Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 8 *Arrest*

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Looks like there won't be any immediate arrests.

Senior Assistant Attorney General Jane E. Young said Sunday that there were no new developments. She said it could be days — even weeks — before new specific details are available.

From the Union Leader read it here
It just seems like in most cases there are tons of pictures released. I'm thinking of Kaylee Anthony and how we saw tons of pictures of her. But we've only seen a handful of CC. I'd have thought at the vigil or even at the celebration of her life they would have had a board made w/pics from her whole life, to show her life in pics.

Actually, they've announced that's what they're doing at the remembrance ceremony Monday evening at her school.
Looks like there won't be any immediate arrests.

Senior Assistant Attorney General Jane E. Young said Sunday that there were no new developments. She said it could be days — even weeks — before new specific details are available.

From the Union Leader read it here

I'm hoping AAG JY mispoke. She's done it before I think.
Looks like there won't be any immediate arrests.

Senior Assistant Attorney General Jane E. Young said Sunday that there were no new developments. She said it could be days — even weeks — before new specific details are available.

From the Union Leader read it here

I bet MsF has something to say about that, :floorlaugh:. I know I've got my thoughts on it. :D
I bet MsF has something to say about that, :floorlaugh:. I know I've got my thoughts on it. :D

So.................. if you had to "guess" :) When do you think there will be an arrest?
I'm hoping for tomorrow. Do you think I'm right?
So.................. if you had to "guess" :) When do you think there will be an arrest?
I'm hoping for tomorrow. Do you think I'm right?

Ugh! I don't know. She could be telling the truth...but I am thinking that unless the person is planning on being at the funeral/service that they are doing at the school, I really see her doing it after the service out of respect for everything. Maybe 10 minutes after :floorlaugh:. I was really thinking Tueday, but she may even wait longer if the person is...otherwise detained. I would hope that they would have sent the stuff for tox with the FBI to put a rush on it, since they were there and offering their services. Perhaps VT could put a rush on it. More than anything...I don't know that I would believe a word coming out of JY's mouth in regards to anything that might jeopardize an investigation, cause a POI to feel uncomfortable and bolt, or anything at all relating to when she is planning on doing anything. She seems to like the element of surprise.
I may be alone in thinking that way, but in cases like this I'm sometimes not as concerned about the RSOs in the area as I am about the unknowns... those guys who haven't been caught (yet) but are every bit as bad or worse than many RSOs. You know, the nice guy down the street who really isn't so nice but nobody knows that about him.
I'm still struggling to understand the lack of pictures of this child. How are there not more pictures? There have been very few pictures released to the media. I have seen none on FB (from her friends' pages that are public) other than the few that have been on MSM.

Her family is being very private, they may not want her pics all over the internet. The whole town seems to not want the spotlight that is shining on them. I feel for all of them, I have always lived in small towns where everyone knows each other and still don't lock my doors at night and keys in the cars. Their whole world has been turned upside down and inside out.

She may not have liked getting her picture taken, I never did and still don't. I don't blame them for keeping their private photos private, although it would give a little more insight.
It's possible I really am not sure. I can't find a log in. But it does seem to have my FB picture. Try logging into your FB and then viewing it - see if that helps any.

I went back & noticed my FB photo is there too. I am logged on to FB & I see the comments.
There is another pic of this guys in this article. I'm wondering if this is KM as previously speculated? Has he had time to grow facial hair? He just seems to be in a lot of pics now that I'm looking through them trying to find facial hair guy. He's always very close to the family and is short, like I imagine KM since he's not much taller than CC in pics.

I would think that it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities that he could have grown that much hair. We don't know when he got out of prison or how long ago those pics were taken. It would make me feel a lot better about KM if it was him tho! That would be great!
So.................. if you had to "guess" :) When do you think there will be an arrest?
I'm hoping for tomorrow. Do you think I'm right?

I say very late Monday night after the service or Tuesday morning.
I think it would be next to impossible to move around with an 11 yr old who was 5 ft 5 inches tall, without a vehicle. If she was concscious then it would look suspicious walking around with a child arm in arm, and you would have to hold her tightly so she would not try and get away. And if she were unconcsious then she would be hard to manage as well. I think the only way to get her to that river would be if she thought you were her friend, or if she was driven there against her will, or unconscious/dead already. imoo

I'd have to agree. And I was just remembering what was said earlier when she was only 'missing': No signs someone took her and no signs of a struggle. On the face of it, that could mean that the perp was very orderly and neat, leaving a seemingly undisturbed, evidenceless abduction scene. I'm trying to imagine a stranger finding his way to Celina in the basement in an unfamiliar house, and taking her while disturbing nothing, no struggle. Hard to picture. Sounds like someone she was familiar with and was familiar with the house. Unless it was someone who lured her out. And I'm not getting the vibe that Celina would wander out of the house for a stranger. And they said 'no signs somone took her.' And the girl didn't want to sleep in the basement alone. No way would she be less fearless about walking alone into the night to get some air or to meet an internet friend. Not IMO.

