by statistics (and if I was fairly certain my child wouldn't run away) I would be praying for the best, but could not escape knowing I would likely never see her again.

I just teared up writing that.

Before I read the way LN was acting, I assumed that she had gone to work, and that WN found that CC wasn't in her room at 8 or 8:30. Now, I would think that LN would not just jump to the conclusion that she was taken in the night - but that she got a little over eager to start her day and wandered off early to find a friend, shoot a few hoops, go visiting etc.
Instead, it is only KL that goes to look for her, while the Mom is immediately consumed with anguish - and SF is posting on FB. I am not an optimist by any means, but I really don't think that I would assume, in the first 30 minutes in the morning that my daughter was taken away in the night, and killed.
So, when I said my perspective changed when I read that description, I mean I think there was more to what Mom knew or saw or was told that I myself do not know. Because she seemed to come to some awful conclusions just a lot sooner than I think she would.

but its just mho...
I sure wish we had some verified locals on Celina's thread. I have several questions I would love to ask.

Does anyone here know if the police tape is still up and if the detectives are still gathering anything from the home?
I think I can clear up the coffin creamation thing. I have a friend that works at a funeral home. There are several people who choose to rent a coffin and display the body for viewing and then the body is removed from this and placed in a creamatory box then creamated and the ashes are put in an urn or other receptrical. Several people choose to bury the creamains. Its is less expensive in most cases and still gives a closer to those who want to view the deceased. HTH

Not to beat a dead horse, and I'll drop it after this, but I just can't imagine after a week of being ... not in a refrigerated morgue, that Celina would have an open casket. That's why the whole casket thing confused me. I can understand where other people would do a viewing, then cremation, therefore needing a casket for the viewing. But in Celina's case, if she's not 'viewable', and they're cremating her, the need for a casket confused me. That's all! :crazy:
Before I read the way LN was acting, I assumed that she had gone to work, and that WN found that CC wasn't in her room at 8 or 8:30. Now, I would think that LN would not just jump to the conclusion that she was taken in the night - but that she got a little over eager to start her day and wandered off early to find a friend, shoot a few hoops, go visiting etc.
Instead, it is only KL that goes to look for her, while the Mom is immediately consumed with anguish - and SF is posting on FB. I am not an optimist by any means, but I really don't think that I would assume, in the first 30 minutes in the morning that my daughter was taken away in the night, and killed.
So, when I said my perspective changed when I read that description, I mean I think there was more to what Mom knew or saw or was told that I myself do not know. Because she seemed to come to some awful conclusions just a lot sooner than I think she would.

but its just mho...


Yes, I do agree that part of her upset could very well have been that she suspected (based on recent behavior) who might have done it or been involved. That I totally agree with -- I think she also knew that Celina wasn't coming back. I was more speculating that I would be pretty close to that myself, even if I didn't have anyone or any scenario in mind.
Meant to add in previous post that I think it is absolutely heartbreaking that the bio dad is being banned from the funeral. Granted, he may not have been the perfect--or even good--bio dad, but Celina loved him and would've wanted him there, IMO. She visited him in the hospital for Pete's sake! If he is being banned because he wasn't a great dad, well, there's plenty of room for finger-pointing all the way around. IMO, this is a time for everyone in that girl's life to do some serious, honest soul-searching. If anyone is pointing a finger at others, maybe three ought to be pointing right back at him/herself.

My younger sister was molested for six years by a trusted clergyman, and no one in the family had a clue. Happened "right under our noses," as it were. I had to come to grips that I, too, had failed to protect her. I should've asked questions, probed, been more available to her, and been suspicious. But back then, thinking that such a thing was going on was not even on my radar.

Where did you see that the bio dad is being "banned" from the funeral?
I sure wish we had some verified locals on Celina's thread. I have several questions I would love to ask.

Does anyone here know if the police tape is still up and if the detectives are still gathering anything from the home?

