Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 7 *Arrest*

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Meant to add in previous post that I think it is absolutely heartbreaking that the bio dad is being banned from the funeral. Granted, he may not have been the perfect--or even good--bio dad, but Celina loved him and would've wanted him there, IMO. She visited him in the hospital for Pete's sake! If he is being banned because he wasn't a great dad, well, there's plenty of room for finger-pointing all the way around. IMO, this is a time for everyone in that girl's life to do some serious, honest soul-searching. If anyone is pointing a finger at others, maybe three ought to be pointing right back at him/herself.

My younger sister was molested for six years by a trusted clergyman, and no one in the family had a clue. Happened "right under our noses," as it were. I had to come to grips that I, too, had failed to protect her. I should've asked questions, probed, been more available to her, and been suspicious. But back then, thinking that such a thing was going on was not even on my radar.

Respectfully, BBM. Is there a reputable link that states her Dad was banned from her funeral?
The fact that CC and her sister used the basement as a bedroom does not mean that in fact it was a "legal" bedroom. In my house I have an upstairs room that is not "legal" - something to do with the entry to it or the window, I forget - and it has been used as a bedroom by everyone who has owned the house. Just can't call it that when it is listed for sale etc.

Thank you elmomom,

Yes, we have the same thing in our summer home in WI, The loft is now two bedrooms...:giggle:

However this is what is called a Multi Dwelling, that is put up for rent.

Most of the times these have to have regular inspection to be sure they are safe.

However, it is possible they only just moved in to the basement in-between inspections. :waitasec:
One of the co-owners of the home disputed that. He said it was a quiet place....beautiful on the inside, a mess on the outside.

Just playing devil's advocate here--As a co-owner of the property, it might be seen as a liability or as a deterent to future renters, so he may have felt the need to deny claims that may very well be true.

We don't know whether they are or aren't, but so far we have a co-owner (who may have financial interest re: insurance liability/legal liability/future rental profits) saying "No, not a party house," Then we have two people saying yes. Bio dad (who may know first hand and has nothing to gain and also may have had it confirmed from 13 year old daughter) and now this person from the restaurant, who also has no agenda. So far it's 2 to 1 on the party house angle. I'm sure the cops know by now.

Then again, people in town might just be taking sides, who knows...

Maybe a reason mom and sf weren't quick to call the cops to the house? Illegal things to be found in there? (Pure speculation, just throwing spaghetti!)

Another thought, totally unrelated: I can very much understand being freaked out and crying if my child had been discovered to be missing. But why was Celina's mother INCONSOLABLE and sobbing to the point her neighbor could barely understand her when, for all they knew, Celina had only been missin about an hour?
I'm merely sharing what I've read on ABC news and other sites. He "wasn't invited, "wasn't included in plans," depending on whatever synonymous phrases the news outlet chose.

Bio dad also says the following: "That makes me frustrated. It upsets me. You know, she is my daughter and I want to be part of that."

I can understand him not being included in the plans. He didn't appear to have that great of an involvement in her life, and in his own words he called WN her father. I don't see how they can or would want to stop him from attending her funeral.
Just playing devil's advocate here--As a co-owner of the property, it might be seen as a liability or as a deterent to future renters, so he may have felt the need to deny claims that may very well be true.

We don't know whether they are or aren't, but so far we have a co-owner (who may have financial interest re: insurance liability/legal liability/future rental profits) saying "No, not a party house," Then we have two people saying yes. Bio dad (who may know first hand and has nothing to gain and also may have had it confirmed from 13 year old daughter) and now this person from the restaurant, who also has no agenda. So far it's 2 to 1 on the party house angle. I'm sure the cops know by now.

Then again, people in town might just be taking sides, who knows...

Maybe a reason mom and sf weren't quick to call the cops to the house? Illegal things to be found in there? (Pure speculation, just throwing spaghetti!)

Another thought, totally unrelated: I can very much understand being freaked out and crying if my child had been discovered to be missing. But why was Celina's mother INCONSOLABLE and sobbing to the point her neighbor could barely understand her when, for all they knew, Celina had only been missin about an hour?


yes, when I first read this description given by the neighbor, my whole outlook on what happened changed.
I've looked CN2S and was unable to find one, though I did find some for others in the town. Maybe someone else would have better luck. I may be looking in the wrong place.

Thank you Hollye, If anyone could find it it would be you,
You should have the Super Sleuth Award..:goldstar::Crown::goldstar:

I suppose you could call it two exits from the basement if the one shown in the picture is an exit. Exit number 2 would be the one up thru the house and out another door?????

Yes you are right YellowRose ... so that door the LE are looking into in that one picture maybe the exit...:waitasec:
Respectfully, BBM. Is there a reputable link that states her Dad was banned from her funeral?

As I said upthread, I found this at ABC news and other sites. Here is the ABC link.

I used the word "banned" in my initial post. Again, this is all according to the bio dad, and he could be mistaken, or things may have changed since he was quoted. My larger point, that seems to be getting lost in all this, is that everyone in that little girl's family needs to self-examine. IF dad is not welcome at memorial service, I was simply pointing out that I think he should be included--whatever form that takes: phone call that notifies of time and place, etc.

Bio dad also says the following: "That makes me frustrated. It upsets me. You know, she is my daughter and I want to be part of that."
"Party" house?