Which has me thinking, what makes them say 'no signs she was taken'. Was there an indication that it would have been impossible to just 'take her'? Were the basement door and windows locked tight when the police got there? Is there a dresser in front of the basement door leading outside and no window or a dusted over window with zero prints? Was the only mode of entry/exit the front door? Have we ever heard of a stranger abduction/murder of a child where a complete stranger perp brazenly entered and exited the front door? And left no signs he was there at all and no signs of a struggle?

Add to that, the AG stated ...what was it? Extra vigilance would be good? The AG doesn't strike me as a person who's going to understate the level of danger to the town folk. However she worded it, it did not sound at all (to me) that she felt anybody should be worried this was just the beginning of an child abduction/murder spree and some unknown perp is on the loose, wandering among them. Which leads me to believe they're fairly certain the know who/what they're dealing with and are keeping tabs on them. Not a stranger.

Add to that, the mother coming home, all hope seemingly gone instantly, when even Celina's sister still thought she could possibly be next door ... mom's hysterical .... but not calling 911. SF posting on Facebook at around the same time, complete opposite reaction, also not calling 911. It's almost as if she already knew Celina was dead. The neighbor called 911. That's an echo of Cindy Anthony having to call 911. Why didn't Casey call 911? According to Jose, it's because she already knew Caylee was dead.

Anyway, there's a whole heck of a lot we don't know, but from what we do know, I don't think the AG or LE are giving the public the vibe that there's an unknown killer on the loose. Because he/she is not unknown to them. Probably wasn't unknown to Celina either.

Oh, one other thought. If Mom and SF last saw her 'in her room' on the computer, they could only guess she slept on the couch because of the blanket and pillow. No one saw her asleep on the couch that night. Either the unknown stranger perp was just wandering around the house, hoping to find a kid sleeping on the sofa, or the perp knows her, and does whatever from there. Or the perp knows her, knows she sleeps on the couch when her sister isn't there, and the perp puts the blanket and pillow out to make it appear she had gone to bed, safe and sound, and was abducted in the middle of the night.

One more thought. Have they returned either the red truck or the silver truck? Are they hanging onto them? Do they ever haul in automobiles 'just because'? :waitasec:
Ugh! I don't know. She could be telling the truth...but I am thinking that unless the person is planning on being at the funeral/service that they are doing at the school, I really see her doing it after the service out of respect for everything. Maybe 10 minutes after :floorlaugh:. I was really thinking Tueday, but she may even wait longer if the person is...otherwise detained. I would hope that they would have sent the stuff for tox with the FBI to put a rush on it, since they were there and offering their services. Perhaps VT could put a rush on it. More than anything...I don't know that I would believe a word coming out of JY's mouth in regards to anything that might jeopardize an investigation, cause a POI to feel uncomfortable and bolt, or anything at all relating to when she is planning on doing anything. She seems to like the element of surprise.

I'm so torn about her statement. On the one hand, I totally believe she's playing possum and they will probably arrest someone very soon (even maybe right after the memorial!) but on the other hand... why give false reports?? I know it's for the good of justice, but bothers me kinda. Probably wouldn't as much if I wasn't hanging on every word!!! LOL.
There is another pic of this guys in this article. I'm wondering if this is KM as previously speculated? Has he had time to grow facial hair? He just seems to be in a lot of pics now that I'm looking through them trying to find facial hair guy. He's always very close to the family and is short, like I imagine KM since he's not much taller than CC in pics.

The guy with the long beard, just on his chin, in a few photos we've seen... isn't that MM?
I'm so torn about her statement. On the one hand, I totally believe she's playing possum and they will probably arrest someone very soon (even maybe right after the memorial!) but on the other hand... why give false reports?? I know it's for the good of justice, but bothers me kinda. Probably wouldn't as much if I wasn't hanging on every word!!! LOL.

Actually, it would not be the first time JY wasn't completely honest about when things were going to happen. She may also really be waiting on tox to make sure she gets all the charges in at once, just in case there is something in those reports to charge for. One thing I knew for certain when I saw her was that there was no need to rearrange my whole day's schedule to watch the press conference. When she wants you to know something, she arrests someone. And I'm totally okay with it. ;)
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