Police tape gone, as well as detectives. ETA: As of yesterday evening...
From what we know, Mom is called at work because her 11yo child is missing, she knows (again, from what we know) she hasn't seen her since the movie last night and her hubby hasn't seen her since last night either. I'd be completely freaking out!

But freaking out so hard that you or your husband haven't called the cops? It's one or the other to me. I might freak like you, but the cops would be on their way, even if I just dialled 911 and dropped the phone...
Before I read the way LN was acting, I assumed that she had gone to work, and that WN found that CC wasn't in her room at 8 or 8:30. Now, I would think that LN would not just jump to the conclusion that she was taken in the night - but that she got a little over eager to start her day and wandered off early to find a friend, shoot a few hoops, go visiting etc.
Instead, it is only KL that goes to look for her, while the Mom is immediately consumed with anguish - and SF is posting on FB. I am not an optimist by any means, but I really don't think that I would assume, in the first 30 minutes in the morning that my daughter was taken away in the night, and killed.
So, when I said my perspective changed when I read that description, I mean I think there was more to what Mom knew or saw or was told that I myself do not know. Because she seemed to come to some awful conclusions just a lot sooner than I think she would.

but its just mho...

All of this causes me to wonder if maybe there existed some blood evidence in the basement that the mother saw upon her return to the home. Or SOMETHING that she saw that disturbed her to this degree so QUICKLY.

TV reports have said that Celina was wrapped in BLANKETS (plural). Now in my way of thinking, why bother if you are just trying to rid yourself of a dead body? IMOO she was wrapped in blankets to keep blood and/or other body fluids from causing the spread of more evidence that would have to be cleaned up. Am I making myself clear because I feel out of sorts this morning?
I sure wish we had some verified locals on Celina's thread. I have several questions I would love to ask.

Does anyone here know if the police tape is still up and if the detectives are still gathering anything from the home?

funny - I JUST finished reading a story on WMUR that mentioned that the tape had been taken down.
But freaking out so hard that you or your husband haven't called the cops? It's one or the other to me. I might freak like you, but the cops would be on their way, even if I just dialled 911 and dropped the phone...

That's different -- for some reason I had missed this. Yes, I'd be freaking out and screaming into the any and all LE that were within earshot. That, then, changes my view of it too. Kind of does indicate that maybe she already knew what had happened. (Perhaps someone confessed to her?)
According to WMUR, the local ABC affiliate in Manchester , NH, there are no investigators in town today and all the crime scene tape has been taken down.
Not to beat a dead horse, and I'll drop it after this, but I just can't imagine after a week of being ... not in a refrigerated morgue, that Celina would have an open casket. That's why the whole casket thing confused me. I can understand where other people would do a viewing, then cremation, therefore needing a casket for the viewing. But in Celina's case, if she's not 'viewable', and they're cremating her, the need for a casket confused me. That's all! :crazy:

They need something to transport the body to the church for a funeral in.

ETA: They will also have a visitation for Celina, although it will likely be a closed casket visitation where the family can come pay their last respects and say there goodbye to Celina and what ever else people do when they go to a visitation and kneel down in front of the casket. Her body would be placed in a casket for this purpose as well. It would seem a little strange if she was just lying on a stretcher, bench or similar object with a sheet draped over her for her visitation and funeral instead of being placed inside a casket. Don't you think?
I wish Mr. Laro would put on his best clothes, reflect upon the sweetness of his murdered daughter, and go to the funeral to respect and mourn the loss of Celina. If he is physically unable, he can respect and mourn her in his own way from home or the hospital. But, please, stop taking focus away from Celina's funeral by continually complaining about how he is being wronged... It's selfish, irritating and disrespectful, imo..