  • Only particular individuals involved in "partying"?
  • Celina found a party "stash" of whatever?
  • Celina was curious about the whatever?
  • Celina ingested whatever?
.. I needn't go further with that, I'm sure y'all can take it to a possible conclusion.

I'm leaning in that direction, given the age and past history of certain individual(s) living in the dwelling.
Maybe drugs were found in the home and that prompted tox tests, who knows...
Thank you elmomom,

Yes, we have the same thing in our summer home in WI, The loft is now two bedrooms...:giggle:

However this is what is called a Multi Dwelling, that is put up for rent.

Most of the times these have to have regular inspection to be sure they are safe.

However, it is possible they only just moved in to the basement in-between inspections. :waitasec:

Or maybe the reason for the air mattress, easily removed.
I'm merely sharing what I've read on ABC news and other sites. He "wasn't invited, "wasn't included in plans," depending on whatever synonymous phrases the news outlet chose.

Bio dad also says the following: "That makes me frustrated. It upsets me. You know, she is my daughter and I want to be part of that."

I didn't see anything in the link that her Dad was "banned" from attending her funeral. Did I miss something?

Maybe this was posted on FB? Again, FB rumors are not allowed here.
"A Party Stable" and hangout IMO means people coming and going all the time... in and out...a revolving door. Cars, people, more cars, more people. I live across the street from one of these. Would be tough to actually follow who was coming or going especially since half are "new" drivers kids in and out.

This makes me want to know about all the people that lived in that entire party house includng other people who rented a place there.

I think I can clear up the coffin creamation thing. I have a friend that works at a funeral home. There are several people who choose to rent a coffin and display the body for viewing and then the body is removed from this and placed in a creamatory box then creamated and the ashes are put in an urn or other receptrical. Several people choose to bury the creamains. Its is less expensive in most cases and still gives a closer to those who want to view the deceased. HTH
With the bar being so close by, i wonder if people often went to this house to continue the fun when the bar closed, giving it the rep as a party stable. Personally, using the word 'stable' makes me think of animals.
As I said upthread, I found this at ABC news and other sites. Here is the ABC link.

I used the word "banned" in my initial post. Again, this is all according to the bio dad, and he could be mistaken, or things may have changed since he was quoted. My larger point, that seems to be getting lost in all this, is that everyone in that little girl's family needs to self-examine. IF dad is not welcome at memorial service, I was simply pointing out that I think he should be included--whatever form that takes: phone call that notifies of time and place, etc.

Bio dad also says the following: "That makes me frustrated. It upsets me. You know, she is my daughter and I want to be part of that."

I've read the links, but still have not seen where her Dad says he is "banned" from the funeral?

I would appreciate a link that says this. Otherwise, just move on.

yes, when I first read this description given by the neighbor, my whole outlook on what happened changed.

I have to say, if my daughter was missing (taken from her room sometime in the night), I would be sobbing and inconsolable, too. Short of thinking it might be a family abduction, I could not imagine there would be any kind of happy ending. If I was simply going by statistics (and if I was fairly certain my child wouldn't run away) I would be praying for the best, but could not escape knowing I would likely never see her again.

I just teared up writing that.
My father was cremated. We received his cremains in the box my mother chose. That was what was displayed at the memorial service. There was no coffin and no viewing. Why have a coffin if you are not viewing the body? And not to be too graphic, but I can't imagine that after that many days in the water that Celina was viewable even if the family desired it. :(

Cremation occurs in a cement board box (at least in Texas). The body cannot legally be put into the crematorium without a container and those coffins are meant to be viewed at the service, not burned. Can't say how they do it in NH, but my understanding was these rules became law because of some shenanigans going on at crematoriums......I asked alot of questions before my father was cremated.

ETA: Hope this isn't too much information.
Cremation - Wikipedia, the free [email]encyclopedia

My mother was cremated here in Canada in the casket we picked for her, my mother died at the young age of 49. There was a one day viewing a service to follow at 8pm and she was cremated the next day.

I asked lots of questions because my kids were 11 and 7 and each put a letter and something important to them with Grama, it's all went in with her. Including many many mementos from other family members and friends.

Not sure of American laws but thought my experience may help.

Mom is here with me, I don't have a mantel but I have coffee with her every-morning, when the time comes I too will be cremated with my mother in her urn in my casket.

It's just the way we wanted it, her brother my uncle is being cremated as well and will be put with his mom my grandma, in the ground as she was buried.
With the bar being so close by, i wonder if people often went to this house to continue the fun when the bar closed, giving it the rep as a party stable. Personally, using the word 'stable' makes me think of animals.

It makes me think of the Mustang Ranch (Nevada) ... and I REALLY hope that's not the case.

I would think with a town that small, everyone knows everyone, and people know exactly which unit of the house they're talking about when they say 'party stable'. JMO...
ETA: Sorry, I don't know why that quote from Granna6 was in there. I must have accidentally hit the multiquote when thanking posts.

I think the most important info in the article posted in the last thread is that before WN signed into the hospital he had checked into a motel with HIS SISTER. Not his wife. I think that is very important info!

I agree that this is important and could mean that she found out or suspects something...or she could have also just recently found out about his facebook. If I had just found out about that facebook and it were my husband, he would be in the dog house. Especially with him joining Zoosk since the marriage.
From what we know, Mom is called at work because her 11yo child is missing, she knows (again, from what we know) she hasn't seen her since the movie last night and her hubby hasn't seen her since last night either. I'd be completely freaking out!
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