Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 7 *Arrest*

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If someone saw a McDonald's bag or old grocery bag on the ridge would they call LE to report it? Probably not. But if they saw an old duffel bag, then I think they might.
I wonder if Celina was acting out and going behind mothers back, innocently defying her. For example the older man/boy (KM) wanted to take her fishing off the old train bridge at night because thats when you catch the biggest catfish and mother says "NO!" but Celina sneaks out the mother makes the connection instantly. grrr...My child has been doing this frequently to me lately. I am listening to and watching her like a hawk!


I wonder if CC ever snuck out at night with KM..It seems she's not the type to ever do anything like that but who knows for sure & it makes more sense if KM had something BAD planned it would happen away from the house vs in the house..OTH! She was checked on that fateful night by SF but was that a typical scenario? If so, cos it happened before? I think if that were true we would've heard about it.

Another thought is there was only 1 puter in the house so he went down there to take it away from her so he could use it..I suppose we don't know how many puters they had so I can't rule that out as a reason for it.

eta..could they have had a 'fight' over it? Maybe the SF snapped & got violent with her? So many Q's..<sigh>
Paper or plastic?
Big or little?
In the water or out?
Black or white?

I can hardly see why you would send a "diver" to go check out a bag by the river if the bag was not in the water. Why not just send a plain old detective or forensic tech?

Perhaps the person that reported the bag was standing on the wall by the train bridge looking down and seen what they thought was a bag when it was actually Celina's body wrapped in the blanket.
I can hardly see why you would send a "diver" to go check out a bag by the river if the bag was not in the water. Why not just send a plain old detective or forensic tech?

Perhaps the person that reported the bag was standing on the wall by the train bridge looking down and seen what they thought was a bag when it was actually Celina's body wrapped in the blanket.

I think they already had divers in the area that day so they called one over. But I could be wrong...

ETA: I think from the wording of the article, the 'bag' was in the water and this is why they sent a diver.
Maybe the bag was a girly bag and looked like it could be Celina's and that led divers to search the area near the bag. JMO

Also, does anyone know if Celina had a cellphone?
Maybe the bag was a girly bag and looked like it could be Celina's and that led divers to search the area near the bag. JMO

Also, does anyone know if Celina had a cellphone?

When I was up there there was no reception at all, so I would assume not, but I might be wrong. (am often wrong!)
Maybe the bag was a girly bag and looked like it could be Celina's and that led divers to search the area near the bag. JMO

Also, does anyone know if Celina had a cellphone?

I thought early on that WN texted Celina the message "Get your butt home" but I could be wrong.

Maybe he said that to reporters and I took it as his message to his daughter meaning a text message.

If the LE had to set up a tower for cell phone use to communicate I doubt many in that area have cell phones to begin with.
When I was up there there was no reception at all, so I would assume not, but I might be wrong. (am often wrong!)

At the peak, more than 100 federal, state and local law enforcement officers descended upon Stewartstown, searching a mile-wide area around her home, including woods and ponds. Law enforcement officers went so far as to have a cellphone tower erected to assist in communications.,8599,2086430,00.html
I can hardly see why you would send a "diver" to go check out a bag by the river if the bag was not in the water. Why not just send a plain old detective or forensic tech?

Perhaps the person that reported the bag was standing on the wall by the train bridge looking down and seen what they thought was a bag when it was actually Celina's body wrapped in the blanket.

I was thinking it was in the water or snagged up against vegetation or rocks along the shore. In the latter case, if only part of it was visible, it might make more sense to send a diver.
That's kinda what I imagined too. And then the wording of that sentence is ... well, IMO, could have been edited/written better. The words "Diver" and "check out a bag" are three miles apart. My english teacher would be twitching. But I think, if I'm reading it correctly, they sent a diver down into the area of the water where there appeared to be a bag (underwater). This is where they ultimately found her.

That still doesn't specify: was she was in a bag, she looked from the surface to be in a bag but was in a blanket instead, or was there a bag underwater near her.

But I think we can rule out a bag on land! :crazy:

I'm thinking she was wrapped in a blanket or in a bag and that's what made this 'suspicious'.

I think it's more than just being wrapped....

From the autopsy press conference:

"Based on visual observation
of Miss Cass' body both in the water and when we viewed it out of the water, we determined that the death was suspicious and that's why we launched a criminal investigation and we continue to go forward with that investigation."

What would they see visually in the water?
Maybe if she was wrapped, clothing, bindings or any very obvious big injuries.

What would they see outside the water?
They would get a closer look. Stab wounds, gun shot wounds, ligature marks, etc.

If it was just her being wrapped then what they saw outside the water would really be no different than in the water.

There was a diver in the water so they could verify what she was wrapped in. But they couldn't unwrap her at all to look at injuries or anything.

&#x202a;Family Waits For Answers In Girl's Death&#x202c;&rlm; - YouTube
Divers were searching initially in Back Pond so I'm thinking someone knew she was in water. JMO
Just caught up on my reading and I have a couple of thoughts:

1. Does anyone know if there were any family pets? Maybe CC went late at night to let the dog out and was grabbed/lured by someone nearby. With the small town atmosphere, maybe nobody would think it strange to find a door unlocked.

2. Wondering if WN went to wake her at 830 and found she was gone and wasn't all that surprised, thinking she was out and about in the area. So he gets on Facebook and at some point either calls LN or she calls him and he mentions it and she freaks out and comes home. He doesn't help with the search because he thinks she's overreacting.

3. In this small town where everyone knows your business, I'd think that anyone would wrap her in a blanket to be less conspicuous, not necessarily because they valued her in some special way.

4. Maybe KM was renting there (I have already speculated that LN may have special feelings for him since she had known him for so long) to assist financially? With LN working part-time and WN on disability at a younger age, there wasn't much money coming in. Of course, he would need a "real bedroom" if he's going to be paying.

I wonder what was used to secure the blanket around Celina in which she was found? It makes sense to me it had to be secured around her, because if she were just wrapped in it it would have lifted away from her in the water KWIM? Just a thought I had last night. JMHO
2. Wondering if WN went to wake her at 830 and found she was gone and wasn't all that surprised, thinking she was out and about in the area. So he gets on Facebook and at some point either calls LN or she calls him and he mentions it and she freaks out and comes home. He doesn't help with the search because he thinks she's overreacting.

The time frame and mother's reaction suggest otherwise. IMO
Where is KM??? We know where the SF is so.....????
Just caught up on my reading and I have a couple of thoughts:

1. Does anyone know if there were any family pets? Maybe CC went late at night to let the dog out and was grabbed/lured by someone nearby. With the small town atmosphere, maybe nobody would think it strange to find a door unlocked.

2. Wondering if WN went to wake her at 830 and found she was gone and wasn't all that surprised, thinking she was out and about in the area. So he gets on Facebook and at some point either calls LN or she calls him and he mentions it and she freaks out and comes home. He doesn't help with the search because he thinks she's overreacting.

3. In this small town where everyone knows your business, I'd think that anyone would wrap her in a blanket to be less conspicuous, not necessarily because they valued her in some special way.

4. Maybe KM was renting there (I have already speculated that LN may have special feelings for him since she had known him for so long) to assist financially? With LN working part-time and WN on disability at a younger age, there wasn't much money coming in. Of course, he would need a "real bedroom" if he's going to be paying.


She had 2 cats.
Divers were searching initially in Back Pond so I'm thinking someone knew she was in water. JMO

I seem to remember someone saying they had searched that area before. Anyone else remember that?
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