Mr. Laro doesn't need an invitation, he cannot legally be banned from his daughter's funderal AFAIK. More likely, he is again waiting for other family members to contact him rather than proactively getting involved (like one would expect from any normal father of a murdered child). He has my sympathy for his loss, but not my trust in his motives at this point. He is acting like someone with an agenda for himself; an agenda outside of simply seeking/stating the truth and finding justice for Celina, imo... I hope his next public statements will focus more about the injustices put upon his daughter, and not petty (perceived?) slights against himself...

I keep wondering what that thing is....:waitasec:

I zoomed in but still kinda blurry...looks like it might be a roll of landscaping plastic, but I seriously doubt thats what it is...doesn't look like their yard has had any landscaping done in awhile..... of course it can be used for a number of other things.
One thing about it though, the tech loading/securing the pickup are wearing gloves:waitasec:
I zoomed in but still kinda blurry...looks like it might be a roll of landscaping plastic, but I seriously doubt thats what it is...doesn't look like their yard has had any landscaping done in awhile..... of course it can be used for a number of other things.
One thing about it though, the tech loading/securing the pickup are wearing gloves:waitasec:

darn.... somewhere I did see a picture of the truck without the tarp, but I can't find it again.
It is a green trash pail with a rectangular black handle sticking up over the rim of the pail. Next to the green pail, is a smaller red round one.
Before I read the way LN was acting, I assumed that she had gone to work, and that WN found that CC wasn't in her room at 8 or 8:30. Now, I would think that LN would not just jump to the conclusion that she was taken in the night - but that she got a little over eager to start her day and wandered off early to find a friend, shoot a few hoops, go visiting etc.
Instead, it is only KL that goes to look for her, while the Mom is immediately consumed with anguish - and SF is posting on FB. I am not an optimist by any means, but I really don't think that I would assume, in the first 30 minutes in the morning that my daughter was taken away in the night, and killed.
So, when I said my perspective changed when I read that description, I mean I think there was more to what Mom knew or saw or was told that I myself do not know. Because she seemed to come to some awful conclusions just a lot sooner than I think she would.

but its just mho...

This is exactly it for me! When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was so exhausted all the time that going without a nap during the day was out of the question. My three year old (at the time) was at my mom's and my 2 year old was taking a nap in his crib when I went to lay down. While I was sleeping, he got up, climbed out of his crib and climbed into the bottom shelf of the changing table and pulled the blankets that I stored under there back in on top of himself and fell back asleep. When I woke up I couldn't find him anywhere. I ran around the house like a maniac, busted out my front door with phone in hand screaming his name and collapsed on the front lawn (so embarrassing) When I called 911, they couldn't understand a word I was saying and a neighbor who heard me sobbing in the front yard ran over and found out what was going on and talked to them for me. A neighbor. One that I didn't know very well because I had just moved there. When the police got there, the officer saw 1 little big toe poking out and found him for me. But the main this is, even as upset as I was, on the front lawn (I am normally very discrete and quite) I still could at least call. And even with them not understanding me, a person who was practically a stranger helped me. If she was that upset, why was her hubby on facebook?? It just makes no sense to me. None of it.

ETA: And Celina was not 2. At first I would be angry (for her going off without telling anyone). I would feel guilty now! But at first, I would not think the absolute worst to the extent of not being able to even call 911.
The fact her body was released to her mother and they are planning for her to be cremated, confirms to me the AG "knows". JMO

I wouldn't necessarily assume that, although I hope and pray that is the case. The autopsy is done. Parts of the vital organs were sent for the toxicology. They should be able to use those parts in the future..

My sister in law died and it was an unattended death. My brother in law requested toxicology test be done.. she was also cremated. The reports came back about 6 weeks after she was cremated.

They can even remove the brain.
I zoomed in but still kinda blurry...looks like it might be a roll of landscaping plastic, but I seriously doubt thats what it is...doesn't look like their yard has had any landscaping done in awhile..... of course it can be used for a number of other things.
One thing about it though, the tech loading/securing the pickup are wearing gloves:waitasec:

Of course they're wearing gloves... they're processing evidence and attempting to protect the integrity of said evidence.
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